Pimiga 2 0 64bit The Ultimate "Amiga like" Experience

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happy holidays this is spymiga 2.0 merry christmas damn losing in fact activated [Music] hurry up [Music] this is [Music] welcome to pi mega 2.0 what is pi miga it is pronounced pi me there is no a um pi mega is an emulated workbench replacement for the commodore amiga os pi mega runs on modern linux 64-bit debian using ammo berry as its 68k emulator while having the flavor of an amiga from back in the day and amiga it is not this is based on scallos workbench replacement this allows the feel of the amiga os without the limitations of the old operating system software or hardware while still 68k compatible it will run almost all of your software this compilation is all based on files and utilities found on archive.org in the commodore amiga sections and other free sites like ammonet and many open source file and bitrot archive protections to preserve the heritage of the greatest computer system that has ever been created please note it contains no amiga roms this will not work until you provide your own legally purchased roms this product is packed as non-working until the end user that's you provide their own legally owned workbench roms requirements and setup you need a raspberry pi 4 2 gig or grader or a raspberry pi 400 64 gig or larger micro sd thumb drive usb hard drive solid state disk this image is not pi 3 friendly it's compiled for a pi 4 or greater and is not designed at all for the pi 3 series devices extract the archive on linux i'm using archive manager on windows use 7zip the latest one from 7zip.org the next step is to use rpi imager this is the same on windows mac or linux downloadable from raspberry pi foundation you're going to choose os on the left you're going to go to the very bottom and say use custom your path to your image choose your storage device and say right so on windows run raspberry pi imager from which i'm going to choose os scroll all the way to the bottom and say use custom choose the image file next in the center choose storage i'm using a 64 gig knockoff card that only reports 62.5 of space no worries plenty of room and then when you're done choose right and it will say your device will be erased say yes this will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes depending on the speed of your card and your usb writer i highly recommend a usb 3 rider or even better you can put it on a usb 3.0 thumb drive and boot from it also once this is completed writing it's going to do a verification task if you have another 20 minutes to kill feel free to wait for that otherwise you can click cancel on the verify when you're completed the writing verification or just hit cancel on verify you're gonna get a message that was written to your storage device now your name will differ from mine you can say continue now simply eject the card and reinsert it you're going to get some messages about formatting the disk just go ahead and say cancel now this is a windows only mac and linux will not display that error if you go to your pc you're going to see some drives if you do not see the kick drive what you do is in the start run or win r just type disk mgmt dot msc and it'll open up disk management find your drive which my case is removable disk 2. if you do not see a drive letter here right click on this change drive letter and path and just click add you can add a new drive letter and then she'll show up once you have your kick partition visible open it up it should be empty copy your amiga 1200 3.1 rom to the folder now my roms are old so i need a rom key with mine once you have your 3.1 amiga 1200 rom named kick 31a 1200.rom go ahead and eject the disk so here's my micro sd card we're going to put that in we're going to use the hdmi closest to the sd card on the raspberry pi model 4 you're going to use it closest to the power port so for the 400 closest to the sd card we're going to plug in a mouse we're going to plug in power your power cord may differ from mine i have mine on a switch and then turn it on if you have a controller or you want a usb device to be available on the desktop plug that in before you power on the unit you will receive a message about mounting a usb to sda1 if you do not have a usb drive plugged in otherwise no worries you'll be greeted with a screen so after pressing f12 and then quit you will be presented with a linux prompt and this is all outlined in the instructions so you're going to type sudo raspy config and press enter so what we're going to do first is we're going to advanced options and we're going to say expand file system or the root partition has been resized the file system will be enlarged upon your next reboot don't reboot yet now we're going to go and configure all the locale settings which is your time zone key map language by default it's in us english utf-8 you have to select your own keyboard and locale so what we're going to do is we're going to option five localization settings locale by default it's going to be en us utf-8 on select with your spacebar the one you don't need so if i have this one selected i just press the spacebar and only mine is selected tab okay press enter for none it'll take a couple minutes to do some magic down here and return you to your screen at which time you're going to repeat localization options for time zone i will do merka new york localization options wireless lan country i will choose united states where jesus lives we're going to set up the wireless system options and then you'll choose wireless lan enter your ssid manually and then your password now by default your display options are already set for automatic under resolution monitor preferred resolution this fixes a lot of the other ones from 1.5 that had some bordering or did not display properly on certain tvs or monitors when you're finally done go over to finish and say reboot by default the sound is over hdmi if you have a pi 4 and you would like audio over 3.5 millimeter the instructions cover how to do that please read the readme that is included with the archive if you do not have the readme included with your archive you did not get the proper image and i highly recommend you re-download the correct image not from a third-party site not from ebay if you have bluetooth devices like a bluetooth keyboard bluetooth mouse there is a little bit of a delay on a bluetooth or a wireless device the instructions cover on how to set up bluetooth pairing for controllers mice other wireless devices on how to pair them so as you can see on the main pi mega screen the backdrop is a stationary backdrop this time after numerous questions complaints and concerns about a rotating backdrop which i love selmlac 2012 made this wonderful awesome commodore chicken lips logo i just fell in love with it so much it's also my linux backdrop what is so different from 1.5 to 2.0 the original pi mega 1 2 1 3 1 4 and one five were raspbian or rpios it was 32 bit uh the core pio s64 and the emulator ammo berry is also 64 bit which results in a slightly longer boot time about 12 seconds but a faster more stable emulation on the emulated side this is workbench compatible it is scalos workbench replacement which is open source and free this is to make things pretty more modern in both look and feel as compared to the original commodore amiga os which was kind of lower resolution and black and white this has currently annaberry 4.15 64-bit september 2021 latest controllers database for usb and wi-fi bluetooth controllers users can update this on their own there are instructions on midwin's ammaberry github website which i will link in the description below you can also sftp scp ssh or telnet directly into your raspberry pi device to transfer files back and forth from another computer to get software on here there are many ways to also do that we have smb mounter which allows this emulated environment to connect to a smb share on a windows or mac simply edit the example and fill in the blanks to meet your needs if you do choose usb devices make sure you right click and save view and then all files to show the contents of a usb device if you plug it in you can boot from micro sd usb hard drives whatever you want and still use usb thumb drives with it there is host run support to run pass-through commands to the linux subsystem but that's more advanced and covered in the readme this is pymega 2.0 scallos workbench replacement if you press f12 you're going to see there is a mega ags which is the mrs game platform of choice this will load mega ags and you can choose whatever you would like from the games list if for example i wanted to play i don't know cannon fodder boom it's in the proper 4x3 pressing the hotkey to quit will take you back to mega ags when you're done press f12 again no need to reset you can also launch the games launcher same thing cnn there you go [Music] when you're done there's also pi mega shape shifter this is basically pi mega 2.0 without jit turned on which i'll go over in a minute so we're going to launch the main pi mega again if you're ever in doubt you can press f12 and choose reset and it will reboot the machine reboots are approximately a couple seconds on a warm reboot you can do control pi right control to simulate control amiga amiga on the regular old keyboard or control windows windows on a full screen or full size keyboard so by default we have the latest zeb elwood uh whd load compilation from october 2021 there's a total current of 4 800 games a lot of work has gone into i game which is whd loads graphical front end if i select speed ball to right click go to properties i can now check off favorite and say okay and then when i go to my favorites over here there it is and you will have a favorites list i can show all when you launch a game for example favorites uh canon fodder it loads so fast i'll turn this down what this does in the background is this automatically turns off jit for maximum compatibility but it leaves the speed of the pi mega environment so you still get the compatibility but you get the speed also and you'll see by the loading that as i click through this screen example on cannon fodder it's pretty quick to load and you're in and you can play the game like normal okay so we're in our game we get called away to do something press f12 on your keyboard go to save states you'll see i already have one in here just choose save state it takes between 5 and 30 seconds depending on how much stuff you have running or what you're doing to save the state and your program will resume and you can continue on cool i'm pressing f10 to quit the game and then closing it now all you do is press f12 you can see we have the save state you can have up to 14 save states hit load the state this should resume and return me right to where i was at that time here we go and we're ready to roll right where we left off now it's not always 100 percent resumable in games it's a hit or a miss it's up to you whether you want to you know continue to do that but you can save states it's kind of nice for games that you can't really continue on or do things with and not everything is perfect not every game resumes but it's nice to be able to save different states if you're doing different things when you quit with the proper f10 hotkey this will turn jit back on automatically when you're completed the same goes for idemo now idemo is igame don't be thrown off it has a separate repository just for the whd load demos which are located on the demos drive in the wh load folder again when you launch a demo from idemo for example nine fingers it's it starts instantly jit is off with the pi clock speed still enabled this works perfectly pressing f10 will return us to the i demo that's what i call it which is all the whd load demos that is 990 demos but that is not all of the demos if you go to the demos drive itself you'll see group names these are executable demos we made a list using final calc which shows all of the group names the demo name and if jit is required on or off now how would you turn jit on or off uae control right here will allow you to select jit and enable or disable or you can press f12 and go to the cpu tab and uncheck this yourself by default everything is set for o40 internal and fastest why for maximum compatibility with the o60 demos everything else will auto shut itself to a slower speed or slower processor please remember this is emulation as i say with every release it is not perfect you will have crashes you will have issues but over one thousand hours has been put into refining this testing this going through every single demo to see what's what for example i want to make sure that tbl the black lotus can play starstruck so everything is on so i don't have to worry about anything so now i can know i know i can go into tbo and run star struck and double click on this and say okay and this demo is going to instantly load with maximum compatibility and work just totally fine press and escape to get out because i don't need to watch the whole demo just an example so that covers the exe demos there are also two other folders whd load which is the i demo and the amiga subfolder now these are various groups from 40k intros disk mags crack throws 64k music disks etc these were not individually tested due to the amount so if i go into 40k you're going to see other subgroups and in them more some of these are music disks if you do not see anything in a folder right click view all files then you could run it usually it's escape to get out sometimes it's clicking the mouse if you'd like to save that view snapshot all that way the next time you open it it will remember the position and selection that you wanted this would apply for the other demos too and the subs there's intros there in folders and archives and all sorts of things subgroups more subgroups whoops is there anything incorrect i don't think there's anything in correct truths no disk mags 64k more executables in alphabetical order you can see how it gets kind of out of hand so i was unable to test every single thing but the majority of the main demos seen executable groups in the demos drive has been tested and are all listed in here for maximum compatibility if you have problems running just run them if you have problems double check yourself on the list just for maximum compatibility and enjoyment everybody is all about games going into the games drive now we have i game with all of its amiga type games that's great what about the stuff that came after the demise people wanted to run doom that was the big thing in 1994 and quake and there were some ports to the amiga platform but you really needed a high dollar machine ppc's o60s unobtainable pricing to make you play a game that you could buy a pc for a couple hundred bucks and play but nowadays we have all of our modern ports of all of our games the sound works fine we have the actual pc version of doom we have the ammo doom also duke nukem 3d blood uh blackout whatever arkanoid really fun game hex and hexane 2 rise of the triad time gal quake now quake demo just to show the performance of pi mega 2.0 primega 1.5 ran this in 30.5 seconds or something like that it's on one of my older videos check this out this is in real time i'm not speeding any footage up it's running actually in real time and there we go we're at 154.17 6.29 seconds depending on what you do if i were to do a fresh restart because i was running videos i was running demos you'll get a better score one of the issues with the emulated op thank you one of the issues with the emulated operating system it's based on exec kernel which was the original amiga kernel and it is not memory protection friendly it doesn't have any memory protection yes you have mmu for direct pipelines to read and write to the devices from the cpu that's fine there's memory management but there's no memory protection so programs can overlap and bump into each other yes we have a ton of ram eight megs of chip 255 megs of fast by default you can crank it to one gigabyte if you wish so we're gonna rerun the quake demo after a fresh reboot and see what it gets this is much faster looking because of a fresh restart there now we're at 158 6.11 so a little bit better you know press escape the demo has no sound but if you were to play the actual game it does have sound and running totally fine and flawless anything you want to play the new blood uh the icons a little bit messed up but it does say turn off jit first and this is a perfect example of how to use the uae control so we're gonna use uae control we're gonna say jit disable and then just launch the game you can see it runs totally fine now this is an emulated game on top of an emulation so please keep that in mind so that's blood and then go back in the jit and say enable so you get your speed boost back otherwise she's really slow now what i like to do is just give her a reboot after i'm done playing something just to kind of flush the toilet for the same reason why you want to go bad you'll get a random boot screen and a random welcome sound on each boot internet folder all new icon facts you got amiga explorer ftp irc ssl i am a trade center a web apl which is right here gave me the old firefox logo got a torrent for you got a mailbox from uh mail bx i like the m that's another one that's in there miami dx tcp stack even though it does the ip stack for you automatically we got remote desktop and you can rdc into you know one of windows pcs but i think it's the old one so make sure you have your check mark parallel legacy people to connect if you wanted to do so uh yet another mailer wilkie chat twin vnc which is a vnc viewer for your machine voyager which is a web browser yam one of my favorite mailers uh zeus bbs was on there so i just left it a web 3.5 one of the older ones eyebrows term 4.8 which is down here which leads us to our next coolest internet thing in the world is term all of us dialed out on bbs's wow z modem 19 2 right click at the top go to phone book find a nice bbs like mine connects over the internet to my server room in the other room to my real amigo 2000 cool and we're online 42 416 calls since 1993. neat you can call bbs's got the phone book loaded up full of them they're all online waiting for you to enjoy them download some files upload post some messages pretend you're young again and don't have to worry about anybody picking up the telephone to make a call and screwing up your download and call waiting and the noises the modems made and i miss that stuff so bring some nostalgia back with term continuing on image mounts will do just what it says you can mount adf's iso's hard drive files pretty cool just mount an adf browse to it click ok and it shows up on your desktop same for hard drive files or iso images commodity handler think of it as a task manager of today and what is running in the background as a commodity systems commodities or workbench startup all the toys that make this do its thing and i put my thumb drive in and oh my god i don't see anything it's the end of the world it doesn't work you suck well you can see my space here is about the 128 gig drive i'm going to right click and i'm going to say view and then i'm going to say all files and look when you right click show all files you actually see your things this usb device is not hot swappable because linux doesn't like to release it and pop it into the emulator the backdrops thing everybody's like i want to select the backdrop right click in the top here choose scallops and then pattern you'll get this crazy big window the number three based on the selection of defaults here so number three is window number two is screen number one is desktop you will notice at the very bottom here i have only one number one picture sysprefs patterns wallpaper blah blah blah blah blah most of the pictures are on the work drive in graphics and wallpaper and then choose one and if you'd like to see you can arrange these by icon icon icon so we're gonna view by icon that way we get to see what the photos are and then just double click them and you can choose another photo if you'd like in the skalos prefs if you do like the rotational settings just go into system settings patterns and choose either a pattern or gradient there are 10 randomized lists so if i go into a gradient and i say a gradient i'm going to do pictures it will switch my backdrop it will override my original settings so every reboot now random boot picture and you can get a new boot screen each time so you can change that in the scalos prefs to not load this one all the time it's up to you but this is the base for now feel free to make it whatever you wish several thousand music mods in eagle player also with subfolders from authors a through fg through q and r through z chiptunes dj collins games groups music synth and a random assortment of music mods in the main folder it will randomly play a mod in any order so just simply scroll to the very top you can select a sub folder and a subfolder and listen to a music mod going back to parent all the way up to where the main music goes power button right here change the mod right here fast forward it right here otherwise just click this one button to quit i want to go through all those crazy menus videos riva player an example selection of multiple videos that play full screen with various music and video selections like the amiga song by the wonderful eric schwartz we all know who eric is clear ram will kind of flush the toilet without a reboot sometimes it does well sometimes it doesn't videos can also be accessed on the work drive in videos where you can select individually which one you would like to watch so if i wanted to watch you know something in a window move it out of the way work on something else well listen to what i'm saying or you got me while you're doing something else you know plays just totally fine got the volume down for the old protection there you can fast forward and move around on this version the full screen there are no controls with uh with the play and make them your own delete them if you don't need them it's up to you audio the audio drive is the files for the various audio programs med mods mp3 mini the digibooster pro the axx files there's a folder on here that says use eagle player on the dock so that's mainly just for storage system is where all the magic happens system contains audio programs in the audio folder now please note these are sorted alphabetically top to bottom coding we have a bunch of amiga reference manuals blitz basic kernel manuals some different coding software emulators there's a bunch of them in there what are emulators well you're on an emulated system right now you want to emulate something else i'm going to go and emulate a macintosh with 8.1 we're going to uae control turn jit off which is the same as the f12 config that i was just talking about earlier so you start give her a second to flip to color and you will have a macintosh os 8 environment fully functional on pi mega 1.5 there were some issues with the mouse and stuff but this is working you can go in and play a game if you want once again i'm going to warcraft 2 because i like that game and play the game it does have full sound i will skip ahead human click i'm just skipping ahead you can see this is actually very fast for a double emulated environment it loads very well so i can turn the volume up now and you'll see me select reload all right and play the game as normal please keep into consideration the macintosh games mostly are in 640 by 480 because of the screen size from them at the time so we can end and exit the program and exit it will take us back to the emulated macintosh environment where you can continue on well let's say you wanted to get some software on your mac and you can't figure you cannot figure out how to get the networking working or anything networking working if you press the left amiga key which is the pi key and m that kind of is like the modern day alt tab we're gonna go this folder called mac handler and we're gonna run this thing called mac which puts the hard drive from the emulated environment macintosh right here on your desktop i can view all files and then i'll see all the mac stuff system folder but downloads has an icon and everything is inside there you all files and you'll see some stuff that i put in there when you're done left amiga m to get back to your mac side and you're ready to go when you're done special and then shut down she'll return you back to the emulated skelos side and you can turn jit back on but like i said i like to reboot a lot after running many things so we're going to go ahead and do the triple finger and reboot one more time so continuing on in emulators there is a amstrad cpc there's a game boy msx another msx i don't know commodore 64. the neogeo one's really neat because it comes pre-loaded with a whole bunch of stuff now i have a weird issue with this if i don't set the emulated environment to a 16-bit color system which was around when they were they weren't in 24 32-bit so if you run something like magician lord for example it's going to be in a weird color scenario doesn't always look well i don't have a joystick it's kind of greenish because it's in the wrong color scenario you have to switch the emulated environment to 16-bit mame which is the arcade emulator feel free to run that there is a bunch now here's the weird thing if i go to magician lord here which is the arcade port this will run fine with full color and it sets it already with the 4009 colors your colors are correct when you're done just press escape a bunch and it'll be back out a couple thousand arcade roms in there all from archive.org and an atari st on amiga i this is a triple emulation so now we're a stinkin atari ew gross but you could use this you know oh what a horrible horrible thing to do to somebody that covers the various emulators there's also um fractals if you're into the mandelbrot math generated pretty pictures uh graphics there's a bunch of graphic programs there's a weird issue with d paint five haven't quite figured it out so use d-paint for aga there we go so we're going to choose a resolution back like i said back in the day because we didn't have all these crazy resolutions of 32-bit color in the 90s 640x400 8-bit use and then i get deluxe paint and i can draw and do things i'm going to go into programs and then benchmarks i'm going to choose sysinfo this is 4.4 the reason it looks like this is it's mode pro to 31 kilohertz you can see o4882 o40 we're just going to hit speed let it sit for a second usually around 1300 mips 1.2 and some change on the dry stones 1369 mips 355 megaflops 1 million and 311 thousand five hundred and thirty seven dry stones chip speed versus an a six hundred thirteen thousand five hundred and twenty five we're two thousand four hundred and seventy nine times faster than your stock seven megahertz amiga 600 of course you have all the normal stuff 256 bags of 32-bit ram 8 megs of chip which is only possible on emulation that's a base number that's pretty good she's brand new for 2021 please consider donating to support the cause a lot of work went into this it was a long time she's pretty good with stability i really enjoy uh using it it is an excellent alternative for the ultimate amiga experience while this is not an amiga it is a raspberry pi running emulation consider subscribing liking it helps out a lot it's not required but it's greatly appreciated how do you improve upon your last hoopla 1.5 was such a major undertaking and such a massive release like what do you what do you add to everything stability timing more enjoyment 64-bit faster it can do many things now that it could not be for let me know in the comments below what you think thank you all for your support thanks to everyone who has helped out in this project all my patreons all my beta testers everyone who's ever given me assistance to get programs and things working i greatly greatly appreciate it so like i've said a thousand times this is far from perfect this is emulation and i'm aware of that but it is super hard to compile all of these things together and make them be friendly and work together if you have ever tried loading up multiple variations of programs especially hundreds or even thousands of different programs and making them all work together when perfect synchronicity that is a herculean feat because they don't always get along certain installs will overwrite libraries that other programs depend on you're back to square one you have to figure out what is what i wish you all a happy christmas or whatever you celebrate happy holidays to everyone i hope you enjoy this make it your own feel free to join the old discord if you have any problems please remember to read the readme file you know you're not going to read it but you're going to ask a bunch of questions that were right in the beginning so please consider glancing over just take a peek at the readme file it might help you out if you're having some crazy problems i know we all just we can we can do it we don't need any instructions there's a couple things that make this special and if you follow the instructions you'll have a more pleasant experience and be able to do more things so that's all from me thank you all for watching i hope you enjoy this and as always i hope you learned something [Music] oh
Channel: Chris Edwards Restoration
Views: 104,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pimiga, Pimiga2.0, Pimiga2, Pimiga 2, Commodore, Amiga, Amiga 1000 Pistorm, raspberry pi, RGB2HDMI, Amithlon, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.0, 1084, CSG, CBM, Vampire, Accellerator, A1000, A2000, A3000, A4000, C=, how to, 3b+, emulate, emulated, Amiga 3000, replace, recap, workbench, 2.1,, 3.2, roms, floppy, vintage, historic, Amiga 600, hard drive, hdd, compact flash, cf, ide, junk, AmigaOS, Amiga OS, how do i, AGA, Amiga 2000, 2000, core 3, 4000T, WHDLOAD, iGame, 3000, 600, A600, agnus, battery, amiga 500, linux, pi400, RPI4
Id: KLJk8fTjQLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 42sec (2502 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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