Pied Piper of Hamlin in English | Story | English Fairy Tales

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[Music] the Pied Piper of Hamelin once upon a time there was a small town called Hamlin this town rested on the banks of a river in Germany it was a calm and pleasant town but about 50 years ago the people made Hamlin dirty and unclean they started to throw garbage on the roads outside their house and everywhere they went even the mayor of the city ignored the situation as an outcome the city was filled with rats the people of Hamelin were suffering from diseases spread by rats the rest were everywhere in the city they used to bite babies in the cradles eat cheese and the buses and open them crates of salted sprats they used to make their nest inside the shoes and hats they were even in meeting rooms spoiling the conversations with their squeaking and shrieking rushed to the mayor's palace and asked for help get rid of hats get rid of rats get rid of rats get rid of rats the mayor heard the shouting of the mob and came out what's the matter we want you to take action against sirits as soon as possible or we will dismiss your operation we will conduct a meeting to find a solution give us some time the people were convinced by the mayor's words the mayor arranged a meeting with the council even after long discussions and hourly debates they couldn't find a solution to the problem suddenly there came a knocking on the door come in a man entered the room the strangest man anyone had ever seen he was wearing a peculiar long coat having half pardon rent and half part yellow he was skinny and tall his fingers were wiggling impatiently as if to be playing on a pipe have you run away from the circus [Laughter] people call me the Pied Piper I have a secret charm to summon all creatures on the earth any creature who creeps whim fly run or walk I use my charm on creatures who are harmful like moles toads newts vipers and rats ruts you can summon rats but how do we believe you i freed the people of the african town from a huge swarm of gnats in an Asian town I rescued people from vampire bats roam around the world to rescue people from creatures okay show us your charm and free us from these rats choo choo diffidently sir but for that will you give me a thousand guilders yes of course anything you want what do you say councilmembers the council approved mayor's decision you may start the work now the Pied Piper stepped out on the street and smiled he pulls out his pipe quietly he started to play three shrill notes on the pipe like magic all the rats came tumbling out of the houses out from the shoes and hats leaving the food they were knowing gray rats white rats brown rats all came on the street running they all started to follow the piper step by step they marched through the town until they came to the river the people of Hamelin were enjoying the sight with their mouths and eyes wide open the piper jumped on the stone in the water and stood on it playing the pipe rats blindly fell into the river and drowned one after the other they were jumping into the water unknowingly soon there were no rats on the bank hadlen was freed from rats Pied Piper went to the mayor for his reward I have done my job it's time for you to keep your promise give me the price you did a wonderful job but a thousand guilders for a task for a couple of hours is not worth it it's a big amount of money to pay you today you are breaking your promise I will pay you a hundred guilders which is more than enough for a day's work this is not right I will show you what I can do stupid Pied Piper like you can arm a single brick in this town take this money or leave the town the Pied Piper left the hall he came onto the street and pulled out his pipe again he put it on his mouth and started playing but this time the tune was different one by one the children turned their head and started to walk towards the piper [Music] Wow [Music] the piper started walking and the children followed him their parents and guardians were stunned with the tune and couldn't move from their places [Music] the pipers tube made them numb the Pied Piper walked across the river bridge and marched towards the mountain as he reached to a mountainside a mysterious portal opened in the mountain the piper went inside and the children followed him the door shut tight behind them and the only one left outside the portal was a lame boy who couldn't reach before it got closed as the tune stopped the people ran towards the mountain they found only one child near the mountain so they asked about the other children they all went into a portal and the portal got shot before I could reach but why were you all following him that tone promised us to lead to a wonderland where all the chocolates cookies and cakes grow on trees it even told me that I can run on my feet everywhere but the music stopped suddenly and I found myself in front of this mountain the people felt sad and started crying for their children but it was of no use my child [Music] they called the mayor and blamed him for everything I have lost my child - I'm sorry for everything I've done I have brought you 1,000 guilders please give us our children back come back wherever you are Pied Piper to their surprise the Pied Piper came out walking from behind the mountain everyone was relieved after seeing him we are glad you came back where are our kids they are all safe and happy they will come back once you fulfill your promise the mayor gave him 1,000 guilders and immediately the portal appeared in the town tonight children came out running and hugged their parents bye Piper I thank you on behalf of this whole town thank you for rescuing us from the rats and giving back our children I will never break a promise in the future you all will lose your children and the rats will also come back what your city is so unclean this attracts vermin like rats and insects they will spread diseases in your town and soon your kids will be sick this will cause you to lose them are the mayor of the city take responsibility to keep the city clean we will throw garbage in the dustbin - only and do everything we can to keep our city free of rats and diseases yes this is right okay then it's time for me to say goodbye the Pied Piper left the town and Hamlin became a clean town as it was 50 years ago
Channel: English Fairy Tales
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Keywords: Pied Piper of Hamlin story, Pied Piper of Hamlin, best of Pied Piper of Hamlin story, Pied Piper of Hamlin story in english, Pied Piper of Hamlin fairy tales, kids story of Pied Piper of Hamlin, best of english fairy tales, english story, english fairy tales, fairy tales in english, bed time stories, stories in english, fairy tales stories, kids story, english story for kids, cartoon story, story in english, storytime in english, kids story in english, best of fairy tales
Id: Rz2jYYowNd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2017
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