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Nothing can compare to the love between a mother and her child. Our mothers give birth to us, nurture us, and guide us as we grow. But sometimes, these bonds are tested by circumstances, much like our complicated story tonight. [solemn instrumental music playing] [bright music playing] Hello? Oh, Cindy. Didn't I tell you that I would pick up my daughter at the airport? You handle things in the office for now. What's Mrs. Calma's concern? Just tell her I'll accompany her to the embassy tomorrow. Okay? All right, thanks. Hey, sorry about that. It's an office matter. You know, one day away, and it feels like the agency would fall apart. But sometimes, it's okay. You feel important. You know, in America, people don't care about you. Hey, how's your schooling? How's your grandma there? Fine. You must be tired from the journey. Don't worry. Get some rest when we get home. If grandma didn't insist, I wouldn't spend vacation here. I don't want to see the man you replaced Dad with. By the way, your Uncle Jimmy replaced our old sofa because it was damaged. He bought it for us, and he's the one fixing things around the house. You know, the broken wires and the leaky faucet, he fixes them. He replaced our old microwave too. Even your room, he renovated it. I just want you to be happy and comfortable during your stay here, so if you need anything, let me know. Did you use my mom's money for everything? Anna. I have a job. As far as I know, you have a wife, kids, and a family. [sighs] Sweetie. We're separated. [Anna] Did you also leave your child? I talked to your mom. She accepted that. I don't. Anna, maybe you should rest in your room for a while-- What did you really like about my mom? What do you want from her? Anna! [Jimmy] I love your mom. [scoffs] Because of what she gives you. [Carla] Please don't be rude, Anna. I hope what I've been hearing isn't true. I hope you're not using my mom. [morose music playing] Anna. I didn't like what you did. I'm tired. I want to rest. [sighs] Anna, don't be like that. Jimmy is a good person. Is that why you ditched Dad just like that? [scoffs] Are you still angry at me because we got separated? Sweetie, please. Anna, I hope you understand. It's hard to be alone. If you're alone now, that's your choice. It's your choice to leave Dad. It's your choice to leave me in America. So don't complain about being alone now because it's your choice. He's probably the reason why you came back here. Out of all the men in the world, you chose a married one. Whatever I want now, I probably deserve it. You know I've been a good parent to you. Okay, go rest. [Charo on V.O] <i>Dear Charo,</i> <i>my relationship with my daughter</i> <i>Anna is far from perfect.</i> <i>When she spent her vacation</i> <i>in the Philippines,</i> <i>I did everything</i> <i>to make her happy.</i> <i>When her childhood friends</i> <i>invited her to a resort,</i> <i>I agreed,</i> <i>hoping it would bring us closer.</i> -[man 1] This is awesome. -[man 2] Come on! -[woman 1] Go. -Let's go. [laughter] [woman 2] Oh, my God. This is so exciting. Look over there. Let's go swimming. -[man 3] Come on, let's go. -[woman 2 shrieks] -[woman 2] Wait, my stuff. -[man 3] Okay. [woman 2] Is there more? [man 3] There's more here. [woman 2] Wait. Whose stuff is this? -[man 3] It's heavy. -[woman 1] Let me help you. [Carla] Okay, thanks. How about the other stuff? I'll carry them. Oh. [soft chuckles] [Marlon] I'll just put this in your room. Thanks. -Are we all set? -Are we good? Did we get everything? Your new team member seems nice. You mean Marlon? [man 3] Yeah, he's too nice. He flirts with all the girls. But he's a good sport, auntie. And he's good. In our basketball game, he always makes us win. He's excellent with three-pointers. Too bad you couldn't watch our championship game. I know. That's why I'm treating you all today to make up for it. [woman 2] Why thank you, auntie. [man 3] You're the best, auntie. [Carla] You're flattering me. -I just want you to enjoy... -Yes. Anna can enjoy too, okay? [woman 2] Don't worry. We'll take care of her. -Right, guys? -[man 3] Yes, of course. Wait. Where is she? -[woman 3] Over there. -Okay, let's talk to her. -[woman 2] Let's go. -[man 2] Let's fix this. [Carla] Leave that. [man 2] Where's the charcoal? [man 3] Is this enough? Where is the--? [man 4] We forgot the charcoal. [man 3] I thought we brought it. [man 4] No, dude, we forgot to bring it. [slow music playing] Uh... -You need help with that? -No, I'm good. Thanks. Uh, my teammates were right about you being kind and caring. Here, let me do that. -Sure. -What can I help with? -Here's the chicken. -Okay. -Do you want me to remove this? -Okay. [women chattering indistinctly] -[Marlon] Should I open this? -[Carla] Yes, go ahead. [women giggling and chattering] Hey. Why? Why? Call him. -[woman 1] Marlon? -[Anna] Yeah. [woman 1] Marlon! Join us. Huh? Join us. Let's go. -[Marlon] Uh... -[Carla] Go ahead. Join them. You might feel out of place here. [woman 1] Marlon, come on. How about you? You don't have company. Don't worry about me. I'm just here to supervise you. Go ahead, enjoy. [Carla] Go ahead. Go swim with them. [women giggling] [woman 1] The water is cold! Hi. -Let's swim. -Sure. -[women giggling] -Take your shirt off. -Aren't you going to swim? -It depends. Okay, I guess. -[woman 1] Hey. -[Marlon] The water is cold. There's still a lot in the room, guys. -Just say if you want more. -Anna. -Order as much as you want. -Anna. Anna, that's enough. You're all drunk. -What? -It's time to sleep. Sleep? No. [scoffs] No, I'm not sleepy yet. No. Mmm. How about this? More! I don't want to sleep yet. -Anna... -Guys. My mom. Let's applaud her. [woman 1] Thank you, auntie. [laughs] My mom, she's the best! The best. -[Anna] You know why? -[man 1] The best? [woman 1] Why? Because she brought me to America, and then left me there. [laughs] The best because she leaves. The best... [sighs] The best mom! Whoo! The best! Anna, that's enough. -[Anna] Isn't she the best? -Anna, that's enough. Anna, please stop. Guys, why are you so quiet? Don't be quiet. Let's-- -Keep drinking. Drink more. -No, no. Anna, that's enough. You're drunk. -No! -Anna, let's go. Let's keep drinking. I want to drink more. [retches] Anna. -[retches] -[man 1] Hey. -Give us water. -[woman 2] Napkin, please. -[man 2] Give her a napkin. -[woman 1] Anna. Anna, that's enough. [woman 1] Anna. [morose music playing] Hey. Why aren't you asleep yet? I'm not sleepy yet. How about you? Why aren't you asleep? It would be embarrassing for the resort if we don't tidy up our mess. It's more trouble for you. We'll clean up tomorrow. No, it's okay. I'll clean up. Go and rest. It's fine. You know, your mom is lucky. You're a good person. [chuckles] What's so funny? They actually want to kick me out of our house. My mom says I'm only into basketball, hanging out with friends, and being a bum. That I'm not taking my life seriously. I tried. [scoffs] But I'm really not interested in studying. I enrolled in a computer school, but I couldn't finish it. Why not? [sighs] I guess I don't like computers. What do you like? -I don't know. -Well, that's not good. You need to have a passion, something you want to do, and strive for it. Playing basketball is okay, but it's not a lifetime thing. What will happen when you get old? You're definitely right. Because they say, when you have a girlfriend, she usually inspires you, right? I've had a lot of girlfriends, but nothing happened. Maybe you haven't found the girl you'll love. When you find that girl, you'll do everything. You'll work hard to fix your life. You are making me feel inspired. It's like I want to finish my studies and find a job. You inspire me... Carla. Um... I'm going to bed. [morose music playing] [Carla] Put your bags in the car. [man 1] Sure. Make sure we don't forget anything. I just forgot my shades. [sighs] I knew we left something. Carla. You know, among all of you, you're the only one who doesn't call me auntie. I like you. You're giving me goosebumps with what you're saying. Can I court you? Respect me. My daughter is almost your age. Age doesn't matter. Say that again, and I'll slap you. Is everything there? You might have left something. Boys, have you loaded everything in? -Yes, auntie. -[woman 1] Wait, auntie's here. Let's take a picture, please. Everyone, gather round for a picture! [woman 1] Let's do a wacky pose. Anna, let's go. Get over here. Ready? Guys, smile. One, two, three. One more time. I wasn't in the shot. [all] Let's do one more. [Anna] Marlon, come here. Happy shot. [man 1] Everyone, happy. -[man 2] Okay. -Happy! [man 3] One, two, three! -[woman 2] Let's do a jump shot. -[laughter] One more. One more! Last one. [Anna] Mom. Mom, look. -Wow. -[Anna] What do you think? -Is it okay? -You're beautiful. [Carla] It suits you perfectly. Going somewhere? Marlon invited me to go out. Uh... Marlon? Um, just the two of you? Mom, I'm not a child anymore. I don't need a chaperone on a date. Are you and Marlon going on a date? What's wrong with that? I'm single, he's single. Um, I heard that Marlon dates a lot of girls. Mom, he's not married. I don't care if many girls are chasing him. What's important to me is that he likes me. Mom. You know what? I think he's really nice and sweet. Mom, I think I like him. [knocking on door] [Anna] There he is. Marlon! Hi. Hi, Marlon. Mom, don't worry. I know my limits. We'll just have dinner at a restaurant. We won't stay out late. Okay? Bye. Marlon, let's go. -[knocking rapidly on door] -[Carla] Anna! Open the door. Anna! Open the door! [Anna sobbing] What are you doing in Anna's room? What did you do to my daughter? I love your daughter. You're wasting my daughter's life. Leave! Leave! Anna. Anna. Anna, why did you agree? Mom, it just happened suddenly. I didn't mean to. Do you love him? Do you love him? [morose music playing] Is Anna done? Just wait. [sighs, clears throat] Why did you court my daughter? I love her. I told you that, right? [Marlon] Don't you believe me? Will you object? If you hurt my daughter, you'll have to deal with me. [Marlon clears throat] Sorry to keep you waiting. Let's go. [Marlon] We'll go ahead... auntie. We're leaving. [Charo on V.O] <i>When Marlon called me auntie,</i> <i>I felt a bit relieved.</i> <i>I somewhat accepted him</i> <i>as my daughter's boyfriend,</i> <i>especially since I saw</i> <i>that she was happy with him.</i> -You jerk! Show yourself! <i>-Until another problem arose.</i> [Carla] Jimmy! Jimmy! -Jimmy! -Carla. You shameless liar! Didn't you tell me you had no problems with your wife? -You bastard. -Carla. I no longer love my wife. I love you. You're a liar! -Leave! -Believe me. -Leave! -Believe me. Leave! Carla, I'm begging you. You liar! Leave! Leave! [melancholic music playing] [crying] Go ahead, blame me. You're right. I didn't listen to you. Your mother is useless. I don't think I want to go back to the States. I'll stay here. What about your studies, Anna? Will you just throw them away? How about you? You're alone. If you're thinking about me, don't. I'm fine. Okay, fine. You don't want me to think about you? Fine, you're not the reason why I want to stay here. It's Marlon. I want to be with Marlon. We have plans together. Are you going to throw away your future for him? No! Anna, I won't allow it. Whether you like it or not, you'll go back to America. -Finish your studies. -[dishes clatter] Once you're done, do whatever you want. I will let you go. [morose music playing] I'll call you all the time, okay? And I'll come back here every vacation. Hopefully, when I return, you'll still be here. You know I'm always here. I'll wait for you. I won't go anywhere. -Is that a promise? -Promise. You take care of Mom. If someone courts her, report it to me, okay? You heard her. She wants me to watch over you. Let's go. [pensive music playing] Carla. What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to stay away from me? Carla, let's talk about this. We have nothing to talk about. You're a liar. I don't believe you anymore. I'm done, I'm tired of you. Enough. Carla, I know you still love me. I still love you very much. Let me go. Carla. Are you deaf? I said, let me go! Let's talk about this. Come on. -You're a liar! -Carla. I said let me go! [Marlon] Don't touch her! Stay out of this. -Or what? -You want some of this? -Are you man enough, huh? -Stop. Come on, hit me. I'll call the police. I'm gonna call them. You're the one causing trouble here! [morose music playing] Jimmy won't bother you anymore. The landlady here is my friend, so you're guarded. My house is nearby, so just call anytime. [Carla] Thank you. I just want to be safe. Marlon. Ma. Ma. Ma, this is Auntie Carla. -[Carla] Good evening. -She's Anna's mom. Oh. So, you're Carla. [Marlon's mom] You're so beautiful and young. You and Anna look like sisters, don't they? [laughs] -Right? -Not really. You know, my son is so lucky. It's like Anna gave direction to his life. And honestly, I'm thankful because a lot has changed in Marlon's life. [Marlon chuckling] Mom, I don't believe in long-distance relationships, okay? You should have told Marlon before you left. You just led him on. Mom, I realized it only when we were far apart that it won't work. [Carla over phone] <i>Tell me.</i> Did you love Marlon or did you just use him? Mom, why would I use him? It's embarrassing for Marlon and his family. They have high respect for you. I'm sorry. I didn't intend to hurt him. It just happened that I met another guy here. [Carla over phone] <i>He's always with me,</i> <i>and he's the only</i> <i>one by my side.</i> Especially when I'm sad. That's why I fell in love with him. Because he's the one here. <i>He's the only one.</i> <i>Okay, Mom. Explain everything</i> <i>to Marlon for me.</i> Tell him I'm sorry. <i>Bye.</i> [Marlon] Can we have a drink here? [melancholic music playing] [sighs deeply] Do you want one? What's wrong? You do it. Why is your daughter like that? I did everything she wanted. It's like she just played with me. I loved her. I didn't cheat on her. I did everything I could to make her satisfied, but... [sighs deeply] ...but when she left, she just forgot about me. Is that how it is? I changed my life for her. I found a job... everything. I prepared for our future... [sighs deeply] ...and now this? I feel like I was fooled. Is that really how it is? Was that supposed to happen? [sighs] Me too. I don't know why my daughter is like that. When my husband and I got separated... Anna blamed me. She said it was my fault. That I didn't stop him. Why would I stop someone who doesn't love you anymore and whom you don't love? I brought Anna to America... to start anew. She said I took her away from her dad. [sighs] Since then, I've been nothing to her. [sighs] In America... I'm just like air to her. She doesn't see me, she doesn't hear me. So I chose to come back to the Philippines. At least I have some purpose here. [chuckles] [crying] You know... it hurts that my daughter doesn't respect me anymore. But despite that, I love my daughter very much. I love my daughter so much. [crying continues] [solemn music playing] [sighs, chuckles] You know, I'm drunk. I'm done. I don't want to drink that. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. [morose music playing] Marlon. Marlon. Let me go! [Carla screams] [Charo on V.O] <i>During those moments,</i> <i>I couldn't resist.</i> <i>I was carried away</i> <i>by my weakness.</i> <i>I was carried away</i> <i>by his desire,</i> <i>and I thought that perhaps</i> <i>it was the punishment</i> <i>for my daughter's sin</i> <i>to this man.</i> Carla. Carla, let's talk. There's nothing to talk about. Whatever happened between us... let's forget about it. I can't forget that because I love you so much. What are you saying? Are you crazy? You don't love me, you love my daughter. You knew from the very beginning, it's you that I wanted. I know it's wrong, but I courted Anna to get closer to you. What? -You used my daughter? -I didn't use her. When I got to know her, I learned to love her. Believe me, I loved Anna. But now I know. After everything, after what happened between us, I know that I love you more. And I know that you also have feelings for me. Let me go. Let me go! How dare you! I don't love you! I'm ashamed of what happened between us. I regret it. I don't know if I can forgive myself after everything. So, leave, Marlon. -Leave! -Please. -Leave! -Carla! [Marlon] Carla! [Carla crying] Carla, let's talk, please. -Leave! -Carla, don't! Carla, please, talk to me. [crying continues] [pounds on window] [Charo on V.O] <i>For several days,</i> <i>Marlon kept coming back,</i> <i>but I avoided him.</i> -[cellphone ringing] -<i>I wanted to forget everything,</i> <i>but I didn't expect that</i> <i>the mistake would lead to this.</i> Hello? Hello, Mom? Anna? How are you? [sighs] I'm okay. And you? I'm not okay. [melancholic music playing] Josh and I broke up. I thought... Mom. Mom, it turns out he's not the one I love. When Josh and I were together, I always missed Marlon. <i>His sweetness...</i> <i>he gave everything to me.</i> [Carla sighs over phone] Mom, I think... I think I'm really in love with Marlon. <i>And I want him back.</i> <i>I've been calling him,</i> <i>but he refuses to talk to me.</i> I know he's angry. Please talk to him for me, Mom. <i>Tell him I love him.</i> Please, Mom. Please help me. Carla. What are you doing here? Carla, let's talk. Maybe we need to talk. about you and Anna. Anna and I are over. She wants to get back together with you. My daughter loves you. But I love you more. -We can't be together. -Why not? I don't love you. I don't believe that. That's not true. My daughter loves you, and I don't want her to get hurt. But I loved you first. Didn't I tell you? If you hurt my daughter, I will come for you. I know, but... [gags] -[retches] -Carla. Carla. Carla. Carla, what's happening to you? Carla? Carla, are you okay? What's happening to you? [sighs deeply] [Carla] I'm pregnant. [tense music playing] [sighs deeply] Are we having a baby? We can't let this happen. What do you mean? Are you going to abort the baby? It has nothing to do with this. It's innocent. [sighs] Carla. Carla, my baby is innocent. Leave it out of this. [sighs] [baby crying] Can I hold the baby? [crying continues] [solemn music playing] [Charo on V.O] <i>I tried to prepare myself</i> <i>to tell Anna what happened,</i> <i>but every time I tried</i> <i>to confess to my daughter,</i> <i>I couldn't do it.</i> <i>I couldn't hurt her.</i> <i>And Marlon,</i> <i>even though I closed</i> <i>the door on him,</i> <i>I didn't deny him the right</i> <i>to visit our child.</i> [Carla and Marlon] Peek-a-boo! [both laughing] [Carla and Marlon] Peek-a-boo! Peek-a-boo! [Marlon] Why isn't he smiling at me? Why does he seem sad? -No, don't cry. -[Carla] He's scared. -Why? -[baby crying] That's Papa. -[Marlon] Sorry. -[Carla] Sorry. -Sorry. -Sorry. Why did Papa make him cry? -No, baby. -No more. I promise, I won't make him cry. [Carla shushing] [crying] [Carla] Anna. You animals! [yelling hysterically] How could you! How dare you! You're so disgusting! You animals! A bunch of liars! How could you! You animals! I hate you! [melancholic music playing] Is my daughter here? Why? What do you need from her? I want to talk to her. What else are you going to say? I know everything. I heard it. You lied to me. You want me back in America because you want to be alone with Marlon. You want to take him from me. That's not true. That's not true. That's not true. Leave. Sweetie. Don't call me your child because from now on, I don't have a mother. You're no one to me. Forgive me. [crying] If you have problems with Anna, leave me out of it. Can't you see? You're the problem here. My daughter is angry at me because of you. Why are you blaming me? If she didn't break up with me, this wouldn't be happening. I don't want this anymore, Marlon. Let's stop this. That's the problem with you. When it comes to your daughter, you give up so easily. Because I love my daughter more than you. Is that so? If I leave now, will she come back to you? No. Accept that your relationship with her is over. This is your fault. Hold on. We both made a mistake. You were part of it too. You wanted this, right? You bastard. Leave. Get out. Leave. [Charo on V.O] <i>Since that day,</i> <i>Marlon had stopped bothering me.</i> <i>I lived quietly,</i> <i>but I missed Anna.</i> Until I heard that Marlon and Anna got back together, <i>and one day,</i> <i>an unexpected event occurred.</i> Anna. I came back, but it doesn't mean I forgive you. I'm pregnant. [Carla sighs deeply] [morose music playing] We need a comfortable place to stay, so we'll live here. But you can't kick us out because I have rights here. [Charo on V.O]<i> Living under</i> <i>the same roof wasn't easy.</i> <i>I felt like I was in hell</i> <i>in my own home,</i> <i>but I couldn't do</i> <i>anything about it.</i> <i>I endured the treatment</i> <i>from my daughter</i> <i>because despite everything,</i> <i>I am still her mother.</i> [Anna] I want more. Slice it in half. Hey. Marlon. Slice it in half. What's wrong with you? I want to eat more. [pants] [moans] [groaning] Anna? -Mom! -Anna. I'll take you to the hospital. Come on. Come on, sweetie. [Anna] Baby. -[baby crying] -Come here. You. Carry our baby. I don't know how to carry. [baby crying continues] [melancholic music playing] You're not helping with the expenses here, and yet you come home late? You're not even helping me take care of our baby. Do you think I can come home early if your mouth is the one greeting me? My friends are quieter, and I can rest. Rest? You've done nothing here but rest. Maybe you've forgotten that you have a child. You're a dad now. When will you find a job? How will you support us if you're this lazy? Whatever. I'm leaving. [morose music playing] [Charo on V.O] <i>Anna's life</i> <i>with Marlon became hell.</i> <i>He reverted to his old ways</i> <i>and attitudes.</i> <i>But if he ignored Anna</i> <i>and their child,</i> <i>it was the opposite of how</i> <i>he treated me and our child.</i> Marlon? Marlon! Marlon! [kid crying] Jacob has a high fever. -It won't come down. -Here, I'll take care of him. I'll take him to the hospital. Don't worry, I got you. [morose music playing] [Anna] How's your son? Uh... [sighs] He's okay now. Um, but the doctor doesn't want him to leave yet, so I came back to get his things. So that Marlon can come back. Your son is lucky. His father loves him. But... not my child. Maybe because Marlon doesn't love me. From the beginning, I knew he had feelings for you. But I tried to take him away from you. Not because I loved him. But because I wanted to hurt you. But I was wrong. I learned to love him. And it hurt me... [sniffles] ...when I found out you were going to have a child... When he came back to me... I accepted him because I love him. [poignant music playing] When we had a child... I had hoped... that he would learn to love me. But it didn't happen. Why, Mom? Why does everyone I love turn away from me? You... Dad... Marlon. Anna, I never turned away from you. You left me in America. I felt like I wasn't important to you. I'm not important to you, Mom. It hurts that you don't see that I love you, that you replaced me with Jimmy. You replaced me with Marlon. So I tried to ruin your relationship. Because I hoped you would come back to me. Mom, I miss you so much. I miss you so much, Mom. Sweetie. Forgive me. Forgive me. [sniffles] [Anna] Are you really not going to find a job? You're becoming a burden to my mom here. Why? Is your mom complaining? She loves me so much. It seems like she's eager for me. You bastard! You have no respect! We're in my mom's house. Don't talk like that! That hurts! Hey! Don't hurt my daughter. Don't hurt her, or I'll kill you! I'll kill you! Me? You'll kill me? You can't do that because you love me, right? [scoffs] Right, Carla? You love me, and you can't hurt me. Right? You animal! Animal! Get out of here! -Leave! -Move aside! Tell her that you won't kick me out of here. Tell her. Because you love me, right? Just the two of us. Just the two of us will love each other. No one else. Just us. You animal! -Leave! -Carla. What--? Leave! You bastard! Get out of here, you jerk! Don't you ever come back here! Get lost! Bastard! [morose music playing] Mom. You take care of my child. Once I've settled his papers, I'll take him there. You too, so we can be together. Don't worry. I'll take care of CJ well. You take care of yourself as well. Focus on your studies. [solemn music playing] I love you, Mom. Mom, I'm sorry. Sweetie, no. It's not your fault. I understand you. I do. I love you. I love you, sweetie. Mom, I didn't get to say goodbye to Jacob. Just kiss my brother for me. [Charo on V.O] <i>Despite what</i> <i>my daughter and I went through,</i> <i>I am grateful</i> <i>because we overcame it,</i> <i>and we both learned.</i> <i>At present,</i> <i>I may not have a man to love,</i> <i>but I am content with the love</i> <i>of my two children.</i> <i>They have been my</i> <i>guides in life,</i> <i>and I have found peace.</i> <i>Respectfully yours, Carla.</i> We all come to situations where we make mistakes, and because of this, we hurt those close to our hearts. But in the end, it is the sacrificial and forgiving love that heals wounds. The healing process may take a long time, but what matters is the decision to choose the person we love more, an integral part of our life. <i>Kapamilya</i>, I am Charo Santos. Good evening to all of you.
Channel: ABS-CBN Entertainment
Views: 621,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ABS-CBN, ABS-CBN Online, ABS-CBN Philippines, Philippines, Entertainment, Showbiz, May 15 2022, 20220515online, YT0pLen, Drama Series, Full Episode, MMK, MMK Full Episode, Maalala Mo Kaya Full Episode, True to life Story, Charo Santos-Concio, MMK Marathon, drama family, family drama, true story drama, MMK Full episodes, Tape recorder MMK, format:fullepisode, type:digital, vertical:drama, series:MaalaalaMoKaya, person:Edgar Allan Guzman, person:Empress Schuck, #MMKPictures
Id: 92203AzlN0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 18sec (3258 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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