Picking up Scotto’s RWB Porsche 911 after OVER 2 YEARS!

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I dropped it off for a leak and you did a lot more free car storage and a bunch of added value for how long two years and a few months I'm not counting I'm not counting sounds so nice Brian your your van's done van's done we're about to look at another car that's done what's happening stop this I feel like something bad's going to happen now that you're finishing car don't put that do you on me no I'm not saying to you first off saying the the world to the world like this is why this is why there we have Global boiling is because I'm finishing my cars and I need to stop yeah so we are here at BBI my 911 is finally finished I'm get out and tell kind of a little back story on how it got here and how long it's been here and [Music] why all right so remember like back back when like we all like like had to like stay in our houses cuz there was like a lockdown and pandemic and everything okay well during that period of time I noticed on a drive actually it was when we finished nza Civic uh we went out we did a Canyon Run and on the way home like something just felt off and I had noticed the power was down a little bit um on a few other things i' done with the car I was like God power feels down but it feels really really low and then uh we had a little spirited uh little spirited drag race at one point with this guy and he was driving his fdrx7 and which was stock at the time was stock at the time and I couldn't leave it and I know that my car was faster than that so I was like all right something seems off I start looking I'm realizing like I'm not building more than 7 bar and I should be at like 1 two maybe even 13 so I check everything I don't see anything that seems like it would be a leak so I bring it to my good friends at BBI and BBI has done most of the work on the 911 which is the joke it's the joke is like why the 911 is the car that always runs cuz they did everything from the ex exhaust on here to just a bunch of other like weird maintenance stuff over the years right and like the car is other than it being you know rwb and you know sitting on Co you're going to call it simple you're not about to call St car you're joking right it's not that crazy but it had a crazy Factory engine package to it had an exhaust on we saw that transmission tunnel out to put a crazy shifter in there I forgot about that I forgot about that Brian got the 911 he got the 964 and at the time we were trying to convince him to get an EVO different story but uh he brings it to his garage in atoria and immediately takes a saw to the transmission tunnel saw a hole saw to put like some crazy German shifter in that I I don't even remember back then it was like a $30,000 Super Beetle I didn't I didn't know anyway I bring it in I'm like hey btim can you uh can you figure out what this leak is like can you put one of the smoke machines on it see where it's leaking from and he's like oh yeah it looks like it's a valve cover which means it's engine out and I was like okay cool he's like look I can't get to it right now but like you know I'll get to it in a few weeks do you want to come pick the car back up and I was like ah yeah know you know I'll just leave it there it's fine then we started a project called the honeg and this thing got parked for about 2 years but btim just finished it back up cuz as you notice hoip Peg went up the Pikes andig back back running and everything so here it is so good to have it back but also it has a little bit of a change to it I dropped it off for a leak and you did a lot more did a lot more hey you're a good pal I got to say you know drop it off for a little bit of simple maintenance free car storage and a bunch of added value for how long 2 years and a few months I'm not counting I'm not counting I wasn't going to call you out 16 days yeah so you did a bunch of engine stuff we're going to get into all that so it's going to be faster it's going to rev better it's going to have a different Power Band reliability which I'm not a big big fan of reliability but whatever it's cool you added that you who the hell is this guy if I wanted reliability I'd buy a Toyota but whatever that's cool but then you also did a bunch of suspension stuff that I actually didn't even know he was doing and one of those things meant that we had to change the wheels yeah cuz we changed the front geometry pushed everything out too far trying to reduce the front scrub radius and we had to swap the wheels and the car is a little higher than it normally is right now there's like a track setup track setup so we can yeah that's the number one excuse for ride heights that's how I've been justifying my I the track in the next two weeks I have to lower come back that's how that that's how that so we're going to be lowering it so I guess this is like where we like show you guys the wheels so they're they're different than the original Wheels and uh it's actually one of my favorite wheel brands that I love in the 9s so I'm really stoked that they're on the car but still need to get used to the color kinesis [Music] k10s you got to understand Kinesis is a wheel that I have loved since I first got into cars I always wanted set of Kinesis on my mark iiii couldn't afford him back in the day so when I got a chance I slapped the set on my rs2 evant which is actually pretty much same color way and so when the Kinesis guys built these for the rwb they said they wanted to do something different they said trust us so they actually hit me with the matching color for the rs2 and I'm already excited about going and taking photos of those two Vehicles together but I got to admit I might miss the red a little bit yeah I mean look this looks really good like traditional white gold centers polish Wheels that's super motorport very classic super classic motorport and I think that's why it R I always build shit that tries to look different so I'm not a big fan of change so this is hard for me work with me on this that's so not true by the way you're a huge fan of chaotic change no yeah I'm a change I'm a change agent but like there's some things I need like I need things like this stable I need a constant in my life so that everything else can be be chaos yeah yeah yeah so this was my this was my security blanket if I'm if I'm being honest so I'm just happy to see this thing back I'm just stoked to see this thing back comment below you like this new setup I know a lot of you in the past have been like hey change the wheels out try to do something different or do you think I should paint these red I think no no matter what I'm staying with the the k10s for now I might try another Kinesis in the future but right now I think I stay with this wheel but you know maybe they go red hey but Tim where where' you go you got to tell us what else we did here oh hey what else we do let's rack it up show you all right so obviously you fixed the one thing it came in for which is the boost leak but then you went to town what's everything else like walk me through everything cuz I I actually don't know cuz this is one of those weird like btim trust you menus we talked a lot about the junip and in the background this was just here so let's yeah start here we started with a boost leak and then it was almost like pulling the the string on the sweater where we got to check this out so let's pull the valve covers off oh there's a broken head stud let's actually get rid of those head studs and replace them with all 993 head studs from the turbo car oh well while we're there we got to probably look at the Pistons and cylinders oh well we should probably rebuild the heads because they're off and then we should probably put better valve springs in them and then well if we're going to if the cams are out let's do better rockers shafts and cam shafts so it was like one of those you think I'm bad at scope creep oh my goodness this is like next level creep the scope creep real quick so there's no limits I can no limits but yeah now you have a fresh free three in there with um bigger cams worked overheads nice valve springs bunch of other things I don't I don't even remember but there's a lot I think we might have rebuilt the turbo I think I don't know I don't know how do you not know just say you did it yeah oh yeah we did it we did it try to make things pretty um Jeremy and the team kind of went through everything we replaced every single fuel line going across the back side of the engine every vacuum line because they're all starting to kind of get checked and aged a little bit and then sent half of the it sucks right now you can't see it but we sent like half of the hardware out of this car out to get a reinc but you can't tell because it's just CU it's all hidden now it's all hidden now but really tried to touch everything even down to the fuel block had that uh new gasket in there and all the lines have been redone the injectors were cleaned and uh here's a weird one did you guys recharge the AC yeah oh cuz the AC's never worked on this so you say the AC works now I don't know but I know it's got re does the air conditioning work anyone it does said that I don't know we'll try it today cuz I've never actually had AC that works in this thing yeah um but then then you know so we're under the car I'm like all right Brian well we got you an engine running well so now suspension was horrible good shocks and springs on it but the bushings were all whack and the front geometry is all over the place because these cars have a little bit more scrub radius in the front cuz it's a wider car so the offsets the wheels are you get just a lot more scrub radius so the other part is when you're lowered these things so far control arm angle is messed up Geometry is messed up so we have a Billet upright solution for that so let's look at it put it up done talking went through yeah stuff looks like nice and clean back here all the hardware is all new and you notice it's not leaking that's weird it was just dripping a little B it wasn't too bad a little bit of sweat but yeah we we um still have the tile uh wastegate that we put in here should be running between a bar and 1.1 bar could do more so when the car comes back we could tweak it a little bit more we DED it after put it all back together it's making just shy of 400 wheel which which I think is about 90 this is the same setup that we put in years ago so actually the first mod other than obviously the rwb like aesthetic and suspension that I ever did to the car the first like performance mod was coming here and making this thing sound awesome which was like back in the day like 2011 back in the day yeah we built this this exhaust back then and then we just went through it and just re seramic CED it and oh nice made it look pretty obviously like replacing all the hardware checking everything out but the big thing was the rear control arms are were you could take the wheel and just move them cuz these bushings were smoked and this this ball joint was messed up so we put spherical bearings in here with a different camer plate in from Erp big old cartridge bearings up there that are all solid mounted as well and then up front is the the fun stuff so I don't know if you can see that but that's a the sexy Billet front knuckle up there can't see shit what we're able to do here is lower the damper down and raise this the spindle up the bearing cartridge up so it corrects all the geometry relative to the lower pickup points makes the car drive a lot better and you're not bottoming your damper out anymore when we lower the damper down and raise the bearing up you get about two more inches of damper throw so you're not buried anymore so you're actually up in the operating range like right in the middle of it and then press out the the rubber bushings put spherical balls here and there from Erp as well and then she kind of set the whole car up new new outer and this had already gone cuz you can see it's actually says on their scato rwb 965 cuz they already custom built those last time the car was here like 4 years ago because I was riding on the bump stops cuz it was so lowly so corrected that by shortening the body and then now that we dropped it down even further you're you're in the middle of the operating range now nice so you mean it might actually handle like a 911 instead of a shopping cart it handles actually really really well and it's the the cool part is that like Bobby drove it after we started shaking it down he's like yeah you can actually Hammer train tracks now and pop whatever that's cuz it's not low enough well now now it's we have it we have it up because we wanted to go take it to the track so got the the wheels from Kinesis here uh because we need a track set and we got the wrapped in the toy RRS so the car is a little higher than than we like it but I'll drive it for a little bit make some decisions I I'm old now so like you know I'm a dad this might be the more responsible level but then I'll stare at it for a few minutes and I'll take a photo of it and then we'll slam it Brian's going to get in he's like man this is this is comfortable and practical I I kind of like it but uh I don't like the way it looks exactly let's it up again yeah exactly after all that [Music] so talk about just sort of like how much different will this feel than what it was when I brought it in we did a pretty stock rebuild we just tried to get all the reliability up but while we were there your your old cams had some pitting and the old rockers looked like they had some pitting so that's the time the the old trick in the book for the CIS turbo cars is to put What's called the SC cam in it so it's out of the 3 l SC it's got a little bit more lift a little more duration but still Idols you get a little bit better boost response and better top end so that you don't get that fall off at about 5,000 we carry to about six now it was good for probably 20 or 30 horsepower actually so at the same boost level what is Boost level now on this thing I think one bar but I wanted to put the one two spring in there Bobby did we did we put two it was a one two previously I think yeah is that what it's making it boost it boosts no it boosts yeah I mean yeah so boost you running oh oh it boosts oh it boosts okay it makes more boost than him getting smoked by the FD so so yeah hey I did some L of the FD so let's go bring it bring it son you want to go you want to go it's funny cuz I the race you know the race I want now is versus Vinnie's GT3 cuz Vinnie smoked me in the 3 in the 360 yeah I don't what do you think I don't know man those gt3s are quick they are they're just quick they're just quick I it doesn't they it was it it didn't make sense cuz mathematically it shouldn't have been that much faster than the 360 but it was so let's think about that his car probably puts down on the same dno you did oh yeah what was Dino on on this close to 400 wheel 400 torque so for example we did a stock 89 uh 930 that that made 320 to the tire that's what it warmed up turbo and then we did another one with a G35 on it running about the same boost but these are all a stock cams that made 355 and your car was like 390 something so it's it's getting there and I think fueling will allow maybe another 50 horsepower MH but maybe we got to go to 13 I know the bottom end will take it so well no now I know what the next thing is is oh you just need motch the next thing is always just that's what we were going to do I know I told push paw cuz I had too many cars that need laptops and I just want one car that doesn't require a laptop I'm really happy you did that because I it's fun to drive yeah no like there's just just like start it I warm up for a minute I drive it I bring it home great that's why it was my favorite car hopefully it'll be that again let's go drive it yeah let's do it sounds so [Music] nice [Music] yeah that just sounds like some like German man ripping cigarettes reminiscing about the old days being like yeah it's pretty much it's pretty much defining me except I don't smoke anymore fucking
Channel: Hoonigan Project Garage
Views: 190,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hoonigan, hoonigan project cars, car mods, modified cars, rauh welt, porsche 911, rauh welt begriff, akira nakai, nakai san, rwb porsche, rauh welt 911, rwb 911, brian scotto, rauh-welt begriff, bbi autosport, bbi motorsports, betim berisha, ron zaras, roncar, rauh welt porsche, track car, kinesis wheels, ruah-welt begriff
Id: kUP331vsR60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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