Piano-playing Street Performer Brings Audience to Tears | Extraordinary People | New York Post
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Channel: New York Post
Views: 3,456,267
Rating: 4.8531251 out of 5
Keywords: piano man, Washington Square Park, New York City, Greenwich Village, music, nyc, colin huggins, piano, colin huggins piano, colin huggins piano man, colin huggins cry, cry, crying, tears, street music, pianist, street performers, piano music, street performer, beautiful piano music, busker, performer, street performer piano, street performer piano man, beautiful music, relaxing piano music, relaxing piano, beautiful piano, sad piano, street piano, public piano, piano public
Id: KVxFvjAhToA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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Now if he could just learn to play the fucking thing.
What a garbage thumbnail