"Piano Lessons" Comedy By Chonda Pierce

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she insisted that we girls take PIM and my brother for that matter we she insisted that we take piano lessons and and so she was always wanted us to use our music in some way and and I'll tell you the truth can I just play this for you real quick I hunted piano lessons I was not a good student I had the attention span of a cocker spaniel puppy and sulla I just wasn't you know I just didn't stick with the lessons like I should and so course mother always wanted us to learn songs of the church in case we would need to use them for any time you know and she was the church piano player and I guess she thought she might get sick and we'd have to fill in and so the first song of course I ever learned and you know playing jesus loves me in a very bitter fashion it never really goes over you know so I tried to move on you know did seven the nails that would that the you know heavy-handedness wouldn't matter so I got kind of tired of trying to study piano and I started studying piano players because when I was a kid there are some funny piano players out there I I mean I'm not being a little bit if you've memorized a couple of chords with your left hand you can play the ham in the Bible I'm in the in the hymnal you know what I'm talking about they played three or four different chords with your left hand you could play any him know out there like this you get that thing cranking you could go all night is this but seeing anyone so I have today this the funniest thing as a teenager was the quartet's we lived in Myrtle Beach South Carolina for a little while so we could get quartets to come to our church sad the truth and the funny thing about you know quartets back of those another verse sophisticated but back there it was like just a few slow learners back there the cortex back then man they had that polyester saved and that Elvis hair they were so cute and I don't mean this ugly but you know Minnie Pearl used to say just cause you on a diet don't mean you don't look in the frigerator in Jesus name so these quartets who come and they were so cute and I'd sit on the front row oh you know and and because they had that cool turnaround you know I mean it means if you like the song they turn around and do it again you don't want to anyway I just thought this funny I just threw that in there for free so the part of my testimony that is a scary to me and difficult because of my children are here as I went to college believe it or not I went to a wonderful Christian school in Nashville Tennessee for a brief time and and they suggested another one down there thought I'd just tell you that before the National Enquirer did so I transferred to Austin Peay University in Clarksville Tennessee not very far from where we are this very night evidently people care and so that school showed up in droves tonight I'm not proud of this it's just a part of my testimony I got a job there was a little holiday in little hotel of some sort near the campus where I was going to school and I was broke and then and didn't know a lot and needed to get a job and I discovered there was a little room down there that served beverages I had unusual lighting and and a piano over in the corner and if you put a jar on there you could collect a little offering now for those of you who don't know what a tip jar is right maybe you're uncomfortable with the puns the hard thing is can now you got a picture this there is nothing more uncomfortable now in my mother's world in the old-fashioned terms she used the word conviction a lot you don't know how convicting it is to know that you're probably someplace you really don't need to be and you're away from what you know to be right and true in your life and and there you are and you're playing some bluesy music in a dark room trying to make a couple of dollars you look it up and there's your mother sitting on the front row with a glass of milk and a King James Bible so they're not discovered you know if I just changed the words around a little bit that maybe she would think I was witnessing you know and that would make me a little more comfortable and it would help you know help her a little bit so this was my my big hit don't know no Sun up in the sky stormy weather since my Lord and I together keeps raining all the time when he went away Oh blues walked in and met if he stays away I know my mom's gonna get me all I do is pray the Lord above will let me walk in the Sun once more can go home gone stormy weather since the Lord said mom out together keeps raining all the time Sunday school starts at 10:00 a little kick only a dollar wael thanks a lot
Channel: hoover4000
Views: 1,882,995
Rating: 4.7715297 out of 5
Keywords: chonda, pierce, comedy, funny, piano, gaither, gaithers, christian, religious, gospel, god, jesus, spiritual
Id: wjcfdnqSvT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Sat May 26 2007
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