Phum Viphurit - Lover Boy [Official Video]
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: RatsRecords
Views: 81,400,494
Rating: 4.920671 out of 5
Keywords: phum viphurit, indie, alternative, pattaya, thailand, lover
Id: 8HnLRrQ3RS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Sooo the guy in the beginning tilted his glasses, not shades, regular glasses.
The singers voice reminds me a bit of Young the Giant. So smooth, this song.
Why not on spotify :'(
His music is so smooth - I still have "Long Gone" stuck in my head
the production is so sweet on this
lol at how creepy he's being though
Feels like a nerdier Rex Orange County.
Certified banger
I really loved everything about this. It was beautifully filmed. The mood, the coloration, the actors/singer... Overall very charming and a lovely song.
Phum Viphurit
artist pic 6,730 listeners, 29,888 plays
tags: acoustic, thai, indie, chill, rock
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