PHP - Upload File with HTML Form ($_FILES)

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please remember that the complete information for the class that you are about to view is at Eli the computer guy comm not only do we have our videos there but we have parts lists diagrams pictures and even complete code examples so if you are watching this video and you want more information please go to Eli the computer guy comm welcome back as you know I am Eli the computer guy and in today's class I'm going to be showing you how to upload files to a server using an HTML form and PHP so obviously this can be a valuable function for any number of different type of web applications you're going to create some kind of like photo sharing application this will allow your users to be able to upload pictures into some folder and then your server can then parse the pictures once they're up there if you want your users to be able to upload things such as PDF files or any of other types of documentation obviously you can use an HTML form send the the files to the PHP script and then the PHP script can then save those files into whatever folder you decide on your server so in today's class I'm going to be showing you how to use an HTML form and PHP to be able to upload files to your web server so many times when I'm trying to teach you folks PHP or other things in coding I will show you some simple little function that is actually rather powerful I'll do a little you know two-minute video explain how the function works explain why you should care show you a couple of lines of code and that's it that's it then you can go and play well when you're going to be uploading files to a web server using PHP this is kind of on the other end of the spectrum where you would think this would be incredibly simple but there's actually a number of steps involved with being able to upload files to your server and if you don't understand how those steps work it can cause you a lot of problems when you're actually trying to go and code your application so before I go and I show you the demonstration and the code today let's go over the whiteboard I guess so I can sketch out theoretically what is happening when you're going to be uploading your your files to your server so that you and how the HTML how the PHP how the directory structure all of that actually works with what we're doing okay so let's take a moment just a diagram what's going to be happening when we're going to be uploading at the file to your web server using an HTML form so the first thing that you're going to have of course is you're going to have your standard WW gonna have your web server and on your web server you're going to have an HTML form right and so more or less this HTML form is going to look like the other HTML forms you've created the difference being instead of asking for a user name or an email address or an age or something like that this is simply going to be asking for a file location so basically you're gonna have a little button you're gonna have a little box here and basically what you're going to do is you're going to click on this button it is going to open up the file directory on your local computer you are going to select the file that you want to have uploaded and then that path will be put here beside that you will then have the submit button what will happen then is with the HTML form again whatever you're dealing with a form in HTML you always have that action you know where are you going to send the information and so this HTML form is then going to send the file information to your PHP script that you've created at this point this is where things get just a little bit confusing so follow along here so basically what's going to happen is the information for this file is going to be sent to the PHP script the PHP script is then going to parse that information and then it is been going to try to save the file into whatever directory and the PHP file you've specified but before before it can do that the first thing your PHP has to do is go over and take a look at the PHP ini file and ask what am I allowed to do right so a lot of times when we're interacting with PHP we can just use the standard default settings for PHP and everything will work if you do echo it'll work if you do Rand it'll work male by default I think all these things work most things when you're using PHP work by default but the thing is is when you are dealing with files there are configurations you can modify within the php.ini file basically to state whether you're able to upload files to your server and if you are there are some other options there so basically within PHP diet I and I you have the option for file upload being on so basically again from a security standpoint think about this if you have a normal web server your users aren't supposed to be uploading crap to your server you probably don't want your users to be able to upload right so for my security standpoint turning a file upload off might be a good idea the problem is this particular project needs you to be able to upload files so in your PHP ini file you need to make sure that your file upload configuration is set to on there's also a max file size so basically within the PHP dot ini file there's a max file size again to say what's the biggest file you want to have uploaded to the server using PHP you want to be a Meg you want to be a gig you want to be a hundred gigs right again when you start thinking about real usability in the real world you do want to put limitations on what your users can do because they can do some stupid things again you're you're coming up with some clone of Instagram you don't want your users literally being able to upload five gig files that would be a problem or imagine again when you do a project like this you can put this on a Xeon server with a massive amount of RAM a massive amount of storage or you could you could set all this up on a low note server right a low note server with I don't know a gig of storage or two gigs of storage right you may have some small virtual machine that you just didn't give a lot of storage right okay I'm gonna create this little file upload server it's gonna be for a couple of images or for a couple of things I'll give it I'll give it a couple of gigs of storage that's all it needs well your users tries to upload a 2gig file guess what you're gonna crash your server because now your user uploaded at one time a two gig file your server only has like two something gigs of storage in it and then it's going to cause a lot of problems so one of the things you have in the PHP Diana again from a security and from a stability standpoint is a question of what is the max file size you want to be able to upload using a PHP script so standard is 2 Meg so basically if you go in there and see the default it'll be the 2 Meg again for most things for the default that should be fine you're up the loading little stupid images that should be fine txt files fine PDFs fine but again something to be thinking about if you try to upload let's say an image from your iPhone and you export it from your iPhone it's 10 or 20 Meg's right if that image is 10 or 20 Meg's but the max file upload is 2 then you are going to get a fail out simply because of this and you may not you may not realize why that's happening you may think that there's a problem with your code when in reality is just the the max file size 4 for PHP is set to 2 Meg's so we got that and then we got to go to the actual file structure in your server right so your www server your web server most likely if you're doing this project is a Linux server so here you've actually got two folders you've actually got two folders and again this is where things can get a little bit confusing when you sit down a code so the first folder that you have to be worried about is the folder or where you're actually going to be dumping these files right so a file is sent from the HTML form the PHP script and then you need the final destination folder so in our project we have simply called this folder because that's how I go the main thing that you have to remember is that you have to give other you have to give everybody the right permission at minimum to this folder again we have to think about security and permissions you have a folder if you don't if you don't give everybody the right permission to the folder they're not going to be able write into it and the important thing to be thinking about this though again from a security standpoint is make sure what folder you want people dumping files into where they have the right permission right so think about this so if you have if you have the Apache you know you have pack a web server and you have the default HTML folder you most likely don't want to be dumping files directly into that HTML folder with the right permission you don't want to give everybody in the world right permission to the root of Europe server right that would be what we call stupid in the real world so one of the things are after gonna be thinking about is basically the folder structure so with this basically I have the HTML folder so this is the root of the Apache server so then basically that's that's the highest level and in that I created a folder simply called folder and then I gave everybody the right permission but this is one of those things that you need to be thinking about when you're coding again thinking about security thinking about how people are actually going to be interacting with your application so on and so forth you may not even want to put this folder in here you may want to move it in somewhere else entirely but we'll deal with that kind of thing another other projects so once you have a folder once the other folder in in the root directory called something that you've given everybody a write permission again doesn't necessarily even need to have read or execute permission you just need to be able to write into it important thing then the other folder that you're going to be dealing with is your temp folder so there's actually a temp folder for PHP and that's actually also up in the PHP ini folt file and so with a temp folder for PHP uploads is is basically what's going to actually happen is the HTML form is going to send the file to PHP the PHP is actually going to put the file into the temp folder so it's going to put the file into the temp folder it's then going to figure out a whole bunch of things about this file again it's going to go through it's gonna look for whatever you decide for it to look for the size is it the right size this is that the other thing right and then once once all of that checks out and the code actually works then what's going to happen is then PHP is going to move that file from the temp folder to whatever the final folder it is where you want that that file to be stored so one of the things in the PHP ini file is there's a configuration for the temp folder for PHP now that's one thing that you should be able to leave as default you shouldn't have to mess with it but it may be something you may have to muck with in the future especially if you're coming in behind somebody so if somebody else built the web server that you're dealing with something to realize is they may have configured that PHP temple derby up something other than it should be they may have done something such as put it into a partition and the partition is too small so when you try to upload files and they try to upload into that temp directory and a partition too small things fail out you may have other permission issues that type of thing so that's one of those things just to keep in mind so there's a default there's a default temple derp where the PHP will put the file into the default temp folder it'll figure out what it wants to do and from there it will move it over to the actual folder and so yes you have to understand how this process works you're going to have the HTML form the HTML form is going to send your file to the PHP script the PHP script is then going to interact with that file based off of configurations the PHP ini file again our final uploads even on how are you allowed to upload files what's the max final size are you able to do that and then again if it's set what the temp directory is and so again that file we get dumped into the temp directory as PHP is running through the code once PHP has figured out everything is okay we will then move that file from the temp directory over to the folder and this is the basic concept of how this works so with that let's go over to the demonstration machine I will show you basically how how this functions in the real world and then I will show you the code so here we are at my demonstration computer again for this demonstration computer literally all I need is a web browser and I'm using a MacBook Pro with Safari but all I knew really need is a web browser that has access to my lamp server my Linux Apache my sequel PHP server so my server is at 10.0 two 1.36 and then I have a HTML form there and it's called file upload dot HTML basically all I've done in this form as I've simply named the form and then here this is where we queues the file so we'll accuse the file and then we'll click Submit so when I accuse the file this will simply open up my file structure and the local computer so this is my local file structure let's say I want to upload a picture from Italy so I will upload this particular one we can now see that image name is right there and then all I'm now going to do is click Submit when I click Submit we'll then send all of the information to the file upload dot PHP script right once it's sent the information over there I've printed out a few things just to show you how this works so basically I did a var dump here so var underscore dump function it dumps all the information about a variable so when you upload a file using PHP all of the information about that file is actually stored in an array so what we can see here is that we have this is an upload of an array we have a name so there's a name index about a key for this array which is image so I mp5 471 is under the name key we have a type so we can pull out what the type is it's an image JPEG we have a temporary name so when we store this file to the temporary folder we can actually get what the temporary folder is and what the temporary name is here and then we can get the size of what the file is and so for this particular file it's 90 2354 so that means 92,000 kilobytes so basically we get all of that information in an array when we upload the file i've simply set here so if the file uploads all it does is print out file was uploaded and gives me what the finished name of the uploaded file is one of the things I've also done here is since we get all of this information an array I can pull that information out and actually be able to interact with it so all I'm doing here is echoing out I'm simply saying what that information is but since you now have a values and a variable you could also do if-else statements so if this is you know above 50 kilobytes fail out don't allow the person to be able to upload if this is a JPEG allow it to upload if it's not a JPEG don't allow to upload right you got all that kind of stuff so basically I have this information here just to show you that you can pull that information out you are now dealing with values in a an array and since you have values in an array you can then interact with those just like you would and any normal so with that let's go over the computer and I can explain this a little more from the server side and from the code side so here we are at my web server again this is an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server I am running the the GUI the desktop version of this but everything that I am showing you today should work fine on any distribution any version of Linux that you're going to be using and will obviously work fine completely at the command line I am using the desktop just because it's a little easier to take a look at I did create this lamp server using a service called task cell or an application called task cell you install task cell and then you can call task cell and then ask it basically to build the type of server you want so you can simply say home on a lamp server and it will install the Apache of them is equal to PHP it'll do all the default configurations everything else you need for so that is how I built this particular server again that's something important to understand what things like the PHP dot ini file your defaults may be different than my defaults so what I'm showing you was the default for me but for you you may actually have to go in and modify something so the first thing that I want to show you is just the simple folder structure again we're dealing with a patchy web server here and so in the Apache web server you have a WW folder and then the HTML folder this is the root for your Apache web server when people come to your web server this is a place that they'll just defeat by default be dropped here I have that file upload dot HTML script and then that is going to pass the information to the file upload dot PHP script I then have a folder again I really have to come back come up with more creative names for these classes but anyways you get what I'm coming what I'm saying this this is the folder that we were going to be passing at the file to again we can go in here to properties and again from the graphical user we can come here and we can see others others have the access to create and delete files again if you're going to be doing this from command-line and the important thing is that other has the ability to write to that particular directory pass that I can simply open it up and we can see that image that I mp5 471 that I guess uploaded is actually now here the next thing that I want to do is actually go take look at the php.ini file again PHP dot III file is the configuration file for PHP within the the default the configuration that I have on my server the PHP ini file is sitting within the e.t.c directory the PHP the 7.2 the Apache Apache 2 and then that's where the PHP dot ini file is again for your particular server it may be located in a different place from this I'm simply gonna do sudo vim I know a lot of people hate it when I do this but oh well this is how I roll and PHP dot ini so super user do basically wasn't going to give me the permission to actually be able to edit the php.ini file and I like vim again use whatever I don't care super-secret password 1 2 3 4 5 6 and enter ok since this is actually the last place I had it open we actually are at the the file upload area now again we can scroll up and we can scroll down we can see there's a whole bunch of configurations here but what you're gonna be looking for is the file upload sections the important thing here is that file underscore uploads is on so if this is off none of this is gonna work let me be clear this is off gonna work past that we have the upload temporary directory so you may want to set this to something specific again from a security standpoint from a resources standpoint for whatever other reason you may want the temporary directory to be in a specific place and so you can set that here you will notice it's commented out in my particular PHP dot ini file because I am simply using the default directory that they gave me again that gets in Dec gets into higher administration about what you do or do not want to do past that we then come down here to the upload max file size and this is set to 2 Meg so again you you decide what you want just remember while you're doing these demonstrations again if the rest of this looks fine file uploads is on and this is this looks fine I would leave this while you're playing around with the script just make sure you're uploading small files again 20 kilobyte files hundred kilobit files that type of thing and then once you figure out what you actually want to do you can come back here and modify this is one of those where many times again if you're going to be running a web server in the real world you are almost always going to increase this massively but but before you do increase it massively make sure you understand why you're increasing it and understand what risks you you may run into by increasing it then the next thing up here is simply the max file upload so you can actually say how many files do you want to be able to upload at one time on a single request and that is set to 20 which is far more than we need for this particular project today so that's the file structure for you on the php.ini so from this you would WQ so you would write quick I didn't modify anything so I'm simply going to quit and then you would restart the Apache service again remember to restart when you when you change configuration files make sure to restart services because those new configurations are not loaded into the active service until you restart the service so you can go through and you can modify a whole bunch of configurations and if you don't restart the service then when you go to interact with the web server it's still going to be running off of those old configurations so do you make sure to to actually go and restart your services and whatever manner you want to restart your services so past that let's go and actually take a look at the code itself so so again all we have for this is we have two scripts we have an HTML file and we have the PHP script so the for the HTML file this is just normal bland HTML you should understand basically everything here so again we open the HTML we open and close the head we open the body in h1 I simply give the title a file upload and then we get to the form this is where we actually get to some of the interesting things so form action so again we need to point this at what's script we're going to be sending the information to so it's going to be point two to the file upload dot PHP again it's not be pointed to that's correct method is going to be post again that's just how it is and then the the type basically we're going to say a multi-part form data make sure you don't misspell anything here real real story real story I actually had to troubleshoot this thing for a few minutes because when I was typing this out I accidentally did n-type I actually typed out n-type instead of Inc type and that was a couple of minutes of troubleshooting so uh so again feel free to copy and paste my code and then when you know it works then go through and modify it but literally just uh for getting that see there caused me a couple of minutes of troubleshooting anyway so then we're gonna close that for this all we're gonna do all we're doing is uploading the file so again this is a form so you can have a number of different input types here you could have a couple of texts so you could say what is the name what is the description tags you could have a whole bunch of different input boxes in this this forum but for the demonstration today I'm simply doing the file so input type is file so basically that's all we're gonna say it is a file instead of a text or instead of a number and then we're gonna give it a name like we normally do and so we're just going to say upload so this is just upload I didn't uppercase you know I guess because then we're gonna close that and they're gonna do the input type of submit so again that's going to give us our little button and then we are going to close the form so if we go back and we take a look at our actual demonstration again this is where we have the file upload form this is that input type of file that's what gives us us so there's no additional code in here's the no JavaScript to make this work literally this just functions from basic old HTML and then there's this it's the submit button once we click the submit button then this will pass all the information to the PHP script so let's go take a look at that PHP script and so this is where we have the file upload dot PHP and there actually is very little to this I added some things just for troubleshooting and just to give you some additional information so the first thing we're gonna do here is we're gonna open up the PHP tag so this is a PHP script the next thing that we're going to do is you're going to create a variable for the directory so what directory what folder are we going to be dumping this file into so we do a period forward slash folder or forward slash so basically we are going to be dumping these these files into the folder folder in this directory so again you would put whatever folder you've said the name for the folder there past that we are then going to create a file name so this the file name that the file will be saved as so the first thing that's gonna happen is the file is going to be put to the temporary directory and then from the temporary directory it is going to be saved into the folder the folder that we've designated and when we do that we actually have to give it a name so it's one of those weird things where literally what we do is we create the name for the file from what the original name was and then we essentially rename the temporary file back to what the file was originally called I'll explain it to you a little bit more when we get down here so basically we're doing here is we're creating a variable called file name the first thing that we do is there's this function called base name so base name basically what it does is it returns the base file name for whatever you give it so if you give if you gave a full file path to a file the base name is able to grab what just the file name for the file as it strips everything else out it's what we're doing here is files so dollar sign underscore files and this is an erase when you upload a file using PHP it gets turned into a ready information gets turned into a ride and so upload so files upload this name so this name corresponds to the name that you have any HTML form and then you're asking for what the name of that is so IMG underscore 0 1 4 7 KP eg that's what this is right and so basically what base name function does here is you give it the name of the uploaded file it strips out everything other than the pure what that name is and that's what it returns we then concatenate on the the dollar sign directory the the variable directory so basically what will then happen is file name is going to equal dot forward slash folder /img underscore 1 0 for 0 dot jpg right so that's going to be the full file name and the full file path we are going to use to save this file from the temporary directory into the final directory where we're going to be dumping it the next thing that I've done here is I've simply done the VAR underscore dump so the VAR underscore dump phone and what that does is it gives you all the information about a variable so again let's go back and actually take a look at the demonstration here let me just grab this hit submit let's grab this oh I don't know hit submit okay and basically this is what the VAR dump is so with this var dump here it's going to get give you all of the information about the array or in the array about the file that was just uploaded so that's what's happening there we go back we take a look at the code and I'm simply echoing out break break so basically just giving me two extra lines so I can see what the next information that will be printed out is pretty easily and then we come down here to the the actual magic of the file upload so if so this is an if-else statement so if we use a function called move underscore uploaded underscore file and so what we're going to be doing is we are going to be moving that file that's been put into the temporary directory so basically that when the file initially gets uploaded it gets put into the temporary directory and it's given a temporary name all right so I see here this name this is the actual file name so the file name that you gave it when the file was saved way back when and you gave it a name that's the name when you upload the file initially into the temporary directory the computer gives it a temporary unique file name and so what we're doing here is this function says move uploaded file from its temporary location to whatever this file name and file path is so basically what it's saying is move the file that you uploaded so this is the file that you uploaded from the temporary directory to whatever file name is so period forward slash folder /img underscore one zero nine six four five seven or whatever else right so basically this is moving the file and essentially renaming the file back to what it in ischl II is now it's important with that whole renaming thing I've emphasized that a couple of times we'll take a look at look at that in another couple of minutes but it's important to understand so with that whole renaming thing you can also rename it to something that you want what I'm gonna show you in a couple of minutes is how to add a time stamp to your name to try to make your whatever file name you're uploading actually be unique so past that basically if this works so if this all works here we're going to echo file was uploaded and then we're going to simply print out file files uploaded and whatever the the original name of that file was else if it failed we're gonna echo upload failed and basically we are going to again give that file name pass that then we're going to come down here to the echo information about the file array and then echo filename and whatever the file is file type whatever the file type is file size whatever the file size is so on and so forth so that is basically how we print that information out now again we go back and we take a look at this so this file name can cause a problem so again in the modern world if you're having many people upload files to the same server there is most likely going to be a time when you have two entirely separate different files that wind up having the exact same file name so again imagine if you're going to be uploading picture files to your to your server you have people with different cameras but those cameras the way they save images the naming convention for saving images they're all going to be saving image names the same way and so you can have two or three or five completely different images that end up having the exact same name so when people then go to upload you're going to run into issues with your script you may run into an issue where when you go to upload the the script basically the file already exists so the file upload process will fail out because the person doesn't have the ability to overwrite or even worse you have the ability to overwrite and now basically people are overriding the files with the exact same name and then chaos can ensue so one of the things that you can do is you can add some kind of unique identifier to a name so when you save the file out of the temp directory you can add that unique identifier so that you you generally have unique names for anything that gets uploaded so right here so the IMG underscore 5 4 4 0 what I'm going to show you how to do is basically add a timestamp to that so we add a timestamp - and then whatever the thing is and then we know ok then this is a unique name so we don't have to worry about either overwriting a final accidentally or having our script fail out because the file already exists so let's go over and take a look at the script itself and so what we're looking at here is basically again this is the directory so we have the directory and that's the folder and this is how we currently create the file name so the file name that we identify down here when we save the file is base name of the files when we upload of the uploaded file and the name so basically this grabs the name the original name of the uploaded file and that we concatenate on the directory and then that's how that file will get saved so period forward slash folder /img underscore five four four zero dot jpg but if somebody has the exact same imv underscore five four four zero dot jpg file name then it's going to cause problems down the line so one of the things you can do is you can add something you can you can use any kind of functions you want some kind of unique naming scheme you might use randomized randomized numbers you could use the rand function what I like to use is the timestamp function so I'm just gonna add a timestamp to this name so I create a variable called timestamp we're gonna make it equal to time and so basically this is going to be giving us the seconds since epoch so this is going to give us a nasty long number I actually really don't care I care a whole hell of a lot about that nasty long number what I do care about is that it should gain or generally be unique as the seconds click by it's always popping out with a new number and what I care about is new number and so what I'm going to then do is basically I'm going to concatenate in this timestamp to this name so what I have here is that directory so the directory period and the name so what I'm going to do is I'm simply going to add a time stamp in here so I'm going to it so it's going to be period forward four slash folder forward slash timestamps or whatever the timestamp is and then we're simply going to add on that name so now we are going to have a unique name whenever we go to upload a file then I'm going to hit file I'm then going to hit save then we're going to go back we're gonna take a look at our script and so we go here and again so we have if we have the I MV 5 4 4 0 jpg I'm now going to hit submit everything looks good here from my n so again for me as a user okay file uploaded IMG underscore 5 4 4 0 j PE key ok so that all that all looks good for me I don't get confused but the cool thing is if we go over and we take a look actually in the directory what we're then going to see is that I am V underscore 5 4 4 0 we now have a timestamp in front of it right so we have a timestamp there so if we go back and let's say again we just try to re-upload the exact same file and then we go back and we upload the exact same file we can then go and we can take a look at our folder and we can see that these are now unique names so for this example it is the exact same image but what we can see is we're now naming it differently so that we then have different copies so again if if we had one file name that was being used for multiple different images or multiple different files this is a way to give them all unique names so that they can simply get uploaded and then I can sit here and on the script itself I mean you can see as I click Submit every time I click Submit you know it's now adding adding that file there so I don't have to worry about overwriting in one way or the other I don't have to worry about overwriting a file that shouldn't get over it in and I don't have to worry about files or the script failing out because a file can't be over and so basically that's how the file upload HTML form and the PHP script work so now you know how to upload files using an HTML form and a PHP script at the end of the day it's pretty easy again as long as you know all of the different things that are involved with actually uploading a file using HTML and PHP again you have that HTML form so you have to set that up properly and again don't don't forget the seat don't miss type anything will be a couple of minutes of troubleshooting if you do but anyways you create that HTML form that HTML form is going to simply put the input type to file plus any other input boxes you want again you could have 20 input boxes on there if you want I just did one today you are then going to have the action the action is going to point to the PHP script that's going to parse the information that you're sending to it so that's where you're going to be sending the file the important thing to understand from that point though is then we have a couple of other things going on we have that PHP dot ini file so the PHP ini file is the configuration file for PHP you have to make sure that file uploads are on you have to make sure what the max file size is again two Meg's should be fine but maybe it's not the temporary directory again should be set to default and again default temporary directory should be fine maybe in your situation it's not and then you have the the max number of files that can be uploaded at any one time again that's set to 20 should be fine maybe for you it's not again when you modify the PHP dot ini file or if you modify the PHP ini file do make sure to restart your Apache 2 services or your nginx or whatever web server he were using if you don't do that you're not going to then bring those those new configuration files into the running configuration and the stupidity will ensue if you do not restart your services after you modify configurations that's just a bad day that is what we call a bad day past that you then are going to have to have a folder that you're going to need to dump these files into again that folder isn't going to have to have write permission for everybody in the whole wide big world right so again you're gonna have to be thinking about from a security standpoint do you want that folder to reside so again at the bare minimum create a folder within your your Apache root directory with the right permission so that people can dump the files in there again from a security standpoint theoretically could could you make your HTML folder writable for everybody in the world yeah you can you can might not be a smart idea though and again that's where even one of things everything about from a security standpoint how you're going to do things once you have all that set up so you have a folder with a write to write permission for everybody in the world you're the php.ini file configured properly then basically what's going to happen with a PHP script is the HTML form is going to hand the file to the PHP script the PHP script is going to turn information about that file into an array so the size of the file the type of the file the name of the file the temporary name of the file all that information it's going to do that plus it is then going to put the file into the temporary directory so you're going to have the information about the file and the file is going to be on the temporary directory from that point you have to then decide what's going to happen that's where you use the the upload function basically move uploaded file you use that function to then move the file from the temporary directory into wherever you want so you have to have that full file path so basically you have to have the directory plus the name you plug all that in you do the FL statement if it works it's fine it works printout yeah it works else it fails print up Bui failed and then go from there again when you're doing this remember you're getting a whole bunch of information about that file in an array and so you can then use that information in further FL statements or previous FL statements so if the file is above a size that you want it to be fail out don't let the file will be uploaded if the file is or is not of a type that you want it to be have it fail out so again let's say you want people to upload reports or something so you only want people to be able to upload PDF files so basically you can have PHP a look at the type if it is a PDF allow the file to be uploaded if it's not a PDF say upload a PDF this in a PDF uploaded PDF right and you can do that type of thing we'll talk about more of that in other classes into the future but this is a basic understanding of what's going on again one of the big things here beyond the php.ini and all that is do you remember the file initially gets gets stored into that temporary folder and has given a temporary file name a completely unique temporary file name and so with that move uploaded file what you're going to do is you're going to take that that file that's in the temporary folder and essentially you're going to be moving it and naming it to whatever variable values you have given that's like the important thing going on here so with that go play again copy and paste like a copy and paste my code then start tweaking it because it is you forget one thing so I have so little hair this is why I have so little hair because I'm trying to teach you folks all this stuff and so many's little projects you just make one stupid mistake you spend an hour doing things great but you make one stupid mistake it's been the next 15 minutes figuring out what you did wrong again that HTML form curiously enough I forgot to see I literally I forgot to see as ENC forgot to see and that was that was about 10 minutes of troubleshooting so uh so do do make sure you type everything properly when you're coding or it's gonna be a bad day with that as always I enjoy doing this class look forward to see the next one if you like the content that I create please think about going to e line the computer guy comm and becoming a member or donating please understand that all the educational videos are in front of the paywall that includes the videos that includes the notes the diagrams and the code example all of that is freely available and in front of the paywall but if you want to watch opinion videos or if you want to be able to comment you do need to become a member membership is $5 a month or $60 a year and gives you access to those opinion videos and the ability to comment if you don't want to become a member you just want to give a one-time donation there is also a donate button where you can do that please understand in order to provide the education that I am it does cost money the servers cost money equipment cost money travel cost money all of these things cost reasonable amount of money and the fact of the matter is is YouTube's 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Channel: Eli the Computer Guy
Views: 2,634
Rating: 4.9545455 out of 5
Keywords: Eli, the, Computer, Guy, Repair, Networking, Tech, IT, Startup, Arduino, iot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 58sec (2518 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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