PHP Registration And Login Form | PHP User Registration Form With MySQL | PHP Tutorial | Simplilearn

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hello everyone and a very warm welcome to simply learn in this video we will learn how to create a registration page using php html some css and xampp software then we will use that data and store it in a mysql database so let us begin and start writing a code first now to do that we need to go to my computer c drive now zam folder this is the folder where the xampp software is installed here locate to htdocs and let us now create a folder for our tutorial and name it tutorial now we'll open this folder in visual studio code and start writing a program so let us create a first file here and name it register dot html now this will be the html file that is the whole structure of how a registration page will look now [Music] registration page now this will be the title of a webpage i think that's enough now let us move on to the body of the page now i'm going to write register in an h1 point for the heading and now we'll create a form action would be the name register.php and method or tree post okay so the first label that i'm going to create will be for the username so in a registration form i'm going to keep it simple i'm just going to include three categories that would be username password and a third one would be email so to create a label for username so you always have to keep in mind whatever name you're giving here or in the database whichever you write first since the name has to match so i'm giving username the name username and that's it for a label now let us create another label for before that input type for this will be text name as we've already written will be username please holder with display username and i am going to put this field as required which means that the user cannot leave this field empty second one would be label for password now i am going to give its input type as password and you will know the reason later you can also give input type for the password as text but it will not be secure then password id will be password and this is also a required field now let us move on to the label for our last section that will be email and give it input type email yes and email can be set as an input type name email placeholder will display email and you guessed it right this is also a required field i think this is it for the registration html now we move on to creating our css page in order for this html structure to look good well wait a second i left off of a pretty important section of the registration form that is the register button itself so let me just not form let me just create the registration for registration button it will be of type submit and value displayed would be register now we'll move on to creating the css file and let us create a new file and name it style.css so the code for style.css is already prepared so instead of writing the entire code line by line i'm just going to paste it and you can see how it works so this is the css code that will make a registration form look a little better so i have created different sections for different sections of the registration form so this will be the registration from input button this is for the color of the submit button and the rest of the form as you can see now in order for the style.css file to work we need to link this file style.css to register.html now how do we do that we go on to the register.html back and we add just one extra line in the head of the program so here what we are doing is we are referencing our style.css page into this page itself now that's it now both of these pages that we've just created are linked to each other and now at least a registration form structure is complete it does not work yet but it will soon now before creating the register.php code let us first create a database so that we have some understanding of what is going on around everything so to create a database what we need to do is open sample start the apache and mysql server now go to your browser and open the localhost phpmyadmin now create a new database let us name it form click on create now let us name our table as users number of columns would be four the first column will be id which will be auto incremented second will be username make sure to use the same name that we've used in the code so that the code does not malfunction it will be of type variable character password will also be a variable character email and now so as you can see this is the structure of our table of database form now let us move on to finally writing the rest of the code for our registration form so now that we have a database complete let us move on to our back to our code and create the register.php file now the first thing that we need to do while creating the php code is we need to connect our code with our database that we just created so this is why i stopped in between and created a database so that you need you understand better how this code is functioning now database host since we are using sam to locally host a server this will be localhost a user will be the root user since we have not set any password on the database it will be empty and finally the name of our database what did we name a database it was form now i will create a variable con to connect to connect a database with a code so we have created host user password and finally name now we have got to add an error message which will check if the database is connected or not so will be [Music] connecting to the database now let us add some code to check if any variable is empty or not foreign now if any of the field is left empty while filling the registration form it will display the following message empty field now let us add another code and check up so now that we have added validation into a code now what we need to do next is check whether the username or the details that have entered that the user has entered into the registration form already exists or not and if it does display an error message and if the details are new enter the details into a database now to do that let us write another if statement now here i am writing an sql command which will select id password from users that is the name of a table where username and here we are going to check if the username entered still exists or not look you now if the number of rows is greater than 0 which means username already exists so we need to display an error message that would be username already exists try again and if it does not now in this else part we will be writing the code for to send our data into the database now here instead of selecting we are going to insert the data into users which is a table and the fields will be username password email and that's it um now the password variable is going to fetch the details of the password field and email add another statement to execute and display another message now since we have entered it into the database we need to display a following message too this would do now this will display an error message in case something goes wrong and now since we have completed this part of the code let us end a statement close the connection with the database here and end our php script so now that our code is complete now let us run the code and check if it works fine so our apache server is running let's go back to a browser open the localhost name of the folder so as you can see register pages are visible here register.html and create a user you have successfully registered and you can now login so let us now check if it's visible in our database so our database is forms users and as you can see the file that we just created tony is visible here in a database along with the email and one thing that you may notice is that the password is not visible here since we use the hash protection for passwords so passwords will not even be visible to the database admins so this is how you create a registration form with the help of html php exam and mysql database so thank you guys for watching this video if you like it please hit the like button and subscribe to simply learn stay safe and keep learning hi there if you like this video subscribe to the simply learn youtube channel and click here to watch similar videos turn it up and get certified click here
Channel: Simplilearn
Views: 5,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: php registration and login form, php registration form, php login registration, php registration form with database and validation, registration form using php and mysql, user registration with php and mysql, login system in php, login form in php and mysql, php login system, login & signup page in php, login system using php with mysql database, mysql registration and login application, web development tutorial, php tutorial, php simplilearn, simplilearn
Id: oskJVzyEgnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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