Photoshop Tutorials - Stranger Things Text Effect

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[Music] hey guys today I'm gonna show you how to recreate the stranger things title screen look in Adobe Photoshop and apply it to your own text or logo I'm a huge fan of the show and with season 2 right around the corner I thought it would be appropriate to make a tutorial based on this beautiful opening sequence now before we start I just want to thank Squarespace for sponsoring this video I personally use Squarespace to host and create my websites and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to get a website or an online portfolio make sure you stick around to get 10% off your first Squarespace order alright so we're gonna start by creating a new Photoshop document let's make it 3,000 by 3,000 pixels you can set the resolution to 72 pixels per inch and the color mode to RGB now for this effect I suggest sticking to a black background or if you want to add some color make sure it's really dark to help the lighting effect stand out the whole effect will look kind of washed up if you're using a light background so I'm just gonna set it to black and hit OK next you can either import a vector logo or type in your text directly into Photoshop to do that just press T to bring up the type tool and then click on your canvas and type in your text I'm just gonna write the word tutorial you can use any font you want for this just try and pick something with a bit of weight to it since we're gonna be creating a stroke around the text and it might look a bit messy on a very thin script font for example now for those of you who want to use a similar typeface as the one used in the intro you can go ahead and download a font called Ben cui at bold I'm not exactly sure how it's pronounced but I'll leave a link in the video description this style of font was really popular in the horror genre in the 70s and 80s it was used for movie posters and Stephen King book covers for example so it makes total sense that they would use some kind of variation of this font for the intro of the show alright now I'm just gonna resize my text by pressing command T or ctrl T on PC to bring up the free transform tool and I'm gonna drag these corners out while holding down shift to scale everything up proportionally then I'll hit enter and center my text with the canvas using these smart guides to help out now I'm just gonna cheat a little bit and move this to the right so visually it looks more balanced so now that we have our text ready we can go ahead and start creating the effect I'll select my text layer and then go down here to the layer styles and select stroke then I'll set the size to seven pixels and I'll set the position to outside and leave the blend mode to normal and 100% opacity and then set the fill color to white and hit OK then I'll bring the fill value down to zero so that I'm left only with the outline of the text and none of the fill color now I'm just gonna make a copy of my text layer by selecting the layer and then pressing command J or ctrl G on PC and I'll just keep this one as a backup in case I want to go back and change anything later on so I'll rename it to backup and make it invisible by clicking this little eye so I can only see this text layer here next I'm gonna go down here and create a new layer and then make sure it sits right above my text layer and then select both layers by holding down shift and right click and select merge layers I'm gonna rename this layer text then I'm gonna click on this icon down here to create a layer mask now the weight layer masks work is that anytime you apply white it reveals whatever is on the layer on the opposite applying black will hide the contents of the layer and as you can see that layer mask is filled with white so everything's visible now we're gonna hide some parts of our words so that some portions of it are more visible than others so I'll make sure that I have my layer mask selected and then I'll bring up the brush tool by pressing B then make sure you have black selected as your foreground color and white as the background color you can then select the brush you want by right-clicking on your canvas so go ahead and pick one of these soft brown brushes if you want to quickly change your brush diameter you can hold down control : alt and then pressed a left mouse button on your canvas to drag your cursor left and right and adjust the width so this is a good size now I don't want to completely erase parts of my text I just want some parts to be less visible so I'm gonna set the brush opacity to 80% now remember all these areas where I apply black with my brush will be hidden now if you want to go over some parts you previously erased and make them more visible again you can go ahead and apply some white instead of black so just press X on your keyboard to quickly toggle between your foreground and background color all right now we can go ahead and duplicate this layer by pressing command or control J and we'll blur this layer out a little bit so let's go to filter up here and then go to blur and select Gaussian blur and we'll set the radius to 5 pixels and hit OK again let's duplicate this layer by pressing command J or ctrl J on PC and blur this one out even more so let's go back to filter blur Gaussian blur and this time we'll set the radius to 15 pixels and then repeat the process one last time so duplicate this layer go to Gaussian blur and this time set it to 30 pixels all right now let's add in some color so I'm just gonna select this last blurred layer up here and create a new layer right above it by clicking on the new layer icon down here and I'm gonna name this layer color now you can use any color you want for this or even use a gradient between a few different colors but I'm gonna pick something close to the red that was used for the intro of the show so I'll go ahead and fill this layer by hitting shift and backspace to bring up the fill options now for the contents also like color and use this red the hex value ee 3 1 2 a and then hit ok then we can go to the blending modes up here and select multiply now I just want to add a bit more glow behind the text so I'm gonna create a new layer down here and place it right underneath all my text layers and I'll rename it to glow then I'll take down the opacity of the layer to about 10% and then bring up the brush tool by pressing B next I'll make sure that the foreground color is set to this same color as my text so in this case it'll be a III 1 to a and then I'll use a wide soft brush to add in just a few spots so that it's noticeable but still subtle [Music] all right now the last thing we want to do is add in a few highlights to make everything stand out a bit more so once again I'll create a new layer and I'm gonna place it right above the color layer and I'll name this one highlights [Music] then I'm gonna set the blending mode to overlay and select white as the foreground color [Music] now using the brush tool I'm going to go over some parts of the text and make them pop a little bit so now just highlight random parts of the text where you feel it's appropriate just try not to overdo it so there's still a good balance between the highlights and the darker parts of the text [Music] [Music] and that's about it guys so make sure you mess around with the colors to glow in the highlights to figure out what you like best now I just want to take a second to thank Squarespace for sponsoring this video with Squarespace you can create your own beautiful looking website in no time even if you have zero web designer coding experience they offer a huge selection of professionally designed templates which you can easily customize to make it unique you can even get your own domain directly from Squarespace so it's really a one-stop shop for anyone trying to step up their online presence by getting their own website custom portfolio or online shop I personally created two websites using Squarespace and I'm really happy with both of them their platform made the whole process incredibly easy and they have great customer service to help you out if you have any questions so if you want a free trial make sure to click the link in the video description and you'll even get a 10% discount for your membership all right guys as usual I'd really love to see what you guys do with this effect so make sure to tag me on Instagram if you post your work over there thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Made by Mighty
Views: 150,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: made by mighty, photoshop tutorials, stranger things tutorial, stranger things text effect, stranger things intro, stranger things effect, stranger things photoshop, stranger things photoshop tutorial, stranger things text, stranger things text tutorial, stranger things, mighty stranger things, mighty tutorials, stranger things opening, stranger things credits, stranger things netflix, photoshop tutorial, adobe photoshop, photoshop text effect, photoshop text, photoshop
Id: szY6ucK_w14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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