PHOTOSHOP TUTORIAL | How to Create an Epic Movie Poster Design

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what's up guys Eric Vasquez here with a brand new tutorial for you today from design cuts comm in this tutorial we'll be creating a cinematic movie poster in Photoshop to do this we will be using one style of the vs. typeface from Latino type which is part of the essential versatile font collection this all new font bundle has been meticulously handcrafted so whether you're working on a website branding social media or a poster project this collection has you covered in addition to this typeface we'll also be working with a handful of free stock photos from unsplash in a free movie poster credits template from studio binder we will then bring all of these elements together and composite our image to create an ultra-cool poster so if you're all ready to smash some box office records let's get started on our feature film poster design in Photoshop now to get started we're just gonna go ahead and create a new document and we want to make it 11 by 17 inches now I'm just going to go ahead and give my document a name I'm going to call it ultra movie poster design you can set the resolution to 300 and leave the color mode to RGB because we will mostly just be viewing this on screen and then you can leave the background contents at the black and click create from the lower right corner now once you create your new document come down here to the adjustment layer icon and add a solid color adjustment layer now all we're going to do here is make a solid black adjustment layer and then we can go ahead and delete the background layer now go back to the adjustment layer icon and add a second solid color adjustment layer and this time we're going to enter the hex value 3 a 0 B 1 8 which is this nice sort of deep red color and we're going to be placing that on top of our solid black adjustment layer from here come up to the View menu and make sure that your rulers are turned on and let's also make sure that the snap setting is checked off now once you've done that click over here on the left side to click and drag a guide out into the middle and it should snap into place and then do the same from the top dragging down to locate the horizontal center of the design now what we want to do here is select the layer mask on our color fill - adjustment layer and press G on the keyboard to switch to the gradient tool and now once you've done that we're going to select a radial gradient that fades from solid to transparent now if you're seeing a color other than black in here all you need to do is press D on the keyboard to reset your default colors and then press X on the keyboard until black is your foreground color and you should see that update here as well now before we continue we also want to go ahead and check off this box that says reverse and from here we're going to click our cursor in the middle and then click and drag outwards from the center so now we've basically faded this red color so that we have a nice vignette around the outside now from here let's go ahead and create another new layer press G on the keyboard to get our gradient tool if you don't already have it selected and then press X to toggle your foreground color to white now check off the reverse option up top here and click and drag outwards from the center of the canvas now doing this will create a white radial gradient in the center of the image which then we will change to overlay for the blend mode and then press the number 3 on the keyboard to reduce the opacity to 30% so you now have this layer which will just call overlay 30% and that creates a nice little highlight in the center now press command control and the semicolon to hide the guides and then command ctrl + R on the keyboard to hide the rulers from here let's go ahead and add another adjustment layer this time we'll add a levels adjustment layer and I'm just going to move this left slider in until it's set to around 15 or so and then reduce the opacity of this layer to about 20% by pressing 2 on the keyboard now once you've done that select the top levels adjustment layer hold shift and select the bottom black color fill layer and press command control G to put them all into a group folder double click the group one text and call this folder background now come up to the file menu and choose place embedded and what we're going to be doing here is importing our first free stock photo while these images are not a part of the freebies for this tutorial you guys can find the links for these downloads in the written portion where you can download them all and save them to a folder so once you have done we want to then bring in this first portrait image here this nice profile shot of this guy here and then we're gonna choose place alright so once we have this open here let's go ahead and scale it way up just dragging outwards while holding the shift key and we want to make this almost the width of the entire canvas here because this is going to be the focal point of our image here so click and drag outwards while holding shift or alt option and shift to scale that up quite a bit alright it's somewhere about there looks pretty good and then once you're happy with the size and placement press return or enter on the keyboard to apply the changes now press W on the keyboard to switch over to the magic wand tool and up here in the tolerance area you want to leave it fairly low so let's leave it set to around 12 and then you can just begin to sort of click on these areas in the background here to select it now you may have to hold down the shift key and continue clicking a few times just to make sure that you get the background but it should be a pretty nice job with just the magic wand alright so it may be a little tricky up here in the hair but you've gotten most of it and it looks pretty good alright so maybe grab one or two more areas of the pink background that she can grab okay and then what we'll do is come up to the Select menu choose inverse and then click on this add layer mask icon from the bottom of the layers palette okay so you should now have a pretty clean looking selection and we've just removed the background but if you want to you can always press B to get your brush tool come in to the mask with the mask selected and then just use a solid black brush to paint out any of the areas that you don't want okay or you can use white if there's an area that you want to bring back in okay so from here I'll press command ctrl J to duplicate this layer and then come up to the image menu and choose adjustments shadows and highlights now over here in the settings you want to make sure that your amount in the shadows are set to 35 the tone to 50 and the radius to 30 and under the highlights the amount should be zero the tone 50 and the radius about now what this is going to do is bring out the detail in the shadow areas or the darker parts of the image now this is a great trick that I use all the time if it's if I have a photo or an image of somebody with dark hair and I want to bring the detail out in the hair or if they're wearing like a black jacket or article of clothing and you want to see some of the detail there so let's go ahead and do that with this profile shot now once you've done that select the top copy hold the shift key and select the copy below press command ctrl G to put them both into a group folder and double click the group one text to rename this folder portrait now let's come back up to the file menu and choose place embedded once again and this time we're going to select another free stock photo from unsplash working with these clouds here and again you guys will find the links for this as well as the other images in the written portion of the tutorial all right so I'm going to zoom out here click and drag outwards while holding the alt option and shift keys okay and then we're going to scale this up quite a bit and position it somewhere along here on the bottom all right somewhere about there looks pretty good and then press return on the keyboard now from here with that layer still selected hold the alt option key and click on the adjustment layer icon at the bottom and now we'll click on the black and white adjustment layer and check off this box that says use previous layer to create clipping mask then click OK just going to move my properties to the side for a second now select the smart object layer once again come back down to the adjustment layer icon and add a levels adjustment now I'm gonna move the left slider in until it's set to around 43 to increase the shadows and then select B Y slider on the opposite side and move it inwards until it's set to around 219 or 220 all right so we're really just bumping up the contrast there I'll select the top black and white adjustment layer hold the shift key and select the main clouds image and press command ctrl G once again double click this folder name and we'll just call this clouds one okay now it's with that whole folder selected we're going to change the blending mode to color Dodge and then hold the alt option key and click on the add layer mask I come so once you do that we've applied an inverted layer mask which means that everything is hidden until we brush it back in so it's sort of just the opposite of a regular mask where you're brushing with black to hide areas so as you might have guessed we're now going to brush with white over the areas we want to bring back in okay so let's just go back for a second here I'm just going to disable the mask so you guys can see this whole mask is filled with black so if I come into this folder we're basically going to position the clouds where we want them alright maybe somewhere around here looks pretty good or you can even move it down a little bit more just play around with it a little bit experiment with the size and placement okay and now with that layer mask on switch over to the brush tool press B on the keyboard make sure you have a solid white foreground color and up here in the top toolbar you want to have a large soft edged brush so in order to do that you can use the keyboard shortcut shift and the left bracket key to make the brush softer and then press the number two to drop the opacity down to about 20% all right so that's going to allow us to gradually brush in some of the detail here on these clouds all right so I'm just going to start clicking around here bringing in some of these details and if you need to you can always just come back into that folder and reposition the clouds or an even easier thing to do is to hold the ctrl key and click on the layer mask choose disable layer mask and then you can see the entire image okay so if i zoom out I can now move these clouds around even more okay maybe somewhere around there and then all you have to do is click on that layer mask again to enable it okay so I'm just gonna continue brushing with white a little bit more just over a few areas of the image around maybe the neck and the mouth area over here just to bring in some of these clouds and create a little bit of a nice atmospheric effect all right you don't want to overdo it you don't have to go crazy with it but we just want to suggest some detail here now let's press command ctrl J to duplicate that whole folder hold the ctrl key and click on the layer mask and now delete that layer mask double-click the clouds 1 copy text and just rename this too now I'm going to come inside here and now let's reposition this next copy of the cloud now this time let's try placing this one higher up maybe somewhere up here looks pretty good and then press return to apply the changes now again hold the alt option key and click on the add layer mask icon and then with that same large white soft brush we're just going to begin brushing along the top of the image here and just click around to kind of see the parts of the clouds that you want to reveal all right so this is just sort of about experimenting you know playing around a little bit and just kind of making a subtle background here okay I mean we can come back into the other one bring some of the clouds in or if you want to get rid of any of these clouds simply press X on the keyboard to toggle your foreground and background colors and brush with black on areas that you want to hide okay you want to make that a little bit more subtle on the bottom here but something like that is looking pretty good once you're happy with the size and placement of the clouds here what we're going to do is actually put them into the background folder so select clouds to hold shift and select the clouds one folders and now click and drag into the background folder and place them just below that levels one adjustment layer ok so once you've done that that's going to change the appearance a little bit so now what we're going to do is select this portrait folder and we're going to change the blend mode to lighten okay so once we do that you can see that our image has changed quite a bit okay but we're just going to play around with this a little bit here and experiment with the way that this is looking okay so I think what we're going to do here is maybe resize this overlay layer a little bit I'm just going to shrink it down a touch and now we can come back to our clouds folder and maybe remove some of it or bring some details back in all right just that to get that looking a little bit better all right and then play around with the opacity of this levels layer here maybe I'm Pitt up a little bit so it's that 30% okay and then I'm also wondering if I should turn down the Reds a little bit here but what I think I might do instead is add a new layer mask so again I'm going to click on this mask here and delete it okay and then I'll apply a new instance of this mask instead okay so press command control and the semicolon to turn on your guides again press D to reset your default colors and make sure you have a solid black foreground color check off this reverse box here and now just click and drag out from the center okay so what I'm trying to do here is just create a little bit more of a balanced looking background all right and that's looking pretty good alright so you've got your portrait layer here set to lighten and you've got your background with the levels the clouds the overlay and the two solid fill adjustment layers now let's select the portrait folder add a layer mask press G on the keyboard uncheck the reverse option and then change it to a linear gradient and with a solid black foreground color still selected I'm going to click and drag upwards from the bottom here just to fade out that bottom edge all right see now you should have a nice faded image on the bottom here all right now the next thing we're going to do is come back up to the file menu and choose place embedded and now let's go ahead and select this bright neon sign image from the streets here with the guy sitting in the foreground which is one of our other images from on splash and we're just going to choose place maybe size it up a little bit not too much bigger okay and then we'll just maybe move it up slightly here and then press return on the keyboard hold the alt option key click on the adjustment layer icon and change this layer and select a black and white adjustment layer check the EU's previous layer to create clipping mask option and then click OK select the image again and now add a levels adjustment layer and we're just going to move this left slider in until it's set to around 39 or 40 all right somewhere about there now we'll put all three of these layers into a folder double click the group one text and call this city and now change the blending mode of this folder to color dodge right so you can already see we're starting to get some interesting looking blending of these two images happening we're going to once again apply an inverted layer mask here just like we did before so with the Citigroup folder selected hold the alt option key and click on the layer mask icon switch to a solid white color and then with your low opacity brush begin brushing in some of the detail here inside the shape of the head ok and you can see that as you gradually build this up you're getting this cool sort of almost double exposure type of effect all right and you're just bringing in different parts of the image ok and I'm trying to leave most of the edges and around the eye sort of intact right because we don't want to interfere with that too much but it's just about sort of finding a nice balance here so I'm gonna maybe hide some of this text at the top you believe in a few of these characters okay and that's looking pretty cool already so once you've got something that you're happy with let's come into the background folder and we can mess around with these clouds a little bit more alright I'm just going to turn them on and off for a second so I can see and all I'm going to do is paint inside this mask and maybe hide some of these clouds in the clouds to folder alright and then also take a look at clouds one and see if there's any areas that you just want to dial back or if there's any parts that you would like to push a little bit further all right but that's looking pretty good let's go to clouds one maybe just dial that back a little bit more and now what we can do is select the overlay there percent layer press command ctrl J to duplicate it press command ctrl T to do a free transform and now I can sort of scale that down a little bit by dragging inwards while holding the alt option and shift keys and I can sort of position it over or behind that neon sign there now if I were to bump up the opacity a little bit you can see that we're getting a brighter and more intense looking effect so here I think I'm gonna leave it set to maybe around 60 or so and that's really just going to push some of those highlights in the image now once you're happy with the way that's looking let's come back up to the top city folder okay and continue maybe just brushing and finessing this a little bit more just to create a nice-looking blend here alright and then let's come back down to the adjustment layer icon at the bottom and add a levels adjustment layer to the top and what we're going to do here is move the left slider in just a little bit until it's set to about four or five and we'll bring the right slider in until it's set to about 248 so just a minor sort of contrast adjustment that we're applying overall to the image now after that we'll apply a hue/saturation adjustment layer and for this we're going to set the hue to negative 180 alright to change up the color here and let's just go ahead and increase the saturation to about twelve all right so we're changing the hue and boosting that saturation that's already looking really cool now from here we'll come back down to the adjustment layer icon once again and this time let's go ahead and add a gradient map okay now over here in the properties you guys will see this sort of white to black gradient so go ahead and click on that and now we are inside of the gradient editor and this is where we're going to go ahead and change both of these colors so let's start by double clicking on this white box in the lower left here and we'll change that color to the hex value oa0 b2 click OK and now double click on the solid black color on the opposite side and change this to 0 0 FF 8 4 okay so we've got this nice sort of blue to turquoise gradient here and now we'll go ahead and change the blending mode of this layer to pin light and then drop the opacity down to about 40% all right so that's looking pretty nice now that we've kind of changed the color here we're gonna go ahead and just play with the city here a little bit more and like I said before guys you can come in here into the folder itself press command ctrl T and you can sort of move this image around a little bit play with the size and the positioning however much you want all right until you have something that you like I think this is looking pretty good I might make it a little bit larger all right somewhere about there looks good because I want to make this guy in the foreground just a little bit more prominent all right so now you guys can see what we have going here I'm going to select this top gradient matte layer hold the shift key and select the levels adjustment layer press command ctrl G to put it into a group folder double click the group one text and I will just call this global adjustments because it is affecting everything below this folder and if you haven't done so already be sure to go ahead and save your work before moving on now once you've saved your work click to add a new layer press T on the keyboard switch to the type tool and then click your cursor somewhere down along the bottom here now I'm going to type out the word ultra in all caps alright and to do this we are using the ultra style of the vs. font from Latino type but I should mention that in the full bundle you guys will have access to several more styles of this font it's a really nice versatile font that'll really save you guys some time and look great in a lot of your different projects so all I'm doing here is moving my cursor between some of these characters and tightening up the spacing by holding the alt option key and tapping the left arrow to decrease the space or alt option in the right arrow to add space but we don't really need to add space right now we just want to create sort of even spacing between the letters here now I'll press command ctrl a to select this entire line of text here and then pay attention to the character for a moment just so we can make a few changes here so I'm going to scale this down to about a hundred sixty-four point and then change the tracking here to negative twenty and leave the color set to white okay so we're just going to place this over here Center it at the bottom here and this is going to serve as our title but let's customize this a little bit and have some fun with the text here so we'll come back up to the file menu and choose place embedded and then go back to your folder where you have your four unsplash stock photos saved and this time we're going to open this cool gritty street texture and choose place okay and then just go ahead and press Enter or return on the keyboard now hold the alt option key and add a black and white adjustment layer check off the box here to use previous layer to create clipping mask and then once you've done that we're going to hold the shift key and select both of those layers together and then press command ctrl e to merge them together press the W to get your magic wand once again and this time let's go ahead and change the tolerance setting at the top here maybe to around 24% or so and then we're just gonna come down here to the pavement and maybe select an area of some of this dark gray concrete here just a small selection is fine come up to the Select menu and choose similar okay but that didn't really give me a great enough selection so I'm gonna try and select a different section of the image here let's maybe grab some of that and then once again choose select similar alright and that's looking better so we're just looking for a nice selection of some of this concrete texture along the bottom here so once you've done that return to the Select menu and choose inverse then we're going to create a new layer make sure that you have a solid black foreground color and then press alt option delete on the keyboard and what that's going to do is fill this selection with solid black on the new layer now from here press command ctrl D to deselect everything and now you can turn off that merged black-and-white texture layer alright so while we have this top layer here let's go ahead and rename this texture we're going to hold the ctrl key and click on the layer and then choose convert to smart object this way we can resize it and reposition it and not have to worry about it getting messed up or losing any quality in the texture all right now let's just press command ctrl J to duplicate that one time just so we have a backup copy in case we mess anything up with this texture copy layer selected I'm going to just position it over here on the right side and just pay attention to the way that this texture is sort of interacting with the first few letters of our title all right so you get these nice smaller kind of details in here some of these dots and looks like you know dirt and grit positioned over the letters and you can also maybe scale it down just reposition it and play around with it for a minute to see what looks good and what we're gonna do now once you're happy with the way that this texture is looking is hold the command ctrl key click on the layer thumbnail of that texture copy smart object layer and then turn off the visibility of that layer select that text layer come up to the Select menu and choose inverse and now click on the add layer mask icon okay so you can see what's happened there we've used the selection of the texture inverted it and then applied a mask all right so now you can see that texture inside of those letters there now turn the visibility of that texture copy layer back on and we'll continue to do this for the remaining letters I'm going to press command ctrl T to do a free transform and then play around with the size and positioning of the texture over the next couple of letters here okay so we can see how that looks if you would like you can also hold the control key choose flip horizontal maybe just to change it a little bit okay and I'm just gonna slide that over a little bit somewhere about there looks pretty good and then press return to apply the changes now once again hold the command control key click on the layer thumbnail icon to make a selection and then turn off the visibility of that layer now select the type layer once again but because we already have a layer mask selected and applied here we simply have to select it change our foreground color to black and then press alt option + delete on the keyboard and that's going to knock that texture out of the letters now once you've done that press command ctrl D on the keyboard to deselect everything and you've added some nice gritty texture to your title so speaking of title treatments let's select that ultra text layer hold the shift key and select the top texture copy layer press command ctrl G to put a new group folder double click the group 1 text and call this layer call this folder TT for title treatment now let's go ahead and add some more details to this so the next thing I want you guys to do is to download the movie poster credits template and install both of the fonts that come with it now I'm just gonna come up here to file open and I'll just navigate to that folder just to give you guys sort of a glimpse of what I'm talking about but inside of this folder here once you download the template you'll see you have two typefaces in here so just install both of those because they work with this PSD that we are about to open okay so once you've done that choose open here to open up the Photoshop file and once that is opened up you guys will have a couple of options here for some cool things that we can customize and select so now that we have this poster open we're going to turn off this top layer here and just leave on the white text on dark background folder and then we'll click here to expand it and inside of this content to edit folder the only one that I'm concerned with here is the billing block all right so I'm just going to move this tab to the side open up my main document here and then we'll click and drag this billing block folder into our main document okay so this is really the the only folder that we need out of here so you can now close the movie poster template well just go ahead and rename this we'll call it building block all caps just what matches everything else and then move it down here below the title treatment on the bottom okay and then we'll scale it up by clicking and dragging outwards while holding the alt option and shift keys alright so we just want to make it a little bit larger there now hold the ctrl key and click on the eyeball for the billing block group folder and then choose no color to row of that green color label now come inside of that folder and let's just go ahead and we can delete these first three layers so select them get rid of them there you go ok so now I'm just going to do a free transform to make sure that snaps in place in the middle maybe just tap it down a little bit to give a bit of space between the title treatment and the credits and then what we're going to do is zoom in here and since you've already installed the two fonts that come with this we should be able to modify the text here in the first line so here I'm going to change this to design cuts presents a DC production in association with DC Studios and I'll just put my name in here Eric fast quiz and let's go ahead and change this from movie title to the actual title of our movie here which is ultra and you guys can customize any of this as little or as much as you want but I just wanted to give you guys an example and show you how this works ok so once you've customized that a little bit let's just go ahead and double click on the building block group folder to open the layer styles let's apply a color overlay now click on the color here let's go ahead and change this to the hex value 0 ec 8 9 7 go ahead and click OK and then click OK once again and you can see that we now have some effects applied all right and then we can zoom out a bit let's come up to the top here we'll add another new layer press T on the keyboard to get our type tool and using that same font that tall dark and handsome condensed typeface let's add a couple of names up here for the cast so the first thing I want to do here is hold down the shift key and type out the name Alexis and all caps press return to come to a new line and then type out Vanderbuilt and all lowercase letters so they'll still technically be you know capitalized but they appear a little bit smaller when you do lower case versus upper case with this particular font press command ctrl a to select this entire line and then come up to the window menu and let's just open the paragraph panel and here we're just going to make sure that our text is centered you can also do that in the top toolbar here as well now over here in the character panel just take a quick look over here to make sure that your typeface is set to around let's say 30 point 5 for the size and then for the line spacing let's go ahead and change that to about 31 and we'll make the tracking setting 68 and now I'm just going to do a free transform to sort of position this up here towards the left side a little bit okay and then press command ctrl J to duplicate it command control and the left bracket to move this copy below the original press command ctrl T to do a free transform click hold the shift key and slide this layer over now I'll zoom in a little bit so you guys can see as we just go ahead and change these next few names so now type out the name Cassie and all caps select the last name and type out Lopes and lowercase letters and then again duplicate it place it below free transform click and hold the shift key to slide it over and we'll now continue and add the name Jake and all caps change the last name to Thompson and you guys can really put in any names that you want here these are just the ones that I'm using for this demonstration and tutorial but you want to end up with at least four or five names here just to kind of fill it out okay now what we're going to do is select that bottom name there hold the shift key and select the top name and then up here in the top toolbar you'll see that you have some align tools so click on these three lines here and then in the row that says distribute click on this one that's the second one from the right to distribute horizontal centers and that's just going to make sure there's an even amount of spacing between each of these names now with those layers still selected press command ctrl G to put it new group folder double-click on the group to text and just rename this folder cast and then press command control and the right bracket to move it to the top of the layers alright so at this point what I want to do is maybe reduce the size of the portrait and the city just a little bit so I'm going to select both of those layers zoom out and press command control T to do a free transform and let's just reduce that a little bit or maybe just move it down a bit okay and then we can bring it in a little bit as well just click and drag inwards while holding the alt option and shift keys okay and then we can maybe tap it up just a bit and if you guys get any of these weird lines I don't know if you can see there's a faint line here just above the head that's something in the portrait that we can just mask out so select the layer mask on the portrait press B to switch to your brush tool make sure that your brush is a hundred percent opacity which it is hold the shift key and the right bracket to create a hard edged brush and then with a solid black color click on one side of that line hold the shift key and just sort a drag all the way across to hide it okay and if you see any other little kind of strays in here just go ahead and clean those up while you're at it just so we can tighten up this election a little bit more because we're using a magic wand which is not always perfect alright so we're cleaning that up just a bit okay and now what we're going to do is select this little FX icon on the billing block folder by clicking the alt/option key then click on the FX icon and drag and drop it onto the cast group folder here at the top and you'll see that we've now sort of transplanted that color overlay effect that we were using onto the cast names okay so now go ahead and add a layer mask to that cast folder press a G on the keyboard to switch to the gradient tool and as long as you have a solid black foreground color selected with a black to transparent linear gradient we're going to click somewhere down here below the names hold the shift key and just drag upwards to fade them out a bit right just to create a nice sort of gradient effect here that adds a little bit of depth to those names and if you want to you can come in here and maybe just space them out a little bit more I'll select Alexis then Cassie maybe tap them over two or three times while holding the shift key and then select Peter hold shift and go the opposite way click while holding shift to select Jake and just click over a few more times while holding shift now we can select the top group folder hold the shift key and select the background folder all the way at the bottom press command ctrl G to put all these layers into a group folder and you can call this folder all layers or artwork or anything else you want as it contains all of our layers and subfolders for this poster design so that about wraps up our movie poster design in Photoshop now we did cover a lot of information here I showed you guys how to do some pretty cool looking effects like double exposure techniques some masking effects and how to apply unique and interesting textures to your type and hopefully these are things that you guys will be able to use in your own work but let's not forget this would not look as cool as it does without some of these great fonts here including this versus font again from Latino type but you guys can gain access to in the full bundle so there's still time to check out the essential versatile font collection and as I mentioned it will save you time and money with an amazing selection of high quality versatile ready to use fonts so go ahead and check that out guys and discover all of these amazing high quality fonts that you'll be able to use in your work right away as always we would love to see what you guys do with these fonts some of these techniques in your own creation so please go ahead and share that with us as always thank you guys so much for watching my name is Eric Vazquez and we'll see you next time
Channel: Design Cuts
Views: 48,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie poster design, movie poster photoshop, movie poster design in photoshop, film poster design, how to design a movie poster, create a movie poster, make a movie poster, make your own movie poster, graphic design tutorial, poster design, poster design photoshop, photoshop poster tutorial, poster photoshop, flyer, double exposure photoshop, double exposure poster design, double exposure poster photoshop tutorial, movie posters
Id: iOiRR9UFn00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 25sec (2245 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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