PHOTOSHOP: Turning a Bored Room into a Board Room #94

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Hi Folks Glyn here with a video tutorial for you this one is roughly 15 or 16 minutes long but I think you're going to find it really useful because we're going to do is show you how I research this picture when the original out of camera picture was this one here so i'm gonna show you how you can very quickly even though you didn't have a gray seamless background a nice wooden floor i'm gonna show you how come very quickly and very easily turn something as boring as the hiss into something like this okay before we go on with the researching just a few things to mention the first one make sure you check out the description part of this video on the youtube channel in there I've included links to three blog post that I wrote that explain the whole background behind this particular corporate photo shoot so you're gonna get to see how the images will let any challenges that we had how we overcame them why we didn't have the gray seamless why we didn't have the wooden floor but how we overcame that so definitely check out that the other thing is to make sure that you haven't already click on the subscribe button over on the youtube channel just here could click on that that way you'll get to know when any new videos if you like this kind of content you'll get to know any new videos have been posted rather than going hunting for them or looking at all different websites you get a little modification setup video has been done and then the last thing is always things and always things to do let's have a quick look the last thing for you to do is to make sure that you sign up for the newsletter if you're lucky you'll get one newsletter a month now as well as lots of news and items are like kind of stuff one thing that you do get a newsletter subscriber is the files to download the you actually see me using the videos so rather than you sitting there and watching me go through the tutorial and then trying to find a video / father you can use for doing on you'll have the exact same file so that's gotta be the best way to learn where you can actually have the file and follow on step by step and do exactly the same thing there are three things let's get on with the research in all right so one of the first things you need to do when you're actually going through this kind of technique is to make a selection of the people or the objects that you want to actually add into this new background now with this one here because the actual background is quite bright and it's very very contrasting compared to people it was very easy to select them but rather than actually using the quick selection tool and drag around the people are very very quick we're doing it was just getting the quick selection tool and dragging around the background and you can see that it does pretty much pick up that background and not the people really really simply and then only do literally just come into all the other areas that you would need to select you can see it's dragging into their no problems at all like so let's just take it off this guy's head just here and then once you've got the slaves from the background just going to select an inverse so you can see very very soups connect and inverse so you can see very very simple quick and easy to do now of course I've already done that that's not what this video is about and I've already got a selection made so let's just go to select and load selection i will actually call mine cut out and you'll see there we got the marching ants going around all the people and also includes the floor area as well now the first I'm going to do that obviously want to make it look as if we did have a large gray seamless that was big enough for these people and this furniture to be on we didn't have it but we can actually fake it and it works a treat now we're going to do then with the people selected what I'm gonna do first of all is go to the Select menu and choose inverse so I am now selecting the background war well first of all make the band background will look like that gray paper with the background selected on they're gonna go and get something like a levels adjustment layer and in the properties at the bottom we have the outputs a successful bar just along the bottom here which basically tells photoshop what's the gray . the black . and the white point within the image and what we can do with the output barberries got quite a bright background let's grab the bright point which is the white . i started to drag it in towards the center and as we do that you can start to see we can really bring it down to a really nice shade of gray because it's an adjustment layer if you're not happy with the gravy you choose you can always come back and all to it later on that's the magic of working non-destructively so we'll bring it down to somewhere round about there that would look like the kind of gray that would ordinarily have had the on the people so that's too bad ground done we now need to do the floor so to do that for one who's gonna get my quick selection tool and I'm just going to drag from the right and drag it all the way across to the left hand side of the image and first up is a pretty damn good job of selecting just that kind of floor area there there are so many as it picture of that I don't really want we don't have to be too accurate this one because when we add in the wooden floor it will hide all those areas anyway but obviously want to make this is good as possible so the one here i will get rid of it is just on this guy's and sole of the shoe just here that's just how hold down the alt or option key click and drag to get it off there as well so with the floor selected will do exactly the same thing as we did with the wall we're gonna get ourselves a levels adjustment layer will use those output levels the brighter . the white . over here and we'll drag that in as well so we can see now it actually starts to look like they were on a piece of grey seamless paper something around about there will be good all right now that we've done that we can actually treat it as if we ordinarily would have done with that great paper and we can start adding textures using blend modes like overlay and soft light so let's just add that nice texture onto the background now I've got one here one is going to click drag that over on top of my image hold down the shift key so it gets centralized so you can see now that's right at the top of the last back on top of the people now there is a little bit of color in this one and all i wanted to create a great texture so let's just be such right that then image adjustments and we'll go to where we desaturate and then just go to the blend modes of that layer changes from normal to something like over like so now we'll map itself onto that gray background wall there so that really does work really well but obviously because we put on top of the picture is not only on the background wall it's also on the people and on the floor so what we'll do now then is we go to the Select menu will choose load selection it's just going grab select the night and saved earlier on called put out which is the one that goes around the people and the floor as well and then what we'll do is on a hold on my alt or option key and then click on the layer mask icon at the bottom of the layers panel and when I do that it takes the texture off the people and the floor and just leaves it on the background itself so now got the texture on the actual background wall there we need to add in the floor area for this picture as well no I've got a great texture here this is a Down looking picture for down facing picture of a wooden floor a works an absolute treat in this i think i got this from someone like I stock photo this is click drag that over now into our picture hold down the shift key so it gets put right in the middle and all these are just hold down my shift key and with my move tool click and drag down was to drag it straight down and just reposition it just where the wall and the floor meet and just use the up arrow key somewhere out there looking good obviously we're looking from the camera . of view straight out these people but the floor is completely wrong with looking down on the floor we need to be looking across that so what we can do here is we can actually go and come under controlled t to get the transform handles and a floor and optional right click and choose perspective and this is where you can kind of fake the perspective of that floor five zoom out and i'm going to grab the bottom left handle here I could choose the bottom right and i want to do is just dragged out to the left and that's going to kind of alter the perspective of the floor so actually looks as if we're looking across it at the people as it would be in real life let's just drag it out just a touch more now that we've done that we've stretch it out we need to scale it down as those floor don't look too big so now in the right click and choose scale and we'll just drag it in was all the way down like so this is zoom in now so you can see what actually done so you can see now is change the perspective of the floor we now need to blend in and just like we did with the texture for the back wall we can just go over the last panel and use blend modes so go from north all to something like over life and you can see how it would great job it does of mapping onto that now great floor to look as if they read that really was there if we zoom in you can see the original shadows from the original photo shoo are all there as well so it just looks really realistic the only thing that we've got to get rid of is where we can see the floor cutting through the bottom area of these people's feet and on the furniture will do that manually just by adding in a layer mask getting a brush with a black foreground color and i'll just quickly come in and paint it off these areas here obviously are going really quickly when we do this for real we take out time so we get a nice accurate job done but let's just quickly get rid of that just here . and all the way across we can see just by using something as simple as a levels adjustment layer how we can completely transform picture that enables into adding the textures it's a real cool trick our thing not one that I've really seen that much before but it's a real life saver and it certainly was in this particular photo shoot here for this company so let's just go to here and just a little bit over on this guy's shoes on the left hand side something like so there we go it's just a quick job just to show you there we've only added in four layers so far we've gone from something like they're which isn't that inspiring to hear where there's definitely potential for us to do something and we can really change things are literally just by diving into camera or so let's dive into that now now before we do that let's just create a merged or stamp like the top of the last acts so we're going to shift all command a or shift option control and a two-game merged layer just rename that two merged and then because i want to use camera filter what i will do is work non-destructively will go and change that line out to convert for Smart Filters just so that if we want to we can then dive back in afterwards to make some changes we don't quite like what we've done so now we've got that layer is now a smart filter or smart object rather we can go to filter and then can roar filter and there is quite a few things you can do in here now I know for the floors just zoom out just a church actually is something like the gradient here let's go for the gradient filter graduated filter and I want to click and drag up from the bottom of my heart of our shift key to keep it straight otherwise it go all over the place the whole shift key we can drag straight upwards let's get the start . a little bit higher something like that and then i'll just use something like the exposure to dark and down the floor so that your eyes aren't drawn to it the one thing that works really well on the floor i found was clarity because it's got that wooden texture but I be really increasing that clarity slider there you can really see how it brings out all the detail and text within that floor looks a lot more realistic than just being a flat two-dimensional picture i think it looks great so something like that and i'm actually use another graduated filter we don't need to use the clarity on this one but I'm sure to click and drag down now too dark and down from the topics that background is just a little bit too bright for my liking so it goes to me like that we can actually bring the exposure down just the touch I had a couple more of these graduated filters in one from the left just a little bit let's drag that out like that and one more from the right as well somewhere whoops-a-daisy we don't want this is co2 to hear something like that's looking good let's just drag that out I think we're also going to get a radial filter to create a bit of vignettes what click in the middle and then dragged out was quite wide there now one thing I don't want to do is dark and down the floor too much with this vignette what kind of use it for the top so for Christ's a really big lips like that then click on that middle point and drag it downwards that should take you off the majority of the floor so that when i do adjust the exposure can see that it's mainly affecting the top part of the image like so something like that's good and then I'll get previous not the adjustment process is just playing around now just trying to finesse the image give it a bit more of an interesting look we can change the exposure and just had some different brush drugs here just a dark and down add some random shadow patterns onto that background as well so it doesn't look too uniform something like that is looking good again on this rushing through this to show you so we'll go for that is just click on the hand tool mounts that we go back to the normal basic tab over on the right hand side here that's just desaturate the image just to touch you a little bit of a boost of the old clarity as well as the touch overall clarity there looking good yeah it's just click ok now and come out of camera roll to see what that's actually done there so we can see there's the before and there's the after just with a few non-destructive adjustments what we can do is quite staggering now we could stop there but I get up and asked quite a lot about and how I actually do the color grading of my pictures so let's just very very quickly dive into that now there are lots of ways we can do that there's lots of options i shop and change to be honest with you I do like to use selective color but one thing I'm really like in a moment is using the Nick color effects pro for plug-in from google notice it's been discontinued to rob there's no support for it but it is a free plug-in so i will include the link to the download so you can get yourself a copy of that if we haven't got it already because it is a really cool bit of kit there is no support they're not going to make any more and updates for it but it's a great one to have their to use as and when to let me just show you how i use that on this particular picture will go to the filter menu and music collection and just using the color effects pro 4 and it's kind of a form of that I go through what I'm doing this particular kind of color graded and i use three of their presets and we tend to a giant I just I'm just a little bit the first one I go to excuse me is the cross processing on the left hand side you will click on the cross processing when we do that on the right hand side then we got all the options of different kinds of cross processing forms that we can use and I tend to stick with the very very bottom line here y is 0 6 and obviously we've got the strength we can increase or decrease depending on how strong we want that look to be but for my particular formula i always start off with this one around about 30-35 something like that we've done that we click add filter so now we can start to build up a bit of a recipe once you've done that I go from cross processing to cross balance this is a really good when we got again what a number of different options here . tungsten violent storms into third one and there's a few different varieties but as we just hover over them you can see what they're going to give you and this one there that one the fourth one down tungsten to die like one is the one I really like and we just died in the strength for that and for my particular former quite high on that one around about the 65 70 mark something like that leave around 66 click add filter so now we've got two elements in our little recipe and then finish things off our then go to colorize go to the method on the right hand side see which one by hovering over it is going to be usable number two for deaf and I'm really like in the color field is given to the image again we can use your strength but this one intend to keep quite low such three pass to my recipe here we have start off with cross processing cross balance and then color eyes is a really great way of actually color grading your images when you are either in a bit of a deadline which one experiment is a real cool we're doing it and it's free so you can go wrong we've done that we'll click add filter and it's just click ok now to send it from the color effects pro for plug-in back into photo shop takes a couple of seconds and there we go so you can see how cool hat looks let's just do it another one more little thing I've got my foreground and background colour here black and white so let's just desaturate again just a little bit and rather than using a plug-in it's just gonna do something like a gradient map please great for doing black and white conversions with a black my foreground color just by clicking on that gradient map adjustment layer in the top right hand corner straight out of the bag it gives you an absolutely stunning in black and white there's very little that you need to do with this i find it really is a nice little sharp black several great whites in it but we obviously are not going to completely such right it when you want to sorry completely desaturate the image to black and white we want to have it just a little bit of our fate in there and we'll take it down to maybe about about thirty percent or so something like that so again lots more that we could do to this image working on you know finessing it working on the skin tone because we don't have to look a little bit green slightly at the moment but this is just to get to the point to show you how you can very simply go from this here to this here literally just by darkening down your backgrounds give it that fake gray paper look and then you can dive in with your textures and just really quickly and easily add the mean using overlay blend mode to soft light or whatever it's a really cool trick and I find that I'm doing this more and more and more in an ideal world you would have a huge gray background for a group this size but we had to go with what we had and like i said before the start check out the blog entry which explains the whole background behind this corporate shoe and why we ended up having what we did but they go hope that's useful and yeah that's it I'll see you next time
Channel: Glyn Dewis
Views: 38,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Photoshop, Adobe, Compositing, Blend Mode, Retouching, Photography, Post Production, Techniques, Technique, Lighting, Lightroom, Camera RAW
Id: b44JrqinOuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2016
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