Photoshop Photo To Pencil Drawing and Sketch - Complete Guide

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well hi everyone Steve Patterson here once again from photoshop essentials comm in this video we'll learn how to create another classic photoshop effect this time turning a photo into a sketch in fact we'll learn how to create four different variations of the effect we'll start by turning the image into a black and white sketch then we'll look at three different ways to colorize it first using the photos original colors then using a single color and finally we'll colorize the sketch using a gradient and we'll keep our sketch effect non-destructive meaning we won't make any permanent changes to the original image by taking advantage of photo shops smart filters adjustment layers and layer blend modes I'll be using Photoshop CC here but you can follow along with any recent version of Photoshop and if you're watching this video on our website you also have access to the text version so you can watch the video or read through the steps anytime you like we've got a lot to cover so thanks for joining me and let's get started well here's the image I'll be using I downloaded this one from Adobe stock if we look in the layers panel we see the image sitting on the background layer currently the only layer in the document we need to make a copy of the background layer to do that click on the layer and drag it down onto the new layer icon at the bottom of the layers panel when you release your mouse button Photoshop makes a copy of the layer names it background copy and places it above the original next we need to desaturate the layer which means we need to remove its color with the background copy layer selected go up to the image menu in the menu bar along the top of the screen choose adjustments and then choose desaturate Photoshop desaturates the color leaving us with a quick and easy black and white version back in the layers panel click on the background copy layer and drag it down onto the new layer icon to make a copy of it release your mouse button and the copy appears above the other two layers with the copy selected go back up to the image menu choose adjustments and this time choose invert this inverts the image making light areas dark and dark areas light next we need to change the blend mode of the layer you'll find the blend mode option in the upper left of the layers panel by default the blend mode is set to normal click on the word normal and change the blend mode to color dodge this instantly turns the image white depending on your image you may see a few scattered areas of black but you'll see mostly white at this point to create the sketch effect all we need to do is apply some blurring to the top layer and we can do that using photoshop's Gaussian blur filter but rather than applying Gaussian blur directly to the layer let's apply it as a smart filter smart filters in Photoshop are in many ways just like regular filters but they have two big advantages smart filters are completely non-destructive and they remain fully editable a smart filter won't make any permanent changes to your image and you can always go back and change a smart filter settings at any time to apply Gaussian blur as a smart filter we first need to convert our layer into a smart object with the top layer selected click on the menu icon in the upper right of the layers panel then choose convert to smart object from the menu it won't look like much has happened but if we look at the layers preview thumbnail we now see a smart object icon in the lower right corner this icon is how Photoshop lets us know that the layer is now a smart object and because it's now a smart object we can apply Gaussian blur as a smart filter to do that go up to the filter menu in the menu bar choose blur and then choose Gaussian blur this opens the gaussian blur' dialog box we control the amount of blurring using the radius value and we can control the radius value using the slider I'm going to drag the slider all the way to the left this sets the radius value to zero or as close to zero as we can get and it sets my image back to white begin dragging the radius slider towards the right the more we drag to the right the more blurring is applied to the image and we can start to see our sketch effect taking shape lower radius values will create a sketch with fine thin lines larger radius values will create a more photorealistic effect I'll choose a fairly low radius value of around 10 pixels and here we see that it creates a sketch with very fine lines if I increase the radius value to something much larger maybe somewhere around 45 pixels I end up with a sketch that looks more like the original photo the radius value you choose will depend on your image the size of your image and the type of sketch you're going for in my case I'll go with the more photorealistic version for now click OK when you're done to close the Gaussian blur dialog box if we look in the layers panel we see that because we applied the Gaussian blur filter to a smart object Photoshop automatically converted it into a smart filter and we can see Gaussian blur listed as a smart filter below the smart object if you decide you're not happy with the amount of blurring you've applied you can reopen the Gaussian blur dialog box by double clicking on the filters name the dialog box will reopen to the last settings you applied drag the radius slider to change the settings I'll lower the value to around 10 pixels then click OK to close the dialog box and now we see that I've changed the look of my sketch if I want to change it back I can double click once again on the name Gaussian blur this reopens the dialog box I'll drag the radius value back to around 45 pixels and then I'll click OK and now I'm back to the more photorealistic version of the sketch so thanks to smart filters we can change and fine-tune the radius value as often as we like until we're happy with the results now depending on your image and how much blurring you've applied you may find that your sketch is looking too light with not enough contrast we can darken the sketch using a levels adjustment layer to add one click on that new fill or adjustment layer icon at the bottom of the layers panel then choose levels from the list Photoshop add a levels adjustment layer named levels one above the other layers to darken the sketch all we need to do is change the blend mode of the levels adjustment layer from normal to multiply this instantly darkens the sketch if it's too dark we can fine-tune the amount of darkening by lowering the opacity value of the adjustment layer you'll find the opacity option in the upper right corner of the layers panel directly across from the blend mode option the more we lower the opacity the more the layers below the adjustment layer will show through I'll lower mine to around 60% we've created our main black-and-white sketch now let's look at a few different ways to colorize it we'll start with the photos original colors the original full-color image is sitting on the background layer below the other layers let's make a copy of it by clicking on the background layer and dragging it down onto the new layer icon then click on the new copy background copy 3 and drag it all the way up and above the other layers when you see a white highlight bar appear at the top release your mouse button to drop the layer into place at the moment because the image is sitting above the other layers it's blocking the sketch from view we need to blend only the color from the image in with the sketch and we can do that by changing the blend mode of the layer from normal to color the sketch reappears and is now colorized with the original colors if the color is too strong we can reduce it by lowering the opacity of the layer keep an eye on your image to find the setting that works best I'll lower mine to around 60% so that's one way to colorize the sketch let's look at how to colorize it using a single color I'll turn the top layer off by clicking on its visibility icon in the layers panel this returns us to the black and white version of the sketch to colorize it with a single color we'll use one of photoshop's solid color fill layers click on the new fill or adjustment layer icon at the bottom of the layers panel then choose solid color from the top of the list right away photoshop fills the image with the solid color in this case black but we can choose any color we like from the color picker I'll choose a shade of blue to see what that looks like I'll click OK to close out of the color picker to blend the color in with the sketch change the blend mode of the solid color fill layer from normal to color then adjust the intensity of the color by lowering the opacity value if you don't like the color you chose you can choose a different one by double-clicking on the color swatch for the solid color fill layer this reopens the color picker where you can choose a different color you'll see a preview of the color in the document I'll go with more of a genta color this time and then I'll click OK to close the color picker again you can adjust the opacity value if needed finally let's look at how to colorize the sketch using a gradient I'll click on the visibility icon for the solid color fill layer to turn it off so we're back to the black-and-white version then I'll click on the new fill or adjustment layer icon and this time I'll choose a gradient fill layer this opens the gradient fill dialog box at the moment my gradient is set to the black to transparent gradient as we can see here in the gradient color swatch to choose a different gradient click on the small arrow to the right of the color swatch if you click on the color swatch itself you'll open photoshop Spray D and editor where you can create your own custom gradient we're not going to cover that here so if you've opened the gradient editor click cancel to close out of it instead click on the small arrow beside the color swatch this opens the gradient picker where we see thumbnails of preset gradients we can choose from to select a gradient double click on its thumbnail I'll choose the spectrum gradient right away we can see my spectrum gradient running from top to bottom through the document I'll change the angle of the gradient from 90 degrees to 135 degrees so that it's running diagonally which will add a bit more interest then I'll click OK to close the dialog box again our gradient is blocking the sketch from view to blend the colors of the gradient in with the sketch change the blend mode of the gradient fill layer from normal to color then adjust intensity of the gradient by lowering the opacity value as needed and there we have it that's how to turn a photo into a black and white sketch and how to colorize it using the photos original colors a single color or a gradient Photoshop as always I hope you enjoyed this video and hopefully you learned something along the way and I hope to see you next time I'm Steve Patterson from photoshop essentials calm you
Channel: Photoshop Essentials
Views: 574,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop photo to sketch effect, photo to sketch effect, photo to sketch, photo to sketch photoshop tutorial, photoshop essentials, photo to sketch in photoshop, photo to sketch tutorial, color sketch effect, photo to sketch photoshop, photo to drawing, photoshop pencil drawing, color sketch effect in photoshop, photoshop sketch, how to create a pencil drawing from a photo in photoshop, photo to pencil drawing, steve patterson, photoshop, tutorial, photoshop effects
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2017
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