Photoshop- Clone Tool vs Healing Brush & Patch Tools

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the clone stamp and the healing brush tools are related and do similar things but there are some significant differences The Healing Brush tools are the top one usually you'll see the bandaid on top and two down is the tool that looks like a rubber stamp this is your clone tool we're going to start with the clone tool first you get a brush just like you do anywhere else that I can make larger or smaller either up here or with my bracket keys the left of the right when you click an error message is going to come up if you've done nothing else first and people often just say okay and don't read what it's telling you but this message is important it's telling us that it can't use the clone stamp because the area to clone hasn't been defined we need to alt click to define a source point what clone is going to do is copy information from one place and move it someplace else it can be anything so we can make a new profile picture for this man and make him into a cyclops or you can correct damages to a photograph any place that I push alt I get a target and I can select anything I want and move it anywhere I want now my brush is going to affect how this appears so if I take and make a copy of the eye with a hard edge brush notice that that is very crisp and not blurry it all on the edge if I use the same tool I'm still on clone alt to define and click you'll notice I get a very flip blurry or fuzzy edge to the side of that eyeball but it is still all the same colors that it was before nothing has changed yet healing brush works very much the same we get a brush we can make larger or smaller you two need to alt click in order to define a source and you can click and place it places but there are some differences between what has happened with the clone tool and what is happening with the Healing Brush we're just gonna give this guy some eyes hanging around his universe I want you to notice that with the clone tool yes the brush changed whether it blurred on the outside but it is an exact copy kind nothing changed about the eye we just moved at someplace else but notice what the Healing Brush when I click on the blue black background it is matching those colors it turns brown up here in the hair and that is trying to match skin and shirt right here the clone tool gives you an exact copy it does not care where you are putting it it's going to do its own thing no matter what the healing brush instead tries to get along it cares about where its destination is and it tries to blend in and assimilate to wherever its destination was related to both of these is the patch tool it's hot found under the Healing Brush the patch tool gives you a lasso and the choice to either source or destination this selection I'm about to make if I keep it on source and drag my lasso you'll notice it's now filling my selection up there with my new clean edge so this is a pretty handy white now notice here we're having the opposite happening moving my eyeball up there so if I would like to clean up this area and repair it then I need to go and grab a clean chunk and you will probably end up needing to do it in pieces because you don't usually have enough of a clean area to do it all at once so the patch tool can be really handy when there are stray artifacts on your document or maybe you are just trying to clean up an area where maybe the grass wasn't there or you're fixing the clouds patch tool can be very helpful in that regard
Channel: Lorelei Lacey
Views: 29,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aC3eyz7evBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2016
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