Photorealism Step By Step Using Materializer (Blender Addon)

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hi everyone CG Seb here and we are back for another texturing tutorial this time I'm going to texture a simple object to uh show you how to create details on a simple example so here we have a belt and I will use my text Studio add-on but you don't really need it it's just to have a clean environment to texture it and have a better lighting so I import it to the texture scene and we're good to go so in this tutorial I'm going to use fluent materializer for the texturing part and show you how to reach a photo realistic result first of all I'm going to create bu material um I'm going to press F and add a Tre layer base we're going to later add a f layer to add a little bit more details so in the first layer this will be the base color as usual um I could change the color over there but then it's a plain color and uh it doesn't have a little bit uh of detail so I'm going to use another technique that is uh if you press shift a and search for uh U saturation value you can plug the color there and change the color of this U saturation and this will have the same result as changing over here but we have a little bit more uh room to improve the details with those settings so if we change the settings of this it will be affected by the fact Factor here and we're going to go in the grunch and grunch number five for example I going to plug the result into the fact and what it will do it will actually affect based on the black and white value of the grunch number five the value that you put over there so I truly advise you to enable uh the no Wrangler addon because this is a default blender add-on but you need to enable it and it will help you uh later on so if we press control shift click on this we see a black and white map for this object and we can actually change the settings and all the parts that you see over there will be affected in the U saturation so if I increase this so so you can see what it does it actually creates some variation in the color so that's a pretty cool effect I'm going to go I'm not going to go uh too crazy on this because this is a little bit too much so probably 0. n and I'm going to control shift click on this so we see the color first of all we're going to make this metallic because this is a metal uh buckle and uh we're going to go a little bit more crazy on the details in the base color um you can of course shift d to duplicate the U saturation value and put it after the first one select another grunch result into the fact control shift click to adjust this we're going to play a little bit with the coverage and we're going to control shift click on this one and we could increase a little bit more details so we have the details over here and a little bit over there so the more more you put the the the more detail you have you will have and uh also make sure that the level of details is not the same in the different uh crunches that you add so this is for the basic uh color uh we're going to play now with the roughness for the roughness you can choose pretty much what you want uh for this one I'm going to probably use the grunch number six because this is a little bit blurry uh crunch roughness good uh this is a little bit too strong I don't want to have a roughness of zero because this is very uh shiny up as you can see we can uh Orient it so we have a reflection on the object uh I'm going to probably go with something around point six in the minimum and s in the maximum good so once you have the roughness set you might need to readjust a little bit of color um as you want because the roughness is also affecting the the the color a little bit good so we have the roughness we have the color and now we're going to go with the normal so for the normal I'm going to move those a bit stay here select the layer and go to normals in the normals you have a paint detail too this one is is pretty cool it has a lot of details uh in it and we can increase the strengths a little bit to see uh the different settings right now it's a little bit too uh big we need to make it smaller so to make it smaller we increase the scale good um I will let you play with the different settings if you happen to have a big uh drops of paint uh you can actually change those settings uh the paint drop strengths you can decrease it if those are a little bit too big uh on your object and you don't really want this effect so that's for the normal I'm going to use the second layer for the decal so I've made a image decal so we can press F add image and select our decal this will automatically add an empty I'm going to press G and control to snap it to the face I'm going to press s to scale it down a bit and right now we don't see the decal on the object and this is because we need to select the object move the node decal and then plug it into the mix layer and don't forget because we control shift click on this layer to see what this layer is about we are connecting over there so we don't see the mask here so we can go back to the principal bsdf and contr should shift click on this one and the decal will appear of course so I'm going to rotate it by pressing R and z z to make it more oriented like so and put it pretty much in the center I'm not going to go in details on this uh you can adjust it as you want this this is just for uh the tutorial so great we have a decal we have the base paint and I would like to add a little bit more details to this because this is a clean decal and we see that the metal has a little bit of uh paint variation and uh it will have some damages in the future so let's add some damages to this um the like a stickers that has been uh a little bit scratched to do so I'm going to use uh a difference node so press f h click on difference and put it over there and this will actually substract everything we put in this input will be a substract to the decal so we will remove uh the decal a little bit at some point so I'm going to use a grunge uh grunge number five is nice because we use it to add a little bit details on uh the color variation so it's nice to keep things with the same uh style so as you can see directly it's remove a little bit we can play with the seed change it a bit can play with the of of course the the scale and everything uh I I like this one and to make it a little bit more like it is a sticker that comes uh that that is stuck on the metal uh we're going to use this output and plug it into a bump node so search for bump select height and plug the normal over there and right now we have this effect that is uh a little bit more uh something that is stick on the surface great so I'm going to choose the same material for the button to open the buckles and this is time for the damages now so the for damages I would like to actually make something a little bit dark like um a dark color we're going to use the mask of course and uh for the mask first of all I'm going to use a grunge so probably grunge number three I'm going to plug it uh into a old Edge node so all Edge node is by pressing F and clicking on all edges notice that this all edges is not uh working with EV you're going to need to use the edge node instead so this is for cycle because I'm working with cycle so we're going to plug the grunch result into the texture so this will affect the all Edge I'm going to plug the old Edge into the mix so you see that if we put of course the roughness 8 and increase the darkness of the borders we're going to get this dark effect on the edges and and because we plugged in a grunge node it will affect the all Ed so if I remove the grunge from the texture boom this is everywhere on all the edges you can have so if you plug the result in a texture it will make it a little bit more uh realistic a little bit more random right now I'm going to go to the imperfection and choose the scratch node because we need a little bit of scratches uh not something too big I'm going to plug the normal into uh the last layer and in also the normal of the first layer so because this is used by the detail pain detail I'm going to plug the normal into the normal stack of the pain detail and it will add up uh the normal of the scratches and the normal of the pain details so that's uh that's pretty cool um I'm going to control shift click multiple time to switch to the mask so we are going to be able to uh change the settings of the scratches going to play with the Distortion and probably uh the scale good and decree inrease the probability and click a few times just a little bit on the seed to uh match the scratches uh where we want them to be so let's let's see how this goes I'm going to to shift click on the principal bsdf and probably increase the strength of the scratches so there is a scratch over there here so it has a little bit of details everywhere a cool trick is to actually um add up the this layer of um I don't know dirt this is not really dirt because this is black but uh uh this we can also put it inside the scratches because right now you can see the scratch scratches are uh the same color as this and we can assume that the scratches have inside uh a little bit of um material like this one so I'm going to press F choose lighten put it over here and go back to the scratch select the mask and plug it there and it as you can see it increased Ines the uh the color inside of the scratches so it's time for the damages I'm going to select the principal bsdf press F and click on mix layers so there is a new layer and this is where we're going to add the details of the damages so uh press F while selecting the mix layer press F click new layer we'll have first layer and second layer so uh the first layer will be this and the second layer will be the damages so the damages will actually be a light gray metallic because this is the metal uh behind the Paint so we're going to scratch the paint and see the metal behind it so that's why we make this layer for the mask I'm going to use multi multiple effects so to combine them I'm going to press F and click on mixer and this will mix multiple mask together so that's uh something we can plug directly into the mix layer over there and we will then plug different mask so I'm going to use the local mask the local mask you can access by pressing F and click on local this will import an arrow in your scene you can move it by pressing G then hold control snap it to the face and scale it down a bit I would like to remove a little bit of paint on the button because this is probably where uh this the paints will be scratched uh after pushing the button uh multiple times uh the with times the the the metal will be scratch a bit so let's scale it down and right now we see that is um a mask that is a little bit diffus and we're going to use the texture input of this mask to make it a little bit more interesting so let's select all those nodes and make some space over here so we can work on the local mask for the local mask as usual I'm going to use a grunch probably grunch number three and plug the result into the texture and directly here it has become a little bit more interesting so that's pretty cool uh but how to make this a little bit more like this is used a lot in the middle like the paint is gone really in the middle and a little bit less on the outside basically we're going to need to increase the coverage a bit and decrease the details here so it is a little bit more diffus on the borders and probably increase a bit the blur good so that's for the basic of this um to make it a little bit more interesting we're going to use a mask node just after the decal Mi mixer so shift a click math plug it here and then put it to greater than and boom you see that we only see uh the middle you can play a bit to increase or decrease the effect of it and this looks a little bit more like uh something that is has been scratched over time so this is cool we can of course move it a bit put it in center of the button great can play of course with scale and uh the different settings in the grunch to uh see the different result um that's nice but we don't see really uh the separation between the paints and the metal behind it and we're going to use a bump node after the greater than so let's move this a bit can shift a search bump plug the output of the greater down into the height and the normal into the layer don't forget to click on invert and we see a little bit more the separation depending on the lighting of course you will need to uh turn around but we see a little bit more the separation between the paint and the metal behind it so we will continue with those local mask over uh multiple places and use the mixer to directly mix all those local mask and details so I'm going to use uh all edges again so pressing F all Edge and plug the mask over here and we're going to duplicate shift d the grunch number three and plug the result into the texture and the reason why we duplicate it is because we're going to change the settings because for the old Edge as you can see it's a little bit too much it's affecting a little bit too much because the coverage is actually too big so I'm going to decrease the coverage to only affect some parts of uh the belt great uh I will let you as usual play with the seed and uh the scale and uh coverage to only affect the area you want so the all edges is affecting pretty much uh the entire object and if we would like to actually damage some parts let's say this part needs to be damaged a little bit more because we have the belt that is going to uh scratch it a bit with time so let's let's press F local G hold control to move it over here press s to scale it click again on the object and move the local mask here so I'm going to put this at the bottom and put all the local mask together because we're going to reuse the grunch for the texture input plug the mask into the number two mask and boom this is affecting this uh this is a little bit too much so I'm going to play with the scale of it so I'm going to reduce this increase this a bit and you might need to rotate your uh Arrow here you're empty pressing r z and z and then rotate so it actually goes along here and if you play with the scales you will see that now it is affecting here so probably needs to rotate again to align with the border and this is a little bit too broad so might need to actually play with the different scale until you see it matches what you want so that's cool it's pretty cool detail that we uh added and because it is plugged to the decal mixer it will automatically be plugged into the greater than and we will have this effect of a scratch a lot in the middle and uh with only the borders affecting here if you see your local mask is going to deep that is projecting uh behind the object you can actually go to the Z scale and increase it a bit so it doesn't go uh outside of the surface so for the belt itself I'm going to create a new material belt I already uh UV un wrapped uh it because uh this is not a part in this tutorial so I'm going to not waste time on this one so for the belt I'm going to press F use a two layer mask um I'm going to go actually to the Fabrics section and choose a leather so for the leather I'm going to plug the color the normal and increase of course the roughness .98 and I would like to make some greenish color probably a little bit too saturated but I would like a green leather so increase a bit strength of course we're going to change a bit this and this is for the basic of the color so it's time for uh the damages for the damages I would like to copy what we did a bit with the first damages we added here um I'm going to use like a dark color of course of course I'm going to put 8 here and let's use for example a grunch number five plug the results into the mask of the Mis layer increase a little bit of darkness and this is a bit too much so if you increase it a bit the coverage you will see a little bit bit of dirt everywhere so that's pretty cool by the way we can uh select this and make it like the same material as the bule and also usually when you have a belt it is a little bit damaged on uh the sides so to do so we're going to use again uh the all Edge mask so press F and select all Edge I press F select lighten put the lighten just after the grunch and the old Edge inside this so you can see the old Edge is affecting the entire edge of the belt and to improve the texture we're going to choose another grunch plug the result into the texture and this will actually make more variation to the dirt so that's it for this tutorial I hope you enjoyed if you did please leave a like and see you on the next one
Channel: CG Seb
Views: 1,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, fluent, fluent materializer, blender addon, texture, texturing, procedural metal, blender 4.0, blender tutorial, photorealism, realistic texture, blender texturing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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