Photopea 101 Workshop - 7/28/2020

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alrighty hello and welcome to photo p basics my name is hannah i'm an instructor at par library and today i will be assisted by my chat facilitator caitlin please say hi caitlyn hi everyone awesome um some ground rules before we get started your mics have been muted on purpose if you have program related questions you would like to ask please do so in the chat which can be accessed at the bottom of your zoom screen your text will be seen only by panelists not all attendees any inappropriate behavior will result in your removal from this virtual program we will try to answer the questions as we go along but there will be time for q a after the lesson is over a recording of this class will be sent out at a later date if you are on a computer right now and would like to participate as we go along please navigate to p-e-a and let's get started all right so i'm at um so what is photop photop is a free online based software used to create and enhance photographs and illustrations it is on par with photoshop but it is free and you don't have to install any software this software can support many different file types jpeg which is the most common um image format tiff cr2 those are some raw files you can edit in here and even photoshop documents themselves all right and we're going to be um doing two different types of editing today one of them is indirectly by using layers which i will explain as we go along and then directly by rewriting the properties of the pixels themselves um there should be at some point some example files posted in chat that you can navigate to and download and work alongside me with um or you can just you know pull up some random images you might have on your computer let's see here caitlyn are there any preliminary questions before i get started not at this time okay perfect all right so i have gone to and i'm going to select open from computer since i already have these images downloaded open from computer and i'm going to do photo p example photos and let's see here i'm going to do lighthouse i'm going to select lighthouse select open and da da da da a an interesting tidbit about photop is that it does not automatically save files to your computer as it is a web-based software so you will have to manually save your file as either a photoshop document if you would like to return to it and edit it some more later or as a jpeg if you want to save all of your changes you're gonna have to save that manually to your computer if you wish to exit your browser and not lose your work so you know if there's a big power outage or your computer shuts down or something like that just make sure you're regularly saving your files to your computer manually let's talk workspace first this workspace is very very similar to photoshop itself up here where you can see file edit image layer select all that fun stuff that is called the top menu or the file menu this is where you will find commonly used functions such as file for saving and exporting edit for fill stroke and transform and image for all sorts of adjustments as well as some other attributes up here you can explore at your leisure over here in this right hand area is the layers panel we're going to talk about layers as we go but you're going to want to pay attention to which layer you're on it's very important to make sure you're editing the layer you intend to edit and you keep everything pretty organized in this program over here on the far left where all these fun little icons are that is your toolbar the toolbar contains all of the commonly used tools for photo editing such as the move tool up here the lasso tool right here which is used for selecting and a fun one that i like to point out is the clone stamp tool which we will probably cover later in the lesson um each of these tools they are organized based on function so we have our selection tools right here the marquee and the lasso tool and if you can notice it's very tiny but there's a little tiny um triangle in the corner of this tool that means that there is uh there are sub tools in that little collapsible menu so if you right click it you can see that there are sub tools that are they do the same process but just in a different way so we're going to focus on that later up here underneath that top menu or that file menu is the options bar this options bar will have varying customizable aspects for the tool you have currently selected so right now i have the move tool selected if i change this to the text tool now we have options to edit text so it's going to change based on what tool you have currently selected all right okay so we're going to go ahead and dip into what are called adjustment layers adjustment layers are a great way to non-destructively edit aspects of your photos such as brightness hue and saturation and color so if you notice over here this is your layers panel and then this tiny little icon down here that is a circle that is half empty half full that is your adjustment layer icon that's how you can add new adjustment layers so i'm going to select this once left click it once and i would like to edit the brightness and contrast of this lighthouse photo so i'm going to select brightness and contrast and it created a new layer and it is above the background layer um the best way that i can describe how layers work in programs like photoshop and photo p is try to think of them as sheets of stacked plastic so you have your background layer at the very bottom and then you have this sheet of plastic on top that you can edit various aspects there we go like that and also you can turn this layer off at any point in time and remove that little sheet of plastic that makes sense once you have your brightness and contrast layer up play with this slider bar dragging it left and right and play with the contrast as well to see where you would like your lighthouse brightness and contrast to be i just wanted a little bit darker of a photo so i'm just dragging brightness down a little bit and i don't want the contrast too high because you lose some details so i'm dragging the contrast down just a little bit as well and i'm just going to toggle that layer off and on to see the before and after by selecting this little eye icon for after okay i'm going to go ahead turn that layer off and i'm going to show you how to select a very specific area of your photo are there any questions before i move on to this next aspect caitlyn you're good all right so i turned my layer off i can also delete it completely so i'm going to go ahead and do that delete selecting that little trash can down there and let's say if i didn't want to apply brightness to the entire photo i only wanted to apply it to half or a very specific section i'm going to left click this rectangle select tool or this marquee tool keyboard shortcut of m select that and i'm going to left click and drag i'm holding down on the mouse left click and drag from this upper left of this photo the middle lower portion of this photo to where i'm about halfway over that lighthouse then i let go and you get this little dotted line so once again i selected the marquee tool or the rectangle select tool the keyboard shortcut of m and left click and dragging from the upper left to this lower middle point of the photo and then i let go and i get that dotted line all right so i'm basically telling photo p i want you to apply the change in this area of the photo and nowhere else i'm going to go back to our adjustment layer new adjustment layer down here that little circle with the half filled half notch select that and go up to brightness and contrast all right and if you notice i don't know if you can see it i can't zoom in unfortunately but on the layers panel you'll notice on the brightness and contrast layer now there is a little rectangle that shows half white half black and that is a little visual representation of the selection that you have just made so i'm going to drag brightness way down finally see those clouds and let's see here very nice yeah i applied it to half of the photo so if you ever need to do a gradual change like that um you can deselect what you're working on with your lasso tool selected just left click anywhere and it will i'm sorry your marquee tool and it will get rid of that little dotted line area just left click anywhere all right so that's a before and an after any question process yes yes we have a question awesome yes um so we have someone that wants to know if when you delete a layer does that adjustment then get lost yes so if i were to delete this brightness and contrast layer i have it selected you can see it's this darker gray outline just delete it and it is gone forever um you can do control z to undo your delete um or if you don't want to lose it forever just toggle it off and it will still be in that pile essentially of you know those stacked sheets of plastic but it won't show up so i tend to have a lot of layers um that i don't have visible just because i don't like to delete a whole lot of stuff but it will go away forever once you hit that delete button awesome any other questions or follow-ups to that that was perfect thank you okay perfect all right so but let's say if you want to get even more specific you don't want to apply it to your whole photo you don't want to apply it to half of your photo you want to apply it to let's say this lighthouse only um let me show you how to do that i'm going to select the zoom tool keyboard shortcut of z as in zombie and i'm going to left click and i'm going to get real close to that lighthouse a little too close i'm going to hold alt and zoom back out alt click okay so i want to apply a change just to this lighthouse i can't do that with the marquee tool um i'm going to select the lasso tool keyboard shortcut of l l is in love left click that lasso tool and i'm going to let's see i'm going to start up here the key point to the lasso tool is you want to meet up with your origin points you want to do one continuous shape that meets up with your starting point so i'm going to left click and drag as best i can with a mouse this will be a slightly frustrating process if you don't do this regularly so please keep that in mind and you don't have to make your selection perfect so let's say i accidentally went super far out i'm still going to meet up with my origin point i'm going to get that little dotted line that appears but i'm like oh no i accidentally went way outside of that lighthouse i don't want to select this part out here so with my lasso tool still selected if i hold alt on my keyboard and draw a shape around that area that i did not want to select it will deselect it that's as long as you're holding alt you will be able to take away from your selection if you missed a section like i know i missed this little railing down here with your lasso tool selected you hold shift click and drag to draw around that area you missed and it will add your selection so alt takes away and shift adds so it's a very handy tool if you aren't really great at drawing with your mouse just yet okay so i want to if you notice with the marquee tool or the rectangle tool it made a very stark line down the middle of where brightness was being adjusted and where it wasn't so i'm going to make this transition a little bit smoother so that people might not notice it as much and we can do that through this process called feathering so with your lighthouse selected right click anywhere on your canvas and hover over modify has a little sub menu so right click hover over modify and then go down to feather select feather and i'm going to do i'm going to do 10 pixels this is where you're gonna have to do a lot of experimenting on your own for your your own photos feathering basically softens the edge of your selection to where it blends in a little bit more if you feather it too much your piece might get washed out it might look like it's heavily photoshopped so just play around with feathering and softening the border of your selection until you get kind of a seamless effect so i'm typing 10 pixels i'm going to select okay it looks like nothing changed but trust me it's going to look a little bit better and instead of brightness uh i would like to adjust the saturation so i'm going to select new adjustment layer down here that little circle and i'm going to go to hue and saturation instead because i want this lighthouse to just pop i want it to be super colorful so i'm going to drag saturation up i'm going to drag it all the way up well a little too much so i'm going to drag it to about a 30 area okay and i'm gonna left click anywhere to get rid of that line and i'm gonna zoom out and see what that looks like so i hit z on my keyboard i'm holding alt and then i left click much better all right before and after just that red is a little bit more poppin the bricks look a little bit more colorful i just like adding that little extra emphasis onto that lighthouse very nice are there any questions on that process caitlin not on that process um but someone was curious if they should be able to use sweater p with their ipad and apple pencil oh that is a good question um i haven't tried photop on any other device other than a windows laptop but if you do try it out let us know if it works i i know this is web browser based so as long as you can pull up chrome i think is the the preferred web browser that photo p likes imagine if you can pull that up on your ipad it might work um [Music] no we did just get someone else chiming in and that they are able to have it work on their ipad i think it might just depend on the browser i think the recommended is like hannah said uh google chrome don't use safari as what i've seen so far cool all right i'm glad we have some some techie people in there able to give us some some wisdom awesome any other questions i can answer before we move on um i think we're good all right so let's see here i feel like editing i'm gonna go up to file i'm gonna go to open and let me see here i'm gonna show y'all um kind of the same process again with yellow flower i'm going to do open so let's see here i go back to lasso tool and i'm going to left click and drag over one of these petals all right and i'm going to right click i'm going to hover over modify i'm going to select feather for this one i'm going to have it be 5 pixels just because it's a smaller area to select it's not an entire you know lighthouse just one petal hit okay and let's try let's see what black and white does actually let's see very nice so you can turn a part of your photo black and white by selecting the lasso tool selecting a part of your photo and then selecting adjustment and then black and white i did notice on this photo because i am a perfectionist there is a spec on that pedal down there and i just can't have that so let me show you guys how to get rid of imperfections in your photo okay so i'm gonna go ahead and delete the black and white layer we can return to that later i'm gonna delete that and i hit z on the keyboard and i zoomed in to where this little spec is down here and i'm going to make a copy of this background layer because what we're going to cover now is um what's called destructive editing we are going to be rewriting the pixel of the photo itself which um is a permanent quote-unquote change so i like to circumnavigate that by making a copy of the background layer so that if i mess up i can just delete that copy and start over so navigate to your layers panel on the right and right click background with that pretty little flower and select duplicate layer all right and it created a layer one above it so we can edit to our heart's content and delete it if it gets too weird all right so i mentioned the clone stamp tool earlier it is one of my favorite tools in photoshop and photo p so navigate to your tools panel over here toolbar and select clone tool with the keyboard shortcut of s as in sam all right and you'll get a little circle uh wherever your mouse is and think of that as your brush your brush diameter and in order to get rid of this little speck up here we have to sample from an area so dip our paintbrush into an area that doesn't have a speck so we can tell photope hey take the paint from this area and put it on top of this speck to get rid of it so with the clone stamp tool selected i'm going to hold alt on my keyboard and it's going to turn into a little cross and i'm going to go just above the dot a little spec and i'm going to left click once and i'm going to let go of alt and if you'll notice it gives you a little preview of the area you just selected so then i'm just gonna left click over that spec and it goes away it's pretty neat a little before and and after okay look at that it's a perfect perfect little flower now no specks all right are there any questions on the um black and white tool or the clone stamp tool just yet and not just yet thank you all right let's see here if there's any yeah there's a little speck right there but i think i'll leave that okay let's see here let's do a fun process next that i do all the time on my own photos i'm to go up to file i'm going to go to open and let's do blemish i'm going to click on blemish click open so i'm going to teach you guys how to get rid of blemishes in your photos let's see here we're going to be using let's try the spot healing tool first either way i'm going to make a copy of my background do right-click duplicate layer just to make sure i'm working on layer one so if i mess up at all i can just start over and delete it so over here is the spot healing brush tool it looks like a little band-aid so left click that has a keyboard shortcut of j and you get a very tiny tiny little brush diameter the key to using the clone stamp and the spot healing tool and the healing tool is that you want your brush diameter that circle to be a little bit bigger than the area that you are editing so to increase the size of that you could go up here to your options bar select that little drop down triangle and increase it manually but i like to hover over the area that i would like to edit so i'm going to zoom in there we go and i'm going to select j so i'm going to edit out this blemish first and i'm going to use the bracket tools or bracket keys excuse me on the keyboard i'm going to use the right bracket key to increase the size of my brush diameter and the left bracket key to decrease the size of it and i'm going to try and get it just right maybe i'll increase it just a little bit more and let's see here i'm just gonna left click once it's gonna take a little bit to load but bam it makes that blemish disappear i'm trusting photop to fill in the details of the surrounding skin to get rid of that blemish so i'm going to show you an alternative way in a little bit how to do that if photop is kind of not doing a great job at it let's see how it does with this blemish over here this one might be a little bit harder i'm going to increase it to be just bigger than that red area and i'm just going to left click let's see what happens loading oh it is taking a little bit i will say that photo p is a little bit um slower and a little bit clunkier than photoshop but it is free oh hey you did a really good job all right i'm gonna do a little before and after phenomenal all right now up here can get a little bit more difficult whenever you have strands of hair and other things in in that blemish area so let me see here i'm going to right click this spot healing tool on the toolbar and i'm going to select the healing brush tool this is a slightly different way you can do the same process but it's a little bit more in your control and less in photopeas control so let me see here i'm going to sample right up here i'm going to see if this will work i'm going to sample right up here where there is no blemish no redness so it's the same process as the clone stamp tool so i right clicked and i went to healing brush tool instead of spot healing brush tool and i'm going to hold alt down i'm going to left click this unaffected area and let's see if i can line that hair up not quite let's see left click boom okay i'm going to sample again alt left click let's see hmm not quite maybe i'll sample up here okay so it's kind of piecing it together a little bit by a little bit let's see sample from down here that one left click alt left click left click all right so it's all about resampling different areas because you don't want the sample from an area that has a lot of shading like right here if you're going to be working on an area that has a lot of highlights so if you're editing on the cheekbones they're going to catch more light or if you're editing underneath the eyes it's going to be a little bit more shaded so you want to make sure that you're sampling from an area that has the same ish color properties and the same ish brightness and contrast if that makes sense so i'm gonna hold alt left click and left click on there looking good now let's see if the regular spot healing brush tool can handle this little bit bigger area with the hair so i'm going to right click my little band-aid again and select spot healing brush tool all right let's just see if it can apply to this whole area let's see what happens i'm just gonna left click it's gonna take a little bit please type any questions you have into chat while we are waiting happy to answer them oh yeah that did a really good job before after i'm going to zoom out and maybe you guys can see before and after much better all right let's see if it can handle this one in the hair a little bit because i always have a lot of difficulty editing that out myself so i'm using the bracket keys to increase and decrease the size of my spot healing tool all right let's left click and see what happens perfect all right photop is actually really good at guessing what content to put in there very nice okay i think that pretty much covers that spot healing tool are there um any questions on how to do that process anything i need to show again could you reiterate the shortcut keys used for before and after sure so the before and after i don't know if there's actually a keyboard shortcut for it but i go over to my layer panel and i was working on layer one instead of background and i just toggle that little eye icon next to that layer toggle it off and on just by left clicking it with my mouse so that's before and after it's a great tool so you can kind of keep keep your workflow in perspective and make sure you're not over doing the editing and make sure it's all real subtle changes [Music] we have a question about um how do you do is it a file save when you've achieved your final result or is there another method of saving in photo p absolutely so i'm going to go up to file and i prefer to save all of my files as a psd or photoshop document if i want to return to them to edit them later so i like to do that by default and it will just download it for you but if you're done with your photo you don't want to edit it anymore you can go up to file and then export and i recommend exporting as a jpeg because that is the most common file format for photos that phones can read computers can read printers all that fun stuff i'm going to select jpeg and let's see here i like to bump up the quality to 100 percent so i don't lose any pixels it's the same qualities whenever i uploaded it and i just make sure jpeg is selected and it will download it to your downloads folder awesome that's how you pretty much export in photo p um i like exporting as a photoshop document so i can go back and edit it later because photo p will open up photoshop documents i've tested it by working in photoshop and then bringing that photoshop document into photop and it works and vice versa i can download my photop document um as a psd and open it up in photoshop and it's perfectly fine we have another question about file type um does photo p have any issues with opening or viewing any type of graphic file or is raw file fine oh i've uh imported raw files perfectly fine i don't have an example unfortunately today but i'm able to import all of my i typically use cr2 because i have a canon camera i'm able to import cr2 with no issues it lets you edit the brightness and the saturation of it and same as photoshop but i haven't run into any other file type issues i've only tried cr2s photoshop documents and jpegs so as far as i know those are all working just fine for for me does that answer that question it does thank you um do you think you could go over a brief um kind of overview of open source software and how photop um kind of it doesn't affect ownership i do not feel qualified to go over fortunately i wish i could help but um i'm pretty new to photo p and so unfortunately i don't have an answer for you on that one would anyone like to learn about teeth whitening next i know i would are there any questions uh for for anything remaining i i think you're good to move on okay all right let's see here i'm gonna go up to file and open and let's go to white and teeth down here all right so teeth naturally have a yellowish tint to the enamel and if you would like to have your teeth have a pearly white shine and you want your face to be blemish free you can do all of that in photopea all right so i'm going to zoom in i'm going to hit z on my keyboard and i'm just going to zoom into those teeth and i'm going to use the lasso tool now just like with photoshop there are a ton of different ways to do the same thing so the way that i do it might not be the most uh might not make the most sense but it's how i kind of trained myself on it so please look up some alternative methods to see what works best for you but for now let's get started with the lasso tool so i hit l as in love on my keyboard you can also go over to the lasso tool on the toolbar and select it and the tricky part i'm going to left click and drag and i'm going to select half of these teeth because i want to show a little bit of before and after so let's see here select these teeth and like i said before if you find that you missed a part of the tooth hold shift with your lasso tool selected and you can click and drag and add that back to your selection or if you went way out of line and want to deselect an area hold alt and it will take away from your selection so you want to make sure you get as close to the border of those teeth as possible awesome i'm gonna right click my selection i'm gonna hover over modify and i'm going to select feather for this one i'm gonna stick with five pixels because it's not the highest resolution image and let's see here i'm going to select okay and let's do an adjustment layer so go down to that circle again let's do color balance i'm going to do you can either do brightness or color balance first it does not really matter which order so basically there's always going to be a little bit of a yellow tint in people's teeth so i like to add some blue because the opposite of blue is yellow and we want to just take away some of that yellow and i see sometimes there's a tint of red so let me just take that away um by default color balance opens up in shadows so i like to do a little bit of editing and shadows and then i like to hop over to mid-tones mid-tones are just an all-around adjustment i'm just going to take away some more red add a little bit more blue okay and then i'm going to now that i'm happy enough with that color editing i might return to it i'm going to go back to new adjustment layer and i'm going to bump up the brightness because we want a pearly white bright smile you don't want it to be too bright because that gets a little bit weird but brightening it just enough to give it a natural kind of glow all right let's zoom out i'm going to get rid of my little selection much better okay you can kind of compare it to the left side of teeth of the teeth this is much wider a little bit brighter but not kind of obviously photoshopped you want to make sure whenever you're making changes they're subtle looking much better i think this tooth right here is still a little bit more yellow or maybe a little bit more red than i'm comfortable with so i'm going to select my lasso tool again l on the keyboard and i'm just going to draw around this tooth i think it needs a little bit more editing gonna right click hover over modify select feather five pixels just fine and let me see here i'm gonna go back to color balance and i'm going to stay on midtones i'm going to add a little bit more blue oh that looks much better i'm going to take away a little bit of red and let's do the same for the brightness drag that up just a little bit okay i'll drag that brightness down just a smidge that's looking much better all right okay well um y'all already know how to do the export you go up to file export as and jpeg are there any questions i'll just be kind of editing some photos and doing some fun stuff if anybody has any questions about photobeam we did have a question if um if someone has a gap in their teeth is that something that photopeak can fill and still have a beautiful smile hmm that is a good question i think it's possible let me think you could use the clone stamp tool but you would run into the issue of so let's say if this actress had a had a gap right there i could use the clone stamp tool to kind of pull the tooth over and pull the other tooth over but you might run into the issue of having wider than normal teeth i guess depending on how big that how wide that gap is um you might be able to use the clone stamp tool there is also another option let me see if i can pull this off let's see i'm going to make a copy of background and i'm going to have my lasso tool selected and let's just see if this works i'm going to select this tooth let's see here i'm going to turn off these layers just in case i'm going to hold control and i'm going to tap c as in cat and then i'm going to hold ctrl and tap v as in victor and let's see photo p wants to see text okay awesome and let's see i'm going to use the move tool so you can in photo p select a certain area of your photo hold ctrl tap c is in cat hold ctrl tab v is in victor and it will paste that somewhere on your photo so you could essentially kind of move that booth over and then erase the border just a little bit to kind of make it blend but once again you might run into that same issue of um a very wide tooth whenever the other one doesn't look kind of as the same width hopefully that answers that question i haven't personally tried to do that but definitely the clone stamp tool is one of the um in my opinion one of the most powerful and one of the funnest tools in both photoshop and photo p excellent we have another question they were wondering if you could demonstrate uh coloring sections of a black and white full photo hmm that is something i have not done personally but let's see if i can wing it so i do have a faded photo okay let's see here so first the first thing i like to do in faded photos is i like to repair kind of the uh the hairs and stuff like that but let's see maybe i can use the lasso tool let's just see if i can color this this man's eyes i haven't ever tried to color in flesh before i think that's where a lot of the artistry lies in uh color editing but let me see i want to use the lasso tool i'm going to select this man's eyes just the irises hmm maybe i can pull this off let's see okay and let's just barely feather this because there's not a whole lot of pixels in here select two and [Music] i might use the brush tool but let's see if color balance will do anything okay just add some blue maybe add some green hmm let's see here mid-tones oh kinda he looks a little ghostly a little ominous but that might that might be a way to do it um there are extensive tutorials on how to colorize photos in photoshop i think we might even have one on our youtube channel from a year or two ago um photoshop if you watch photoshop tutorials you can pretty much do the same thing in photo p i think the keyboard shortcuts will be different so if they say press k on your keyboard it might not be the same exact tool so definitely find some photoshop tutorials on how to colorize a photo because i'm not sure if that's exactly how it is best done but he has blue eyes now let me know if y'all have any other questions i'm just gonna clone stamp some of the flaws out of here very nice alt left click i've bumped the opacity down to make this a little bit smoother alt left click much better all right that's improving oh there's one thing i like to show with the let's do the pink flower let's see here i want to show you guys how to apply a vignette sometimes in your photos you want to apply a little artsy filter um i'm going to right click the rectangle select tool i'm going to select the ellipse select i'm going to draw a shape a little bit bigger than this rose by left click and dragging all right then i'm going to right click i'm going to select inverse so i basically want to apply this effect to everything but the area that i've selected select inverse and i'm going to right click and do feather this time i'm gonna do let's see what 70 pixels looks like we want to make this border very very soft and very gradient let's see hmm 75 doesn't quite cut it but that's all right let's see all right all right so i got a little bit of color in there so the flower really pops for after awesome let's try that with the yellow flower again here let's try a little bit bigger okay feather 70. let's try that here two black and white all right that looks pretty cool you know very colorful a lot more subtle any other questions i'm just gonna keep on playing for a little bit another this time all right i'm gonna do feather let's do 75 very nice get a little bit of a gradient effect on this one from left to right and if you notice it fades pretty smoothly you don't see a stark do this you don't see a stark difference this is with no feathering applied as you can tell right where i drew the line this is much more gradual kind of artsy i like that we do have a couple of questions that have trickled in so we had someone request that you kind of go over the the color change on the flower one more time okay and someone also wanted to know um is the feather it's affecting the edges of what you're selecting correct yes so it basically let me just turn all these off um if i did not feather at all this is the effect of black and white that i i put in there and you can see there's this very strong line you can tell that there's an obvious border to that selection if i feathered it you can't really see the line it just kind of gradually fades out fades in it's a much smoother smoother area okay and as for the other question they wanted to know how to go through the black and white making a photo look black and white again um no the um they just wanted to know well their initial question was to just see the color change of the flower one more time okay let's see here lasso tool this time i'm going to select two petals so as the last opal selected i'm going to meet up with my origin point and i'm going to right click i'm going to hover over modify and i'm going to select feather and i definitely don't want 75 pixels this time i'm gonna do let's try five i'm gonna select okay then i'm gonna go back down to the new adjustment layer icon i'm gonna select that once and i'm gonna go up to you can do hue and saturation or color balance um hue and saturation if you want to just kind of change the overall color of your petal you can make that color really pop but if you would like you can also just do color balance and just have mid-tones selected you can kind of add if i wanted that to be a lot more orange you can add a lot of orange just add some other colors you go go to highlights yeah you can do some varying adjustments in there to kind of change the color i like to play around in hue and saturation a lot just because it's just a lot of fun to watch the colors change really quickly you'll keep it a nice bright purple nice hopefully that answers that question i think it did um would you also be able to demonstrate how to remove an item from a photo sure um let's say if i wanted to remove this leaf up here um let's see clone stamp tool keyboard shortcut of s and i'm going to make a background copy right click duplicate layer of that background and i'm going to increase my brush diameter and i'm going to increase my opacity because i had it turned down a little bit before let's see if 80-ish percent [Music] let's hold alt next to your your unaffected area left click and just looks a little rough i'm going to turn the opacity down hold alt left click and just kind of paint it in still looking a little rough might take a few passes to get this to look decent i know you can also as an alternative um duplicate layer lasso tool oops select this area control c control v and then use your move tool you can just kind of drag the background over and then clone stamp the edges see here that's where you kind of get it to blend in a little bit more a couple of different ways to do it in a in photop all right okay um we are at the end of our program um a little bit of resource information for you guys photo p does not have two terribly many video tutorials out there um this is it's a very small team that is working on this free software so they do have a tutorial on like a tutorial page on their site um learn photo p and it covers workspace navigation how to do all of the processes in photop there are some tutorials on youtube that you can utilize i don't know which ones to recommend really but i highly recommend just getting into photo p and just playing with every tool and every aspect there is also a source available for all plano public library card holders called book a librarian if you have any questions you would like a follow-up or um anything like that you can google plano book a librarian use your card number your library card number type that in and we can schedule a 30 minute one-on-one session tutorial on a software or subject of your choosing as long as it is not rocket science or something extremely specific and complicated normally we can help you guys out um all right that is it thank you guys so much for joining us for photo p basics have a great rest y'all's day
Channel: Plano Public Library
Views: 52,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plano, plano texas, plano tx, ppl, plano library, plano public library
Id: fj-X514xp7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 47sec (3527 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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