Photographing the LANDSCAPE/Huangshan, CHINA

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay our first stop in China was Hong shun or yellow mountain now then if you're thinking of going to yellow mountain and you don't like steps then you might want to think twice because there's supposedly up to 60,000 of them in the area so there's a lot of up and down stair climbing now the way you get to hong Shan is there's actually a bus that will take you to the base of the mountain and then you take a cable car up there's several that go up there and there's several hotels up there there isn't any cars or anything like that up on top of the mountain so if you need help with your gear you can always get a porter to carry it for you but we opted to carry our own because well I'm just cheap that way hello hello everybody hope you're all doing really well sorry about the background noise here there seems to be some construction going on in China after a long and arduous trip we finally made it to our destination and that's yellow mountain or mount when shun I'm sorry can't pronounce it the area is known for its pinnacles very dramatic pinnacles and these beautiful pines that I think they're called black dragon pines or perhaps that's one of the species that grows here but the scenery is absolutely spectacular I'm just blown away by the the drama of the peaks here now right now the clouds have kind of moved in so can't really see an awful lot right now every now and then the peaks will will reveal themselves and it's just absolutely just just blows my mind alright we did have quite a bit of snow last night and it seems to be like it was a more of a nice rain or a sleet so it's stuck to the trees a little bit but it's melting quite fast it's it's warmed up considerably so I'm here with my partner Karen and we're just gonna wander around and see what we can find I'm there's just so much to photograph I'm a little overwhelmed right now so the trick is to trying zero in on one aspect or one kind of area of photography and then just stick with it because if you if you get distracted by all the other things that are happening around you then it makes it extremely difficult to come away with you know half decent shots so we're just gonna walk around kind of get our feel for that for the area we're here for three nights so and we're staying on top of the mountain here in a hotel so perfect all right [Music] [Applause] all right now Karen I have been wandering around it it's just absolutely spectacular it's really hard to kind of figure out what you want to photograph because it's just you know it's just so overwhelming what's really cool are these pines is umbrella pines and then the black dragon Pines and so I I've decided just to isolate these these Pines here while it's quite foggy out every now and then you'll you'll see that the pinnacles out of the fog but I've got a composition here that I quite like and I just move around here there's a few things in the way here but I love the shapes of these trees so I've got the the dark trunks kind of silhouetted and then hopefully you'll be able to see the the frosted needles of the trees we're kind of on the I think we're on the the north side so this seems to be more there seems to be more frost and snow on this side but I think you can kind of see this it you have these silhouettes of these trees and they're kind of sweeping down the hillside here they almost look like they've been pruned but I don't think they have it's just from the wind and the weather over many many years you know but I'll take a few images and I'll show you what I have I've also taken some of the pinnacles down the hill here the mist kept coming in and out so I was kind of you know every time I could see the one of the pinnacles I'd take a shot really quickly like right now that the Sun is trying to come out yeah it's just spectacular area I could spend a long time here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's funny the scenery in this location was really stunning but I was actually drawn more to the the pine trees I just loved the shapes and course with the ice kind of all the needles I just found them just beautiful [Music] the lights worked quite well in my favor with the fog there were a few times throughout our stay where the fog did clear and I actually preferred to the scenes with the fog it just kind of added a lot more separation from the foreground trees and the background much like at home here [Music] now as far as processing goes most of the images that I've taken on this trip I don't know I I I'm processing them a little bit different I'm really opening it up the shadows and kind of subduing the light I really love that soft light look so most of the images that I've taken on this trip with the sand dunes and the mountains I've really tried to keep them quite light and open and I haven't done an awful lot in processing most of the work is done in Lightroom just a matter of opening up the shadows and really brightening up the highlights to the maximum without blowing them out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right now I got up first light this morning but I didn't take any video because I was rushing around trying to get some shots it was just a magnificent morning I was hoping to get a really good sunrise but of course I didn't get up early enough there's an awful lot of photographers in this area so getting a good spot you have to get up even earlier and I'm just not prepared to do that but what I have been doing is photographing the like it's midday right now so I'll be photographing the fog kind of going in and out and now and then you can see the peaks beyond here so it's really quite something and we still have quite a bit of frost on the on the trees here and that's what I really like actually like the frost more than the the sunrise to be honest with you so Karen and I are gonna be hiking up towards an area up here there's a big balance rock and there's a overlook up there so we're going to see what we can find up there I think we're going to be coming back next year because we're only here for our three days total and that's not really enough like coming just enough to give you a taste of the area but you know it takes you a day or two to really kind of get your bearings and then you kind of know where to go for photography [Music] so in terms of weather probably the best day was our third started off really nice had a nice sunrise and then as the day progressed it got cloudier and cloudier and as we went up higher up into the mountains it started to get socked in but carol and i discovered her a really great lookout and it was funny because that's where we met the rest of our group that we were going into the gobi desert with [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] so I did manage to take a whole bunch of images just before the clouds started to move in and the snow started to fall and I was really happy with these shots they really have a lot of mood and drama to them [Music] now granted the light wasn't terribly dramatic but I really loved that combination of the peaches poking out of the clouds and as the snow started to fall it really added a lot of drama to the scenes [Music] [Music] so I was quite happy with these photographs now in terms of processing these again I really brought up the highlights to the point where they're just about blown out and I also lightened up the shadows considerably because I really wanted to that light ethereal feel to these images and I think I've done a reasonably good job at that [Music] [Music] so his huangshan worth the visit you bet it is for a first visit I was really happy with the images that I got the weather could always be a little bit better but you know you have to kind of take what you're given an actual fact after we went to the Gobi Desert we changed our travel plans and ended up going back to yellow mountain for another three or four days because we just loved it so much the first time but I'll leave that for another video all right everybody thanks ever so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video this was more of a travel log type of format rather than a how-to and tips video but I do hope you enjoyed it and if you did please be sure to give me a thumbs up and as always if you enjoy the content of my channel be sure to subscribe alright everybody have a great week and until next week bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Adam Gibbs
Views: 27,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CHINA, landscape photography, huangshan, photographing the landscape, adam gibbs, adam gibbs photography, photographing mountains, umbrella pines, winter photography, landscape photography editing, black dragon pines, yellow mountain, landscape photography in china, quiet light photography, epic mountain photography, photographing trees, woodland photography
Id: YDupt4_RW7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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