Phone Call with General Eisenhower during Cuban Missile Crisis

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JOHN F. KENNEDY: Hello? SPEAKER: Yes, please? JOHN F. KENNEDY: Hello, is the general on the-- SPEAKER: Yes, I'll put it on here, sir. Ready. JOHN F. KENNEDY: Hello? DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER: General Eisenhower, Mr. President. JOHN F. KENNEDY: General, how are you? DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER: Pretty good, thank you. JOHN F. KENNEDY: Oh, fine. General, I just wanted to bring you up to date on this matter, because I know of your concern about it. We got, Friday night, got a message from Khrushchev, which said that he would withdraw these missiles and technicians and so on, providing we did not plan to invade Cuba. We then got a message, the public one, the next morning, in which he said he would do that if we withdrew our missiles from Turkey. We then, as you know, issued a statement that we couldn't get into that deal. So we then got this message this morning. So we now have to wait to see how it unfolds, and there's a good deal of complexities to it. If the withdrawal of these missiles, technicians, and the cessation of subversive activity by them-- well, we just have to set up satisfactory procedures to determine whether these actions will be carried out. So I would think that if we can do that, we'll find our interests advanced, even though it may be only one more chapter in a rather long story, as far as Cuba is concerned. DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER: Of course. But Mr. President, does he put any conditions on whatsoever the-- JOHN F. KENNEDY: No, except that we're not going invade Cuba. That's the only one we've got now. But we don't plan to invade Cuba under these conditions anyway. DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER: No. JOHN F. KENNEDY: So if we can get them out, we're better off. But if-- DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER: That's correct. I quite agree. I just wondered whether he was trying to-- knowing we would keep our word, whether he would try to engage us in any kind of statements or commitments that finally one day could be very embarrassing. Listen, suppose they got in-- Suppose they start to bombard Guantanamo. JOHN F. KENNEDY: Right. DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER: What I'm getting at-- I quite agree this is a very, you might say, conciliatory move he's made, provided that he doesn't say that-- JOHN F. KENNEDY: Oh, well, I agree. Oh, yeah, that's right. I think what we've got to do is keep-- that's why I don't think the Cuban story can be over yet. I think we will retain sufficient freedom to protect our interests. If he-- DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER: That's all I was-- JOHN F. KENNEDY: If they engage in subversion, if they attempt to do any aggressive action, so on, then all bets are off. In addition, my guess is that by the end of next month, we're going to be toe to toe in Berlin anyway. I think this is important for the time being, because it requires quite a step down, really, for Khrushchev. On the other hand, I think that, as we all know, they just probe, and their word's unreliable, so we just have to stay busy on it. DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER: Yeah. As I've observed before, Mr. President, [INAUDIBLE] these people do not equate-- and I think it's been a mistake to equate-- Berlin with Cuba or anything else. They take any spot in the world. They don't care where it is. JOHN F. KENNEDY: That's right. DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER: And then it's just the question is, are you in such a place you either can't or won't resist? JOHN F. KENNEDY: That's right. Yeah. DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER: [INAUDIBLE] into Tibet. There's nothing you can do with Tibet. Up that mountainous country over there. We couldn't even reach it. And so what we could do then is [INAUDIBLE],, that's all. Now, so they get to-- and they probe when you can't do anything. Then if they get another place where they think that you just won't for some reason or other, why, then they go ahead. So I think you're doing exactly right on this. Go ahead, but just let them know that you won't be the aggressor. But if the other [INAUDIBLE] then you've always got the right to determine whether the other guy's the aggressor. JOHN F. KENNEDY: Well, we'll stay right at it, and I'll keep in touch with you, General. DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER: Thank you very much, Mr. President. Bye. JOHN F. KENNEDY: OK. Thank you. SPEAKER: I put it right through. Waiting.
Channel: JFK Library
Views: 4,218,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John, Kennedy, Presidential, Library, Musuem, JFK, John F. Kennedy, DDE, Dwight Eisenhower, Cuban Missile Crisis, Khrushchev, Cuba
Id: IyArUh8eqJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 24sec (264 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2016
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