Phonak meets guitar legend Paul Gilbert

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so high near for achæans I'm here with no other than the legendary Paul Gilbert the one-of-a-kind and a new ambassador for for a hearing aids for our brand he's a guitar virtuoso best known for the work with Racer X and also with mr. big and he's put a lot of soil piece out so we're really glad to be here thank you Paul thank you it's good to be here to thank you for helping me here on what I'm offstage that listening to incredibly loud amplifiers alright so I have six questions for the sixth string master here so the first one would be you as an ambassador for our brand what was your personal journey how did it how long did it take you from your first signs of hearing loss to get sick with Marvel it took a while before I realized that that my hearing loss was me I would blame it on other things I would think like although they just mix this movie with the with the voice is really low and that's why I can't hear and finally I've said realized actually it is me and also a friend of mine who works for one of the one of the heads of the Ernie Ball guitar string company he had phonak's and he said Paul you you got to get these gonna change your life and he recommended the Phonak brand he also recommended his audiologist and he said it's really important you have an audiologist that you work well with and it turned out it was this guy who would do had done the hearing is for Frank Sinatra and so I started you know freak slash as the older you know generation so I was picturing it would be this old guy turned out it was a guy younger than me and it he was you know full of energy it really nice and audiologist is basically like your sound engineer you know if you're if you're a musician you get your sound man and if you have hearing aids your audiologist you know the adjust the EQ and and the way the the hearing aids work and so it's a really important job and important that your relationship with you know with how you work together and it's good so I went to see that audiologist and one of the things that he did for me was he said I'm not gonna give you full power right away he said to get used to these I'll give you about 60% and come back in a couple of weeks and they'll put you up to full power and it was really a nice way to ease into it and man you know it really was life-changing to be able to not just give up because it gotten to the point where with with speaking and understanding and speaking of course I could speak but with with having a conversation understanding things and most situations I've just give up and go like well I'm not gonna be able to have a part of this conversation and I'll just go email them but how did you change second question how did they change your life as a musician them I could turn down a bit especially cuz I give so many lessons I have an online guitar school with with I've done almost 8,000 guitar lesson videos and so these are when I give a lesson video it's really different than playing on stage with a band you know for flagons wear earplugs that is try to protect my ears if it's loud enough my kitty with earplugs you have in my ears I can hear what I need to but offstage now I'm giving lessons like I could turn my amp way lower which helps me you know preserve my earring and it's just it's just nicer it did not have to blast myself offstage keep it lower while but I can hear the clarity of the high notes a whole lot better so third question from our rd guys what has not been invented yet what would you like to see in the hearing aids well it's funny I mean everybody is a different age and has a different comfort level with technology and I know that you know the new ones do amazing things with blue cheese on talking directly to television all that stuff and I tend to be pretty straight ahead like I just wanted to sound good and loud and when I talk to a person that it's helpful and you know it works a little bit of the technology but it is you know I think because I I hope I don't look that old but I'm you know I'm in my 50s and so so there has it may eventually I learn how to do that stuff fund I'm slow going so besides that it's just mainly well it's funny not only with Phonak but with a lot of my you know other equipment is or guitars and amps you know the less than same question or what do you want it's like it's all working don't change it if it works great well number 410 we're at the no so last time I saw you was in Zurich 1991 they want a concert with white lions so whether you were still up using your guitar with the little machine yeah so how would you describe your musical journey from then to now the new records well we hold the biggest thing has been a very recent thing which is I've evolved into becoming a lead singer on like a top and so which is good because if I get a cold on the road like I have now you know my voice you know it's not reliable and but the guitar I've always got the high notes and it's just wonderful play melodies on like it's our seems like a simple concept but guitar players with my generation don't do that we typically backup the lead singer and then when our solo comes we just burn and go crazy which is not as melodic as a singer would be so I'm really stepping into the end of the shoes of a lead singer with what they would do and it just opens up a whole world of what I can do in the guitar that I never tried people really enjoyable I have a question about these crazy names you have for your songs I own a building murder by number or my chief Elroy drum set how do you come up with these well murder by numbers is the cover songs that was the sting came up without the police but mighty through the drum set that goes back to when I was like 11 years old and whenever I was like you know playing guitar thinking about music I would keep time with my teeth oh and my mom said you have to stop doing that you're gonna grind your teeth down so now I use my foot and always helping the fun at four to keep time and then I'm keeping the drummer from his bag and then oh I own a building that was inspired by rent a building to do a video which is the standard thing you know if you want a little cool you got a big warehouse you know separate stuff so you have to rent the warehouse cuz I don't own a warehouse but the guy who did all the warehouse was there and he was so excited about his warehouse he would keep it stopped again see say like hey I know you guys working but you gonna come up and see the attic and look at the bank vault room and the kitchen and all the storage and he was I'd never met anyone who was so excited about their building and so it inspired me to write a song about him called I own abilities alright so last question for our guitar effects Seattle's out there tell us what makes our signature model this fireman so special it it just feels it sounds so good it is funny too late it's actually a Ibanez Iceman that's their slipped upside down and I didn't really know if that would work in fact I was even surprised that they built the first one point but as soon as I got that first one it was like oh this is really good you know just did this it's actually got a lot of wood compared to some other guitars and just having that much wood makes it resonate really well but balances really well cuz the upper horns long just I just love it so much it's fine it's nice to build because I a lot of the fans will bring their environment guitars we're be the side and I always like you'll pick it up play a little bit it's like man this is it feels like mana so it's nice that the stock one feels so much like the instrument I play on stage basically the same thing okay well that's actually the only question so as you know we're a Swiss company and it's about cows and so I thought I could bring you three gifts Swiss milk of course so number one would be of course Swiss chocolate oh that looks good I think that's for Marlon for your son well it makes it whole I'm met then there's over so wishes I mean at the Swiss lemonade made our the plane oh really great tastes like nothing else in the world I've been trying a lot of a old that's been of least you say I have a yoga building so I own a cow so well at least my family owns a cow you own a car yeah so this well my family owns account oh and this is the Swiss cheese right from the out from that castle oh yeah no that was me there's really close the degwin was packed so don't worry I'm excited about that right so that's it thank you very much for having us back safe here for all right wise I'm really thinking what kind of a pig I'll take that chance thanks a lot all right thank you [Music]
Channel: Phonak
Views: 2,061
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: phonak, hearing aids, Paul Gilbert, sonova
Id: U6AgmWfG6OA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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