Phoenix Earthship Tour

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so we are just outside of Taos at the Phoenix ship this is a VRBO you can rent it for a night and we did that last night it is also for sale if you wanted to buy the Phoenix airship this is one of Mike's older airships so that's a little bit different in design but he likes to keep this one because I can show you truly what it might be like if you were to grow all of your own food within your house which is really cool so this would be what you might consider the granddaddy of them all as far as airships are concerned so an Earthship is a house and the term airship was coined because on a ship you have everything that you need to survive and so everything you need to survive is contained in this house airships are made out of 40 to 45 percent recycled materials as you can see here we have a glass bottle wall when coming in you saw some can canisters that held some plants in the top and you're gonna see a lot more recycled materials as we go through here so the Earthship collects rainwater and it filters it through and uses it for all of your water needs so it provides your water for you that's part of that ship thing it provides food for you it provides shelter for you it provides heating and cooling for you and like I said there's a whole lot of trash that has been used in recycled this I think is the handle of a linseed oil can or something similar complete with a cute little quarter right here so wonderful cheap handle that's pretty unique so in order to maintain a decent temperature in the Earthship you want to have airlocks so this cute little porch functions as an airlock right now we have both doors open but and then you come in here and this is the inner part of the inner greenhouse and these this vegetation is just phenomenal it is beautiful and as big as lush it's putting more oxygen into this house than any average home no matter how many houseplants you have it's just amazing and then you come back into here and this is what would be the master bedroom and something I said we use forty to forty five percent recycled materials this wall is made out of tires so you take three old tires that you can't be run on your vehicle anymore and you pack them full of dirt and you make a tire brick and then you stack those and you make a tire wall so this functions as thermal mass for you it helps keep your house warmer it releases heat when the temperature drops down a little bit and it keeps you cool because of how thick the wall is and how it keeps you insulated so back here you can see some raw tire wall that did not get covered over with Adobe and they come so that's what that looks like when it's raw this is an extra bed up here that someone could sleep on if you wanted to if you have a lot of people you're trying to house and again just some beautiful blue and green bottle art right here the floor is mostly flagstone this is not the best place to look at it will look soon but the floor is mostly flagstone and that provides more thermal mass for you that keeps your house warm again and down here this is really cool this is the only truth bird ship I'm aware of that has this kind of little alcove basement down here the temperature in this room is epic it is I don't even have a guest for you maybe 60 it feels really good it's the middle of summer outside right now it is early in the morning but it's already getting hot out there and this temperature feels really good down here New Mexico is a high desert so it is hot in the day and cold at night and in the winter it can reach temperatures below freezing and these houses don't have wood heat they don't have gas heat they just keep themselves hot based on the thermal mass and the collection of Sun through the glass on the south side we come back up here into the bathroom and I think this shower is just amazing it's beautiful again it's recycled bottle art that makes up the shower you get to shower in a jungle with all of those planets around you the humidity from the shower gets to go feed the plants pretty nifty and right here this rope is attached to a vent through the ceiling and that's part of your ventilation system / - how you keep it cool so your hot air rises and will lead that way we come on in here is a second bedroom again beautiful bottle art these are tire walls on either side here and back in here we have a utility area and you can see these rock tires again utility and storage and in a couple spots like right here they have used just aluminum cans as filler material in between the tires and then over here you can see also the raw can column and a raw glass wall and it was finished on the other side when you saw it this is what the raw back side would look like without the cob on it and then you have the greenhouse to the south and it is just lush and beautiful you have sort of a south wall made out of all of these plants on this bedroom right here this would be your inner greenhouse so they split it with a outer greenhouse and then an inner greenhouse and the reason for that is that when you have the energy house like this it maintains the temperature in the house at about us that steady 70 degrees out in the greenhouse that can get hotter than that and it can get cooler than that but with that buffer zone this in here stays about 70 degrees and it was comfortable all night long so you can grow anything you want there's cactus in here there's banana trees in here this is your living room which is just incredible this is grey water and then behind it is a fireplace my friends the creator of Earth ships and our supplies extra wanted a room to add all four to five elements in the same room so you have water fire air and then rock and dirt would be your settlement even though that you've got your earth so can you imagine just sitting down and reading a book here in this beautiful jungle you saw it in the fireplace there's stained glass everywhere again this right here is a big tire wall and it works good not only for heating and cooling but for installations you can be in a bedroom over there and not really know what's going on over here so it's a great sound [Music] your kitchen your stove is propane your refrigerator I believe this one is also propane so like I said earlier we collect all of the rainwater from the roof so the roof is just a giant collection and it goes through a filtration system so your drinking water is in these little goosenecks and make it it gets filtered three times and then your other four washing dishes washing clothes watching your body gets filtered one time and then that goes into the greenhouse beds and it waters all of the plants in the inner and the outer greenhouse and then that water gets taken up again and goes back into your toilets for your black water use and then the toilet gets flushed it goes outside to a black water cell where it's filtered and then it can be used to water exterior plants typically not root vegetables but you could do trees or grass yeah so your rainwater collection gets used four times you're only going to use a quarter of the amount of water that you use in a conventional home in an Earthship so you may think you won't be able to collect enough rainwater but you can because you're not using as much either you're reusing it and reusing it and reusing it so this is the Phoenix East there is the Phoenix West over there that other people are staying in so we're going to respect that privacy but do you know that there's another bathroom and bedroom over there and you can rent the whole thing if you so chose let's go out here [Music] so this is the exterior dream house again where body arts this actually is I think is either old targets or washing machines that they cut and just made beautiful scales all the way down we bow that is still enclosed it was humid in here from people shouting this morning and it just felt like an absolute tropical jungle it was wonderful you've got the fish tank here there was a giant owl back there there is some citrus up here that we got to try last night you can grow anything that you wanted you could girls you know Aiko conventional in my head of what we eat all the time of tomatoes and lettuce and spinach and kale but you could grow bananas and mangos and a paya anything you wanted and in this one there are these birds that are gonna help with your brunch in here you see it's a parakeet and a cockatiel I believe and can we stayed in a different one night before last and there are a lot of Rolie polies that we noticed and I think that these guys helped out with the really pulling is a lot here because I actually haven't seen it and then we kick them outside and you've got this beautiful courtyard that you can come throw in you can picnic in your kids would be contained if they needed a place to play and you're in the middle of the desert but this doesn't feel like desert these trees are big compared to the surrounding area because of what's being watered from them you reused black water stone right on cue we have chickens over here so you can get the eggs from you could do anything you wanted to with this space you can make the courtyard bigger a cannon bottle wall right there you could push it back and have you know all your livestock contained right here it would just be amazing and over here we have an example of rainwater collection so this is the South face of the roof so it's not going to go back to your big water tanks that are buried in the earth berm but it's going to come down here and water this vine and it may go on down into the cell that's outside I don't know don't think so you
Channel: The Jordans!
Views: 73,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Earthship, Earthship Tour, Earthship Biotecture, Phoenix Earthship, Toas New Mexico, Phoenix Earthship Tour, Solar, Greenhouse, Heating and Cooling, Water Recycling
Id: Rw5Uk13cjYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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