PHOBIC PATIENT TRANSFORMATION! Karen's Dental Implant Journey!

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my name's karen i'm 58 years old for a profession i'm an accountant i've got a small business practice with my daughter which we've been together now for eight years um small business that we've built up together um i love it we lost without her so she's my best friend and my partner my fears of dentist goes back to childhood really it's it's the one that probably most people do remember is going to school at primary and i had the old-fashioned gas mask i can still smell the rubber it's horrible and when you walk in and sit on the chair you'd have the big gas cylinder and the big mass that looks like a gas mask from the wartime and every time you had anything done i could still feel i could feel it even talking about it from the pit of my stomach whenever you had anything the first thing they did right is gaskin and it goes all over your face and the smell oh my god and then when you come round you think what's he doing what's he doing what they have done and then all of a sudden you go oh my god the pain was not only here but it was all down here and then i'd come away i always used to say to me what i don't go back i'd like to go back i don't care how much toothache i didn't know what was worse the toothache or actually the whole fear of going to the dentist and then i think that's it it just all stems from there and then it just gets worse then you don't tell my mum when i have a toothache and then it got to the fact that you think it would make you want to clean your teeth more but it didn't with me i think i just stopped looking after him when i was 12 i had a horse riding accident uh biscuit his name was you don't even get his name do you um went horseriding and i wanted to jump the fence biscuit didn't he stopped i carried on going straight four four teeth two of them were oh guess where i ended up i just remember being a mess the whole of my face was a mess and i didn't care i just wanted to be repaired and come out and that was it you just you just leave it and then i just i grew up and i just left them i just left them they were what they were wearing and i think they just got worse then as i got older you then go to the nhs great respect for the nhs but and they do what they have to do plus it doesn't help because i wasn't really helping myself either because i only really went when i was in a lot of pain so i did find another dentist because i got married and we moved to stafford [Music] and the dentist there i ended up having um root canal so she ended up doing taking all of them out and doing for the old-fashioned crown post screaming job again well that was 35 years ago um and then then now before i found lone dare and they just kept falling out so i just kept getting fixed and chilling back in i didn't realize that i was hiding myself when i smiled apparently i i was very good at doing the um and not not realizing that you you do this don't you or apparently i'm very good at um actually keeping a stiff top lip but you don't you don't notice it you just acquire it without realizing it you do it and it's only now that people comment that that was doing it they didn't at the time because that was just karen it's just what you're doing it you just i just wanted a natural relaxed smile like everybody else you know a lot a long time i've thought about it discussed it with my husband we had been to um i'd been to my normal dentist my nhs dentist and not comfortable at all do you know whenever i sat down with them i'd been to two and i thought you know what i'm just i'm not getting anywhere i'm not getting anybody to understand they're not listening you know the biggest thing is time just getting somebody just to listen i just wanted 10 or 15 minutes and they just didn't seem to be there and it was my husband that said you need to get private you need to go private if you want it done properly you're private i wanted somebody local um and i'd basically gone and read reviews with my husband and i basically read what everybody had put about glenn there and you came up you came up tops as far as i was concerned so i thought well the best thing to do was to make that appointment and do a face-to-face and that way i think the scariest thing and what people could be aware of is is also the price because um that's a major factor and it's there whether you like it or not and there is no point in shopping about as far as i'm concerned you get white paper i have had four front dental implants glendare were brilliant in the fact that they they painted it as as it might not sound right but they painted it as black as they could because it is gonna be it's not easy it's four front teeth it's four front teeth that's that's major you were suddenly taking away my i'd already got four front teeth that i wasn't pleased with they weren't pretty but they were still mine and it was still something that i had there even though i was like this and to suddenly have them taken away and i'm like oh my god i've got no teeth and that went you will never ever walk away here with no teeth you always have something i wasn't like yeah dentures really dentures and that bit was daunting i had a lot of talks a lot of picture drawing from matt to explain and a lot of support um but i also had a lot of dark days and and you are going to get them and i did find it very hard um but i think the biggest thing is that i always knew that you were here and i think that's the biggest thing you were there with the plan from from day one you you knew what i wanted matt knew what i needed i'd also got major gum problems as well so it's not only just the teeth they look at you as the person as well i mean because i'd let my four implants were so badly corroded as well i've got major gum problems as well i've got a major massive hole here which i wasn't aware of and neither was matt until he took the x-rays and he was like oh my god do you know the hole you've got here and i'm like no but then i'm like that explains why i was in so much pain and i was constantly taking um antibiotics but it was never going to cure so the the plan that he laid out for me was quite daunting in the fact i didn't realize that it's not just teeth it's the whole of your gums and then it's you as well so you treated me as well unbelievable i think i always laugh at vicky and my daughter now because apparently i do a lot of the i can tease now and it's quite laughable now and vicki has actually commented that i do smile more now i the hand doesn't go in front of the mouth as much um and there's a lot of things that i have changed and i think it's i'm more confident now it doesn't doesn't bother me as much now at all definitely definitely recommend glendare don't have a problem with that at all and and the treatment is absolutely and you've got to think long and hard it's not going to be easy not at all is it going to be easy but it's going to be a well worth journey absolutely because you've summed up this whole journey you're allowed to hug [Music] you
Channel: Glendair
Views: 248
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: dental implants, dental phobia, alfreton, derby dentist, derbyshire
Id: ZTKYtpTpcyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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