Phillip McKnight the Gear Lord Blows My Mind

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hey what's up you guys John Mayer here hanging out with Slash nice to have you be actually is Josiah uh Marty Schwartz here hanging out with the awesome Phil McKnight thank you dude it's so nice to be on camera with you especially more so prime for me because I've been watching you for years I've watched you from the beginning of your thing you actually reminded me I gave you a little shout out yeah you know you gave a tweet which and that was my first my very first subscriber bump was from you is I saw the bump like I was telling you this morning saw the bump and I was like oh what happened and then I tracked it down and it was your tweet you would mention one of my videos and that's really where it started actually yeah and and when you brought that up and reminded me what it was you were talking about maybe like five things about a strap that you might not know yes and I definitely didn't know those things I'm watching your videos cuz I'm not like super geared nerd right which maybe you would consider yourself the gear so I think it's a good match cuz you know I love teaching I love playing but you know I'm still trying to learn about the gear thing so I think this is a good little collab and I'm sure most people know you that are watching my channel but if not maybe just describe your channel will leave a link for it make sure hopefully we get another boost yeah yeah it's Phil McKnight but they sometimes know me as the know your gear because I you know that's the thing catchphrase this is a catchphrase but either way what's great is either one of those things takes you to the channel okay cool so make sure you guys check it out any I mean it's gear nerd heaven is basically your channel is what I would say yeah it's it's that's all we talked about names I'm you were saying from your experience that you can basically grab any guitar and tell you something about it that that that I wouldn't know I believe you because I watch your channel right I want to hand you this guitar okay and just see what what you can do well sure alright so it's funny that I'm doing this I've never done this on my channel okay it's funny so far six hundred videos I've never done this but a game that my friends and I like to play I was telling you about is whenever I go to mute or or at their house or whatever the game they like to play is can I tell them something about their guitar that they didn't know right right and so I say a few things and usually I'll nail something so this is a made in Mexico jazz master and it's obviously before the last couple years because it's rosewood now they would have pale Pharaoh you can't get rosewood on this anymore so that's what's cool about this so if you haven't made Mexico guitar with rosewood what's unique is you have the last one they won't do this anymore because ascites unless society's rules retro back the other thing that's interesting about the main I was telling you I like the main Mexico Jazz Master more than the American one so the some people are gonna be tack typing right now I love the American one but there's a couple things I like about the main Mexican the first thing is these pickups are not right so these are not jazz master pickups these are a ceramic pickup that they used rat Jazzmaster covers on this is actually gonna sound more like a p90 okay so a lot of times when you play this the main Mexico jazz master if you notice the notes are fuller and bigger they're because they're less like a single coil alnico style pickup and more like a ceramic p90 so if you like p90 is like in a Gibson this guitar the main Mexico and will give you more of that vibe okay the other thing I like is something that some players especially nowadays with the custom shops and the relic guitars don't like this is polyester finish not polyurethane or lacquer okay so what that means is the finish is shinier like glass and that's why sometimes when you look in the mean Mexico's you some people don't think they look right well it's because they're too vibrant these colors are too bright everything looks too good so they use this finish on the main Mexico's because it's a great finish it hardens fast it looks great but it doesn't look as accurate to how the originals look where they had that like kind of washed out hue but I actually like that I think I honestly believe in my heart if that's the thing you can plan alright say then if Leo fender would a state with fender this would have been the evolution of the American guitar they would have continued to finishes that hardened faster because he not only was he looking for the best product all the time he was also looking for the cheapest way to do it now what the difference between this and a Jaguar because the body shapes the same right same same so and they share some similarities but they both have some goofy switching that confuses people right there's an easy way to remember the switching it either what guitar with the jazzmaster are the Jaguar you got all these switches and stuff you just got to remember this this kind of thing right this will help you this is the main switch you think about down you have these controls up you have these controls okay okay so regardless of what the controls do just kind of remember that's what you're doing right so down you have a volume tone straightforward and a 3-way switch that's what I would do right straight yeah straightfoward up you have a volume and tone and it turns this pickup off because that's why there's no switch up here you're just stuck in the next okay so and the reason why it does that is they use this is where the nerdiness comes out they've usually they do different capacitors and what that does is if they use ones that cause this guitar to get warm or sounding yeah jazz yes yeah so so technically when you're trying to go for the Jazz part of the Jazz Master you would switch up okay I'll get that neck pickup the lot of the highs will be taken away from it you know sound wise yeah sounds warmer the jaguar essentially works like the same way there's a switch that does put you in the top controls turns off then the bridge pickup every time you're in the top your bridge pickups off because you're into that into that world nice when I was teaching guitar pre-youtube Squires did not stay in tune for my students especially those like starter pack right guitars they seem to be better now they're very much better much better right so I would always tell them man if you can find a used Mexican made strat for 400 bucks which they've gone up a lot now yeah then that's what I was always recommending people what's going on with the Mexican fender line in the idea of what's the new line look like and how and what's going on because they changed the name or yeah well it's time it's usually the way fender works has always worked is that when it's like it's an American iconic brand that sells the same thing for 60 years right so how do you entice somebody to get the you think that's really the old thing right and colors only take you so far they actually call surf green the million dollar color this is true I don't think I'll get in trouble for this they call it the million dollar collar right now somebody infinite marketing's like what no because these because it's true it's like my favorite color they call it the million dollar color because whether they stick it on squires or a custom shop they'll make a million dollars off that guitar because everybody loves surf green and that's why they only dish it out like sparingly for a little while right so it comes out you notice like all of a sudden they have it and then they don't have it the reason that I mentioned that is the same thing how do you sell another jazz master yeah so they will always I don't say repackage but they're always gonna kind of go hey look a new color and that will help and then only so many times can you do that before you go okay well a new tuning key assembly and a new you know neck profile and so that's a lot of it too in reality because there's a there's a business part of this right well no matter what we do there's a business part of this of course in reality what do you do as a company it's not exclusive fender so I want to pick on them what do you do as a company if every product you make is now potentially you're competing product you just said it I recommend my students and I do that by the way we're have it relie the same in this used made mexico instrument is the number one go-to i tell people people tour and make a living with those guitars yeah so what do you do as a company if every guitar you make is now the guitar you have to compete with in the market so the fastest e thing you do is rebrand the name okay because now think about this you just said it what's different about it what would have I'm not saying that's true but what if nothing was different about it about the name so now as a consumer you're like well do I want the standard or do I want the players right and that's the New Mexican yes that yes yeah so so sometimes the name they change some specifications some of the may be upgrade the quality's a little bit that helps compete in the market but also they have to compete with themselves so it's like how do you you know a lot of the main Mexico improvements were upgraded pickup how did Squire get so much better over the years see my honest opinion Esquire is it all has to do with the guy who runs it his name's Chris I don't know if he still runs it but he was the one that took over around 2000 four or five I remember that specifically because that's all of a sudden I was you probably identified this students I would never recommend Squires I'd be ivory almost like no please you know I mean just used you know fender I mean Mexico's anything right get an Ivan s yeah you know whatever it is over a squire and then all of a sudden you start noticing like I remember the first time you you know after ten years of playing you know horrible and you pick one up in you're like hey this is this is legit I think the drive at fender at that time was they saw what Epiphone had done yeah cuz Epiphone had definitely figured it out way before Squire did that there are people out there who want a Les Paul I'm not going to show show about three grand right and for five hundred bucks this is legitimate playing in a bar you know instrument and that's where I think the upgrades from Squire came from is that's where it started let's upgrade the line before that I think believe it or not my personal opinion was fender just didn't want it to perform they didn't want it to compete with fender there's a fear there and I think that's everyone's looking for especially there's more entry-level people than anyone else and you know they're they want the cheapest guitar because they don't even know if guitar is gonna be for that and you know what's great about this I think when Epiphone had figured out was instead of thinking is is this an expensive guitar gonna compete with my hand guitar is am I giving the first-time user the best experience of my brand and I think that's what these guys figured out because they started noticing hey the guitar teachers we're not even the thought in their head when they recommend brands to students yeah so what do you I do thank you so much that was like super awesome nerd nerd deep dive and I learned a lot as I do from your videos please check out his channel gonna leave links below all gear all the time plus other insights I watch it myself and I think you'll dig it if you don't already know him thanks again and we'll see you guys later [Music] you
Channel: Marty Music
Views: 413,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marty Schwartz, music, guitar, lessons, marty music, generic atlas feet, guitar lesson, guitar lessons, how to play guitar, phillip mcknight, philip mcknight, phillip mcknight squier, phillip mcknight fender, phillip mcknight marty music, marty music phillip mcknight, know your gear, mexican fender, guitar gear, electric guitar, fender jazzmaster, jazzmaster, fender knockoff, phillip mcknight gear review, phillip mcknight gear, phillip mcknight guitar
Id: kai-EIs1Qwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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