Philippine Folk Dances (History & Classifications) | PE 7 | Quarter 4 - Lessons 1-8 | MAPEH 7
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Mary Grace Lastra
Views: 58,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mary grace lastra, mary, grace, lastra, philippine folk dances, history of philippine folk dances, classifications of folk dances, pnu rondalla, abesar, tinikling, cordillera dances, spanish influenced dances, tribal dances, maria clara, muslim dances, jota, janggay, pangalay, bumaya, likhain dance troupe, pagapir, singkil, burung talo, habanera, paunjalay, binasuan, carinosa, sagayan, maglalatik, subli, kapa malong malong, banga, asik, rural dances, itik itik, karatong, pantomina, lanceros, pandango
Id: YChhAhXoocI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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