Philanthropists in golf carts eating Dilly Bars

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[Music] hey warren hi bell how are you you look good i'm feeling good i love this weekend so you're excited about this year well i'm excited i'm excited every year but i get excited more every year and we may have 40 000 people or so and and it's up to you to keep them entertained now you and charlie do a good job on that well this is going to fill up tomorrow it's mo it'll more than fill up we can only get about 18 000 or so in here and we'll have perhaps 40 000 total at one time another but 35 years ago we had 10 people counting by aunt katie and my uncle friend shall we go see what the vendors are up to let's go to it [Music] well i hope you're insured with geico i'm pretty careful driver hold on oh that was a smooth start you remember when the first year you came was there well i didn't come until i was a director because my theory was that of all the weekends i could come to omaha and when i'd get the least of your time that was prepared and i always i always read the transcript afterwards uh but so it was only you know what is that seven uh are a little longer 2006 i came on the board or 2007. yeah nine or ten years ago and once i once we started paying you 900 a year that's all i can to earn your money that's right that's one of my key key pieces of income now you want to buy a dilly bar sounds good you know we do have your famous orange vanilla orange bars yeah now how many do we have here today we have at least 29 000. 29 000 bars yes that's incredible bars and mini bills and all the proceeds go to the children yeah yeah absolutely yes i'm very proud of our 29 000 yes okay now you have our orange bar we do have the fudge bar if you give me an orange bar you'll have twenty eight thousand nine hundred and ninety nine and the dilly bar you're just in chocolate here okay i'll go for that here's my uh the two dollars he's buying mine this is the first you're witnessing this please the media take notes [Laughter] oh all right all right get up you've got your ukulele can i still play that well can you sing barely long day i've been working on the railroad just to pass the time away oops that's enough [Music] oh my fingers in the way good one all right okay i'd appreciate if you go for best supporting actor in a virtual reality production it's my first [Music] you
Channel: Bill Gates
Views: 404,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bill, Gates
Id: -WnoaY0X7bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 50sec (230 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2016
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