Phil Wickham Sings Songs from a Mug at Home with His Kids (U2, Frozen 2, Way Maker)

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[Music] [Applause] hey guys bill here what's your name hey maybe you got chips on your face Mabel and what's your name Henry there's two of my four kids we're home here decided to get with you guys sometimes it's really special video yeah we're kinda in the backyard in my little office and man we're just hanging out at home hunkered down yeah yeah I'm making a video with the phone and I'm just trying to get mine reduced few songs on the mug but first want to say I'm sure you're watching this at home see right now the Lord's way whew man what a crazy time in history we've never experienced something like this but we're on it together and it's amazing that for those of us who believe in Jesus and the hope of the gospel is the hope of heaven man it's always a reason to celebrate and rejoice and I know a lot of our stories of different nouns Jotham online health on the line but know that God is with you I'm never leaving for Stadion he came oh yeah there's a Lutheran here for some reason thank God is Weeki he'll never leave you or forsake you and as we've seen these songs together I hope you're encouraged and blessed and reminded that God loves you and he's working together even the worst stuff for good and for you and I so let's go through songs from the maple hold up the mug all right first one crab to let's say this is song that was the hardest to write and that's interesting and I will say I don't know this was the hardest to write that the longest to write song was maybe my maiden my most well known song ever this is amazing grace I wrote that song I began it with a guy named Josh Sparrow and we had this idea this vision grace wrote the chorus had some verse melody stuff we made a quick demo of it I forgot about it for three years and then randomly I got an email from mr. jeremy rather up of Bethel saying hey we heard the song yours - heard the song yours this amazing grace we'd love to write on the verses and put on our next record and and so I literally had his thought of this song for a whole year and our whole three years and then it came up and then I loved it so I put on a record I know I he was gonna connect it goes like this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay did that one let's see what the next one is favorite song to play a concert man I've this song called Living Hope I wrote with Bryan Johnson I still love singing it you know put out a couple years ago it's still just as fresh especially that bird verse then came the morning that sealed the promise your buried body began to dream out of the silence the roaring lion declared the grave has no claim on me to go to that chorus [Music] when she's next one song by an artist you look up to oh there's so many song by an artist I look up to man I think the first band that really lit my heart up with worship songs we're also doing it away that was like artistic and and kind of they had their own voice it felt like a just a band when you listen to music a band is making a really creative awesome music but then you get into the lyric and it was so annoyed and pulled the Holy Spirit and worshipful and that was delirious especially back in the 90s when I was just a young like junior high kid learning a guitar and I heard these do various songs man one about teenage Aviv [Music] the ocean wrong [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks Martin Smith the lyrics for all of that you want to stop this now I've still got a bunch more to do here you pick one out can you pick one up for me this is real life people you can hold that can that's me what it says it says favorite throwback song I mean I don't know if this is to throwback maybe is it so far throwback that it's doesn't count that I I mean the hands I love the handles you know it seems my son [Applause] [Music] [Music] thanks one makes you look super into this are you excited just the best moment of your day so I never get sick of playing then with the song I never get sick of playing that song I don't really play it that much and I didn't write it but I just any time like my band starts that first rip it like during sound check or something and that in there but that's a cool design thing that the guy who's like looks like a flower I just can't I got to sing the whole song I mean not right now but do you like soundcheck or any time someone starts with some yeah you do the next one Kurt single [Music] [Music] [Music] she's just one and give it to Daddy can see ya gonna open it song that gets you through hard times yeah lately it's been you are using make really cool promise keep that in the darkness my little girl who you are that is [Music] you don't love me see favorite song to sing to your spouse or kids what's our favorite family song we sing I don't know if that's my favorite that's as long we I've been hearing a lot lately maybe it's my least favorite this last one um first song I'm gonna play I have no idea I mean one of them was four chords over another thanks guys for writing that okay one more song what's your favorite song in the whole world whooping oh okay what is a song you like choose it now so um what about you is there something you like you like into the unknown yeah I know you do all right well from the Whitcomb house to your house yeah I'll just say one more little little ending word here okay from the Wickham house to your house bless you guys in one second bless you guys God is with you I pray God's favor and safety upon you protection provision and what an incredible moment for the church to rise up for people that have used in the hearts to rise up and be Jesus to a world around us I mean yesterday and it's social distant way I was talking to my neighbor really good guy Craig Craig if you're watching hi but we just started talking our families and it's time and we ended up praying together just me and my neighbor off I called is that that right on our street he's praying for our neighbors and our families and I don't know but you guys just maybe this whole thing may be even more spiritually mindful and I believe God is wanting to do something massive in our world and uh and though I'm saddened at the tragedy and I I'm grieving personally a lot of things that are not happening right now and maybe are lost forever make a finger change new nodes none of at the same time I'm excited to see how God works and maybe filled with this peace and blessing thanks for hanging out with us and makes a pie
Channel: Way Nation
Views: 270,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Phil Wickham, live, concert, at home, acoustic, way maker, living hope, u2, frozen, covers, delirious?
Id: uFplrAUJv3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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