Phil Heath - LEGS - Battle For The Olympia 2013

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up you guys it's phil here to get your two-time installation here over on this project we are officially five days out from the 2013 mr olympia contest it was a sunday late afternoon early evening got the guys from battlefield olympia here they want to catch me doing some legs it's my last leg workout and uh i would probably say it's gonna be something intense but um you know obviously the weights are gonna be a little different everybody knows you know you can't go too crazy around this time but we're still going to have some fun so i'm going to show you a lot of different angles and whatnot that i use and obviously the foundations may not be the same as the off season or even 12 weeks out but this is still something i think you guys can use for your own program especially those guys that are getting into contest preparation um weight is still pretty good i'm still up uh close to seven eight pounds from last year around this time so that's good uh but uh still got work to do guys still got to do we still gotta um you know come in here and kill it then i gotta come back and do cardio and then actually fly out to vegas tomorrow so i'm gonna try to squeeze in another workout here try to stay at altitude as much as i can and all those guys that don't know about altitude bring your ass here it's crazy so we're gonna get to it but um hey i just want to say thanks for watching thanks for supporting sport and uh we'll catch you after workout [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so [Music] so how do you feel this year's prep i mean first title defense was a little crazy more mentally than physically um this sure has been crazy but just in different ways um but uh i'd say it's going as planned so uh hopefully i'll be able to bring it because i'm trying to uh obviously win again i know everybody everyone everyone wants to be and uh you know had a lot of good support you know sponsors fans family friends um so that helps out the time but uh i think once you're once you become mr olympia first title defense is the hardest because you don't want to be one hit wonder especially when you're you're winning it early in your career like me you want to think of how many you can win um but each year you have to focus on just that year so first time offenses you don't sleep this one i sleep but i gotta do the work sir hmm [Music] [Applause] that's the that makes you angry you have to hold it in the topic but i gotta do it [Music] gotta do it [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] so this is where people find me much different than others i like to talk way too much even during a prep it's just my way of handling the stress i guess in between sets i can have the type of attitude but when i'm doing the reps is no time everybody liked that shoulder press last year we'd be like nope no no they thought they were getting that title man you know they like to talk that they're talking to a former basketball player we're the best at that that's why in bodybuilding they'll be like oh it feels arrogant this mess like nah you guys started talking i just learned how to finish it [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] no it's just smith um [Music] free burn works good too but i want to really be able to target these quads today doing a lot of glute work obviously with cardio with steadmill doing above last withdrawal and stuff and i'll be doing some of that today too but i really want to get [Music] on that smith today you know my mind's going what are you thinking thinking they're a hat trick man [Music] i know that these guys want it bad how bad i guess we'll see on stage [Music] for me i read my horoscope today and it basically said that sagittarius is like myself would rather prove things with their actions not their words i think i've been able to do that two so well you're pulling jay back up on stage and making kai bust us i mean obviously you're making these guys really i know that i know that these guys i'm requiring their best effort and that's a true honor and privilege from like a warrior spirit mentality knowing that they know who i am and they know that they can't half step these guys are already champions i mean they've both have beaten me at some point but they also recognize my work ethic whether they want to admit it or not but uh it goes to show that when you're mr olympia you definitely require everyone's best punch and you just have to be able to stand there and take it on the chin and then hit them back so we got to hit these weights first [Music] so [Music] oh see [Music] uh [Music] uh when you make decisions i mean i felt nice and controlled can i do four yeah good to have a friend here who's seen you train for years i mean our owner dylan armbrus good friend of mine and i was like oh decisions right you know it's like he's like yeah maybe a quarter i was like yeah you're probably right [Music] that whole ego track sucks because you're thinking am i doing enough to win and it's like if you're waiting until five days out from the olympia to grow some legs you're in deep but then again you know the competitiveness the drive you know your determination and just really not trying to be a punk you have to realize like what's what's what's most important right now what's most important is to find that even balance intensity with proper weight to stimulate the muscle without getting hurt i don't want to be limping on that stage [Music] so we're going to crank this one out and then we'll have another chat then we'll figure out if i want to go up here [Applause] [Music] come on oh all hey [Music] [Music] please yes [Music] oh [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see [Applause] get one more oh oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] food [Music] [Music] [Music] released hmm [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh man come on you crying you haven't even lifted that [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] ah [Applause] train here one day do legs guarantee you the altitude it'll hurt it'll definitely hurt 5500 feet that's why it's always cool competing in vegas because it's only like maybe 2 000 but it's higher for everyone else because they're on sea level maybe that's why they breathe so hard and i'm not i'm pounding my chest and i'm acting a fool on stage can't wait for this show everybody wants a piece [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] come on [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] i smile because i know that the end is near it's only a year ago since i seen you guys a lot has changed [Music] but hopefully a lot will stay the same from saturday night olympia a couple new names a couple old names getting thrown in the mix [Music] it will by far be the greatest mr olympia of all time [Applause] i think that's why i smile a lot because i know that i'm being a part of history i mean i take this opportunity [Music] train hard do my job 49th mr olympia champion will probably go down as in history as one of the greatest mr olympians because you're going against three mr olympias and four multi-winner arnold classic champions at the same time me jay cutler dr jackson mr olympia those two including kai green and branch warren have all collectively won see what my math serves me 11 arnold classic highness so and then everybody else is one something too that's pretty interesting i just got bumped off a machine so i'm gonna go do some more quads [Music] oh [Music] oh there we go blue [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] um just me and these weights uh so but he did say i was the king so i guess i need to train hard eat a ton of food this week with no water i think these cows grow legs are toast and that sounds like rain we've been having a lot of crazy weather here we've been having a lot of floods here actually so shout out to all the folks over in boulder county that have gone through all these floods it's been terrible um but coloradans are very resilient but hopefully they can get through this craziness because it's been raining here like mad but five days out 2013 mr olympia i am the 13th mr olympia so i would consider this being the year of the gift but um that definitely couldn't be possible without you guys support so i definitely thank each and every one of you for purchasing this dvd supporting the sport of bodybuilding and its athletes shout out obviously to team muscletech teamweeder ami obviously my family friends fans collectively you guys make a lot of things possible but i would say the continuing support of each and every one of you makes it that much more fun and i think that's why i'm usually so talkative so uh outgoing um i'm always smiling primarily because i'm living the dream and i'm trying to show you guys part of this dream and giving you guys a different perspective showing that uh if you train hard train smart you can always have fun bodybuilding doesn't always have to be um how do i say very negative very in the dungeon it can always be hardcore you can always it's just hardcore as a mindset uh you know the intensity is a mindset obviously the weights have to go up and go down but they have to go up and down for a purpose and uh i think each and every one of you should have fun while you're in this gym i mean this is a perfect place to to help release whatever emotional stress you may have whether it be a good day or a bad day those weights will definitely help you and they've definitely helped me in my pursuit of perfection obviously i'm always going to be chasing that and i have a lot of people to thank including those athletes that are along with this video each and every one of you guys push me to be better each day i know that you guys may think that i don't like you you think that i hate you i respect each and every one of your hard work and i'm definitely excited for you guys because hey we're we're all doing it right we're all making it happen we're all bodybuilders we're pros we're being able to inspire many many people that will never even shake our hands and many people that do so shout out to you guys as well but other than that when it comes to game day it's on guys it's almond cracking and you guys know that and i hope that you guys are ready because i'm sure going to be ready too and i'm very very excited to go for number three i definitely feel like i've done the necessary adjustments and made the improvements over the last offseason including the pre-contest to make that possible obviously it's up to the judges and uh lord william i can get my third sand down and make all these dreams a reality make them all come to fruition so i got to get out of here so see you in vegas it is about 6 00 p.m so we've been here for a couple hours now so until next time it's the gift 13th mr olympia going on the hat trick 3p heath p see ya [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Mocvideo Productions
Views: 16,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Phil Heath, Leg workout, Armbrust gym, Denver, Colorado, IFBB pro, Bodybuilding, Bodybuilder, Mr Olympia, Sandow, The gift, Mocvideo Productions, Battle for the Olympia, Dvd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 3sec (2403 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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