Peter Thiel on "The Portal", Episode #001: "An Era of Stagnation & Universal Institutional Failure."
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Eric Weinstein
Views: 1,032,345
Rating: 4.8793983 out of 5
Keywords: Portal, Thiel, Peter Thiel, Technology, Science, Education, Universities, College, Economy, Future, Debt, Weinstein, Eric Weinstein, The Portal, Girard, Violence, Stagnation, High Tech, Tech, AI, Life Extension, Trump, Politics, Preference Falsification, College Debt, Silicon Valley, Facebook, Google, Communism, Stalin, Mao, Marx, Capitalism
Id: nM9f0W2KD5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 6sec (10326 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Listened to this the other day. Decent talk although I’m a tiny bit weary of the armchair think-tanky ness these two can trot into.
In regards to Scientific progress, isn’t Eric talking more about Physics? I think the difference between what Sam would ‘worry’ about in terms of A.I. is more along the lines of technological progress. I find it difficult to grant that our soft and hardware hasn’t been progressing at very steady rates so far this century.
I don’t, however, necessarily believe Moore’s law will necessarily stay at a steep incline. But will go through periods of stagnation. I actually would think periods of technological and scientific stasis might be beneficial in the long run in terms of a broader metaphorical chance to evaluate what we have before the next thing is already underway- to gather our bearings. Considering some of what we presume to be convenient and novel (social media) can become a runaway train. Having a chance to learn from mistakes isn’t a bad thing, in other words.
I would hope that Sam Harris (who is extremely optimistic about the promise of AI, as he was about medical science before that) take a good listen to these two men who put things in proper perspective. Science, unfortunately, is not progressing at an accelerated rate as most people (including Sam) thinks. In fact, it is probably slowing down if it hasn't stagnated already.
I intuitively agreed with some of their claims, but I was struck by the absence of any discussion of actual data or statistics. If you want to claim the prevailing narrative on progress is radically wrong, it would be helpful to have evidence.
Would love to hear Thiel interviewed by Russ Roberts of Econtak, who always has intelligent skepticism and pushback when guests claim progress (economic or scientific) is slowing.
If you want to learn about stagnation, read Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher.
Peter Thiel almost went full mask off with his ideas about race when he talked about how Germany wasn’t acknowledging that they killed their “best people”, and that they have a lot less dynamism due to loss of Jews. Weird take and doesn’t seem like Germany is “not dynamic”, at least not any less than other countries.
As far as I’ve heard, “Thiel” is much more red pilled than he lets on, at least according to some leaked chats between some people at his Trump election party (that Eric wasn’t invited to.)
Good talk for very average people who greatly overestimate their own intelligence and like to feel smart by listening to right wing pseudo-intellectual nonsense.
Very convenient that billionaire Peter Thiel thinks all redistribution talk by people like Bernie is evil because it's targeting the lower middle class. I'm sure he has no self-interest on this issue and his opposition to higher taxes really is about concern for the poor lower middle class.
I think we are stagnant to a degree, and it's because we already have most of what is required for a comfortable life now without much need for inventions. The Earth is of fixed size and we can already fly to any point on the globe in about a day. We already have enough food and clothing and so on to care for everyone (the problem being distribution, not amount), and everyone has a pretty nice computer in their pockets. As such we aren't working all that hard to invent new classes of products. It's probably going to stay that way until we have permanent bases in space.
Timecube guy interviews his trump loving boss. Big fans of the 14 words like OP find it very educational. Pretty much the IDW in nutshell.
So is Eric Weinstein podcast BS or what?