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i had to be taken into a place when i was writing this book which was unbelievable i'm just an ordinary person like anybody else i don't claim any great psychological insight except that i've been taken to certain places not that i wanted to go and one of the things that i remember when i was writing this book about young and i had to go literally through hell literally month after month after month experiences i could never have conceived that a human being would have to go through and this is a very very very ancient pattern of being asked of being begged of being forced to speak on behalf of another reality he says the the spirit of the depths you you can always tell the imprint of the spirit of the depths because it smashes your ideals so this isn't an ideal it's not an idealistic spiritual quest it's unnoble something it just rips your guts out that is the spirit of the depths how many people really want to go through the ordeal that's needed to be able to say something on behalf of the spirit of the depths nobody because you don't do it unless you're forced to do it unless you're grabbed by the balls not by some pretty ideal it shows you even that your spirituality even your learning everything you think you know belongs to the spirit of this time that is what the spirit of the depths does it always pulls the bottom out from underneath you be here now the power of now fine to talk about it but how the hell do you do that and and one of the points i try to make in this book is you cannot access the power of now until you go back into the primordial past to see where the now comes from otherwise you're just skating along on the surface of existing thinking that you're in the now you're not you're dreaming you have a fantasy of being in the now it's all a bloody illusion we can't accept that the dead could be alive and this is really really one of the crucial elements in jung's work which is that the dead are not dead they are more alive than we are see that's the game that jung was involved in the impossible people who came after him they got involved in the very other game a very different game of the possible but that is the spirit of this time and we are no longer in contact with the spirit of the depths then we are co-opting the spirit of the depths which is really the worst thing to do so it's a bit like christ you know and it's interesting how many times jung compared himself to christ and he said jungian the jungian community is just going to do what the christian church did the fire and the spirit that's what he said is going to be god within a generation forget it institutionalization he knew what was going to come and of course everything that he said worked out exactly as he said it would i love the way that especially towards the end of his life he saw and was horrified by how even the people closest to him were completely clueless about what he was trying to do and how he actually predicted or prophesied that what he was really trying to do would be completely forgotten within a generation so that's really what this book is about it's to push us to the limit remind us of our obligation as humans you
Channel: peterkingsleyvideo
Views: 4,439
Rating: 4.8987341 out of 5
Id: 5xgq5L9qTNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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