Peter Jones RUTHLESSLY undercuts Dragon newbie’s first ever offer 🐉 😲🔥 | Dragons' Den - BBC
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Channel: BBC
Views: 754,111
Rating: 4.8098822 out of 5
Keywords: BBC iPlayer, United Kingdom, British TV, British TV Shows, Watch UK TV Online, Watch British TV Online, Dragons, den, best, new, series, worst, pitches, funniest, moments, most, shocking, ideas, products, businesses, peter jones, deborah meaden, dragons den worst pitches, dragons den funny, dragons den series 17, dragons den 2019, shark tank, shark tank 2019, new dragons den, new shark tank, Deborah Meaden, Sara Davies, Peter Jones, Tej Lalvani, Touker Suleyman
Id: RA_PTlM43Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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