Peter Exposes a Fellow Multi-Millionaire In The Den | Dragons' Den

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there's no such thing as a typical entrepreneur and as the dragons are soon to find out the next year were proof that the den is always full of surprises [Music] hello dragons my name is Hugh Roper and I'm the founder of torch in Europe my name is Nathan I'm the creator of torch a new brand of lit apparel for urban cyclists we're here today to offer you the opportunity to invest seventy five thousand pounds for 10% of our equity in torch Europe so this is our first product for torch there's three things that make this unique for cyclists the first being that we have lights integrated into the helmet what makes it unique also is the fact that they are visible from 360 degrees for the cyclists the second thing is it is the first helmet to have rechargeable batteries the global cycling market is valued at over 50 billion pounds a year to give you a feel for the size of the UK market helmet wiesen are over one and a half million helmets sold a year so we'd like to is do hear that said I'm going to give you a chance to check them out and we'd be happy to answer any questions regarding the product or the business an illuminating pitch from business partners Hugh Roper and Nathan wills they want 75,000 pounds to help fund their expansion plans for their cycling gear come safety lights venture but telecoms tycoon Peter Jones has something on his mind I think this is a first in the den I believe it probably is but not for the reason you're thinking I think this is the first time that we've been pitched a really great product for a reason we're out of money by a multi-millionaire Q let's explain okay all the multi millionaire we I know you yeah you're not in the industry that you were previously in yeah who did well selling to coffin warehouse what why do you what do you need us and the purpose of being before you is to seek your input in terms of helping accelerate people's brand awareness of our products our company so you're more here for the PR then PR is part of it for sure but I'm also here because I thought it would be quite fun to do business with one of you guys and how did you guys meet what's what's the connection well I found Nathan as a result of just searching around the internet for product similar to this and I just dropped him an email saying hello you don't know me I'm here I think your products are great I'm an investor might be interested did you just think oh my god this is the most incredible thing ever yeah it was it was an attractive partnership I thought it looks great Thank You Nathan I've got million questions lunch I've got eight helmets at home okay they all sits on a shelf and what I had one of these so one question is the price point well our retail director consumer through our website is 485 pounds and what's a typical commuter helmet cost it's nowhere near 80 typically you can get a range anywhere from I would say 20 pounds up to a couple hundred so we're basically mid range for that but the advantage of this is you take the cost of a helmet and the cost of a set of lights and when you combine them we're usually under that cost yeah but you buy the lights on the bike we shall run by a Dana bull they work 24 hours a day seven days a week did you just put them about containable the animal charges the lights the lights come on your helmet could run out of light and somebody could be stuck out when it start were noise when animals use the Dynamo for quite some time went about Ord a chasm on batteries but which is a good question how many times to recharge the batteries in here right now the manufacturer has stated that a thousand cycles okay and it's got two charging points is that it does it does it's a USB right okay so you're giving me the wire say see two points USB so can charge if I'm Ally can charge that from my phone charger is very well done it's very neat you got my size I think it's absolutely beautiful I can't bear helmets normally they just they make people look geeky and they're ugly but it's lovely and I think the branding is beautiful thank you nice what's wrong it's all too good praise for the product but will the old adage that if something sounds too good to be true then it probably is prove to be the case for pizza Jones I can tell you what really I do like it immediately and I'm not a keen cyclist Oh have you got protection on it yes we have patent protection on the helmet have you got the pattern here we do actually yeah do you mind if I have a look at it absolutely [Applause] thanks think you're welcome thank you it feels like you've just put a pin in me cancer I was feeling that perhaps you've got a utility patent for lights on a cycle helmet yeah but you haven't have you yeah you can't what's the pattern for yeah it's a it's basically a design so if you change the light or change anything that looks really light anybody can do that but you can change the design it's a different way great I said some big players they could there are but how long will it take a decent-sized company to integrate lights I would say that it's definitely doable and that's you know the whole the whole point with this is to be the first to market maybe you could see the excitement when you talk about that and then I know that you've got a multi-millionaire backer as well it became quite exciting whereas now I think that your design and your works are still exciting but not perhaps to the same level a first painful blow for the entrepreneurs as their lack of patent leave their product vulnerable to competition it's a revelation that leaves the pair vulnerable in the den when you walked in earlier I just loved the branding love the look of the helmet everything about it was fantastic I'm all about design that to me was just an extraordinary melange of something that I would want to be a part of however the patent is just not there and it's just not an investable business for me but I think you will be very successful and I think anything you touch if this is what you've designed so far you're very very creative but I'm afraid I won't be investing so I'm out [Music] no cash from kelly Hoppen as the products lack of protection puts her off investing what conclusion has deborah Medan reached guys i think it's really neat I often say I just I've just got to see the map I've just got to think right and know what I can do with this you know I know I like how I can help but I don't ride bicycles I've got no idea so I might as well tell you now I'm out thank you for your feedback thanks um when you first came in I did think silently this is it but seeing the design pattern I realized it's it's not so on that basis I'm gonna say that I'm out but I wish you both every success thank you thank you guys I am a little bit concerned that there's no patent protect natural facility and more designs can come up but I think you know if there's an actual investor here today it might be peers but it's selling on me so I'm gonna clear myself up tens times for the entrepreneurs as for Dragons turn their back on a deal it's now all down to piers Linney will he be guided by his love for bikes or his head for business this is so annoying um I'm a lot of this being said I think although functionally is free goodness beautiful I probably wouldn't buy one because to me it's a big geek he's a bit of the guys got mirrors on his bike and would you like to see the midnight edition oh Kwantlen can't say no what's the difference this is tinted lenses yes yeah so this is just elf version yeah with the tweezer we limited that one on Kickstarter and it sold out within the first two weeks so we've we're trying to decide do we do we keep it as a limited thing and make it special or do we just make it available to who really whoever wants that's the one my son likes he's he's a big scooter er as well and that's another market yeah yeah yeah no that's probably is more like a it doesn't look as like I've got lights on my head everyone yeah it's not as a bit cooler [Music] pains people I'm out okay guys defeat as peers Linney's exit brings an end to the entrepreneurs hopes of investment now it's back to plan B of forging ahead without a dragon on board I think it was good can always do more work on patents and looking forward yeah I said they had that patent I thought yes it's beautiful though design is stunning you you
Channel: Dragons' Den
Views: 2,386,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbc iplayer, united kingdom, british tv, british tv shows, watch uk tv online, watch british tv online, dragons, den, best, new, series, worst, pitches, funniest, moments, most, shocking, ideas, products, businesses, peter jones, deborah meaden, dragons den worst pitches, dragons den funny, dragons den series 17, dragons den 2019, shark tank, shark tank 2019, new dragons den, new shark tank, sara davies, tej lalvani, touker suleyman, Torch, Light Up Helmet
Id: eRWU0Dy0jw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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