Peter Dinklage Wins The Emmy for Game Of Thrones 2015

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and the Emy goes to Peter Dinklage Game of [Music] Thrones this is the second Emy win and fifth consecutive nomination for Peter Dinklage who was born in Morristown New [Music] Jersey [Music] all right I'm this I wasn't prepared at all I was even chewing gum um uh and I wasn't prepared because the other actors in my category I'm still sort of awed by all of their performances Jonathan Banks you are and the rest um uh we're only as good as our writers um and I'm lucky enough to work with the greatest writers uh led by Denny David benof and Dan Weiss thank you guys um and George Martin who created our universe and lean heiti my inspiration and scene partner and everyone else in the cast which is like thousands of people so good night
Channel: Andrei Toth
Views: 3,698,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game Of Thrones (Award-Winning Work), Peter Dinklage (TV Personality), HBO, GoT, Game of Thrones, GoT Season 6, George RR Martin, Peter Dinklage, Lannister, Tyrion, Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister, A Song of Ice and Fire
Id: 3HoGVh1f3Ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 31sec (91 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2015
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