peter being the most rational person for 7 minutes

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all right Peter I'm going to kill Stewie dinner's in the oven all you have to do is turn it to 350 at about 5:15 yeah okay Lois are you listening yeah what did I just say turn the oven a 350 or 5115 I heard it oh my God Peter back it up oh really Lois I thought I might drive forward I thought that that might be a fun thing to do gosh Peter thanks so much for being my best man oh it's my pleasure in fact I got a wedding surprise for you all right back it up guys I know you have a foot fetish so I got you the Statue of Liberty's foot oh thanks Peter but Joan's all the foot I need now what but Quagmire that's the real foot from the statue no no I'm okay hey hey do you have any idea what I went through to get this a lot a real lot you think this is just oh here comes Peter with the Statue of Liberty's foot oh isn't that a gas no no the reality the real reality of getting this together was staggering you know this cost me $437,000 don't ask me how I got it I had a call in a whole bunch of favors from people I've never even met so the very least you can do is just rub up against I don't know well if you want I can no no no no no it's fine no no whatever whatever just go to your wedding man no no no no no take just get it out of here do you have any raisin brand uh oh no sorry can you go get me some uh boy it's kind of a pain in we do have uh we got total and we got some raisins I mean you could like mix those together I me it'd be kind of like raisin brand yeah but not it'd be like raisin brand but it's not raisin brand that'd be like total with raisins in it splitting hairs here it's not really doing it for me what time did you say your flight was it again what I didn't understand that I said shoot it again but I said it pirate like oh wait Dad before you you go can you say Peter you must go to the deera system Peter you must go to the deera system thanks who's sober enough to drive uh okay who's drunk but that special kind of drunk where you're a better dri because you know you're drunk you know the kind of drunk where you probably shouldn't drive but you do anyway because I mean come on you got to get your car home right I mean I mean what do they expect me to do take a bus is is that what they want for me to take a bus well screw that you take a bush but since we're all going to die there's one more secret I feel I have to share with you I did not care for The Godfather what did not care for The Godfather how can you even say that Dad didn't like didn't like it Peter it's so good it's like the perfect movie this is what everyone always says whenever they say Robert diro alpino I mean you never see Robert du I know I fine fine actor did not like the movie why not did not couldn't get into it explain yourself what didn't you like about it insists upon itself Lois what it insists upon itself what does that even mean cuz it has a valid point to make it's insistent it takes forever getting in and you spend you you spend like six and a half hours and then you know I can't even get through I can't even finish a movie I've never even seen the ending you've never seen the ending how can you say you don't like it if you haven't even given it a chance I agree with stey it's not really fair I have tried on three separate occasions to get through it and I I get to the scene where all the guys are sitting around on the easy chairs yeah a great scene I love that in every ano have no idea what they're talking about it's like they're speaking a different Lang that's where I lose interest and I go away speaking Italian the language they're speaking is a language of subtlety something you don't understand I love The Money Pit that is my answer to that statement exactly well there you go whatever I like that movie too plus I went to her first grade PL at one time oh Robin Hood the king is keeping me prisoner here in his castle don't worry made Marion I'll save you boy you guys are not sucking me into the story at all I'm I'm just telling for your own benefit I'm I'm very aware that I'm watching a play right now yeah I haven't been this exhausted since I had that job as Jack a Harry's personal grocery shoper a pallet am I am I reading this right you need a pallet of chocolate covered pretzels where where where the hell am I supposed to what is this a drum of grape Jam is that what is it is that like a drum like they ship oil in is that look at this one a desk of cheit a desk where are you getting these units a measurement from Mary that is still funny okay you stay right here big funny gal I'll be right back with a hammock of cake man this trip is dangerous couldn't we have just taken a bus a black guy what's the deal with airline food I mean is this stuff bad or what oh that's not nice those chefs work really hard and what's with those Starbucks huh they're everywhere uh a lot of people want coffee that's supply and demand it's the foundation of our entire economy Paul and who do I talk to about those long lines at the ATM that's what I want to know uh not me Mr Riser someone who has time to frit her away but not me you know what the problem is we didn't stay focused that's exactly it I was just we didn't stay focused I mean we we were right there you know and and then we just somehow we just I mean well it's already been said we didn't stay focused you know this could be the perfect way for Cleveland to meet Mrs Wright I got to tell him hey Cleveland Joe oh sorry I dialed the wrong number I meant to call Cleveland no I just wanted to tell him something no no I'd like to talk to you too it's just fine I'll call you after I talk to Cleveland I don't feel obligated I want to all right everybody this is a hey where the hell is everybody oh we haven't had a paying customer in months nobody rides a train anymore oh well for God's sake uh are are you robbers yeah well you could you could take my wallet and my master card's in there although to be honest I I'll probably just cancel it before you can use it so oh um uh give me that hole punch yeah is this is this your hole punch or the the train companies well that's you know what you know I got I got to pay for that that that comes out of my paycheck if you if you take it oh oh really H yeah well I can in all good conscience take that then oh oh good thank you thank you that's yeah no I'm I'm I'm a working man myself no it's tough out there you know you can't you know it's tough it is find a way all right well uh can you stop this thing so we can get off uh no I mean I'd love to uh but it it stops at the pre-designated stops you I don't I don't have control you know over that that's engineer does that uh well how much you ride tickets well for this this is uh first first class cabin it's uh 25 bucks wow and we're the robbers um okay uh how much is coach uh $12 for a coach well he's a senior you know what that's fine just give me two coach tickets all right thank you oh wow when did Mama Mia come to the Oakdale oh yeah what uh just a week ago I think oh w we we should go you want to you want to go see Mama Mia P can I speak to you over by the door
Channel: Forte
Views: 1,269,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family guy, peter griffin, peter, funny, compilation, meme, humor, podcast, awkward, comedy, lois, chris, brian, stewie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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