Peter Barrett - Strategic Cover Crop Planning

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you know the state see in New Zealand and it moved those on and he brokered a completely different perspective and huge amount of rigor to what he does and it's all the same one those presentations before was pretty exciting so its approach to anything fingers thanks to making a big drive up anyway so sensitive in the background myself but I've got a beautiful things in our tent backyards in the food station Lagoon as a farm that's been in the family since about 1943 and I came back to it 2007 I was looking at the seeds of this edge and I came back in 2012 started looking on the properties from time to time and that was really my first insurance hands on agriculture as a kid I would have done fine in my own eyes but neither day to day I was so I'll get into it that's what we are gives you a bit of a perspective with halfway to 21 is written and donated we're here you've got the fine you can see it's been on my desk pinkies this is the south end of the Southwest me now named Willa period flex about 500 heat means going into this area here which is you know to develop to our country I would go from about 400 meters till that fitting hundred means that 26 token as long that's it and went up and that's sorry okay we get we have got 350 mils Brian they say the language fool this last year we had a couple years but I didn't see any males green green faith we do thankfully yes so that's one of the reasons I guess we found was was built up you know my grandfather had a daughter at 96 he was big on irrigation then we've had managers and they thought that the the farming well mines having the acid I guess you could say fences and all the like like that things got let go and I came back in 2012 run guard okay with got to go and do this conventional thing and we'll spend a lot of money and if I do this okay so I'll talk about it as we go through it that's that same year after its head cover problem loosen okay then this is why we do it I guess it's all about soil health and it's about using the diversity of cover crops and pending planting and 0-2 so we're not you ready - we're gonna use something feel awesome we don't use fungicides and pesticides and without whole this is on trying a crucible can fit up and you can see there it's about healthy soil healthy animals to produce healthy kidney that gives you a bit of an idea of the diversity well you can see the contrast I'm good sight this here is in the rocks and you can see this is coming off growing now we you can see what's like that song sense of the thing he loves marine amused listen pebble drop in the background just give you a better idea of contrast one of the things are they already had done it and doing this is a lot of investigation I guess you could say in the end time back in 2012 heavy on the ending and obviously there's a go ahead of America cool pretty sure much people to know about and this is the principles that he people lives and does why I guess you could say when it comes to sold Elvis love the descendants of sort of feeding on the soil diversity maintaining living roots and integrating animals and that's that's kind of what we try them and so what we really focus on is obviously trying to use no-till and cover crops to improve your farm this year as an example of a crunching roller and I think was one that was talking about earlier so what we're doing here is we're terminating ripe corn and and what-have-you there's a few other things in there and then just illustrate them too and so what you get there is you get a natural mulch that actually protects everything and allows the crops come out through it and also in doing that you build that's across both yep that's it being used without it from granola so you can see along the time what we're doing is we're not we're not drilling into things we'll spray it out we're just driving in as we go and we're doing it at different times right now and we are drilling with your pets now to try and get stuff on the ground before the spring picks so you you get the opportunity for that and you see to establish before even gets away too much and that's where you obviously there's nothing meet you we were focusing on cover crops and what we're doing the first thing diagram for comet is what are your results and results Minh seems what do you want to achieve so understanding what was in your pasta and it's like that what do you problems we way joiner to drip down how to deal with is at you pump it and so you're trying to fill it up the nitrogen phosphorus potassium are you trying to get the nutrient cycle gone is what we've been doing under the traditional system as we're putting the you know the the April mg for the the plant to grow meets the root system and we're not encouraging the anthropology and the groundwork so are we trying to give that nutrient cycling in the biology really worked in do we head wounds or WTF sleepy soil and an environment white wine I had a lot of sleepy soil we don't have intensive animals all the time and so we get sleepy sleepy soil weeds so we've got biology lots of balaji lots of fungi bacteria in the ground but they're not active and so we're going to kick-start then we're going to use plants and nobody's volatile primers which is spraying as well in what do you need to do outfits after you saw receipt you want to think what are you doing afterwards are you using in are they gonna graze it what's the time of the year you can see the other questions i've got beer and it's the lawn of different things that you're trying to deal with a twenty foods and be a look at a fix a twenty infiltration into the ground and this this is on an interesting this one here is one of the this is so and i'm still learning the thing [Music] you can see in here and this next one really big turn here or solvent sedan and lots of other things that sorghum's and Aaron's not supposed to be other so far seven cv 115 degrees ground temperature together to generate everything but you know all these sort of things together then work together and you can see what actually they haven't grown anything and now you can see looks like minutes it was gangbuster and so what we had from that before I even get to that we in this area what we do there's a visual assistance I'm sure you've all heard great Shepherd and we saw systems all the way through 200 watt turnips and in this area we focused it on here and these were the results you can see here this area you can't read it over see we didn't have any influence of anything okay so we had no influence but we've got the teacher here that you know waffles and everything and a very weighted everything and we did some of the work so we did this all the way through the farm just looking at a deep and how far we could get up you know people roll it up to the ground we didn't feed a size and we recorded it on Dropbox so we can do it GPS and then that's what it'll wait to see you can see what happens there we grades it and then what do you know worms turned up I don't know how but was no big deal what we're doing these discs you do this and also here works okay and that's what's happening need all this here and then it's breaking down again we're going straight into it with an insulin okay this is another example and what these these are is these are seat up profile intracranial bostedt typically okay so this is a cinnamon mix as well it's got a couple of perennials in there but you can see you're using the sunflowers using sunflowers tillage I'm using in there there's a lot of other things and I'll talk about that as we go through what we're trying to do and you can see animals things that are in there again you can see all the bees so you get the senior just brings life let's see if it makes you feel good we've had the integrity sores guys down there and have a look what's going on there's an implication test animals in there smashing up so you get the sort of thing happening and then breaks down but now what I'm really gonna bring the attention is there's stuff on the lawn it's not so easy to get this is probably a 2014 already going to listen I spoke to Gary Brown and start looking in America and this is the USBA and haughtiness offend the magnesia different zones so if you're up and North Dakota or what have you it's cold and it gives you a temperature range and then you correlate that to cover crops okay so it tells you what the environment it's good enough to grow on okay so then off the back of that where I did there's a bullet spread sheet and took a lot of duck and you probably can't see it from the back but then here you've got all the different sorts of varieties of species of crop you've got maturity daisies count that's an American carbon-to-nitrogen ratio so they talk about would be twenty to one if you get twenty to one he admitted deep them in composition how it grows the winter hardiness that's where that bring the slide comes into play you know so if it's 5a it's gonna it's gonna go alright if you've got five week and you get a frosty that's pretty much all over so you took this you do using buck with primarily a spring item anyway and if I'm doing something in March and I've put it on X and so what is buckwheat good for and you can sort of see when you come along here well it doesn't have a residue does does okay you can see what the team controls erosion control grazie not so flash you can't really harvest that it's okay for bullies soil to the deepest of deep fibrous root but what it does do very well readers watch wasn't easy okay and then it's very good for the bees and the life as well and it's okay what's its compassion then you come back and you can look like they're wards on using a no-till system so how I calculate I've got some flour it's very good at sub slowly it's very good at so dealing with salt passion it's beneficial for organisms that's got a big long temper that goes down and has a pathway to get nutrients from further down but also women when it dies it decomposes here and other things can grow various thing say opening things up you say all of them are told us to do different things you've got not Dodman ranch where does it summer sort of thing where the cultivators so using different things that do different different tasks really and so this breaching here you can see I've dealt with these sorts of things so you know pepper you know the thick the growth time is faster or short of situation this is a mixing base that we mix all that seed and we get things like this so you give them together and then we just throw it in one bin or maybe if we've got blue symbol using other than as well so we throw them down people are going when you do that as a poor the small seed gonna fall to the bottom well it doesn't okay it doesn't form at the bottom and it's not a precise science this whole thing it's just like getting the seed in the ground and putting your money on something growing instead of putting it in on fear how do you know what see grateful to put up what what I did it no chef he shortly as I looked at her mind hopes for everyone and then I've been on yelling to say okay well if you just make it up as I go pretty much and so typically if I'm doing a lot of 9510 the sink or really want to get lots of sunflowers and or you know tap roots stood out over things I'll get a big root myths but someone's at and I walk up 15 kgs so you're just messing it up you know oats or whatever you're trying to do barely get that that root mass because the more roots you've got on the ground the higher the probability you are gonna increase or down here okay so it comes down so what you try to do when you're trying to do up so I look at that Street I didn't my approaches I'm not a rule but that's a little bit of everything it's a little bit of everything to see it again I'm gonna be fool I'm gonna do a bit of that a little bit of that bit of that and I don't get worried about going to see cuz it's only going to come back again this is this here is what's the implementation strategy okay so when I first started doing this little bit under the traditional five leaders of glyphosate I'd spray it out let it wait for it to die in drill and I even did a bit of cultivation at one stage before we started that and and then you know that pay there's other ways to do this and I destroyed lots of different faster one of the most uh not spread out okay so this is a this is a preparation phase you know typically we when you are doing other traditional system you spray it out you cultivate it ain't food on it you prepare the seed big you know you drove up pretty amazing sprayed post pigeons but whatever you do it takes a long time this here we just raise it to the boards or not spread out that's one option or I spray it with one litre glow phosphate with with four to eight liters of fish twenty liters of humic acid yeast or other things in there as well you human human guess what I make while using a hundred kg simple guess it put me other a hundred thousand liters of water a mixing it up using the crew controller or stop to trample so I'm still trying to get full utilization to the pasture of my own 35 40 percent trampled wrist of a crate and mulch and drill into it so and the way you're sitting up to do things what but if you look listen to go around some of the times he goes and does any any one of these he's usually coming along he's not big on thing on that you'll go into a cover crop mats and in a fit of space and it might be in the autumn and the spring he'll wait things just about before they go to fly out and then you'll do the sprinkler and then you use a another mix to go in and then in some studies you'll go in with an annual and perennial footage this apartment anything I think be the perennial mix for the existing existing pasture with it with a new species and when you look here for the private sex that's a different thing again so I do all these approaches there is no that's the way you do it it's sometimes on I'm using it than going or just do it in your end or cover crops and then I'll go into any public locks with perennials and then again and then I even the stove straight up so I'm not even taking it out what I said right now I'm drilling in to loosen its dormant with things like that people go you're crazy enjoyed everyone go whole evolution its established comes up like that and I'm not going to have it much the other stuff away so that's that's what I'm doing then this here gives you an example of that sort of thing Monday started or what I'm seeing are that use your son no experiment so you can see you're going in and he was into existing crayons with what you see here let's drink hollyrock and in the spring before it flowers like I say going getting the stop to trample it using sorghum Sudan Jo dong Quan radish even some that doesn't like it but I like it because we get a big cultivator and then it's not that's a nitrogen st. that sits up for an extra are using your our gas buckwheat sunflower repeat you want to begin change it up and then I'm going you're going into perennials and sometimes over during this stick earlier but at the same time I'm also doing quality primers and I'll show you what that is this is a book if so you haven't read it I recommend you get on route listen to it and then it's fantastic I even listen to it on the way up here again and I'm picking out the new things but it didn't understand the fist on ground so that is a Brennan here's a nice description if you want to know what the genus names are for these species if anyone wants to stop getting set there if you see over go ahead about four years ago from pioneer if you want to stop growing that'll be great number of things Kathy if you almost start growing that bitly great it's black like Pete you got wheat we materials so it looks about all these different items how you can kill them okay and for people and arable that's obviously very they didn't work up here is your feed the tennis game audio quality for each other you know germination temperature that's and Fahrenheit and then you can see what the others a kilos of monoculture if you don't Bali in New Zealand maybe it's 150 you but you know that's ago I bought the same treatment scene and after broadcasting then here is just the reseating and what they good at tolerating th this here is another joint country set up mix you can sorta see its many annuals with a few rescues and a bit of other things and once we put that in that's what it looks like then we get into more of what I'm about to show you now this is the buckwheat so people doesn't have buckwheat black coats different different colors loosen in there as well so this one here is a kilogram to loosen and then I've got different constants not loop ends for Celia sunflower lots of different corabeth's and that's what ends up it's going to be long this is an interesting company years ago through July the fury we didn't have any right I'll give you my of fog mobiles and everything here and the background that solution and October okay this here was planted a few weeks before that you can see what the symbol other relations and you know climb stuff dude computer with Lucien that should be up and talking to us and that's what Garrett he's a farm manager looking gun how does this help come on who's here I'm so gone from comic-con you know look at that day and you can see what was going on and I think paints good as well and that's another view of it that's it on the view and then that's what ends out once it's been agent and smash to the ground the Lucian comes back with all the toxins and everything okay that's here is what we do we we were a lot of waterfowl ultracal priming and here doesn't lead to tank here but a 30,000 liter tank over here of seawater and we come up with mixes when we're using seawater seaweed fish but a fine line which we sometimes help myself with humate and Ben if I've got a weed that I'm trying to get rid of you know go pick up and you know compose it for like eight months or throw it on this mix and triumph around that patio I'm trying to get rid of okay so these are that this is an idea of just mixes so you can see it so we've got a cow spring sprayer or you can get another toy unfit thing and so we did the hunter and Kiki threat and this last season and we get scared enough to go in and so to see that all comes down so if you're funded by bacteria right sure you try you know they say you trying to get a balance of one to one yeah yeah ground sea is I think it's one to five you can do with no tolerance but one of the one that's will that they do talk about and like I haven't really really seen myself a to me because on the fine at the moment things have been growing when they normally don't okay and so everything feeling that it's actually any any very for us so you can still see we using molasses fish harvest site seaweed humic acids seawater and they making sure we are losing it without the water so they calmed up to me ears on the ceiling and using yeast and or brewers yeast as well fine line and and this here there's another book that i recommend that you give me this see what is 90 sorry seeing order is not just cost it's got all the elements or everything Ximena ology so you know you think of it you want folks about things running off the land and goes down the river to the sea what we're doing is taking backup and encouraging it to do its thing you know again it's like every time he doesn't want to be mom actually going while it didn't understand that big fish - I'm learning it the second time and she's the one that talks about it so you all these different things like see what a sprite milk milk to you is not deal with not rat poisoning this or all the sort of stuff and very oh yeah we're still watch challenges in that area there's no doubt about it I stopped health and be a lot better but you you just you know you like wing weights and everything here up we're moving in the right direction with improve dramatically and if you look online there's even you can see life everywhere the skies have been on the farm that they're talking about the bees and the birds and you just see it's just crazy so you know we've got we've got really really tall - we really pourcel had probably was with university in the country and with that you've got you've got to deal with them so the well much worked up we've dealt with that if you from going to the courses with the coal chairs what a reading from pet Colby and that sort of stuff so we will write into crane mineral feeders so we're gonna do to them that we drag around that final six little buckets we've got you know sink sulfate or kelp and you mate and things like Dan makes the nectar they can sell communicate with every farm to deal with any different deficiencies as well it's hard to weave when we go on a movie you know different stages of going different places and to go isolate there's one of rotations a little time it's hard so that in the area and say well that has we have don't even men if you don't see what I'm saying so we're we're in different places some some places will weren't two years into it other places were four years into it but every year we're learning stuff that improving what we do so when it comes to stop by I'm not the guy that's hands-on dealing with them day to day but you know you look at I'm gonna see the weaning weights and everything it's got a next level yeah okay when we when we started out we were spending a lot of money on fertilizer like that once they join I was with this whole sort of thing I was speaking it's a $400,000 okay that's what's eating cultivating for cultivation costs and everything and in the end I was doing you know ought to be $665,000 with a seat and then okay now most of that money is going to see okay so I spent $20,000 on yes but here's the key thing when I started inside out on the whole thing I was doing we would say 250 No so what go ahead is we you as a lot of Wolfensohn one of the guys that came out was an Argentinean Aramis and so he ran them and wait grant you to come down and then run around do it or we do and so that baseline on the whole property we get without salt ists we've got the the visual assessments and GPS locations but we didn't have the camera we have some carbon measurements but it's from your solid when lengthy procedure and a few properties a few pets but we haven't done the whole farm you want you around any called vision in terms of do you see yourself doing the camera cropping continue or are you looking to get permanent pasture basis and you're using it as a regenerate you'll hold up brown top and right in so color drops like when you look at Cal crops there's a lot of perennials that you can customized of crops you have a Cal coccyx and what you think is grass so what we're doing is we use tell crops I'm going to use perennials all the time I've just got loose in and with a camera I wish I could get more MORE grasses every camera though that are used to the cold because you know Roy grass shuts down 24 to 25 degrees so we're with this whole thing to give you an understanding one other location and we spray with the phosphate for the right opening some other things that came away and then the insulin elusive and came alive and over and so it's there so what does that say NC you know the scenario of ablutions are you go to attainments you know that's him it's all about making sure you go they the other plants in there that actually give up the want some other relationships together to manage themselves and so it's it's more or less trying to show on that spreadsheet before where I've got annual come across cover crops and the perennials that come across is there's different ways of doing it you just you just plugging and playing so when I'm going from one to another I'm not spraying our glycol so yeah we're trying to just either down or get a mulch or what have you to to the other senior and get away from high off get this you I've got to get ill with y'all that's that's my mentality just accept that it's not always it's gonna be perfect you know and it doesn't come this year it's gonna come next year and I've seen that happen time and time again like we put stuff on you know loosen base with cover crop and that's what's up we can happen right and and it's very slow coming but it comes eventually you mean everything Vance that's so it's just just what's your thoughts on the amount of nutrients you're exporting off your property is meat or wool and how do you feel about the replacement of those do not go with it theory yes so every every year you're trapping me - away and whirlaway yes from your property yeah and that has to come from somewhere yeah so that's coming from your soils and pasture that's a little the photos we had you know cattle standing and stuff like that okay that's not just so you smash that and then you've been in the bottled you underground cells get into this mentality of you've got to look after the Balaji like you handsome son of the things is what we're not using some food wasn't but I'm not say no to using lots of wine I wanted to uh stuff as well with the biological stimulants one anneal so we would not go in it where if we need to use something we use an absolutely t to change it to get to where we're gonna go yes on that money and this situation when you've got this level of diversity in these symbolic relationships I've seen it personally as guys can actually grow their new treating banks and these soils without any inputs even with harvesting animals and cash crops as well that's a bit hard to get around that because we look at these historic look at you know approaches of fertilizer applications as Paris and you know mineral demand and the certain crops and slipping into context and and so many through a place that to Mahoney all that removal right you want to call them you know cut a we're of us to removable right I think that's sort of what you're talking about at and those qualities that this that just is an effective and that we can see them grow while still removing nutrients from the soil without even adding in just from you know we would get to eat some of these things let's move on the state yeah someone's going to see that so they know it's going to go again and it's even going now you know so it's getting into that crazy things going to see we have weeds that are where the weeds are growing because the quality and the ground of the Sun is a problem I'm here - coming out - trunk fixer and so you know I've got to go and plant more stuff and spray other things to be able to change the environment to be able to remove them we'll use the the lots of someone breaking down and mean spring so I'm breaking that part down I want to remove it using the interior is breaking down and spraying it out it's unsteady getting cooled up on the whole thing themselves getting into a cycle where we're trying to get touches that what higher than in a traditional system because what happens as soon as you get punctures up here all of a sudden you correctly our little microclimate down here okay so it's like being in a greenhouse so when you have pasta that high and you've got 40 degrees with what the kids are doing the soul just is dry but when it's that high if you've got that environment and you get a little bit of rain then the moisture stays and then all the sudden the source that's the you know everything starts to work together and if you've got all these root systems go everywhere the roots are going you know all through the through the soil profile different types of groups have really changed [Applause]
Channel: Quorum Sense NZ
Views: 2,641
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Id: BWg4Rvrl_v4
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Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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