Pete Whittaker's Most Traumatizing Climbing Trip Ever

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of all these crazy objectives that you've done with Tom the sentury crack you know the two years of training in the cellar for that Cobra crack the bridge boys which ones have been the most I've got four categories fun rewarding miserable and traumatizing um I think um the Sentry crack trip uh was was really really fun I think uh just because at that point in my life I think how old was I then I was 20 I think then um I'd never been out of Europe I don't think it was my first time to America um that was a full road trip you guys did tons of stuff yeah and it wasn't just like going climbing Sentry crack but it was like we visited loads of different areas we went and climbed you know these routes and this style that we really into at the time and we just got to meet people along the way and Sample loads of cool stuff and I think yeah it was just like really memorable trip even to this day like that was definitely the most fun and then you know the outcome was what we've been training for for for the two years so it was all like really it made it even more fun cuz it was just rewarding at the end so MH um yeah yeah so I'd say that was the most fun um what was the second category we've got rewarding miserable and traumatizing um miserable I would say miserable was probably the um Bridge boys MH it was still so dirty it looks so gross quite miserable yeah yeah exactly eating pizza like under the grime of a Motorway I was like dude just like that thing of just years of car dust and dirt and oil and fuel and whatever coming down that Gap in the bridge yeah and because obviously nobody else has been along there cleaning it we're just cleaning it as we go and it's just ah just so much stuff so much dirt um yeah it was kind of like miserable that I would say and also it was just yeah it was really uh hard work as well doing the same move the 2,500 ft Jesus yeah so it yeah that that was a miserable one and then traumatizing I would say probably the trip in y me and Tom did like a big Walling trip to where we tried to climb as many or free as many uh big Wars as we could in like uh it well it was my first season in year7 um but I think it was It was kind of difficult for I felt like it was a little bit difficult for Tom because he struggles with exposure um um quite a bit if he hasn't been yeah doing it very much so there was there was definitely like a bit of struggle on that trip in terms of in terms of that so um what was that like for you he hasn't gone he hasn't gone back um he hasn't gone back to 70 since no no um for me um I mean like I I I really enjoyed the trip and for me like yeah it was like a whole new thing again like eye opening to the the big Walling World um I think that was 2014 now so nearly 10 years ago um and yeah I felt like it's shown me different opportunities and stuff so I found it like a really I found it a really rewarding trip but maybe as a pair it was maybe quite traumatizing yeah hey friends I want to take a second to tell you about my new favorite climbing shoes I fell in love with these this year this is the Drone CS from madrock it's an amazing bouldering shoe and I actually sent all of my hardest Boulders in 2023 wearing the Drone CS I also just got my first pair of the Drone 2.0 the Drone 2.0 is a huge improvement over the original in my opinion it has a lot of the same features as the Drone CS which I love it's just a little bit stiffer and more supportive and you can really tow into small footholds and Edge really well with this shoe I really love both of these shoes and I think they complement each other really well if you want to check them out head over to madrock doccom and use code nugget a checkout to save 10% off your first order that's madrock docomo the rest of the video I mean as his as his partner on that trip like how is that affecting you what are you dealing with up there like trying to support him but also just trying to enjoy being up there trying to be psyched probably like having some you know intimidation and and fear yourself on some of these hard difficult things yeah yeah I think I mean it definitely was um difficult because I think when you can see your partner struggling in whatever it is doesn't you know in this in this case it was exposure and you know having a difficult time but obviously he's wanting to do well then that's it's kind of difficult but MH I don't know I I like to think of myself as a decent climbing partner and kind of offer support where it's need to or take the leads when it's need to or you know do what's needed and I'm like I'm definitely not going to push it and you know if we did have to go down then we would have had to go down I don't think Tom would have ever wanted to do that but you know I think yeah I kind of like to think I'm a good climbing partner in that sense yeah yeah like listen listening to your partner I think that's important especially on the walls as well when when there's if if people aren't feeling right and mistakes are made then that's when it can become like really deadly and stuff so think it's good to it's good to listen to the vibe I think yeah totally yeah okay you got one more rewarding I think the trips that we've done down to the White rim in Canyon lands have been really rewarding um and I think it's it's definitely one of my favorite areas that's where s crack is that's where Sentry crack is but from that trip we've been back down to the same area uh maybe four or five different trips like long extended trips MH because on that Sentry crack trip we realized that oh my God Sentry crack isn't a one and only there are hundreds of there are hundreds of these things out there wow um and I think for for both of us it was really rewarding to find um that area um and develop this style of roof crap climbing which hasn't really been around before there have been a few like occasional big roofs but we were finding these things that weren't just like 100 foot long like Sentry crack but were 100 meters long you know these big massive roofs what was the one with the with the super gnarly mono Crux on it um Cobra crack no not not Cobra crack it was it was one of the ones down in the white rim area it was a roof crack in the desert oh theu crucifix the crucifix yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so that's in the same area that's in the same area yeah still a project still a project yeah I I forgotten about that that's right I remember following the updates and being like are they gonna [ __ ] do this thing like how hard is this going to be you know um is that still on your radar yeah we did a lot of other Roots um around that area because there were loads of other big roof cracks um so whil we're working on the crucifix we were also like doing these other you know hard 513 low 514 Trad routs mhm um but yeah we never kind of got around to finishing off or doing the crucifix I think I think it's for the Next Generation there we go there we go it's it's really hard yeah it's really hard but yeah I mean I know it's it's uh it's hard to assign grades to things that haven't been done yet but um give me some context around that I mean how does it compare to to something like Crown Royale or some of these other hardest trads you've done is this thing 515 like what yeah what's yeah yeah absolutely absolutely absolutely 100% 100% no doubt yeah yeah [Music] oh
Channel: The Nugget Climbing Podcast
Views: 34,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Climbing, Rockclimbing, Bouldering, Outdoor Climbing, Adam Ondra, Magnus Midtbø, Emil Abrahamsson, WideBoyz, Pete Whittaker, Tom Randall, Tommy Caldwell, Aidan Roberts, Alex Megos, Hooper’s Beta, Lattice Training, Climbers Crag, Wedge Climbing, Hannah Morris Bouldering
Id: YqUp3aGMIqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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