Perturbator "Lustful Sacraments" [Full Album - 2021]
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Channel: BlooodMusic
Views: 746,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: perturbator, hotline miami, retrosynth, darksynth, synthwave, retrowave, john carpenter, kavinsky, goblin, vangelis, suspiria, ghost in the shell, anime, manga, i am the night, dangerous days, the uncanny valley, sexualizer, nocturne city, night driving avenger, dan terminus, dynatron, cyberpunk, akira, the wrath of code, automated refrains, darkwave, cyberpunk 2077, carpenter brut, blade runner, blade runner 2049, blood music, new model, aeternus, behemoth, non paradisi, possessor, electronic
Id: eWpnW4aCM3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 53sec (2813 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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