"Personal Testimony" by Barbara O'Neill (10/10)

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what I wanted to share with you this morning is where I come from I'm a fifth-generation Australian Scottish descent and I grew up in the average family home I'm one of five children we had sausages and chops and mashed potatoes and frozen peas every night of the week except for Sunday when mum cooked the roast lamb I didn't know there was any such thing in the whole world as brown bread because we just always had white bread and then I once must have been about 17 I had a boyfriend who had a friend who was a vegetarian I've never heard of a vegetarian before and so I went to this restaurant we went out and I discovered cauliflower and tons of pie with brown rice and and spinach I'd never ever seen such things before so I decided to become a vegetarian and my family really laughed at me at that time my mother was very sick my mother was a in a wheelchair with rheumatoid arthritis and she'd gone through many medical things and was just getting worse and worse and I met a lady named Daisy now by this time I was living with my partner and I had a little little girl and I had a little baby boy and mum was in a wheelchair she was in Sydney and I was near Newcastle and I met a lady named Daisy and she was a Seventh day Adventists I've never heard of her seventh day Venice before and I told her about my mother she said I think I can help your mother and so I told my father he flew straight up to see Daisy and he said I think Daisy can help so we flew mum up to see Daisy at this stage mum was only five stone she could not walk she her she was very deformed her and these were very swollen her feet were hands were like this and she could not pick things up and Daisy little by little did natural remedies on her I've never heard of natural remedies before and she fasted her massaged her and she got her off all her medication and she was now pain free and now it was time to bring mom back home but mum did not want to go any further with us and so mum very quickly deteriorated and her pains came back my father put her in hospital he didn't know what else to do with her I traveled down to visit to see if I could talk to Mum and we got a call in the morning that she died in the night she was only 51 and my father said your mother need not have died your mother believed that she would and she would now I had worked as a psychiatric nurse before I had children so I was very very interested in the emotional and the mental aspect of disease and the lecture that I gave you at 9:30 really is an outcrop of me looking at alternatives ways to heal mental illness I see people heal now I didn't see people heal as a psychiatric nurse so it was a great concern for me that that my mother had just passed now my little children were getting colds and things like that and I I didn't want to treat them with drugs I'd seen what Daisy had done with my mum and so I began to ask people and little by little I developed different ways to treat the children at that time I got to know some people who are living next door I was 25 and this couple was 25 and 26 they just become Christians and I remember she came to my house one day and she said would you like to do a Bible study now I was greatly offended with this I said no thank you I did not want to do a Bible study and I was almost offended that she she'd asked me such a thing I just just wanted to have be friends with her and talk about health unfortunately about that time I my partner had an affair with another woman and I was heartbroken and this couple took me in and I would pray for me and I began to become interested and they said Barbara all you have to do is give your heart and I said how do you do that and they said just say father coming to my heart so in quite moments when I was alone I'd say father coming to my heart but nothing would happen I wanted to know how you did this I wanted what they had they had a piece that I wanted but I didn't know how to do it my my first husband was not my partner was not very happy with her with me getting interested in you know religious thing so I used to be very quiet about it they gave me a book called desire of Ages about the life of Jesus but I couldn't read it they said read the Bible well I got to the part where Aaron held Moses hands up and they won the battle but his hands went down they'd lost the battle and I thought I don't know what all this is about I found it very very hard then they gave me a book called your Bible and you and it talks about how the Bible's written and I read through that book and a just made sense and I saw a picture and it was a picture of Jesus knocking on a door but there was no handle on the outside and it really struck my heart it said behold I stand at the door and knocking If any man hear my voice and open the door he says I will come in and I thought to myself maybe that's how you do it and I got down on my knees I now had an understanding of what it was about and I said father in heaven I give you everything I give you my children I give you my life and when I got up I felt a peace and I thought hmm maybe I've done it maybe maybe I have done it you know as the days went by I decided to pray every morning I started to read and I found that I could read a lot easier and my friends gave me a little book called steps to Christ and this book goes through the steps and we got to us chapter and it talks about the will in fact it is so good and it explained it so well I've memorized it it says page 47 it says what we need to understand is the true force of the will this is the governing power in the nature of man it is the power of decision or of choice you cannot change your heart you cannot of yourself give to God its affections oh man I read that I thought well what can you do and then the next sentence tells you it says but you can give him your will he will then work in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure through that right action of the will our entire change can be made in the life and that's why I love the previous lecture because I now know it's in the frontal part of the brain where your reason intellect judgment and will is so you use your intellect your reason and your judgment to make your decisions and that's what I had done do you know it was the start of a different life I actually stopped smoking marijuana I stopped drinking alcohol and my partner was not happy he was not happy at all and I tried to explain it to him but he was just getting very very angry and so then we moved up into the rainforest and that was about an hour behind coffs harbor and even though we moved in the rainforest I read I continued to read the Bible and so my journey of becoming a Christian my journey of understanding natural therapies basically goes hand-in-hand and there's a lovely verses some some six verse eight and I made it mine God says I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way that thou shalt go I will guide thee with mine eye and I read that and I claimed that and little by little as the children got sick and I'd have books and I'd try different things out on them my son Peter had very very bad asthma and he was my fifth child so the children keep coming I've got a few more children now and children and Peter's birth was quite amazing because they thought I had a long time to go and now my baby came quickly and I just delivered him myself in fact they came into the room and there I was holding the baby's head they nearly hit the roof but I didn't realize that Peter was going to become very very ill in fact I think it first happened when he got a cold about five months old and he went into breathing distress and I just burst into tears that this child could hardly breathe and so I took him to the doctor because I tried the garlic on the feet and I tried the poultice there's all the other things I tried but it it didn't do a lot with Peter and they said Peter has asthma he's got severe physiological asthma he will need ventolin so when I went into the hospital they would give him ventolin and that would open the bronchioles and then I read an article in the paper and it said venture ventolin reduces lung capacity although my asthmatic son needs all the lungs that he can get how come Peter got asthma well my sister and my father both have asthma my sister was eight years younger than me and I used to sit by her bed she was my baby I used to read to her I used to stroke her I saw ambulance come to her house and take her to a hospital so it actually touched a few nerves with me that now my baby had asthma I remember we got back from town one night and I'd started to know a few things I could do because I went to the naturopath and he told me to do hot and cold compresses on his chest he told me to stop all wheat and dairy we're only having a little bit and he said to give him licorice and slippery arm so I'd started to do a few things Peter was about 14 months old mostly breastfed and we come back from town late one night when it now we're way up in the mountains and there was a storm and when you're up in the mountains you don't have electricity and there's a storm raging and you got five kids I've got the baby it's quite a thing to get them out of the van and into their bed and I could see that Peter was struggling with his with his breathing you see his nostrils would flare with every breath and from his neck to his hips body would go like this with every breath it's so scary and I said to my partner he's very ill we need to take him to hospital and he said no no no he's not that bad we can't look at the storm the kids are all asleep he'll be all right and he went to bed now for me to do Hartman calls I have to put him down and get everything ready but if I put him down he would get distressed and then he's breathing and get worse so I thought what do I do I'm in the rainforest like I can't do anything I thought I'll go to bed I'll sit up and I'll just hold Peter and I'm gonna pray all night for that and fight for the life of my child there was nothing else I could do my hands were totally tied so I sat there and I just started praying Father in Heaven I just yes my child my child my child and I'd fall asleep and I'd wake up and I'd feel terribly guilty because I'm supposed to be fighting for the life of my child and I try again fighting for the life of my child and fall asleep again and I'd wake up and he's he's still breathing but it's in breathing distress and I realize I couldn't do it anymore I kept falling asleep I was I was failing my post so I did something that it's very very hard to do I just said father in heaven you can have him that's very hard to do that I said he's yours just take him and of course I and my humanity thought I was killing my child but I knew I couldn't stay at my post anymore so I just surrendered him to God I said take him he's yours and I fell asleep and I woke up in the morning and Peter was still life and he had no more breathing distress no no person on the planet knows what happened that night no one knows you don't tell anyone who did you tell my mother was dead maybe she would understand my partner he wouldn't understand he'd probably think I was silly you just get up in the morning and you thank God that he didn't die that night and you just go about your day and do the washing and you fix the children but you know there's a God in heaven he watches everything that you do and he sends angels to help you no matter is every brother low no father is ever alone and I think only the God of heaven knows the struggles of a mother's heart do you know what I realized as time went on I can't save the life of my child only God can and God was waiting for me to give my child to God and I thought that I had to fight for the life of my child I can heal nobody I can save no one God has given us principles that if we adhere to them our body can heal but God is the healer and he can touch us with healing but he gave us hands he gave us minds to do it and that's why that thrilling story of that little boy who was healed from his asthma you know there are many methods of healing but there are only one that God approves of because God put into our body our self-healing mechanism and he also gives us knowledge on the treatments or the conditions required to actually stimulate that healing process Peter got stronger and stronger and there is one situation I'll tell you about because the naturopath said if you give him an enema it will easy as breathing distress Peter was 14 months at the time how do you give a 14 month old an enema and I thought to myself I've got to distract him right at the point I put the animal animal nozzle in now Peter had an older brother James so Peters 14 months old James was probably about eight at the time and James had a submarine and it had a little motor in it you put a battery in you know and the motor goes around and Peter loved this submarine an outboard motor but Peter wasn't allowed to touch it sometimes James would let Peter stand nearby and watch that was it and Peter wouldn't count it a great honor to just watch the motor so I went to James and I said James you know Peter's very sick and we need to give him an enema and I need to distract him would you agree for him to just hold the motor and we'll put that heli that you know propeller on justice and James agreed and it's very important parents to work with the will of your child I'm not going to take that motor I need to show my son respect this is a valuable toy he agreed I said thank you James so we said everything up made Peter on the floor got the towels got the enema kid and I nodded to James and James gave Peter there it's like a little cylinder with the propeller on the end and Peter looked at it he looked at James he looked at me he's not allowed to touch this thing and he's allowed to touch it and just as I'm about to insert the enema I nodded to James and he turned the little knob whatever and the propeller started going around and Peter went and you could have done anything to Peter at that point and so I inserted the enema I put about a cup in I massaged his tummy as he was just in 7/7 watching this that look propelling go around and then we just sat Peter and a little pot and about then James came and took it and Peter just nodded because Peter knew it was a great honor even to hold that for a minute now so I'm just showing you two that you've got to work with the will of your children to be able to do such things now that enema took breathing distress from 24 hours down to five hours it's such a difference and then we do hot and calls on his chest and I'd sit him here and I'd have the hot and calls and we'd have a whole pile of books and we'd read stories to distract Peter every time Peter got a cold within 24 hours he'd been breathing distress it was just a pattern that happened what I also had to do is not feed him when he had to the breathing distress so I would just feed him watermelon so what I do is I'd have one child in the bedroom reading stories to Peter while we all ate and then we'd clean all that up and then the child that didn't need we'd have a meal out the back for him because you know you can't say to a child you can't have this meal while everyone's me and I just gave him watermelon that certainly heard the helps certainly helped so by the time Peters - he's not getting breathing distress much and I found that that it didn't last very long at all when Peter was two-and-a-half I gave birth to my sixth child and Peter had a cold and you know fear rose up in me but you know what Bible says about fear in second Timothy 1 verse 7 the Bible says this is God speaking I've not given you the spirit of fear but of power of love and of a sound mind beautiful verse so I would not let my mind go to fear remember I want to birth this baby and I want to birth this baby naturally and I don't want to fear that Peters got a breathing distress while I'm giving birth to my baby the birth went very easily especially because I've been squatting all pregnancy and the whole baby actually just flew out of me with one push and they had to catch the baby so praise God for a simple birth and as soon as the baby was born because the baby was so quick the children were having lunch so they were all called and Peter crawled up on the bed I remember Peter standing there and looking at my you our new little baby and then I went straight home but Peters called never developed into breathing distress praise be to God do you know there's a verse in the Bible I think it's first Corinthians 10 to 13 where it says that there's no temptation taken you but what but that but such as is common to men and God will not tempt you above what ye are able and with that temptation he'll make a way of escape that you may be able to bear it at the age of two and a half Peter's not having asthma anymore in fact he never had asthma again now he had severe physiological asthma at the age of seven the naturopath called me he said Barbara I'm about to speak at the Asthma Foundation I want you to tell me the details of Peter because he said you know more about asthma than I do now he said Peter's the worst case I have ever seen so I told him what I did I told him about the herbs and about the foods we'd stopped I told him about plantain plantain you'd see it out in the grass it's a herb that's an expectorant I used to give Peter lots of plantain I'd boil it up put a bit of lemon and honey and all he loved his plantain tea and it strengthens lungs so there's a whole lot of bits and pieces I did three days later the naturopath rang me he said they're a little bit hesitant at first but he said after a while the people suffered and listened to what I had to say I think he just told the story of Peter he said when I'd finished a lady came up and he said it was if she was explaining Peter severe physiological asthma he was on cortisone every day and cortisone puffy and he had to have enemas to help him go to the toilet because his medication constipated him so much and the doctors had given him two weeks to live he was 7 the same age as Peter and then the naturopath said to me and look at Peter I remember the naturopath said everything you're doing to Peter is he's gonna be as strong as an ox in the back of my book there's a picture of Peter the back of my book I've got my children in my ages the little one at the end is me so there's me then my daughter and my son two more daughters so the second last one is Peter he's got muscles like this he is as strong as an ox so I know that genetics may load the gun but lifestyle pulls the trigger Peter was born with strong genes towards her towards the asthma but from the age of three no more asthma and remember what the naturopath said this was the most severe case he had ever seen it was severe physiological asthma so I praise God that we have been given a body that being born in 2018 and we weren't always born in that I was born in 1953 we have all been born with some genetic weaknesses but it need not control us and that's where I feel that I play a part I feel that I have been called to be a teacher and you can see by the experiences I just gave you that sometimes they were very heartbreaking experiences but I learned so much one lady said to me when I said but I have no qualifications she said you've got six bas ba be wise that you learn much by by helping those and so life went on and every morning I would pray father in heaven what do you want me to do what can I do for you and he would impress on my mind your children your children but one morning I got a different impression in my mind he said put meetings together and teach young mothers how to treat their children naturally I was so excited and then I ran into the children we'd always read the Bible every morning and I was reading another book it was called the testimonies and I sat down and started to read and I got to the point we were just up to this point and it said meetings should be given to teach the people how to do natural remedies or just about screaming I said children God has just impressed me in my prayer and now he's confirmed it in what we were reading so I went to church the little church up in the hills we'd go to and I told them and one of the elder said great we'll have meetings every Saturday afternoon and I said I'll just wait a minute I've got to I've got to put a few things together I felt that I didn't know anything so I got my anatomy and physiology book out and I got some other books I had and I gave six meetings the first two meetings were hydrotherapy and I would put I would demonstrate on the children because the children were used to me doing all sorts of things to them so I have one in a hot foot bath there and I'd wrap one up in a wet sheet in the blanket and have him there and I do hot and cold compresses on my son James because by now James is about 14 and so I do all of these demonstrations on the children and so first to will hydrotherapy that's water therapy now I just learnt this from a book I had on dr. Kellogg's water killers and just whatever the book said I just did so I practiced on the children at home I'd already practiced on them at home and that's what I demonstrated in the meeting and then the next meeting was poultices so I'd I'd pulverise up charcoal from my fire and I'd make poultices out of that by the way next year SBS television are doing a documentary called the Great Australian cure and they contacted me a few months ago and asked if I'd talk on charcoal so I'll be talking about charcoal there so I learnt charcoal and I'd put a garlic and just different things if you go to my poultice DVD it's on youtube it's basically all the bits and pieces I'd learn to do and so I'd wrap all the children up in all these policies and then the next meeting was herbes and the herbs I did was just the herbs growing out in the garden I'd talk on dandelion I'd talk on chick weed I took on radium and I definitely would talk on plantain because I believe plantain played a main role in Peter recovering from his asthma some 104 verse 14 the Bible says God gave herbes for the service of man those herbes come in to serve you to strengthen you to heal you not one dose but we gave her heat we gave a lot of Plenty and teeth to Peter I'd even get fancy straws and he was drinking huge amounts of it so back to the meetings there the first four meetings the fifth meeting was the eight laws of health I touched on last night that's found in the little book ministry of healing and then the final six meeting I talked on food and then we got all the ladies in church we gave them recipes to do healthful foods and this is a tiny little country church in doriga you might have heard of Dora go do you know the first meeting 40 people came that church members were so excited they never seen anything like this and then I I was contacted by someone who heard about it so then I went down to Ballarat now this is about 1992 and they wanted all my children to come and they and I'd because they wanted me to demonstrate on on the children they said it won the hearts of the people when all the children with it and so that's that's was my my journey of learning natural remedies it was really cause and effect now about this time my first husband was getting very heavily into marijuana and he was smoking 30 joints a day so life was getting a little bit hard in the rainforest and one night he he threatened me with a gun it was a very very scary night and I realized that I had to go so the next day it was Sabbath morning and we're all going to church and I had it in my mind because I was just awake most of the night just terrified planning my escape so the next day I thought we're going to church but I won't come home so I said to my children pack extra clothes for your we'll go for a walk in the afternoon and I packed lunch as we always did because we're an hour from church way up in the hills behind our ago and I put some oats and some soya milk and different things underneath lunch because I thought well that'll be our breakfast the next day and then I don't know what I'm gonna do after that and I know that the church has a hall and it has a kitchen and a bathroom so we could use that and they have mattresses so I'm sure we'll be able to do something like that so I got up in the morning and you know with an alcoholic cycle they can be screaming and and threatening and all terrible one but in the morning everything's alright so in the morning everything was all right and he said what time he coming home I said I don't know he said are you coming home I said no he said well you're not going anywhere no idea I'll have to change this a bit so I said alright I come home and here I would not lie but in the back of my mind I thought I'm a woman you know we can change our minds so when we drove out that day I had one last look at my roses at my mountain home because I knew I would not come back in fact when it got difficult even a month before I'd be thinking the lettuces are about to be picked that where will I find seven beds where will I find a washing machine and and he is just overwhelming and when a woman is having a hard time and she stays I've heard people say stupid woman why'd us and she lived you don't know you terrified and you don't know how you don't know how you you think if you get out they'll come after you it's a terrifying thing and so you stay and then it gets really bad and when it gets really bad the lettuces and the roses fade into significance I might sound silly I'm that's I suppose what I thought is a woman and we we are left and I knew that I would not come back because I knew that I could not stay in the home because he'd got a gun that night and I'd heard him go to the Billy where the bullets were kept it was a terrifying night but in the morning everything was alright I got to church and the little tiny church I think 40 people but not always 40 there and the ladies came out or how they loved us when we started going to that church it was instantly half full with all my children and when I got out of the car I just burst into tears I'd hardly had any sleep and the ladies said what and I told them and the men said let us go to the place please let us go to the police I said no no no you terrified just terrified no no no no and we went to church and my children were there my children were very quiet I remember about a month before a lady had come to me and she said Barbara what's happening in your home she said I look at the faces of your children and I think what's happening in that home idea you you think it's all right you think you try and make it all right and I that just broke my heart I wanted to think that they were protected that it was all right I was until I left that I started to realize that how bad it was really and so when I said to the ladies we'll just stay in the hall and when you're coming to our house do you know that afternoon I had lady's church members bring me money slipping money to me food clothes it's so nice to be part of that that little church family and we're having lunch and Peter he's eight we're having lunch and he looked at me he said are you gonna ring dad now tell him that you're not coming home that you've changed your mind how does he know that do you know the children see everything more than we think they do so I rang up I bring him up in the afternoon I said we're not coming home I've changed my mind we're not coming home he said I'm so sorry everything will be all right it'll never happen again do you know all I want is to go home that's all I want it's my home so high so high I said no we can't we can't come home that was so hard to do that cuz all I wanted is to go home that's very very hard and we went to a lady's house and my daughter thought she was a very wealthy lady because she had 40 pillows she had places for all of us mid-weight I found a house dinner no one will rent a house to a woman with six children I rang up a few places how many children do you have how many six oh no you can't get a place I find him I found a place that was a house in a caravan park it was a big old house and it had five bedrooms that was sort of branders had been built in and a lady agreed to see me even though she and I went with the lady I staying with and as soon as I walked into the room the whole room was flooded with Sun and I felt God was saying this is your house and I looked at the lady and I got $50 out I said can I have it and she said your children and the lady with me said these children are the best children you will ever meet in your life they're the most wondered about the dun duh-da and she said alright when she told me later that her husband just lost it that night when she said she'd rented a house she rented the house to a lady with six children do you know the very next morning we got up we almost garden so I went out at the back and I saw Hank he was a German man he and his wife own a bike I said Oh Hank we'd we'd like to start a veggie garden and he said yeah well he can have that plot down there you know we went down and he came running out with implements and my daughter started to help with the cleaning she started to bake bread and sell it in the shop every day my son James was 15 now he did all the mowing every afternoon and it got to the point where they actually thought that we were one of the best things that had ever happened to him praise be to God but after after a few months I I saw it wasn't a good influence because people that live in Caravan packs and often low economic and I remember one lady I used to watch her she come out every day and she'd obviously been beaten up that night so it was it was not too bad because my children were home school so that the children won't school through the day they're probably about ten children in this little caravan park so what I would do is when the children came home from school I would go outside and play with them because if I was there was a better tone and there was cement outside where we lived so we do skipping and we do handball so every afternoon I was 40 I went out and I played with the kids and we played cricket and we played handball because if I was there it was a better tone and there was a little boy and his mother was the one that was beaten up a fair bit he was only tennis then was Brendan he was very small for his age you could tell he came from a very troubled home but he was very good at handball so I got very good at handball too and I remember he came one afternoon knocked on my door and I said yes Brendan he would hardly look at you'd always have his head down he said will you play handball with me oh what an honor I dropped everything to play handball with Brendan then the God opened the door for us to move to a little country house his house was in terrible disrepair but the church were going to they did six working bees and they got the house up to to good working order and then I started to give meetings in that little church and we started to give meetings to the public I was a single mother for four years and then my eldest daughters went to work at a health retreat called Living Valley Springs in Queensland so one daughter went up then the other daughter went up and they started to train in massage and colonic irrigation and lymphatics and I thought well half my kids are up there I might move up there so I moved up there and I was there one year I think and the business manager asked me to marry him Michael O'Neill I told the story this morning and my whole life changed and I wanted for nothing after that he was very good provider he had two children I had six now when we married the ages were 10 11 12 13 14 16 19 21 mine 10 he's 11 mind well Peter was 12 now he's 13 and the rest were all mine so we had a combined family and we had such fun mark has been very very good to my children after we'd been there a year Marcus said I'm going to start my own health retreat and this was down in in Narberth on I think it's called high wood now yeah and it was amazing facts or mating truth back then and Michael was asked to start a health retreat there some like yourself may remember that so this was about 1998 we came down and so here we had the health retreat now my so we only had five kids with us at this time so actually six children the two oldest were often working so my oldest daughter Jessica she was the massage therapist my next daughter Julia she was 15 she was very proficient cook so she was our chef and then the three boys who was something like I don't know 13 they were our gardeners cause our children had garden from a young age and Marco's daughter Mikayla I think she was 12 at the time she was very good typist so she was Michael's secretary so we had our whole team and I said to Michael but who will be the health director he said you I said oh no no no I'm just a mother and I help other mothers he said you'll be good and he left the room oh so I had no choice but you know I believe that all gods biddings are his enablings anything he calls us to do and I was so shy I was happy on one on one and just little meetings to help people get well so what Michael used to do when he would come in because he is not shy at all in fact if he came in there right now I'd have a big smile on his face is that has it all going he's not at all shy so he would start the lecture by telling them about me and our life and our children and and asked me a few questions and slowly draw me in and then get me going and then I could talk and I remember he said Barbara every time we try and take a photo of you put your head down yet we can't get a photo of you I was just so shy but little by little I was able to talk more and more so we had the health retreat in Narberth on for about four and a half years I think and the good news is God is so good to us because the first program we had one guess I could handle that next program I think we had two and then a few practices we had two and then a little bit more three and we started to average about six to eight guests and I found that my biggest learning curve was teaching my biggest learning curve was helping people making suggestions so little by little I my knowledge grew my experience grew and then Warburton closed down and we doubled overnight we went from ten guests just about twenty guests so our retreat got very very big we had three massage therapist we had cooks cleaners and then the the company that basically it has that property in a trust changed hands and they wanted to start their health retreat meanwhile we had bought a property up at the back of Kempsey which is where we are now so we have been up there for about 15 years now and henry henry is the guy that's filming me how henry filmed me about six years ago yeah about six years ago so every few years we film my lectures because i'm ever learning more when henry had finished filming me he said do you mind if we put a little section of your lectures on YouTube and Marco said go for it he was really moved by this and Marcus said what's the matter he said no one's ever given me permission to do that before and Marcus said this is not our information this is God's information and as many as can be touched the better so you know if everyone in this room filmed me and put it up on YouTube but I mind because it's God's information and as many as can be touched the better and then we're at a conference I think a year later we saw Henry and Henry ran up and said 1 million hits something like that is that right and you know it's the best thing we have ever done because it's almost out advertising now and we get people from all over the world we get people from Saudi Arabia from England from Scotland from America who look at YouTube and see the information and so that's how we blossomed and Marcus said we cannot fulfill all the speaking engagements that that request me to lecture he said we could close the health retreat and just full-time lecture we love the healthy trees and Chelsea my right-hand girl she's here with us from America for three months and there are two retreats in America now that are running our misty mountain program I think it's popular I think people love it because it is so simple and I think for too long it is being complicated and people say to me has God given you a gift to make complicated things simple I said oh I think so but there's something else it has to be simple for me sometimes I have to read something ten times before I get it you'd probably get it quicker than I would get it what I wanted to do this morning was share with you my journey and what I hope the message you've got from this is if I can do it anyone couldn't do it I'm not a gifted speaker I make so many mistakes I mix up my words all the time like the time I called green barley green barley green barley Bengali like spoonerisms are I just naturally do that but I speaks I just keep talking so no one knows the terrible mistake I just made and I just thank God and the verse I showed earlier its verse it's found in Isaiah 50 verse 4 and it says the Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned you see that he is able to give you the tongue of the learned if he can do it for me can do it for anyone the LORD hath keep the Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned that I may know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary he waken ahthe morning by morning he waken with my ear to hear as they learned and sometimes I wake up I have meetings to give today father what do you want me to say and if in my mind I get a smile and I nod I think he's already got it planned my role is to search out the information my role is to know it my role is to know my memory verses and when I stand up here I say are you ready for other and the only time he cannot do it through me is if I fear as if I do not have faith in him but as I 26 verse 3 states that God will keep us in perfect peace the one whose mind is stayed upon him because this mind trusted in him thank you [Music]
Channel: BeyondPatmos
Views: 216,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: natural health
Id: Uwjy3ufXzhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 46sec (2806 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
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