Personal Home Built Helicopter fits in my Garage!

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check it out taking a heat shield i'll show you why so i've noticed um a few times while i was hovering that the engine would suddenly get super super rich here's my theory is that uh anytime you have a tailwind or a crosswind from the right the fan for the engine is on the bottom so that fan sucks air up through the shroud and then it blows out here here and all of this right here it blows that hot air out and i'm i'm pretty sure that the hot air coming off the cylinders is going straight to the carbs terrible terrible for the engines that's why uh cold air intakes and stuff like that exists so i'm kind of making a cold air intake from a helicopter a couple of things that it did the the coils they don't like to get hot either uh electronics don't like to get hot obviously um so they are now about two inches away from the cylinder heads the cylinder heads have more room to breathe and then also there's no more direct line of sight for the hot gas to go directly to the carbs it can obviously still reach it if i was to do it again i would probably make this a little bit taller maybe up to here but um i think it's better than nothing and i can always add to it later i can just make it a little extension and rivet it on here and i could even probably curl it up but i'm trying to compromise between uh giving a good amount of airflow for the heat to still escape while also um protecting the carbs from sucking in some of the hot air from the engine um so i think it's better than nothing and it's also going to make these coils last probably probably last longer because they're not taking the heat directly directly from the engine anymore overall i think it's uh pretty cool it was pretty fun little modification didn't cost me anything and uh it might make a difference might not we'll see [Music] there it is [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh i've made uh an adjustment to one of the pitch links so we'll see yeah i'm gonna adjust that pitch link back to where it was yep so this is what you got to do you got to go past the point where you know it's good just to make sure it's the best it can be and then you gotta once you know you've gone too far go back to where it was much better yeah so that's what i came out here to test today um with these air filters that i have on here the carb is running just slightly rich i ordered main jets because i noticed this before one of my other hover tests when it's really hot outside and there's very little wind the eg the motor runs too rich and i think some of the heat from the motor is also getting to the carbs and that makes it run even more rich but egt range is between 1100 and 1200 and i'm sitting about a thousand on egt it's not hurting it's just running rich so basically anytime that i'm full throttle on it the main jet is too rich i ordered new main jets to correct the issue and they're supposed to be here in like two or three days so that'll that'll solve my problem it i ordered two different sizes 205's are in there now i ordered 200s and 195s to bring the egts between 1100 and 1200 1150 would be ideal because it would give me max power and uh you know max power is good especially when i'm going to dense the altitude of this this uh this shoot but for now i'll play around there somewhere hovering i'm not going to damage anything but i'm also not going to take it up and send it and then have my car start to run rich on me in the air and droop my rotor that would really suck oh uh wow [Music] is you gotta raise a little bit me down what's up was oh twice here's some things i've noticed the belt tension in my garage at 80 90 degrees is a lot looser and then when i get out here and everything gets hot the belt tension increases a little but i think i've i've got the good middle ground where it's like maybe at the bottom of the the range for tension in my garage and then out here it's pretty ideal everything looks good my little heat shroud seems to be working good it's not cutting my spark plug wires or anything another super fun hover session with the mosquito air each time i get better and better and more comfortable flying this thing and it's so much fun yeah the only issue i have to correct now is the main jet size on the carburetors i think at lower altitudes this would be fine the jetting would be fine but here it's just so high here that the carb is running rich it starts to run rich when i'm when i'm riding that main jet in the carb and then the egt's just start to drop and then the motor starts to lose power as it begins to run richer and richer and then i have to set it down get into the mid-range again on the throttle and then uh then the egts come back up within range and it's good so new main jets on the way throw those in that'll give me a little bit more power and uh i think we'll be good to go thanks for watching peace
Channel: Mitch G
Views: 426,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mosquito, air, helicopter, flying, hover, rust, farcry
Id: 2eZKLAJ-myU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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