Personal Development Lesson: Release Bitterness and Resentment | Mary Morrissey

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have you noticed that you might have been carrying around some feelings of bitterness resentment towards someone you feel has wronged you in the past and if you're ready to release those toxic feelings and you feel ready to move on with your life then you're gonna discover and this short video is gonna be very very important to you and transformational - hi I'm Mary Morrissey author of two best-selling books no less than greatness and building your field of dreams which became a PBS special I'm also the founder of life mastery Institute you know as a young woman I built a sufficient amount of bag garbage bag that I carried around with me with what I felt were very well-deserved resentments and blame ideas for people circumstances and situations that had happened in my life and I felt that resentment was just well-deserved towards the people that I felt had hurt me or wronged me then I entered into a spiritual path that I studied many many different things and I began to release some of those emotions and lots of them and I grew spiritually I began to study I began to teach over time and when I met my first mentor he helped me take another whole step in this dimension of this thing we call forgiveness and the ability to live from a place inside of ourselves of much greater freedom and much greater openness so my first mentor and I didn't really find this man until I'd already been studying transformational teachings for over a decade I'd gone to a seminary I got a master's degree in counseling psychology and I was doing my own work in the world but not as successfully as I wanted to and I knew if I really wanted to break through my paradigms and constriction around the results I could have I needed to work with someone who was producing results way more than then I'd been doing and I knew I needed to work with someone who understood the invisible laws of success and I wanted to work with somebody who actually cared about me and my results and I found my first mentor and I enrolled in my first mentoring program with him and over the course of the first two years that I worked with him one of the pieces of work that we did together was to look at where anywhere inside of me there were still some hooks to feelings of resentment now I did a lot of forgiveness work by then and yet still sometimes when I would think about something there'd be this feeling of contraction and should happen and just righteousness and and all kinds of things even victimhood and so he shared a story with me that I want to share with you and as we do this piece of video together and share some time together I hope it will help you because I know it has helped me immensely as I've continued the practice that he taught me he told me a story about being a young man in his first marriage and investing everything he had he's like 29 or 30 years old and taking everything he had and even borrowing from his father to invest in a business with his brother-in-law garnet and they were building this business and garnet managed the money and garnet managed the this kind of the business and and Jack was the was the salesperson and Jack was the enroller and they the business was going well for about nine months and then they began to hit some some places where Jack was getting letters that some of the bills weren't paid and one thing led to another and Jack Boland discovered that his brother-in-law garnet had absconded with systematically taken all the money out of the business and the business was actually bankrupt he was devastated Jack was just devastated I mean on all fronts he was devastated that everything he had saved up the first decade of his work life after he got out of college was now gone he was devastated they had a huge debt to his dad for the investment his dad's had made on Jack's encouraging in this business he was devastated that he had trusted someone he really believed in who had absconded with the money and seemed to not be bothered by it at all and Jack was sitting look at looking at this bankruptcy and they and the brother-in-law just had bankrupted you know I don't know the money's gone I can't get it back you know I thought it was a good deal it wasn't a good deal and he just went on with his life Jack didn't go bankrupt he systematically worked for three years just paying this all back and ultimately he went on his way and in his own path moved out of that area he and his wife didn't make didn't survive that marriage they divorced Jacqueline went on with his life and ultimately he's moved on and now he's in a different career and he's teaching and speaking and becoming more and more successful he moved out of that area geographically but he took a bag of resentment with him and every time he thought about this man garnet he felt resentful every time he thought about garnet he felt straighted every time he thought about garda there was a like a ball and chain around his leg and Jack ballin who had by then had been teaching and working and helping other people transform their lives he knew that he couldn't really do the work he came to do if he carried that resentment around now you might think about that yourself whatever you're thinking of and dreaming of and what you really want to have in your life the frequency of that is not on the frequency of resentment and as he was helping me look at where the resentment was in my life because I was saying well I want these results and he said well let's go find what's not on the frequency of that result he told me this story he said so now I've had years and years of thinking angry resentful mean bitter thoughts about garnet and I don't know how to transform that and so one day an idea came to me by then I was in my second marriage and I loved my little boy five years old just the most precious kid in the world and when I would imagine my son oh my heart would open and I would feel this huge wave of love for him and I saw I systematically would build up this energy of such unconditional love for my son and then I would end my mind I would slip out my son's picture and place in that space the picture of garnet and I would feel this drop in my vibrate and I would feel this love in the neck and I just systematically began to practice that what I would put in garnets face I would say garnet you know maybe you'd be happy and do well you know I forgive you for everything in our past we were young you know whatever you did with that money you did with that money I really wish you well because that's what I wish for myself and that's what I wish for all people and he said it took time and repetition of building that heart full of love for his son slipping out that picture and slipping in the picture of this person he felt had really done him wrong so that he could neutralize the resentment and over time begin to really wish him well and have it not just a thought but a feeling that went on he said it was a few months of doing this and then there was business that took him back to the town the city in Texas where this business transaction had occurred he got the rental car he's driving to his hotel and Jack said he pulled up with his that is red light and he's there at the red light and a car pulls up right next to him and it's a beautiful convertible with the top down Jack looks over and he thinks wow what a beautiful car and then he looks and the man behind the wheel is his former brother-in-law he says wow that's car it looks like he's doing really well I'm happy for him and garnet drove on and Jack drove on and Jacque thought wow think of the timing he tried to get off the planet exactly where I had to go to the restroom just the right I think everything had to work out so I would be at exactly that spot and the gift of it of course was the most natural thing in him was wow he's doing well I'm happy for him now that opportunity is for each and every one of us that we can actually come to the place where everything in our life up to now is part of us being who we are now and it's a better version of ourselves and we've ever been in the past I hope the story of how Jack Bolin was able to transform a piece of his resentment and I followed that practice for many many years it's helped me get over many many things in my life you know life is tough at times there's some stuff that we don't want to have happen and it happens so when you have a tool for overcoming it so you get bigger than the thing that came your way you find yourself in a whole new level of freedom if you've enjoyed this video then I encourage you to go ahead and share it and go ahead here and what a one or two insights that you gained as a result of watching this video if you will share your thoughts here in the comment section below not only what I love to hear from you but all of us who read this these comments can actually benefit from what you have to say so again thanks for coming today I'll see you next time
Channel: Mary Morrissey
Views: 4,789
Rating: 4.9008265 out of 5
Keywords: mary morrissey, personal development lesson, personal development lessons, personal development teaching, jack boland
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2017
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