Persona 5 Palaces Ranked BEST to WORST

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today I'll be ranking Persona 5 Royal palaces from best to worst starting at number one is mariki's Palace Yep this one is fantastic the palace has amazing music a really cool theme in aesthetic as well as some decently challenging enemies later on and then there's the boss fight although it's too easy in my opinion everything else about the fight is perfect not only does it look great and have a fantastic soundtrack but the mechanics are interesting and it really feels like a final boss the stakes and weight of the ending really finish off Persona 5 in a meaningful and engaging way the combination of emotional cutscenes and dialogue make it all even more significant in my mind overall maruki's Palace is definitely the best Palace in Persona 5 Royal for me next we have number two and it has to be the depths of mementos slash the real world which I'll be counting as one Palace since they're pretty short and have the same ruler I love this Palace for the music the look and feel of each section the enemies and the boss fights well mostly the second Holy Grail and yell about fights in terms of music I actually prefer life will change to maruki's Palace theme gentle madman but the death of memento's theme is just a bit on the gentle madman meaning the palace teams even out for me been tons of quality the look and feel of both the depth of mementos and the real world are incredible to me it's hard to explain but the ominous atmosphere of the depths and the apocalyptic feel of the real world really Elevate this Palace palaces for me when it comes to Quality plus the music for each Place fits really well in my opinion although the enemies are great in the real world being challenging and having multiple cool minibuses the enemies in the depths of mementos leave a lot to be desired they're just too weak to give any form of challenge which kind of kills the fun of fighting them so overall the enemies balance out to being pretty good as for the boss the Holy Grail fight in the depth isn't that amazing because it's more of a plot device than a fight but the second Holy Grail fight and the subsequent yadava fight are awesome the backdrops and the music including both rivers in the desert and the yelled about theme really emphasize the intensity of the fight difficulty wise the second fight hits the nail on the head it's not too easy but it isn't insanely hard either with that said I do have mixed feelings about winning the fight then being forced to lose anyway so you can beat him in a cutscene but even so the finisher is nothing short of incredible as well so why isn't this path number one well mariki's Palace beats it for a few reasons a even when combining the depths and the real world they're a bit too short by comparison B like I said the enemies in the depths of mementos are just two weeks of my taste as far as the enemies in maruki's Palace get much stronger later on to make up for the easy waves earlier on and see as great as the look and theme of this Palace are how well the theme and look at maruki's Palace fit together and how unique it is compared to previous palaces make maruki's rank slightly higher than the depths of eventos and the real world although it is very close now on to Palace number three and it has to be size this Palace is a fan favorite it consistently ranks as one of the best palaces in the polls I run on the channel and I can totally see why for starters the music is excellent which when combined with the casino aesthetic feels really fun and intriguing and what adds on to the experience is the gameplay in which the whole cheating Motif is clearly present for the players to experience the dice games are rigged so you have to break into the back room and rig the games in your favor and the slots are rigged too so you have to find Terminals and again change them the house of Darkness despite being somewhat annoying fits the seam as well because the exit is locked so you have to break out of it and finally the battle arena is not only an opportunity to show off your persona builds in badassery but they immediately break the rules of a one-on-one battle by pinning you against several enemies at a time what makes these segments great is that they don't just let you have fun or just reflect the palace Rule's Distortion but they do both at once on some that the boss is really good the whole roulette thing fits the fight extremely well and makes for an interesting gimmick plus the idea of how resisting everything but the opposite of the element she uses is a cool Concept in my eyes my only real gripe with it is that the difficulty is entirely dependent on how quickly you figure out doing this to some degree is an issue making the fight more manageable for players who are smart enough to pick up on things is good but when the fight is complete Cakewalk once you know what element to attack her with that's somewhat of a problem from my perspective still on the whole this fight is one of my favorites purely for the concepts and the cool Factor so with all that being said why isn't size Palace number one or even number two to summarize epicness for lack of a better word is a huge bonus for a palace and the depth of mementos in the real world have much more of it than size Palace as for marikis it might seem odd to call it epic considering the lab aesthetic and the pretty calming music but you also have to consider the story significance of alternate reality and the boss fight which despite being too easy is super epic in every other way size boss is decently cool as well but it's nowhere near the same level as the maruki and yelled about boss fights and my other issue with size Palace is that it's too short and yes so is the depths of memento slash real world Palace but they have better music and they have more challenging enemies as well and of course maruti's Palace is a fair bit longer than size on top of having better music which is how in my mind I justify placing it at number three on my list next up at number 4 we have shido's Palace this one isn't game changing but it is pretty cool the music is not quite as good as that of the higher ranking palaces but still really good the aesthetic is great in my opinion and the enemies have a good level of challenge there's also a few puzzle-like segments where you have to alternate between moving forward normally and doing so as a rat granting you access to areas you otherwise wouldn't be able to reach I don't hate these segments I don't think they're amazing although I can't explain why Beyond same they don't feel awesome but they're not that bad either what really elevates his Palace apart from the enemies is the boss or rather bosses cheetah's Palace doesn't just have a really good main boss in cheetah but an insanely epic additional boss in a catchy akechi's fight does suffer from being too easy in my opinion but the cutscenes do an amazing job of building up to the fight and making the whole thing feel incredibly awesome and Shooters fighters on a whole other level the build up is arguably a bit weaker than that of akeji's fight but the battle itself makes up for this and then some the varying resistances in his first three phases make for an interesting start with a good degree of challenge launch then phase 4 amps up the difficulty and takes away his resistances which I really like having shida resist all magic or physical attacks for the whole fight would probably be really frustrating for some players but having him resist them for only the beginning is a good middle ground that keeps things interesting but doesn't make the whole fight stupid like in Phase 4 Phase 5 ends things up even further giving him even deadlier attacks and more health and after that the sixth and Final Phase begins forcing you to finish him off alone this is a really nice touch and I think it's executed very well this phase doesn't start until Shido gets really low on health so it's not too drawn out or too difficult but it still gives you a moment of fear and one final challenge before you win the fight so this Palace is pretty good all around the only reason it doesn't rank higher is because it doesn't quite reach the height of the other palace's Aesthetics music and atmosphere judo's Palace does a few things really well mainly the enemies and bosses but the best features of the hiring palaces the music and aesthetic of size Palace the epicness of the depth slash real one Palace and the uniqueness of mariki's make them just a bit better at number 5 we have futaba's Palace this one isn't really ranked here because of Any serious issues it's more because the music aesthetic and enemies are all good but not exactly game changing in any way the music isn't quite as good as any of the hiring palaces and the same goes for the aesthetic and general feel although the atmosphere is unique similarly to maruki's Palace because Futaba is not evil but to a lesser degree that being said the enemies are definitely a highlight the Anubis Savage enemy and the unique mod mini boss you can turn a party member into a mouse are pretty challenging and I like that the other enemies vary a bit in terms of difficulty but overall they're pretty good as for the boss cognitive wakaba is actually a pretty good one in my opinion behold you can't use physical skills while she's in the air thing is a bit annoying if you focus too much on physical skills to Joker but that seems like something you should be punished for in this game apart from that using the ballista and getting to wail it on when she's down just feels really cool to me although I will say the low damage you do when she's in the air can make it feel pretty drawn out but that's really the only issue I have with it and some might dislike willpower playing instead of looming villain for most of the fight but I love both songs so it doesn't really bother me all in all futaba's Palace is quite good it just doesn't do anything mind-blowing to reach the heights of some other palaces now for number six on the list we have kanashiro's Palace first I'll say this before the Persona Community collectively Burns you at the stake yes the music is God to him the only reason price doesn't beat some other Palace teams is because of personal preference as opposed to actual issues of the song since I'm no music expert that and even though I'm glad there's two songs throughout the palace to prevent it from being too repetitive I don't like the second version of price that much moving on though the aesthetic and atmosphere of kind of shares Palace are pretty good as well I personally prefer that of the high rank palaces but kind of shiros is still in a good spot since infiltrating a banker's thieves is really cool as for enemies I'm about to say something very stupid so bear with me I don't remember much about this palace's enemies apart from one Savage enemy that's really tanky and does a lot of damage having mediocre enemies Hurts The Palace in my eyes because it doesn't lead to any lossy emotions we all remember a kumara's palace because the majority of the community hates it and on the flip side we all remember maruki's Palace and size because they're so widely loved the enemies and connoisseury's Palace of roll falls into this no man's land where I don't feel strongly either way which can have an unfortunate effect of me brushing over some of the palace's positives however let me remind you that the reason this one is ranked at six isn't because it's bad but more because others are just really really good by comparison and with that we're at number seven kamashita's Palace this one is overall just kind of average there's nothing super horrible about it but nothing amazing about either the enemies are okay I guess the Savage enemy is pretty challenging and I like that but the rest are just kind of there the music is also pretty forgettable not necessarily bad but it's nowhere near the same level as the whims of fate or gentle madman or even the depth of mementos theme which I like despite it being pretty simple I do enjoy the idea of a medieval castle as a palace but it doesn't feel like kamashita's Palace uses its concept as well as it could have I also really like become a cheetah fight he's a great first boss and has a good degree of challenge plus his design is really striking and the huge volleyball attack is a great surprise to catch players off guard that being said though kamashita's Palace is ultimately weighed down by the mediocre music aesthetic and enemies leaving it in a more decent spot as opposed to an amazing spot next up at number 8 we have okumura's powers let me start off by saying I don't despise the humerus quite as much as a lot of other people seem to but still to say I really like it wouldn't be accurate its music isn't too bad it's a bit basic but it works well enough but the enemies are a bit of a problem not in terms of difficulty though in fact I think the tougher enemies balance out the free damage and baton passes the decarabius and Mothman give you by being weak to physical and gun quite well there are two problems though one is that the Savage enemy the game McCullough is really hard but for the wrong reasons I usually like tough enemies who keep you on your toes and palaces but this one annoys me because he doesn't just do a lot of damage and isn't just extremely tanky he also inflicts you with the Rage which when it works can cause Dragon to attack him when he repels physical and this combined with the extra damage you take while enraged kills you without fail at least that's my experience that may not seem too unfair it's a smart move on the enemy's part and using elements in itself isn't unfair but under certain circumstances which don't seem too hard to have since it's happened to me several times in multiple playthroughs you can't do anything about it unless detox activates which is luck based not only is that extremely dumb to me but it's also a massive difficulty Spike compared to even the tougher enemies in this Palace and then the other problem is that to me the enemies feel too repetitive what I mean is there seems to be really long stretches of time where I'm fighting the same four enemies then the next area changes up two of them this plus the somewhat boring level design both gameplay wise and aesthetic wise results in the whole thing feeling like a slog at times and then there's the boss fight the combination of a kumara's BS elements Buffs and debuffs plus the robots resisting everything barring gun and their weaknesses is extremely aggravating all these things when combined with the massive difficulty Spike between the rest of the palace and the boss make it immensely painful and far more difficult than it should be so not only does the kumara's palace have a fair few problems but it's also dragged down a ton by its almost unanimously hated boss fight bringing it to the number 8 spot and finally at the number 9 spot the worst Palace in Persona 5 Royal for me is madarames now I know what you're thinking how in the hell can madurami's Palace be worse than akumaras to make this quick matarami's Palace is simply not as interesting as any of the others the Palace theme is by far the worst in the game even when compared to okumras the enemies are the most forgettable in the game as well and lack any substantial challenge except for the Wilson boss and while the Palace theme does reflect madorama's cognition the Bland golden color palette gets very boring after a while but that's just the summary if you want to hear my full analysis on why I hate madorami's Palace watch this video now
Channel: Persona Cheese
Views: 21,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: persona, persona 5, persona 5 tier list, persona 5 ranked, persona 5 palace, persona 5 palaces, persona 5 palaces ranked, p5, p5r, persona 5 royal, p5 palaces, ranking persona 5, ranking persona 5 palaces, persona 5 palaces ranked best to worst, persona 5 royal palaces ranked, persona 5 royal tier list, p5 tier list, p5r tier list, persona 5 palace tier list, persona 5 royal palace tier list, ranking persona 5 characters, ranking persona 5 bosses, persona 5 bosses ranked
Id: niaTkhcvsNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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