Persist in Prayer | Pastor Ru Dela Torre

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Gracie God how many more you're excited this morning same and pocket the gunman got to be more savvy Musa might that be more I'm getting second my you and I go up ago my man praise the Lord can't believe our hands right now let's just pray hallelujah God the Father right now we just honor your presence we thank you God for the privilege of us being able to experience you you are holy God and we acknowledge Lord that we are so unworthy but got out of your grace and out of your mercy you allow us Lord to fellowship with you and commune with you and it's all grace Lord it's all grace Salameh popping on beneath the Nick nipple I mean mama panel on in and I'm in Malawi 10 banging on and we thank you God for your presence that is so mighty right now in this place and we honor you Lord Jesus we enthrone you right now as the center as the king and as the lord of this gathering you are life kalabaw I mean boo hi Jesus you are life Holy Spirit I ask that you anoint your servant and that you anoint your people I ask Holy Spirit that you touch every heart Blanco Papa no no a lap of a young Palala presence ago Selena tow lapa grab a spoon a meal had put me in your bunk in OSHA and that is what we're praying for right now oh god oh god Lord as we're racing our hands I ask that you you release faith in the name of Jesus faith to believe God that you are not done yet you are not done yeah Lord faith to believe faith to believe that you are not done yet faith to believe God that you are a God a miracle working God and so Lord did they give us faith this we pray in Jesus name and everybody said amen and amen but I pop one out I said Lord come on let's clap our hands with faith I mean mere enforcing classical Amero Paulo amazing come on how many more you are believing that God is not done yet I mean yeah I know it's December 1st yeah I know it's the last month of the year but how many more you believe that God is not done yet come on you're clapping your hands God is releasing faith as you're clapping your hands God is enlarging your capacity to receive [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because there's faith and I don't know what kind of miracles you're praying for pero LM new policy Lord meet Maharani among a last minute miracles last minute miracles come on praise God amen amen all right waiting up with a joke but I'm hopeful hallelujah okay bring to the Lord what to preach to you about this morning almost breach a message about Christmas but but the Lord asked me the Lord told me to speak on a different subject and so I'm yielding now to the will of the Holy Spirit and so I'm gonna I'm gonna preach what he wants me to preach amen and well I was praying the Lord instructed me to preach about prayer and so today I'm gonna speak on a sermon entitled persist in prayer Abbas say persist in prayer I want to start it first Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 16 to 18 and sappy poem Bible rejoice always about every choice guy hit traffic men fight medomak now someone everybody say rejoice upamana single guy I am love life Amen we rejoice I mean verse 17 it says here pray without ceasing pray without ceasing means persist in your prayer don't stop praying Caetano season by an you need not stop praying especially for us in our context now it's December and I know for some of us we got we got a lot of holidays lined up marami pond parties lined up but God is telling us today you need not stop praying so we will persist amen verse 18 give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you persist means to continue all right everybody say continue to persist means to persevere and to persist means to keep on so the word today is a word of encouragement for us to persist in our prayers and all those who are getting me so far say Amen I'm gonna give you a list later on least I hope we on on as to why we're gonna persist in prayer I'm gonna give you 25 pointers today joking I'm gonna give you five but before all of that I just want to say this I just want to you know first things first I just want to put it right there that ultimately the reason why we persist in prayer is because prayer is intimacy and all those who got that same in' i want to say it right now you know with all conviction I just I just say the reason why we pray is because whenever we pray it's us actually developing our intimacy with God we always say this you know Christianity is not religion Christianity is a relationship and relationship requires communication and relationship inquires intimacy that's why we pray it's because we are developing a relationship and all those who got that say Amen hey Yahoo Tainan and along and ultimately is because we want to spend time with the Lord we want to commune with God in fact in the book of Genesis if you remember the creation story and sappy poem Bible when the Lord created human beings I'm sorry poem Bible he breathed life into the nostrils of man so if you're gonna imagine it noon in the 8th Pony Lord of Tao it was a picture of intimacy as a human would induce I mean but um but I CPR let me put your picture on CPR I mean Yong Yong Yong woo laughing choice comes in emoji CPR say oh yeah but but the picture is like that when the Lord created human beings it was a picture of intimacy amen it is as if God is saying our God was giving us a glimpse of the story of of us the story of human beings you know that that apart from God we don't have life that that apart from his presence we don't have real life I'm in so you know bring the Nene one another pagoda you princess Hillary say oh boy I got a better shot on a boo-boo a Kallang you a long-drive well i'm passioned I see what I am presents the Lord I mean how many more believed that real life happens when you have Jesus in you come on I mean you boo young you know you shouldn't have any pastor Anthony couple of weeks backs up being at Jesus's life you mean for you good new container FINA got nothing I own you yo hizzouse eco llama on boo haiku rappin amen i just want to share last Sunday we went to prayer mountain and we were singing that song grab people breakthrough song that I kinda promised intro pelant and it's just so true I mean Jesus is life Jesus is our life amen and and and whenever we we commune with him you know somebody said a worship is like water the water that we drink and then the Word of God is like bread that we eat better um prayer doubt prayer is our oxygen amen but we could last long without without water and bread but we can never last long without oxygen and it's prayer Abbasi prayer amen so just want to remind you you know as we go through the whole month of December I know there's gonna be a lot of things that we need to do medomak mana parties maraming my exchange gifts Minami Mahadeva go in Barrow let us not forget that the reason why we have the season is because of Jesus Christ so we can celebrate all we want better we're gonna miss the mark we're gonna miss the point if we do not celebrate our intimacy with Jesus and everybody said amen I just want to echo pastor Anthony when he said last Sunday Cena for you gonna bless last Sunday remember when pastor Anthony spoke about Martha and Mary new acquaintance of Baca be shi'ites our young Quentin tongue pala gongsan elebrate see Jesus let's read Luke chapter 10 but Martha became exasperated by finishing the numerous household chores damn in Kanagawa Parana Martha became exasperated by finishing the numerous household chores in preparation for her guests so she interrupted Jesus and said Lord don't you think it's unfair that my sister left me to do all the work by myself subpoena think the most America long general trabajo Samia you should tell her to get up and help me you know to send pregnancy Jesus a man verse 41 the Lord answered her Martha Martha a phantom bruja a man Joe : Martha Martha Martha my beloved Martha why are you upset and troubled pulled away by all this many distractions are they really that important next line Mary has discovered the one thing most important by choosing to sit at my feet she is undistracted and I won't take this privilege from her let me just say it again the ultimate reason why we pray is because of intimacy amen Bobby Sahabi moon let's pray all right now Owain up we won't settle I meant ready to put on a man Joe Colombo I'm gonna give you now a couple more reasons as to why we will persist in prayer like the gamble Athenian today laga you know by faith my deep adipose alert my unit on a man I mean I'm into Tahoe come on come on come on come on just receive it how many more you know that God is not just the God of January Larry march/april oh you believe that God is also the God of December I mean so I pray that God will give you enough courage today to believe I mean don't don't just count it off just yet December developer student I mean an ACE inhibitor possibly Mousavi mom even banged up in sahaja yoga hallelujah I mean God is not done yet what do you think about God is not done yet in your tribe in your home in your family in your business in your career in your personal life you gotta believe it you gotta you know but you're not going to allow the enemy to stop here today distract you today God's got a miracle in his head he's ready to perform but I don't know you show some fake [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Domingo any come on come on come on father releases from heaviness and doubts in the name of Jesus releases from the worries of life but one morning asleep in your move us but fools come today over wouldn't you sleep in your mama yeah and if I sleep anymore we're done moving I've been where you're focused right now God has a word for you hmm you might miss the moment come on miss the moment nah man you ready oh here we go first I want to read to you our main text first Kings chapter 18 42 I'm gonna share to you a story Simon Bible there was a time in the history of Israel no no Alan posted on olan for 3.5 years that's three and a half years there was no rain in the land and there was drought and so Elijah being the Prophet or the man of God here's what he does I mean I'm Bible he he goes up the mountain we read from there Sabeena Bible Elijah climbed to the top of Mount Carmel and bowed low to the ground and prayed with his face between his knees he was praying for rain next line then he said to his servant go and look out toward the sea the servant went and looked and then returned to Elijah and said I did not see anything now next time seven times inland Oh PO not three not four seven times seven times Elijah told him to go and look next line finally the seventh time his servant told him I saw a little cloud about the size of a man's hand rising from the sea and you know what happened it started raining amen pero para mas am I appreciate Puna your window can I do a reenactment I mean - bible and busan everland CLI depo okay I'm gonna pray shopping Lord Merlyn return the poem Allah Lord Sanibel Overland lord I need you my lap oh shut up on that was having a servant yeah check I've been observed but yeah okay I love bake I think being a pie morning panel and in both school Allah and so he goes back and then he says boss no rain you know he does well you like it does he kneels again he priest again and then he says God please send some rain and then he says he chocolate so I've been a serve button yeah chambray Obi Allah and so he goes back and then he says boss there's no remaster there's still no rain so he braced against a guard please send some rain I was on your check mullet no no what happened there is a Bible amen well I'm going on amen as having a TA take a third time oh well ah brain so he goes back first time fifth time 6 times 7 e Elisha six times now better I'm not gonna stop praying and I would never give up but I'm not gonna stop praying come on I'm not gonna stop playing come on guys but I'm not gonna stop praying you know what he did he prayed again he 2:7 he kneels before God is a squad please know that God is doing something in the spiritual so we're not gonna allow our feelings to stop us because we live by faith and not by feelings [Applause] digital boom America sings a blown up sooner how in your fate not any more you know miracles happen so so we persist in prayer number one we persist because too much is at stake LM your mistake you're not good on the third welcome to the third celebration let me put your stake you know yeah you and thank you porn is a lot like Nakata envita operating to mingle man along in kasi malarkey you not a eunuch rasulallah and that's what happened to elijah that's the reason why he persisted you know why because there was too much that was at stake but indeed the manual on my mama tell you boom nation that's why he didn't stop are you getting this Elijah prayed for rain it was important it was for the people it was for the country it was for the future Elijah prayed for rain because they needed that to survive and he believed in the importance of it that's why I dare say this right now if you believe in the importance of what you are praying for you will keep on praying somebody understood that right now if you believe in if you believe in the importance of what you are praying for you will keep on praying the greater the need the greater must be our persistence let me say that again the greater the need the greater the persistence we're praying for people were praying for the family husbands shepherds of the home we don't stop praying because we know that there is too much at stake parents we don't stop praying for our children because we believe that too much is at stake are we getting this children we don't stop praying for our parents because we know that there's too much at stake household families we don't stop praying because we know that there is an enemy who pros around like a roaring lion waiting to devour and so we're not going to stop praying we're gonna stand their ground because we know that there's too much at stake I mean our our persistence in prayer demonstrates the depth of our burden if we can pray about an item once or twice and then give up we were not really believing in the importance of it anyways a burrito come on I pray God ow Paris is on baguette opposed Assad Allah basis wanna be like pray destiny killin mana in detail Akasha important desire Peru who important ta a genuine burden will put us before God and keep us there until he answers I don't know what you're praying for right now I don't know what kind of miracle you're praying for right now but God is reminding us today go back to your prayer cloth set go back to your prayer and persist in your prayer amen I mean are we getting this let me borrow on a side note long no I'm really enjoying our I'm back to the Old Testament and really enjoying my journey as I read again the Old Testament and now I'm fascinated with the Giants in the Old Testament how many more in familiar with the story you know the story about the Israelites were from Egypt they crossed the Red Sea they went through the desert and then they were about to enter the Promised Land yes Miroslava lunamon a spy is a vanilla maganda young lugar um Promised Land maganda maganda young lupin Panov Oh maganda un pájaro - salut Campanaro maraming mama Gigante un peu Cena vanilla Amon and so I'm quite fascinated now with the Giants cuz they recently but the Lord gave me a revelation about this Giants apparently in Exodus 23 can we show that Exodus 23 27 to 37 and Bible you - realized Oh Pamela Potomac our attendants Promised Land and then the Lord gives them this promise I mean yeah okay I will send my terror ahead of you my Onan enterica I will create panic among the people whose lands you invade I will make all your enemies turn and run by allah subhanallah sabbath my own and i was saying your amen amen amen - alerts at any man I mean you did now you need not worry about tomorrow because God is already there amen you need not worry about next month it's already four come on come on and since I've been lured mornin I was a promise that next line I will sent there ahead of you to drive out the he bites the Canaanites and he tights and in cellulites and you know this were the people in the promised land is this for all giants pero Gustavo first 29 pay close attention it's a burrito I but I will not drag them out in a single year I mean any point among you done that was bouche in Latin America and in a new Bush ma finish you Bush during this happen alert okay meruna pero hindi cool hats in a pop Allison auntie auntie auntie Munna Frank I'm gonna parent he learns an American Christian Hamelin again Christian don't wanna Mohegan day come and and it's kind of like this having a I will not drive them out in a single year because the land at the Paula may purpose because the land would become desolate and the wild animals would multiply and threaten you and killing you a particular human against them a purpose parent out the vanilla purpose-driven giants my purpose I mean what am I saying Elana poverty poor Mulligan disappointed and my purpose young may proportion come on are you going through a tough time right now are you about to face a Goliath in your life my poor position I'm in and one of the most beautiful purposes of giants in our lives is this Giants will keep us on our knees Giants will keep us humble giant will keep us praying at a time a poor Mina know both are nothing problema Amana learning Dino come on come on come on I mean real talk vomiting I am back super McBrayer work Steiner and could it be that the Lord is telling us today there's a reason why there's a giant right now in your life and the reason is for us to be humble the reason is for us to stay dependent on him so at the end of the day you praise the Lord for the Giants hallelujah sobbing Angela you've heard about facing the Giants you've heard about slaying the Giants or today you heard about appreciating your Giants amen amen classic story South Korea continuing South Korean South Korea is considered as a process a prosperous nation amen in fact branding South Korean so we see God like Kia Hyundai what else LG and Samsung so Michigan and and and cassava en Casa de Colonel spiritual awakenings a Korea this guy's when they became Christians they started praying laguna la insula intervener pasilla the reason at first the reason why they prayed it was really because they were praying for North Korea that would push in the back insulin North Korea so telegin Priscilla amen died in the prison and prayed about you spiritually the disciplines oh my god didn't you the other day I like a party my own human sandal are you you new economy no when I did so my own but nobody simcha a priest got me not Korea amen please get me money Gandhi can see a pop up retire I mean I seen a boom boost oh yeah you see I mean I pray latina pray now your Pilipinas what we pray amen hallelujah I mean excited wanna do my thing you Panama Pilipino Merida longing you know nothing about no Numa Numa product nothing Alma come on somehow you Monica no never [Music] Jerry boy you wanna get hurt better than a cell you yes seriously you know sometimes he like feel so frustrated you feel like God is trying to hurt you know it's not trying to hurt you even those giants that he sends to your life they have a purpose and one of the purpose will be to keep us humble to keep her spraying and everybody said amen see no boy your mom making a horribly Gandhi amen hey if I start yapping us out what we gonna do I'm not saying literal amen just just kidding amen all right number two Billy stand up when I think I say our stop order ok Lumumba oh I mean I mean pass copping any bowel might complain amen Hahnemann mix elite Nathan oh yeah no no Monica sing make Sallie Mae go almost an even evening mahogany me ok ok next persistent prayer because God was taught that God is our best sometimes or more often our only option God is our best option I mean Elijah did not look to people for solution he went straight to God don't look he did look to other solutions in details of my own anger and they were sorry Geelong devalue River Severn [Music] don't lock up on the majority well a dump in Arama enum the option kong in d.c Lord especially capital Emunah well a Kanani bung I have you have experienced that and you tried everything you know in the Bible we have this bleeding woman Bible tells she's been bleeding for twelve years and and she was physically worn out she was emotionally worn out and she was financially weren't out why because she spent her money going to dr. spero were laughing Lulu better praise God demand see Jesus amen and Jesus performed the miracle look at this I am convinced that sometimes God puts us in situations where we have nowhere else to go but to him he closes the other doors and the one door is something to online none of us is the door towards him he does this so that we would realize that he is our best option when we realized that God is our only option we realize that he is our best option Wow you know let me just make this clear you know whenever we pray it's not like we're twisting the arm of God you know what I'm saying you O Lord that my prayers my synced in a moment make pasta seven hundred days it's not it's not like we're like you know twisting the arm it's not like that I mean Nina mankind not in kind a manipulate see Lord Amen but what I'm trying to say is whenever we come into prayer we're actually saying to him Lord I trust you lord I am so dependent on you Lord I acknowledge that apart from you I cannot accomplish anything and it's that whenever you pray you come to God and say Lord I trust you let me pray and trust big word then amen okay Lord so brung big word there amen in fact kopo kopo mentor i really believe that one of the Lord's love languages it's trust amen so you know potato you ala moana love languages in your problem Sabine Capano words Mangano words of affirmation don't wash I feel opinion I go you can good morning okay talk Bhutan words of affirmation love language feeling a feeling love me okay make an important I'm a young gifts your monkeys me I don't know us I don't wanna be a nobody love language there was a homo do you know deep well I'm no I see I wanna bring love languages are all of the above they meant all of the above all of the above and then all right better see Lord seriously okay Lord commercial of language it's trust you want to know how I know let's read CC remember Moses samosas for me leading among Israelites they crossed the Red Sea they went through the wilderness and he was leading 600,000 men on foot so part cinema - Abadan Fatima Hannah you're looking at some 2 million people ganic identity you'll generally Moses pero el impunity Latin samosas indecent of a path of the promised land be narrow science and alert when I'm an offensive except go grab my solution is so harsh help us a promised land and then I read the numbers 20 at the Palauan submit a Bible there was a time now your mama Israelites weren't too big I said answer chill I wasn't too big and they were complaining where's the water get worse the world imagining two million people sabayon because worse the water reclaimer know me I mean our point d : Bettina la illaha bingo Peretti Bombay Pune dependability of Singapore especially this is on along mud complain mat majimak and even Pakistan regard oh wow 12-year good morning yoon-hee who exchanged gap in Yelp in a prima donna marina not break you person care everything economy thank you Wow a wall clock Wow one glass red even when I'm a complain come on you need to topo Olongapo I realized kappahd no complaint will happen benefit to bugger complain Cassie Patel Padma complain this a messiah Dominique no complainin at the drain so a lot of people they're not really celebrating the season why because they're filled with complaints I mean I thought Alan Turing goop iron but the day was Old Testament Amato they're not complaining a complaint I legality Lord was I not the numbers 21 verse 6 and Jan boy at iron man y'know so the Lord said look at this line the complaints Allah so the Lord sent poisonous snakes among the people and many were beaten and died grabbing it anybody would not complain hallelujah come on come on baka sorry sir gotta be more a cannot complain what about nothing our skin and this is soldier day they died because they complain so let's not complain the rioting bomb and spaghetti in a nominee moon get that me then stop complaining it's not blessing the Lord in fact if I may go on with this complaining is the opposite of Thanksgiving it's like actually saying to God not anymore anymore anymore have a little point about pasta how much of complaining topic okay our sermon for today is complaining okay okay okay are you a new book Sonoco home plane Scylla I stopped it aside many learned Capo's at Moses get in my way but though you speak to the rap cause happen more young but oh so we want to make another topic very tiny Hapuna complain to my house amigos in the worst of all the worst water may you papa and gave a night stick pin aluminum but pain he he was supposed on instructions rang a speak to the rock paradise I even only on completion he struck the rock weight in consequence - Adam but the Lord said to Moses and Aaron you did a crappy toe you did not trust me enough that's why when you come to think about the promised land a long journey but in dealing dealing you began a new issue young issue was trust the issue is trust if you want to honor the Lord you got to trust him you gotta trust his waist you gotta trust his timing you gotta trust his choice you gotta trust his instructions that's how we honor the Lord are we getting this happen though you did not show this realize that the power to make the water came from me so you will not lead the people into the land that I have given them so you Nepal a story no matter I Buju desert but the point is clear we gotta we gotta trust him and whenever we pray we're actually saying Lord I'm putting you first I am so dependent on you I cannot survive this life without you because my life is you alone that's what happens when we pray and everybody said amen number three oh baby boppity-bop opinion about backing up by the Heymann continued ah number three persistent prayer I thought oh because you may be closer than you think I mean come on come on if you're understanding this if you're receiving this right now how about you sure got some faith because maybe just maybe this is your take-home you can pray you've been saving you've been sacrificing and there seems to be no results God is telling you don't stop because you may be closer than you think I want to show you a picture it's a boy on Manero alumni portal John Calipari Nepal all the Polish Apollo whole big Piko Piko Piko sorry Pico sorry perfect pico de gallo is a task and simulations answer to us so to literally push on pequeña no Gilligan mean pickle penny Pico okay so penny Picabo yeah no okay live avoidable evolved in a palette open a Pico SOP nippy guna tapa so a tuning are a no-go my FAFSA counting continues [Music] apostle or dito empanada primo young player analyst or a luminary my Lou I think Mary come on come on come on come on you might be closer than you think I mean premium open meaning in Isamu a man Oh pero prayer poet I wouldn't have been up a story in jolly mom no no no no I'm saying one prayer away amen one prayer away a man single people single woman in the house he may be just one pair away I don't give him an every single Ivana telling about Hasina Capri ozawa summarizing elbow you know just until in time in the Lord kebab in again DeLorean grab a worth the way knocks darkness of a bouillon I mean worse to me worth the way I could imagine Elisha on the fifth try nan Lehman basis now Lord rain tapas wallop rain six times Lord what a la Ola jaggery top line or not the no bones about Capri capital base is now a tropical now in animal what happened instruction by fate long holiday amen imagining the mummies urban it was servant even if every an amputee nope Nonya again we go back to the first principle Camino Alejandra importante opinion on a longing more indicate a tickin all right number four I'm gonna I'm gonna have to move faster verse chapter four oh sorry number four persistent prayer because I was told in burrito a delay does not mean bean right ah a delay does not necessarily mean denied you know sometimes God allows us to win not to hurt us or frustrate us he does it so that our faith may grow waiting is a test and we need to pass the test go to poem perfect illustration leaders desires remember gyrus for those of you told a story of joyous let me give you the background aside point and Bible gyrus was a dad and may problem my chakra say an apnea who was about 12 years old was dying my socket at Mohammed Mohammed I so what gyrus does is he goes to Jesus and then he says Jesus my daughter who is about 12 is dying covalent no can you please go to my house and perform a miracle paradin sonico yes Jesus being the compassionate God that he is he actually obliges and then he says alright Sergei Ponte an athenian and a moon so elevate burattino sorry landed us a situation or momento emergency amen see reported in the Koran as an emergency emergency abolition so see telling that I'm on a secure entire not learning the lesson again Muhammad began began Butera Nobuhiro Selina Kyle bye-bye big lung - Megan see Jesus Jesus stops that was happening Jesus who touched me because the problem is I'm by buying that do to go the beginning you know Avenue you know Rodney Jesus cuz I believe Jesus who touch me don't do do do do who touched me Sabina my disciples oh oh oh break it down you could imagine gyrus every gyrus lured me to major emergency energy a gleam oh I think I seen cleaner land get up top was saying a secret we can enjoy your summer bye Wow Wow first-come first-serve Kaena let me wait better what happened - I'm just like thinking imagine opera emergency that was become assuming it amen I mean I was so your worship raping a girl in Pune Jesus Mick went to end up a moon buggy yeah the shangri-la Gosselin Canyon dommatina market is a pyramid ow gyros there's no point in bothering the teacher now I see your daughter is dead on a sticker on tires hair painting are now in a magazine by buying any denying andina hotel yeah Whataya minima or Nutella what a mo minima you're what eres a masa you know well I'm gonna I'm just like contemplating on the text Jesus says can we show that mark chapter 5 they told him your daughter is dead there's no use trouble you teacher now verse 36 but Jesus overheard them and said to gyrus don't be afraid just have faith [Applause] [Music] and what am I saying [Music] [Music] amen Wow me so no longer nothing key singing you gotta be not I mean Butare gonna get I'm aiming it in beyond boo-boo-boogeyman Raconteurs but you know and when faith happens in your life mmm but as a church bring it on y'all bring it on bring it all right I know he can t buy and bring it all cuz you know that God is with you cuz you know that God is with you amen I'm gonna I'm gonna end I need to end amen last a long ball number five persist in prayer because God answers prayers [Applause] some people in Bible for everyone who asks receives everyone who seeks finds and to everyone who knocks the door will be open now this is English translation right here pero one time boy I was reading the Greek you original boy you got to understand when you read your Bibles original text is Greek it's not English and so I read it in Greek at the Papa Leone translation yes a Greek and didn't ask and keep on asking you see the difference so English shall be asked and it shall be given it's a Greek ask and keep on asking and it shall be given in other words in Assam is not me persistence telega my blessing de la casa persistence next seek and keep on seeking and you shall find knock and keep on knocking and the door shall be opened to you last month of the year December 2019 let us finish strong in prayer you know we started well we started the year remember January we started fasting and praying but it's not about how we start it's about how he finished and so we will finish strong persistent come on come on ah that's the word of the Lord for you finish strong in failure come on finish strong in your faith somebody here is up for a last minute miracle if you only believe if you only have enough faith God is challenging you today do you have enough faith to pray again so we go back to prayer we go back to our prayer close it we go back to our priority and that is God in our lives Matthew chapter 6 verse 33 sick first God and His righteousness and all this other things will be added to you as well don't put God at the last part of your schedule make him first make him your priority finish strong in your prayer life and everybody said amen precious alone let's all stand man did you receive it today lift your hands let's pray Lord we pray for the whole month of December we ask God that you give us the discipline and the desire to finish strong in our prayer lives God we understand that prayer is about us becoming intimate with you today we also understand that we need to persist because Lord there is too much at stake we persist Lord because we understand that a delay does not necessarily mean denied we also pray God because we know that you are a God who answers prayer we also pray Lord because we know Lord I thought you are good you are good you are good leave her hands if you can pray in tongues right now you know you can pray but if you cannot pray in tongues yet come gotta be my own Messiah one more I know there is a thing that you've been a prayer in tension that you've been praying for my toggle mode open up a prayer I want you to hold hands right now with your wife or your husband and then I want you to pray together Lord in them in the name of Jesus Lord I they ask for that you hear every prayer that is being said right now in this place shall about come on how is it your child pray for your child right now shut up back on there a little bit about me Wow Sheryl Ibaka is it your mom pray for your mom right now is it your dad you pray for your dad right now Sharon a back on the love about your mother is it an illness father in the name of Jesus we rebuke illness right now Oh Shawna back under a lava back on companion you popping a gallium on up Nietzsche iris right now God we come to you with faith saying God that we need not be afraid Lord me we come to you believing God that you are a miracle working guy come on let's pray shut all about Khandala is it your business right now shut up is it your tribe life group leader are you praying for your tribe right now shut the back on the father right now notice this prayers are being uttered lord I pray that you listen to them come on pray don't stop don't stop right now whatever that is whatever that is come on pray or in the name of Jesus father we ask for restoration in the for the Ria's that you'll be the center of every household in the name of Jesus for the reals that you'll be the Lord for the reality I'll be the king of every household whether we ask that there be forgiveness and healing and restoration by new horn right now we ask Lord for every relationship or let there be restoration in the name of Jesus right now in the name of Jesus we move in our institutions in the name of Jesus [Music] with you all things are possible but [Music] right now we put our trust in you we put our hope in you because you know God that whatever we trust you it honors you and so right now that we just come to you with a heart that is surrendered to you a heart that is entrusting everything into your hands o God our past our present our future Oh God even our plans our ambitions we entrust be put into your hands Lord because you are a good guy and right now that we make that choice to surrender to you Yovani Mabuhay in you while all heads are bowed and all eyes are closed you know who you are sorry Poonam Bible come to me all of you who are tired and weary and I will give you rest and I will give you rest somebody here you know who you are you've been waiting for this moment to really surrender your life to Jesus and if that is you right now go gusto mo Isom boom oh Jesus I want you to raise your right hand thank you for those hands allama Wow thank you I'll thank you just just raise your hand as a sign of surrender to the Lord and say this prayer Sabean My dear Jesus Jesus my amorous poem in Capernaum in Catalan but our in you Jesus Jesus bonobos and Kippur a simple solution when a welcomed caballo surfing do I belong Joe's personal attack apocalypses lynnie Singapore Magoo in the similar serenade malinka say ODT while I was shaking your while Coco are you Jesus we don't have in the longing seongbin [Music] come and let's go back to prayers to go back to the Lord amen I know it's gonna be BC the next coming days but never ever forget the most important and that is Jesus amen amen Tecna Moines gotta be movin woman Diane a gumar Paulette Damon sabemos anonymous command of an animal must go mop on animal leave your hands have been a pleasure the prayer the Lord bless you that the Lord keep you the Lord make his face shine upon you the Lord bless your family the Lord bless your head little bless your heart little bless your businesses the Lord bless the works of your hands the Lord bless you with these and the Lord bless you with joy this we pray in the name of the Father of the son of the Holy Spirit and all God's people say amen amen
Channel: His Life TV
Views: 7,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fwLYjGAU-Vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 51sec (3651 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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