Persian Lamb Shank with Fava Bean Dill Rice | Baghali Polo |

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[Music] hey guys we're back with one of my favorite dishes baccala pulao with lamb shank we're gonna start off with making the land shanks and then we're gonna go to making our bangali pulao first we want to get our lamb shanks nicely cleaned out and when I say cleaned out is we're giving a little rinse pat dry and this is optional at this point is I'm gonna clean the bone portion cutting about an inch to two inches down below the lower portion this is gonna help separate the meat from the bone once it's finished braising I'm going right behind the tenants right here and just doing a clean cut so those tenants are gonna get nice and pulled away from the bone you'll see at the end how beautiful they look taking my knife just gently scraping getting up basically just cleaning up the bone for new lieutenants and fat you can disregard any extra fat and tenants down below like I'm doing as you see I'm running my knife be careful don't keep the knife away from your wrist in your hand when you're doing this and you see right there beautifully cleaned up I don't have to work too hard to get that nice but you got a lot of inch and a half to two inches from the bottom portion after we're done with that is we're gonna sear up sear them up and a hot skillet are using a cast iron pot anything that can just hold the heat is for work in this scenario even a regular aluminum pan just make sure you have a lid for it to fill up these slow cook for a while at this one I'm just trying to get some color on each side and once that's achieve is I'm gonna start piling on my onions see just a light color in itself it's gonna braise further along as we go so this tickly cut those onions coming to be too fine once we got that piled up we start putting our spices very simple in this scenario it's basically the lamb shanks are seasoned with tumeric salt pepper and that's about it that's all you really need this because that lamb itself is just gonna bring out a lot of flavor and you don't really like of ER up too much of it so the reason we add the tumeric while it's searing versus into a liquid form is we want to get a little bit of cooked back cook off that tumeric flavor in the seer process and believe it or not once tumeric hits those onions it just turns those onions to a different flavor altogether it's a beautiful aroma you grew up with it you can recognize it from a while away the smell look at the color all right so we just got a light sear the onions are kind of burnt on the edge don't need to caramelize them just give them a little bit of color and once we're there is we're gonna add our tomato paste and we get to one our tomato paste kind of cooked to a little bit of a sear on it itself not super dark we get a little bit darker that's probably 2 or 3 minutes in the in the pot I'm doing some cracked black pepper for taste you can always adjust the seasoning of pepper at the end not a big deal at this point I did my garlic cloves chopped of course we like to use fresh always and now I'm gonna add my water now what I'm trying to achieve here is get the lamb shank a little over 50% covered in water obviously you can see how hot my butt Dutch oven is doing a great job and we throw them some bay leaves Bailey's are gonna add a nice little balance of flavor and is optional add a sprig of dill you don't have to you can also add a little pinch or two of dried dill or no dill at all the rice is gonna have that dill flavor but I feel like I know it's like the bouquet of it on my lamb shank and so when that's all simmering away as you see nice and slowly you're gonna want to throw the lid and we're gonna revisit it in hour and a half to two hours to do a flip all right buckley pulao time guys my favorite rice so what I'm using here is a fresh dill mixed with some dried dill you can use either or I'm doing the two mix I'll put down the recipe below I have some actually defrosted fava beans you can use lime beans try look for fava beans fresh or frozen basmati rice of course the king of all rice saffron water there's a video down below with a link of how to make that saffron water and obviously a little bit of an optional choice is we can put some garlic cloves in our rice well show you how that comes out it's beautiful nice and roasted so starting off our rice of course we're gonna take our rice soak it for 2-3 hours or 24 hours drain it off once it's soaked get our water boiling throw some salt down got instructions down below about the portions you want to use get our water to a boil throw some olive oil in there too now it's been an hour and a half you want to check on your lamb shanks as you see they're swimming away fairly reduce I'm gonna flip him over so we got another hour and a half of cooking on the other side so they're fork-tender throw that lid on here we go and because we're using some fresh you wanna chop them up you don't feel too fine just do a bit of a rough to medium chop here you can see what I'm trying to get here I'm not trying to go super fine like we're making Ghormeh sabzi it's just a decent chop once our rice is to a boil as you see drawing we got to add our soaked basmati rice to it I'm gonna let that cook off until they get al dente and transparent opaque now cuz I'm using fresh dill I'm gonna add it at the last minute helps it disperse throughout the rice you don't have to do that but I like to use it at this stage you just gonna rinse off our rice cool it down and once that's done is we get our pot ready for Taguig and the rest of the cooking of that rice throw it on some oil with that loga add a few spoonfuls of tune sorry saffron put our rice layer down mix it thoroughly with the fava beans these are they're been defrosted but they don't have to be fully defrosted to be honest with you the fava beans can be slightly defrost at this point and what I'm doing is just trying to mix that saffron water and oil all together with the rice mixture to build a good Taguig layer and from here it's pretty much building layers like a lasagne what we're gonna do is basically put down that rice here's some dill and fava beans and build the layers up so he said rice fava beans dried dill building those layers we're gonna do about four or five layers until we were all out of rice and fava beans and that's gonna go for a minute obviously I'm fast-forwarding at this portion so you guys don't have to sit around watching me do this forever I throw out my garlic cloves inside the rice with the skin on remember this is garlic with the skin once that's all set we're gonna throw our paper towel on top to retain any extra moisture you can use a kitchen towel as well put the lid on and crank it to a medium high till we get some steam going look we got some steam now after a few minutes we got cranked it to a low or simmer down to a low and then let that go for another hour half and meanwhile it's been an hour and a half we get a spoon some saffron water on top of those lamb shanks they're ready to go just gonna let them sit with that saffron water for another ten to fifteen minutes but they're fork-tender at this point check with your fork if you're a little bit bigger lamb shank you might need to go another 20-30 minutes but if they're fork tender you're pretty much add a quarter of the way of the liquid you had before you're good to go those are ready to eat right away okay at this point it's been an hour and a half our rice is ready to flip you guys see me do this this is the moment that many people dread and many people love doing the flip see how your Tai Chi came back BAM let's check it out come on it's hot ooh look at that you can actually see them aside profile those layers of rice and dill and fava beans lovely look at that tidy if I can get a steady camera one day you'll see a better review but I've got some golden top you see some dill peeking out all my favorite part is where the fava beans get crispy on the bottom well it followed me tad eke for you we see a side profile shot for you guys there we go that's what we like to see beautiful layers fluffy white rice not sticky there's our beautiful lamb ready so tender fall off the bone look at the bottom they're clean super clean there's our plates just ready to chow down hey guys enjoy don't forget click and subscribe I got more videos coming out soon thank you take care
Channel: Persian Test Kitchen
Views: 7,123
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: Persian, Persian Food, iranian, middle eastern cooking, cooking, how to, Vegetarian, USA, recipe, Foodie, Eat, rice, Tahdig, crispy, best persian, lamb, dill, polo, braised lamb, english
Id: ac7sMA38JjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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