Perry Mason Full Episodes 2023 -The Main Victim - Best Crime HD Movies

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that is the state's case Therefore your honors I urge the court to deny this appeal Mr Eagan isn't there anything you wish to add no you're on very well we'll take this under [Music] [Music] advisement Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Parks graduated number one in his class from the Air Force Academy the youngest officer ever to assume command of a fighter Squad imagine if you will that cold night last February home for the evening after a long day at work Amy Beth Sawyer young bright pretty had just finished taking a shower before getting ready for bed she fixed herself a cup of coffee suddenly she thinks she hears someone at the door who is it she may have asked she moves toward the door and stops alert listening who's there nothing silence she steps cautiously toward the entryway suddenly the door opens before she can step back before she can defend herself she is standed brutal again and again until finally Amy Beth Sawyer slumps to the floor dead her killer only a cruel heartless person could take the life of a beautiful young girl members of the jury the evidence clearly shows that person to be the defendant Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Parks you have heard how Sheriff deputies apprehended Lieutenant Colonel Parks still at the scene and how the fingerprints on the murder weapon were identified as those of Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Parks you have heard the testimony of Amy Beth's employer Jason Sloan who was a witness to their clandestine relationship you have heard the testimony of Mr Sloan's wife Alia Sloan who told us of parks repeat did calls to Amy Beth at her office you have heard the testimony of Amy Beth's former boyfriend Daryl Hurley who went to Amy bets one night and discovered Lieutenant Colonel parks there you have even heard the testimony of one of Lieutenant Colonel Park's Squadron Pilots young Lieutenant Wilkins who introduced parks to Amy Beth these facts lead us to one inescapable conclusion because Amy Beth soyer wanted to break off their illicit affair because Amy Beth Sawyer threatened to reveal that Affair to Parks wife Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Parks did Cru and viciously stab Amy Beth Sawyer to [Music] death we find the defendant Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Parks guilty of first-degree murder for the killing of Amy Beth Sawyer appeal denied hey Parks here's what your wife sent you to wear the hearing tomorrow the van leaves at six Shar thanks Billy Ray good luck Colonel I hope finding that new witness get you a [Music] [Music] retrial what brings you two here as I recall when you sat on the appet bench you upheld my conviction and denied Park's appeal you should also recall that I reserved comment on the merits of your case I still do well I hope you haven't come all this way to help a desperate attorney this case is going down for a third and final time sorry with this new witness Mr Egan might Prevail I wouldn't be too positive Mr Mason with or without a new witness I am never two positive just rested here's the man of the hour now Lester McCarron this is Perry Mason Del Street and this is the Colonel's wife Shannon Parks glad to meet you m Parks thank you I don't understand Mr Mason you were one of the judges that turned down my husband's appeal the Court ruled that the trial was was fair nothing more I voted with the court but I never said I concurred with the verdict of the jury Mr Mason has been kind enough to come here and counsel us on the best way to handle the retrial that is once Mr McCaron has uh given his testimony well I think uh we ought to be getting in now Mr Mason can I talk to you for a minute yes Mr Mason I could use some advice about my testimony my best advice is to tell the truth as you know it I wish it were that simple it is it is Mr McCaren yes I'm a Karen this was like for you thanks s McCaron there a problem oh no at the trial the coroner testified that Miss Sawyer died between 7 and 10 p.m. and later it was established that the defendant left his office just after after 8:00 p.m. and was seen driving down the old Woods Road on his way to the Sawyer condominium now about a mile out of town he stopped to help a stranded motorist with engine problems that motorist was Lester McCarron and Mr McCarron will establish that the defendant was with him making repairs until well after 10 p.m. if that is his testimony would appear to be highly exculpatory let's put him on the stand Mr rean Mr McCaron raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth shall help you God sure I mean I do Mr McCarron would you please tell the court where you were the night Amy Beth Sawyer was murdered well that's hard to say exactly hard to say were you or were you not stranded on the old Woods Road on the evening of this murder I might have been but I'm not sure now not sure it was over 2 years ago how can I be sure it was the same night I didn't even know she'd been killed uh Mark I mean I thought we had a conversation about this Mr Parks you're out of order Mr McCarron may I remind you that you are under oath now I ask you again were you not with Colonel parks on the oldwoods road until after 10: p.m. on the night of February 17th I told you I don't remember I'm sorry but I just don't remember God's sakes Mr Park sit down you know we were together now come on you know I was there parks you will be seated now or I'll have you rep for this Kevin please don't you want to tell him I didn't kill the lady I didn't kill her that's it Bale if please remove the defendant Mr McCarron you can step down court is in recess for 1 hour and I will see counsel of my Chambers Mr McCaron wait look I'm sorry I've got to get to a phone I don't understand he was ready he was eager to testify he looked absolutely frightened something must have changed his mind more likely someone before he came in he got a note and what appeared to be a a gold locket Mark we can't just let him run out like this he's Kevin's only hope she's right he is is Kevin's only [Applause] [Music] hope [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's Escape Parks Escape down the stairwell I'll check the back [Music] entrance oh hi Mark hi any luck M Karen's agreed to have dinner tonight but he's leaving first thing in the morning why do you want to talk to him I I suspect the locket and the note he received on his way into the hearing had something to do with his sudden change of mind I want to talk to him about that yeah now the sheriff's suggesting McCarron and the hearing were just a setup so Kevin could try and make a break Mr McCarron please you came all this way just to testify look I told you before there was some threatening phone calls after I decided to come back and testify why wasn't I told about this we figured they were just crank calls well maybe they weren't and I have nothing against helping Colonel Parks but I'm not going to put my wife's safety on the line L to do what makes you think she's in danger does that note and locket you received have something to do with it who told you about that I never said anything about that it was your wife's locket wasn't it all right what did the note say Mr MC it said enough for me to know to keep my mouth shut and stay out of this besides Park's escaped right that proves he's guilty doesn't it have you been able to reach your wife no she hasn't been home listen we can arrange to protect you and your wife I don't want your help excuse me Mr McCaron yes the Hotel Des just called with a message for you to call your wife I did oh thank God is there a phone here I can use to the back mcaren what came from the [Music] back oh my [Music] God [Music] a for [Music] [Music] oh yeah operator uh connect me to the Sheriff's Department please and hurry yeah uh you know that fell that escaped from the courthouse yesterday the the one who was all over the TV last night I believe I just passed him about uh 10 miles outside of town on old Route 99 yes sir [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get out of that [Music] car wait chance in the hood wi what happened what happened you broke jail and chill that witness that's what [Music] happened I know how it must look to you Kevin is innocent it hasn't been easy to believe in him yet I do I wish you would too look Mr Mason representing Colonel Parks through this whole thing it's had a very disturbing impact on my life in fact it's even made me question if I still want to continue working as an attorney I must say I'm not sure at this point that I'm qualified to handle this case anymore I guess what I'm saying is I would be profoundly grateful if you would take it over for me will you consider it Mr [Music] Mason so I think whoever murdered Amy Beth Sawyer had to stop McCaron from testifying any promising suspects well we should concentrate on the original Witnesses against Parks we need to find out more about Miss Sawyer's boyfriend Daryl Hurley and her employer Jason Sloan and his wife Altha add to that list Lieutenant Wilkins he was one of Park Squadron Pilots I'll get on it right away and since all the possible suspects were at the hearing yesterday it means there's also an accomplice to contend with the man who helped Colonel Park Escape I think abducted would be more accurate Paul you need to find that man Sergeant this is a restricted crime scene Mr Mason so unless I represent Colonel parks in that case AR TR Vu sir you remember Mr Drake Mr Drake good to see you again Bonnie was rning running there mhm and Karen was turned over all right Sergeant what we have here Mr Mason is Colonel parks's fingerprints were all over the gun used to kill McCarron we found threads on a nail that match up with a tear and the coat Colonel Parks is wearing you will of course be sent a copy of my report but in the meantime sir is that tight enough for you evidence almost is damning as the Amy Beth Sawyer case you handled that investigation also didn't you yes I did Mr Mason now did you find anything unusual on Mr McCarron such as a note we didn't find a note we found just a usual end this Eric let me have that please sir thank you Eric to my beautiful bride Denise someone sent this to him along with the note Mark Eagan saw him receive both just before he entered the courtroom again Mr Mason we didn't find a note now I tell you what I think sir I think Colonel Parks followed him here and I think Colonel Parks killed him the reason why he killed him McCaron refused to testify what about the threats against Mr McCarron's wife we know about that sir you checked with the desk to make sure in fact a message was sent by his wife which would not change the basic fact that the preponderance of evidence clearly indicate Colonel Parks killed McCaron we will of course check on everything connected to this case to include the accomplice who broke Colonel Parks out of our Courthouse We Believe Colonel Parks was kidnapped from your court house Mr Mason Mr Mason Mr Mason I'm inclined to think that you gentlemen will believe almost anything we do believe that Colonel Parks has been elaborately framed now as soon as the kidnapper is in custody I have a few questions for him we must find him first Mr Mason and we will keep on trying you don't mind if I try too good day sergeant what else can you tell us about the man in the elevator nothing I tried to get a look at him but uh I passed out before I got a chance doesn't give me much to go on what about when you woke up maybe someone driving by I didn't see anyone you were out for a couple minutes before you realized where you were did you hear something the sound of a truck I heard a car leaving but it something wrong that's probably just another nightmare nightmare yeah I uh I keep having this dream about a MIG on my tail it's got me locked on and I know he's going to fire the missile I can't do anything about it it's probably nothing but every time I have the dream it's in f4s and this time it sounded like a7s a7s oh I'm sorry A7 is a plane we use for fighter training tell me something Colonel do these training flights ever pass over the area where you were found oh yes sir we use that grid area quite often for low-level runs well find out if there are any planes in that area one of the pilots might have seen something you might check with Base Ops uh Captain omal is still there that's the best place to start first thing in the morning in your trial Colonel prosecution claimed you were having an affair with misser you want me to tell you the whole thing is untrue H well it is believe me I didn't even meet Amy Beth until Lieutenant Wilkins introduced me to her at a party and I only saw her two times after that you testified she called you about a problem she couldn't discuss over the phone yes sir she did she was very upset I told her that I would talk to her after I got off work but she never asked me about the problem I got the feeling that she was feeling me out you know to see if I was an individual she could trust and she called you again yes sir that's when we uh met at her condo and then her boyfriend showed up banging on the door uh Daryl Hurley of course when he saw me there he got pretty steamed and I thought it was in everybody's best interest that I get out of there why did you agree to meet with Amy Beth she had something of a reputation didn't she come on Mr Mason because everybody in town thought you was a [ __ ] well that appears to be the general perception listen I don't know what you've heard but Amy Beth was a person of Integrity had she and Lieutenant Wilkins been seeing a lot of each other I didn't pay attention to Lieutenant wilkins's private life it was none of my business and you never found out what it was she wanted to talk about no sir I did get the feeling that it was connected with something or there someone on the base but like I said before she was always very cautious about the whole thing well we'll have to find out how cautious won't we good night see you [Music] morning Lieutenant morning we're trying to find out of Captain is on duty today has been reassigned try flight preping debris from hanger 33 hanger 33 is down at the end of the field I'll try to meet up with you there later all right I'm going to speak to the lieutenant if that's all right sure that's fine thank you you're welcome Paul Drake lieut Peter Graham nice to meet you sir nice to meet you too back from a training Mission yeah no getting around that is there you find a way you let me know well that kind of comes with a territory though doesn't it yes sir let me ask a question is it possible you were flying this time yesterday morning as a matter of fact it was why well is it likely that you would have seen anything on Highway uh north of town runs up into the mountains sir we cross that Highway doing better than 325 knots now of course Cameron could pick something up camera what you take pictures well they don't let us shoot any live ammo sort of makes natives Restless if you know what I mean so we shoot video instead any chance I could see the tape from yesterday morning I don't know about that you'd have talk to Captain M hanger 33 all right well thank you very much Lieutenant yes sir appreciate it so anyway when I found found out that there might be a tape I thought I'd like to see it if I can well we can run the tapes in a few minutes I'm having them queued up now I'll still have the check with the legal office to get you cleared for lookie all right well I appreciate it Captain Colonel Parks is more than An Officer and a Gentleman he's my friend earning respect as a woman in the Air Force isn't always a smooth course Mr Dron Colonel Parks helped me over some of the rough spots and you don't think he's guilty either judging by the man no elicit Affairs murder not Colonel Parks I mean it just doesn't just doesn't fck well one thing for sure what's that he knew a good officer when he saw one rer schedules G thank you lieutenant Wilkins Lieutenant Wilkins didn't he testify at Colonel parks's trial that's right I'll be right back Lieutenant weapons hey can I talk to you for a minute who are you Paul Drake I work for Colonel parks's defense attorney well I've got nothing against Colonel Parks but I've said all I have to say is that why we're walking so fast I'm out of breath here I've got an appointment in town I see listen you know I heard your testimony at the first try I've got nothing to add tell me something did you and Amy vest Sawyer go out a lot or did you just get lucky that night sir I'm not going to on of that with a response you did get lucky I have a doctor's appointment see you again [Music] okay [Music] morning can I help you J yes I have an appointment with Mr Sloan my name is Mason sure thing Mr Mason I'm uh Ellis Milbourne his brother-in-law Mason you're uh you're a Park's new lawyer aren't you that's right this is going to be your chance to ground he should be finished with his presentation I'll send him right over take a minute located just off theeway now we're planning not only the shopping mall but also housing restaurant and entertainment facilities it's going to be the largest multi-purpose development in the history of this city over there okay now uh Ellis Milbourne here has a schedule of terms and proposals if any of you folks are interested in any more information about milborne Center he'll be happy to work with you thanks very much morning morning morning stacks of information right here spec sheets floor plans some of the big chains are interest this appears to be a very ambitious project Mr Sloan oh it's Prime really Prime how can I help you Mr Mason I understand Amy Beth Sawyer was working as your executive assistant yeah she was a Cracker Jack in the office I really miss her is that why you provided her with the condominium she was living in when she was murdered well now it's uh not exactly the way you make it sound see her rent was being raised where she was so I helped her out we kept that condo for out of town investors this was just a temporary Arrangement i' take it Mrs Sloan approved it was her idea how long did Miss Sawyer live there five maybe six months once she was in there I couldn't just kick her out besides her old boyfriend Daryl Hurley kept begging her to come back with him made all kinds of trouble trying to get her back you obviously took a personal interest in Miss Sawyer's well-being anything wrong with that Mr Mason of course you had a key to the condo of course I had a K I owned it why do you ask there were no signs of forced entry whoever murdered Miss Sawyer either was let in or had a key Miss Sawyer was murdered and Parks was convicted now what are you doing Mason trying to set the record straight where were you the night she was killed Mr Sloan right I was going over some Accounts at my office alone yes alone but that big war hero killed her and everyone in town knows it everyone but me good day Mr [Music] Mason these are the ones that would have the highway in them Mr Drake call me Paul well then maybe you should call me Terry all right wait a minute right there I'll rewind and stop motion I don't know boy oh boy oh boy even with the blow up I don't think I can see those license plate nums you need to find this car well it would sure put me closer to the guy driving it I have a couple of days leave saved up I'd like to help you look for it I appreciate that but without the plate numbers the leg work alone might take days well why don't we go after the same way you got the picture what do you mean go up in an A7 no of course [Music] not [Applause] relax I've got over 300 hours in one of these oh great I got about um let's see 15 minutes you know if you don't look out that window we'll never find that [Applause] [Music] car wait a minute what was that did you see it no what was it something through the trees we make another pass you got [Music] it where was it exactly right uh wait a minute wait a minute right there see it nice going Paul that's it I'll put it down right in that clearing nice and [Music] easy that terrific doesn't need to be anybody here just the car well it certainly would have hurt us coming in it's locked I'd be tempted to break in but it might clo as evidence what are you suppose is doing here all by itself got me stashed I guess didn't leave on foot look a second set of tire tracks you do do this for a living well we can't all be Pilots camping equipment in the barx motel there's a cardboard box in the front seat you make out the name on it Daryl Hurley Daryl Hurley who's he there's a man we need to see come on I want to get back to [Music] [Music] Perry look out look [Music] out I'm okay I'm okay this is not I've lost power control this is not good I've lost power got to auto [Applause] rotate hey brace [Music] [Music] yourself [Music] well you all right yeah we're fine they just want to do a couple routine checks back at the hospital you must be Perry Mason I'm Terry M Oh Captain looks like you saved his life well I'm afraid it was the other way around Mr Mason Perry we found the car I also got a fairly good look at the guy who was shooting at us had a full beard plaid shirt kind of a hunter looking guy Drake we just got a report on that license plate number you gave us it was stolen figures we still had that videotape of the car what videotape there was video taken from a fighter plane showing a second car in the area where they found Colonel Parks Captain this is a criminal invest ination I expect to have that tape on my desk this afternoon yes Sergeant what else can you tell me about that CRA there was a cardboard box in the front seat with the name of Daryl Hurley on it Daryl Hurley any objections to my being there when you question him Sergeant you are of course going to do that and perhaps you would like for me to provide you with a car too Mr Mas oh thank you but that that won't be necessary no I don't own a green Ram charger and I don't know anybody who does what's this all about anyway it's about the man who abducted Colonel Parks from the courthouse and who tried to kill my associate Paul Drake H Daryl this is Perry Mason Mr Mason is handling Colonel parks's defense well I was sitting in the courtroom when Parks broke loose and you can ask any of my men I've been here working straight since 7 this morning I Carl I understand that there was a cardboard box on the front seat of the car with your name on it is there anything to that it's going to take more than that to hang me I have a warehouse full of boxes with my name on them they're all over this city thank you very much steryl have a nice day Mr aming looks like business is booming Mr Hurley they a lot of big contracts in this area now I'm doing all right pity we can't say the same for Amy Beth must have been quite a blow to you when she broke off your relationship Amy Beth is the best thing that ever happened to me we were made for each other she just needed a little time to straighten out her head enough to know it messing with those fly boys at that air base that's what got her killed I assume you're referring to Colonel Parks well I heard she'd gone for somebody up there I didn't know who until I went to her condo that night found her there with Parks so you testified how did you know she was involved with him I don't need to put my finger in a light socket to know there's juice in it he was there I saw him that was enough for me is that why you became so angry so angry the colonel decided to leave before you could start a fight what difference does it make now she's dead isn't she the time that Parks is going to get for this he might as well be dead too you're just making trouble for everybody not everybody Mr Hurley not everybody right good good thanks I got the Base legal office working on releasing that videotape any luck inside you staying here all right under the name of a Frank Johnson clerk gave me a fairly good description of him too all right well I guess we better call Sergeant Brock huh it all in good time all in good time as long as we're here why don't we pay our Mr John on a little visit well I don't see his car anywhere all the [Music] better got to get in there somehow come on what are you just about finished in here yes I am let's take a look around while we're here you look in the bathroom and I'll check out the closet nothing in the bathroom except for this brush from the look of all this hair he must be going bald well the clerk did say that he was a big hairy Mountain Man type but what he needs with a blue button- down Oxford shirt I don't know if he's living in the Hills why check in here why would he ran a tent just to carry it around and he's got two cars come on that doesn't make any sense well in any case we got to get out of here while we still [Music] can [Music] have you met Mr Mason Park's new lawyer Mr SL Mr Mason I'll lock up Ellis uh we'll finish the leases in the morning oh see you tomorrow Mr Bish my husband told me about your talk I can't understand why you're digging into this again we've all been through so much already a man's life depends on it Mrs SLO I know well Amy Beth Sawyer she worked here did you think she was effective no but my husband did Amy Beth had a way with men as you've probably already heard but I was the one in the office with her day after day and it was your idea to let her move into your company condominium that was my husband's Jason couldn't do enough with a little tart you didn't object I most certainly did until I realized it wasn't worth the fight she wasn't interested in Jason it was the colonel she was on the phone constantly to the air base you're sure of that Mr Mason if you trying to make a case that I was jealous enough of Amy Beth to murder her forget it the money in the family is mine all mine Jason knows he'll lose it if he St is very far the night she was killed where were you at home having a late supper with my husband he'll confirm that I don't think so he told me he was working here at the office alone good day Mrs SL [Music] Perry I can't make anything out of this Johnson guy everything about him's phony including his name Backwoods Mountain type is losing his hair is about all I can come up with a short of I don't know tracking down this laundry tag uh Paul hold it a second I'll have it ready shortly have you called Sergeant Brock with any of this I left a message for him but he was out what else just a one-sided conversation with Lieutenant Wilkins before he ran out on me he said he had a doctor's appointment in town you want me to stay on this guy no keep after this elusive Mr Johnson Del what have you come up with on the sloanes and the Milbourne project Jason Sloan was just a general contractor working for Alia's father when he married her seems he hasn't met managed her money very well he's lost almost all of her land except for a 300 acre track south of the air base but the side of the milborne center is north of town I know but from what I can gather Jason Sloan worked out a land swap with the government for that 50 acre parcel now we need specifics also call the airbit see if the wing Commander can see me from first thing in the morning do you know when you'll be back I'm not sure Mr Mason thank you for seeing me General we didn't give you much notice sorry to keep you waiting I feel responsible for what's happened in Colonel Parks because you requested his transfer here to Kirby a senior pilot instructor yes he was a skilled pilot I believed him to be an officer of great integrity then you must find it hard to believe he murdered Miss Sawyer and Mr McCarron I don't believe that now how can I help you Mr Mason what can you tell me about the land trade made with Jason Sloan it won't be a trade officially we needed to expand our dependent housing uh when Sloan suggested the old Milbourne Factory site it seemed the perfect solution Sloan offered to donate their land if we would sell them ours doesn't that seem odd to you not with what he wants to do the old factory site is right in line with our flight path any commercial development down there would be doomed from the start but what does that have to do with Colonel Parks we're pursuing a number of different leads I'd like to talk to Lieutenant Wilkins while I'm here you have no objections Wilkins I certainly have no objections that's our tag all right but trying to find a customer with just that you're asking a lot Mister you sure he's got long hair full beard maybe somebody else here seen him there's not anybody else here I'm it and I've been it for better than 5 years and I don't have any customer looks like that sorry Roger red01 you are cleared for takeoff winds are 12 knots at 1 Niner 0° engine and instrument good temperatures looking good I'm ready for take off Roger red eyes 01 okay wi make this a good one we got us a VIP watching we having fun now who's out there and this is our flight simulat control room Mr Mason Lieutenant Wilkins is flying the simulator now it's Peterson and some guy named Mason Roger breakes released now Roger red eyes 01 red I 01 you are trailing smoke I repeat you are trailing smoke red ey 01 do you copy Kirby tower on guard confirm smoke red ey 01 smoke confirmed you are on fire I repeat you are on on fire not now please God not [Music] now come on wiy talk to me red ey 01 engine and temperature red lining do you copy I repeat you are on fire what are your [Music] intentions get up get up what's he doing in there I don't know Captain come on wi you're losing it red eyes 01 eject I repeat [Music] eject [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wilkins [Music] luten wilin my name is Mason I'm Colonel Park's attorney sir are you feeling all right you seem to be having some difficulty in there I'm fine I just got confused about fire takeoff procedures sir perhaps you wouldn't mind answering a few questions regarding your testimony in Colonel Park's trial don't you come in here and start asking me a whole lot of questions about something that happened along time ago I have nothing to add to the record it's bad enough I had to testify against my own squadron commander I'll see you at the hearing tomorrow sir good morning Council in the matter of people versus Kevin Parks people ready yes your honor defense ready we are your honor Mr R you may call your first witness the people call Sergeant Clifford Brock Sergeant Brock when you investigated leester McCarron's death did you find anything of significance at the scene of the shooting yes we found threads on a nail in the back door leading to the restaurant are these the threads to which you are referring those are the threads let the records show that uh Sergeant Brock has indicated the threads that are marked people's exhibit 12 did you find the Garment from which these threads came the threads were an obvious match to a tear in the suit coat which was found on the front seat and ACD defended at the time of his arrest would this jacket marked people's exhibit 14 be the coat that you found that is the coat I show you now people's exhibit 15 and ask if you recognize it that is a 38 revolver which was also found in the car to the defendant at the time of his arrest it has been stipulated by defense that people's exhibit 15 was indeed the murder weapon it has been further stipulated by defense that the defendant's fingerprints were found on this revolver Sergeant was a paraffin test performed uh yes it was the paraffin test was performed by me on the hands of the defendant and it indicated he had recently fired a weapon thank you Sergeant Brock no further qu questions thank you Mr rest Mr Mason now Sergeant isn't it true that none of Colonel Park's fingerprints were found at the scene of the crime that was correct Mr Mason that means not on the back door of the restaurant not on its door knob not on its door handle not anywhere that is all so correct Mr Mason so it's possible is it not for another person to have placed this revolver in Colonel Park's hand while he was unconscious and then to have caused it to fire leaving traces of gunpowder on his hand objection assumes facts not in evidence and calls for speculation sustained Sergeant you're an experienced investigator did you find the ABS of fingerprints at the restaurant unusual Mr Mason it has been known to happen and besides we did find those threads sir oh yes threads with the Court's Indulgence defense would like to engage in a brief demonstration what sort of demonstration Mr Mason a demonstration relating to threads those just mentioned by the sergeant all right Mr Mason the court has no objections Mr Reston no objection your honor uh sergeant that door frame has been marked defense exhibit D for identification please examine it and tell us if you recognize it I recognize it Mr Mason it is a back door frame from Langley's restaurant I sure hope Mr LLY knows about this sir he does Sergeant I hope you appreciate the trouble he went to in getting that door frame to this court all right sergeant that nail the nail where you found the suit threads has it been moved or adjusted in any way no Mr Mason same place you're sure I'm positive Mr Mason thank you Colonel parks would you please stand over there near the sergeant now Colonel would you please stand within the door frame Sergeant wouldn't you agree that his shoulder would be at least 4 in lower than the nail in that door frame about 4 Ines Mr Mason or more thank you Colonel oh uh one more thing Sergeant uh please sit down now defense requested that you bring a locket to this court the locket that was recovered from the body of Lester McCaron after his death is that this lock that is the locker Mr major thank you Sergeant no further questions I ask that this locket be marked defense exhibit e for identification it shall be so marked Mr Reston I have no questions at this time your honor you may step down your honor the defense has a witness who has traveled a great distance to get here today we request that she be permitted to testify um out of order who is the witness Mr Mason the decedent's Widow are you on Denise McCaren Mrs mccaran I've shown you this locket defense exhibit now I ask you if you recognize it yes my husband gave it to me when we were married I always wear it do you know how it came to be in your husband's pocket at the time of his death no I don't on the evening before Lester was to testify I was shopping on my way out of the market I was knocked down and some man tore it off my neck where were you when your husband was testifying I'd received a message that my sister had been in an automobile accident at Channing I drove out to the hospital there how was your sister she was fine there hadn't been any accident just a ruse to get you out of town objection your honor where is Mr Mason going with all this Mr Mason the offense is attempting to show a connection between those events and Mr McCarron's death I'll allow it for the moment Mrs McCaron before your husband was to testify hadn't the two of you been receiving threats there were some phone calls they made me edgy very edgy but Lester thought they were just crank calls at least at first weren't they in fact part of a systematic campaign to terrorize your husband a campaign climaxed by the delivery of your locket to him with the suggestion that your life would be in danger were he to testify Mr Mason I just don't objection argumentative calls for complete speculation by the witness I'm going to sustain the objection Mrs McCarron I'm sure the whole Court offers you its sympathy I thank you for coming here under very trying circumstances I have no further questions no questions I have the reports from the phone company that you wanted were you able to come up with any more on SLO land deal only the original environmental survey that was filed with the county land office but Perry this report was supposedly done by just one engineer and none of the pages in the second half match the type face or the papers in the first half did you speak with the engineer he moved back East he was offered a better job dlan did he take the job yes about the time I submitted this report all right I'll take these you'll find that engineer yes sir you forgot to [Music] salute [Music] Sheriff's Department please yeah hello I'd like to speak for the Sergeant Brock Sergeant this is Paul Drake I got your man Johnson he's at a liquor store at the corner of Sheridan and uh kofax all right [Music] I'm the one who called Sergeant Brock it's again a red FL [Music] shirt s we have't trapped inside all right then we got a possible hosit situation I want everybody be careful Lieutenant Wilkins I understand the Air Force is a family tradition my father and grandfather were both Air Force officers sir and as an officer and gentleman you're bound by a code that goes beyond the oath you took in this courtroom yes sir I am you knew Amy Beth Sawyer did you not uh no as I testified at Colonel Park's previous trial I I really barely knew her barely you tell me does the telephone number 555 4927 sound familiar to you I don't think so Lieutenant isn't it true that there were more than 30 calls from the phone in your quarters to miss Sawyer's condominium during the month prior to her death I wouldn't know that Lieutenant Wilkins you called Miss Sawyer frequently and you were very close friends now isn't that true yes all right Lieutenant what is the drug megazine used for I wouldn't know that oh please Lieutenant I I don't ask these questions lightly now you take Meine do you not yes and you take it for what condition recurrent vestibular neuronitis in layman's terms an inner ear problem that causes extreme dizziness a condition that could end a pilot's career isn't that so yes and in the course of your secret affair with Miss Sawyer she discovered your condition isn't that so yeah yes she uh uh she wanted me to talk to Colonel Parks about it but I knew that he would just have to report that and uh I tried to keep it under control with drugs Miss Sawyer knew about your condition and was a threat to your Air Force career you had to be sure that she would remain silent isn't that so no no it's not I wouldn't and I couldn't I love Beth I believe that's probably true Lieutenant no further questions may this witness be excused yes your honor I have no questions give me a step down you didn't show off for lunch I thinkig something might have happened well we have Johnson trapped inside all right Eric take a couple of minut and go in and search the place Mr Drake I sure don't see a mountain man well I don't see him either Sergeant none of these folks recall seeing a fellow like this guy described now wait a minute I saw the guy go in wait now you saw him in there too no I didn't I was just taking your word for it he sge place is empty you know if I thought it would do any good I'd file charges against you Mr Drake a captain om Al call said she wanted you to meet her at the off the Alley Cafe for breakfast said something about knowing who Mr Johnson is oh yes right thank you very much uh no I didn't call you I just got in well now that's what I thought then it's a setup well then you better call Sergeant Brock no I think I've cried wolf one too many times as far as he's concerned you can't go out there by yourself well I think I have to well then I'm going to call him Paul well maybe he'll believe you see you [Music] later is defense ready to call us next witness Mr Mason it was our hope to your honor but defense may have to request a short recess as our next witness has not yet arrived well if it's Chester laar you're waiting for you needn't bother because he's right here your honor defense calls Chester laberry Mr laberry prior to moving out of the state you were the engineer responsible for testing certain lands before they were traded or sold is that correct you got it 29 years never missed a day of work and why after 29 years did you decide to leave your post somebody up and offered me a better job that's why in Albany New York for about twice the pay too didn't it surprise you Mr laberry to be offered a new position with a substantial increase in salary as far away as Albany well I admit came out of the blue at me do you recall sir what you were working on when this piece of Good Fortune happened to strike you oh well let's see that have to be the soil survey on milburn's Old Land something about a fancy kind of land swap with the Air Force Base I'm right ain't I Mr laberry I show you defense exhibit F you recognize it oh shoot I started going in 78 Won't Come Back For Love or Money uh Mr Mason I'll help is that the report you submitted to the Air Force well yes and no what do you mean yes and no well the first part's mine all right typed it myself in my old portable the second part well I know that I didn't type that how do you know that Mr lbry because it's plump jackass wrong that's why says here milburn's old land is is safe to build on and you believe the land is not safe of course it isn't old milour had a big chemical Factory out there dump straight into the ground land's toxic as a witch's wash you can't build on that land not now not ever thank you Mr laberry thank you thank you your honor Mr Mason and no further questions Mr Reston I have no uh questions your honor but for the record uh the people have a continuing objection to this entire line of testimony defense calls Mr Jason Sloan [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] we [Music] f [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get somebody get an [Music] ambulance and aren't you personally negotiating the contract between your company and the Air Force for the building of the Milburn Center yes that's correct you arranged for the rights to purchase 50 acres of government government owned land north of town by donating 300 acres of the old Milbourne Factory site yes a site Mr laberry has just testified was toxic as a witch's wash I never saw that report in my life never saw it never saw it Mr Sloan in spite of the fact that the Milbourne project represents your company's large largest undertaking a project that should it fail would drive you certainly into bankruptcy ala Mrs Sloan and uh her brother Ellis Milburn handled all the paperwork and Amy Beth Sawyer wouldn't her job have given her access to all your company's transactions yes I guess so that would have been part of her work so she would have had had access to Mr blackberry's report detailing the soil conditions at the old Milbourne Factory site wouldn't she yes I guess she would you also knew that if officials at the Air Force Base learned of any problems with the land they would cancel the deal at once objection calls for speculation from the witness withdraw the question at the time of her murder Miss Sawyer was living in a cond minum owned by your company isn't that correct yes a condominium to which you always had a key of course I had a key but that doesn't mean any slown if Miss Sawyer had told Colonel Parks about that report you would have been ruined you had motive means opportunity I didn't kill Amy Beth why should we believe you because I loved her I never laid a hand on that girl but Heaven helped me I loved her no further questions your honor may I have a moment to confer with Mr Drake very well uh Mr rest your honor at the request of Defense councel I will foro my cross-examination of this witness for the moment so that Council may continue you may step down Mr SLO I uh I now call alus Sloan to the stand the assets of your husband's company really came from Land and money you inherited from your father isn't that correct Mrs SLO yes and your husband hasn't had much success managing those assets has he it's not his fault he works hard things just never seem to uh come together and the milborne center would be the last chance for either of you to see your inheritance restored wouldn't it the old factory site was uh all we had left but you knew you both knew there had once been a toxic chemical plant on that land did you not that was so long ago that's why you arranged to have Chester laberry offered a higher paying job s and why you arranged to have his survey report altered I don't know what you're talking about the type face appearing on the altered portion of Mr blackberry's report matches that of the typewriter in your office there must be thousands like it Mr Mason besides anybody could have used my typewriter who Mrs Sloan why who else had so much to lose I wouldn't know maybe uh Amy Beth changed the report Amy Beth come now Mrs Lan come now she had nothing to gain by altering this report now at the first trial you testified you'd taken calls for Miss Sawyer from Colonel parks on the day of her murder that you had in fact stayed on the line to overhear their conversation I overheard him ask her about a problem that she did not wish to discuss on the telephone it's all in the transcript yes I have a here all of it you also overheard them arrang to meet at the condominium that night I did you must have thought that the problem they were discussing was the engineers report the one that you had deliberately changed I don't remember what I thought isn't it true that to protect what remained of the milborne Legacy you arranged to have Amy Beth Sawyer murdered and Colonel Parks framed for that murder no that is not true who is Frank Johnson Mr Sloan I don't know then you don't care to know that just over an hour ago the man who calls himself Frank Johnson had a serious accident was taken to the county hospital oh my God was he hurt are you asking if your brother Ellis Milbourne was hurt please is Ellis all right he is in serious condition but the doctors believe the prognosis is fair now Mrs Sloan it was your brother disguised as Frank Johnson who killed Amy Beth Sawyer wasn't it it was your brother who killed Lester McCaron wasn't it it was your brother who framed Colonel Parks wasn't it there was no other way my father had worked so hard he'd left us so much Jason lost it lost everything except that useless piece of land where the factory once stood it was Ellis's idea Jason didn't have to know anything about it but Amy Beth knew she knew too much it was our way out Ellis blamed Jason and he blamed me so I went along with it it was Ellis's idea your honor defense moves to drop all charges against this defendant I will at the appropriate time move to set aside the conviction in the other case and exonerate this defendant fully the prosecution concurs so ordered the BFF is instructed to take Mrs Sloan into custody court is now [Music] adjourned Mr Mason there'll be no problems with Colonel Park's reinstatement we're just going for a little reorientation ride come on Kevin look I'm not one for speeches but uh I would like to say that he thanks you and I do too more than you can ever know thank you all very very much you're welcome well it gave me a chance to meet the captain take a helicopter ride well if you give me a chance I'll teach you the fly one let's not get carried away oh that reminds me Paul we have a plane to catch I take it you are not going with us actually Terry has offered to drive me home well that's a long drive it is isn't it so don't expect to call for a few days bye you know Perry that's not a bad idea taking a long leisurely drive home I'll even drive if you will trust me not to get lost I have a better idea you mean you would take the train no I want to you what
Channel: Ninja Review
Views: 129,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Perry Mason, Perry Mason Full Episodes, Best Crime, HD Movies, Perry Mason Crime HD Movies, Full Episodes
Id: 9jMkltzMTkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 55sec (5395 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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