Perpetual Battery - Powered By Water

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[Music] hi so I came across this pizza when I was doing some research on the seawater and graphene generator and generally free flowing liquids when we're looking at carbon conductors and I loved it because it had all of the qualities that I really like about this stuff one it's cheap it's easy to do and there's a minimum tool requirement you'll get away with a hacksaw and a hand drill what I've got here is a load of six millimeter or if you like quarter inch diameter tube I've got some aluminium tube and some breast tube and I just grabbed a few lengths of it to be able to make some of the stuff that's in this patent and that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna make some of these bits to show you how they respond and how they're made so let's get on with one okay so I took one of these which is one of those nylon blocks you use for holding kitchen cabinets together step two pipes in it and med this then I promptly stick it in some tap water which is right here so that's just that in some tap water connected it to my multimeter according to the patent these are micro amps which is why I've come to the really quite decent multimeter and I put it in series with a five point 1k ohm resistor as a dummy load and it's doing absolutely jack which is canticle I mean we're getting a completely zero reading here and we should do if we put it into the tap water and we were getting a reading it would indicate there was some kind of galvanic corrosion going on but because we're getting nothing at all then anything we get after this has got to be well reasonably got to be due to what the guy says in his pepper now there's a couple of things that he says the first thing he says is rightly about a bit and the next thing he says is heat it so brought my heater stirrer and I'm gonna heat that up to ninety degrees centigrade and we'll see you would get anything okay this is chemical and we're just gonna give this a while at that water heat up but it's just off tepid I mean it came out of the tap cold and I can stick me finger in it and yeah that's really quite cool but those micro amps aren't going up it's now at 24 micro amps this is gradually heating up I mean 24 micro amps is not going to charge your mobile phone okay but it is super cool getting anything at all out of this and then it looks like the guy was spot-on in his pet gonna encourage you to trial the things with there because that is actually working still going up okay apparently it's all got to do with the movement of the water or so he says so I made this one and if you leave in there fixed nothing happens you need to over a little bit the idea is the water is moving and we start generating our he also gives instructions for making this one the only difference between this one I haven't this one is I can handle that a little bit by flipping it backwards and forwards and that is supposed to also generate so you're going to take this off the heat we're gonna set this one up and give it a bit of a waggle see what happens okay I'm wearing gloves just to stop me interfering with it because all I'm doing really is pressing that like that just to make it wave around a bit and sure enough when I whack all that elephant aha the generation goes off and when I stop waggling it it goes back down again it's a bit of a delay I'm guessing it because it's a mixing going on there so he talks about downstream and upstream because their whole idea in the patent is that they fluid moves across these so it moves in that direction with the aluminium being downstream the brass being upstream and the aluminium is negative and the brass is positive so I think that's a pretty cool result and of course the next question is what are we gonna do about it okay what do you do about something like that is if it'll do pink one so I made eight of them in a row and of course you've got to test something like that in the real world so I've come down to the store rivers I lived near Canterbury and the stories the men River and it's this sluggish flowing stream that we've got just there and what I'm going to do is dip this in the stream now remember or if you read the patent the aluminium is the upstream and then brass is the downstream so the room is flowing that way I need to put the aluminium in that way and I've got it on a five point 1k ohm and a little handheld multimeter here so that we can get some kind of reading out of it is the meter there you go that's he struggling to reach in so that little thing does what it says on the patent okay close-up on how this is made to bits of pipe at six millimeter outside diameter one aluminium and one brass coat into eight 125 millimeter length tubes flatten the ends with a hammer or a vise and then take one of these this is from there it's a whole bag of those nylon corners you get for putting cabinets together what you then do is take one and put it yeah and the other and put it in there and make yourself one of these that is a single unit it's that easy to make it and that's the one we did the original test on well I then did was make seven more of them because we had eight rods and a bit of threaded bar we've got one hole left you stack them up and put the bar through the hole and you get that so that's how that was made all I then did was attach wire to those crimped edges to get me my two contacts this one solved it on because brass and copper solved it really nicely and this one is just hammered flat I reopened those holes put the wire in hammered it flat again and that's how I made the generator okay so remember the patent is four one five three seven five seven it's William Clark's a US patent and it's from 1979 now I chose it because I thought it was really easy to replicate with the bare minimum of tools and just a bit of fun to do it but it looks like mr. Clark was actually right his stuff works as advertised on the tin now if you read the patent please do you'll find a whole host of drawings and implementations on how that could possibly possibly used along with some suggested different materials and maybe different materials and different orientations where you get size differences we've actually done some work on this on members channel where we were looking at flow rates past different carbons and that's what led me to this pattern but there's some drawings on here showing you how you can set that up including using gelatin if he's clammed up to be believed and to be honest what we've looked at so far certainly bats at what he's saying he made one with six sheets of brass one inch by five inches all joined together and he stuck it in some heated water had enough power to run a second transistor transistor radio at full power that's kind of really awesome actually that's a significant amount of power and I'm probably going to build a replication of that myself because so far my replications of what he's been doing and what he said on that certainly bears up what he's saying but I thought I'd share it with you because it really is a good bit of fun for something that can be done super easy and is very impressive now this obviously according to mr. Clark and certainly we get nothing on here but then we are holding just dipped it in months there is no corrosion on this apparently so this is perpetual certainly would last an awful long time given the arrangements he's talking about it would put out enough power to run small devices I think that's actually quite intriguing and certainly worth the effort of looking into further given that this stuff actually bears up what he's saying anyway I hope you enjoyed the video and thank you very much for watching
Channel: Robert Murray-Smith
Views: 62,676
Rating: 4.9184165 out of 5
Keywords: energy, generation, battery, fwg, robert, murray-smith, alternative, disruptive, technology, new, design, science, fair, project, power, green, renewable
Id: HGQHVc9z8yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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