Permaculture Food Forest Garden

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what's going on growers it's James prigioni coming to you live from Jersey it's May 8th today and the garden has now taken on the full forest effect seven or eight years ago this might have all been alone but now it's a food forest let's go let's start today's video off right where I edited the intro as you can see we've got some grapes trellis to right up above us right here and it's nice so we can provide some shade in the summer but then when it's also fruiting we can reach out but grab some fruit there we've got a Honey Crisp apple relatively young but still performing well next to me here you'll notice I potted a lot of tomatoes so I had so many tomatoes growing in the greenhouse that needed to be transplanted out just didn't have the space in the garden so I'm gonna be growing those imposters here trying to get that extra harvest I think it'll be fun and I'll bring you all along for that and you can see in the greenhouse I transplanted the peppers into bigger pots as well I'll give you guys a peek at that probably as the video progresses and as we move more into the food forest you can see why I call it a food forest because it's taking on that true forest feel and it's all food everything in here is production everything in here is there for a reason all by design that's what we call permaculture you know permaculture is basically just applying patterns to a landscape for a purpose for a reason so that's what we're doing and someone asked about miles and they said this permaculture work and Bill said do trees grow and I thought that was just a profound answer you can see a peach tree that I brought you along for as we pruned it thing is just loaded with peaches nice and high up top there so they get a lot of Sun a lot of airflow and I think that's important for production at least in New Jersey because we've got humid climates or humid climate and right here we've got gooseberry just loaded with fruit got a couple different varieties here this is welcome and then to the right of me is a captivator which I'm going to show you now right here so that's performing nicely and the raspberries over here these raspberries I allowed them to grow in the everbearing fashion you could either get one fall crop if you caught them all to the ground in the fall in the winter and the new ones will come up you'll get for crop or you could get the spring crop in the fall crop so we went for both these would be everbearing and these are the I believe the yellow and raspberries beautiful color and delicious the oregano on the ground has just exploded this one we've had for a number of years so getting those perennial herbs and it's just so nice not having to plant them every year and also providing good habitat once it flowers for and pollination for a lot of the bees and a lot of insects and we've got some Dino kale growing right next to us here we try to stick in any of the annuals and biennials and stuff anywhere we can underneath the fruit trees and you can see we've got another grape this is the Concord trellis right above us performing nicely the comment that I often see reoccurring on the channel go something along the lines of James I can't wait till I get my 10 acre property and do just what you're doing what I would say to you is don't wait not even another day because the situation is never going to be perfect the stars aren't just going to line up perfectly you might not have that beautiful flat 10 acre land or on a slight little slope planting everything you want just having at your fingertips you know that hasn't happened for me I know that I almost didn't start years ago but if I didn't die I would be upset with myself you don't want to have that regret of not putting the effort forward and I think gardening it's like a muscle like anything else the more you do it the better you're going to get out of it so for instance if you only have the space to plant one apple tree that's good hone in on that one tree learn how to plant it the best way learn how to prune it and learn how to watch over for it and get a good feel of you know some of the issues that could happen in your particular location this way when you get that dream property and you plant 10 20 30 apple trees you'll know what to do that'll be important it'll save you time money and frustration so whatever you want to grow make you get out there and get planted right underneath the peach tree that we pruned together I'm gonna pan down a little bit you'll see we've got the new apple tree from seed you'll notice we've got some white white kind of spray on it what I did this year is I used some of the surround which is just basically it's just kaolin clay it's an organic kind of spray and it's supposed to keep some of the kukuli off so we're trying that out this year seeing how it works for us Organic and it's just just clay basically we're just basically covering some of our fruit with clay to keep those keep those bugs at bay from laying the eggs you'll notice here we've got blackberry this thing's starting to flower and it's gonna have a lot of fruit on it this year I know it will because of the way we pruned it which is important so those are starting to open up so the raspberries will come on the blackberries and the strawberries are coming heavy those will be our first ones to actually produce so here's the apple tree we've had here for a number of years and it just gets hit by the kukuli are pretty heavy and that's a that's a pest it's a weevil and we're trying to coat some of the fruit like you'll see here to keep them off and reminds me actually have a quote by Theodore Roosevelt and it says the best thing you could do is the right thing the second best thing you could do is the wrong thing and and the worst thing you could do is nothing at all so even if you're trying something and it doesn't work out it's better than not trying at all so through the years we've had some issues with the curculio and this year we're gonna try something out we're gonna use this surround this spray I think it's gonna do I think it's gonna help us out a lot and I hope we can boost our harvest a little bit and typically people would be thinning some of these peaches because there's so many on here but the Kikuyu usually does that for us so we're just gonna allow the fruit to set here and then if they get a little bigger I'll come through and do a little thing if necessary here's another one of our peach trees pan out show you that doing real well an apple tree here doing nicely as well we got some good-looking fruit in the center there nothing like eating fresh apples fresh peaches from your own garden even fresh tomatoes just nothing nothing like it the apricots are one of the trees that the Coquille e'er really go after so we sprayed those relatively heavily and I'll come out with another round in spray and this is my first year ever using this spray so I'm not so I'm not an expert on it but my neighbor has used it before and it's something you can actually eat you can eat the fruit you can spray the clay on the fruit up to the day harvest because that's all it is is just clay some more apricots over here doing well fruits looking good looking healthy love to see it and underneath the trees you can notice we have some weeds coming up I need to wash up here but I also have a cool idea I think I'm gonna add some some different features to the food forest it'll kind of give me another element of growth go a little more vertical and I'm gonna bring you guys along for that I think it's a good idea and I think it'll be fun to show you exactly what I'm thinking and have it come to life here we've got some apples more apples doing really well and another peach tree here's a new cherry tree we added just killing it just looking beautiful this is a gold cherry and it has a number of cherries on it which is encouraging to see especially at such a young age and then another another peach tree right here above us we sprayed that one too so I think by spraying these and just coating them with the clay that's really going to help us lock some of that fruit in give us a bigger harvest this way we can share with more people and underneath this Moonglow pear this is what I love to see this is food forestry in my opinion covering this ground here you can see we've got this beautiful pear tree that again it's performing excellently loaded with fruit underneath it we've got some currants almost like our bush layer we've got the ground cover of strawberries and we've got some herbs coming up like cilantro and stuff so one thing about a fruit forest is it gives you gifts cilantro I haven't planted one any cilantro this year yet I haven't coming up everywhere so that's one of those things that we love to see the gifts from the forest nothing like it I'll tell you what when it comes to gardening nothing is promised nothing is guaranteed which i think is a beautiful thing that's why you know getting those harvests grabbing the piece of fruit fresh you know picking that ripe tomato homegrown is so sweet it's so rewarding because you know it's not guaranteed it's not just plan to see you get a harvest its plan to see got it along have things go well support it and then get that harvest and some people will question they'll say why would you waste all that time in effort and even money growing a tomato that you can get in the store for like a dollar too and in my opinion if you're asking that question then then I can't even give you an answer because you just don't understand you can't compare in my opinion a tomato you would get from the store for a dollar two dollars or I mean that fake tomato whatever you want to call that thing in the store it's nothing like the tomatoes that I grow here order to me there's a probably that you grow at home those organic heirloom fresh juicy tomatoes that you can't complain flavor you can't compare the color you can't compare the feeling I would say I mean that's like saying comparing the water and a birdbath to like an ocean I mean they're both water but it's completely different you know that ocean has so much value in it it's got so much life in it it got just just has more that's what it's like the e your own tomato that's what it's like to grow your own garden it's not just about the food it's about the experience it's about the growth not able not only the trees but as a person I mean I got so much stuff I want to show you in this food forest but the videos have been long 2025 minutes I think that might be too long for some of you and if let me know in the comments if you enjoyed the longer videos but I know it could be almost daunting to click on a video and think oh man this is 25 minutes that's like the length of a TV show but if you're enjoying the videos hit the like button hit the subscribe button share with your friends rating the notification bell so these kind of weekly tour videos they're here to show you what it'd be like if you had your own garden it's not to tell you what to do is to show you what I'm doing so you could learn from it so you could come up with some of your own ideas and get those juices flowing let me take you into the two-year-old fruit forest where some of the things are doing excellent we've got a lot of tomatoes in and strawberries I got to show you the strawberries before we make our way out of this food forest these older fruit forests I just wanted to give you a pan shot show you what it looks like to be sitting in here I'll tell you what it feels like it's separate own kind of Oasis it's like a little getaway in the middle of Suburbia and I'm only on 1/3 of an acre here and I'm not even using all of it for growing so again you don't need a lot of space in order to create your own little getaway the tomatoes are doing relatively well I planted them earlier than I ever have someone that was because I started so early I've got tuck next to me actually trying to scratch get into the garden maybe I should let him in so I keep him out when some of the stuff is young but he still wants to come in and say hi sometimes he loves meeting the videos my boy he's a good guy and again the tomatoes are doing well everywhere you're seeing a red you see a red cup we have tomatoes and soon we'll get those steaks up and in I'm just had to try to find the time to be able to get out there and harvest them actually want to show you a few of the brassicas over here which are doing relatively well as you can see right here it looks like a cauliflower performing pretty nicely tucks giving you a little comparison for size some endive some more kale and stuff then actually a blackberry back here flowering doing real well and this one's gonna have a lot of fruit on it too because we've proven this one the right way we're focused on all those laterals that's where we're gonna get the most fruit so time back into what I said regarding a knowing how to plant things you may only have the space to plant one blackberry but don't wait get it planted even if you can't bring it to your new property or wherever you want to go next plant it so you can learn how to grow best this way you can get the most out of it now let's take walk over into the new fruit forest where we have a lot of things growing and things are looking fantastic as you can see we've got some monster mushrooms in here which is a great sign that's what the woodchips do they create an environment where you have high moisture content and this is what's going to break down your woodchips it's not going to be the composting process it's going to be the funguses the teeth of the forest so a lot of you have mentioned I should put wine caps in I got them one year and I just didn't I didn't have the opportunity to get them in but it's something I'd like to do so my next round of wood chips coming uh maybe this uh later this spring or in the summer I'm gonna order some of the kingster for use and get those in the ground this section here which we designated for poppin annuals you can see some zucchinis coming up nicely spinach is performing well over here we've got a number of different varieties we got giant noble spinach I think we've got the Galilee spinach we've got perpetual spinach which isn't really a spinach but it's called perpetual spinach and we've got some other ones here having some fresh eggs from the chickens and spinach one of my favorite things more Tomatoes in here just so many tomatoes all the red cups are Tomatoes it's one of my favorite things to grow one of my favorite things about living in New Jersey actually is taking advantage of those Jersey tomatoes nothing like it the grapes that we pruned pretty heavily are performing nicely cucumbers are coming up one thing that hasn't been great this year is the peas and a lot of that is because we've just got the pests I'm not sure what is eating them but something's really going to town on them and fortunately we were able to salvage some when we made those little fences so some are still performing nicely they're doing better in the other food forests but I don't want to go back into there and show you that this video could get very long and you can see we've got a bunch of beans and stuff coming up so these are all bush beans here we'll have two rows of bush beans then I'll probably stick something in the center here maybe some peppers which are setting up but this is something I was super excited to show you I brought a number of you along ass we plan to do these strawberries just last year look at this row man we're gonna be loaded with strawberries just from this one section and they're already starting to form this variety I mean just doing stellar real excited about that so that's the thing with gardening when you plant a diversity of things something is always going to perform well and then we've got a bunch of zucchini planted underneath the fruit trees that's a common theme we'll add more zucchini in the old fruit forest too always plugging stuff in the spaces someone asked me where I got these trays from I don't remember exactly where but I think it was from a school and they're just standard trace this is what I put my seat my cups in from my seedlings more Tomatoes back here performing nicely and we're looking to get our best harvest of tomatoes ever we're always looking to improve every single year new variety of strawberries is really coming up nicely which is encouraging to see and more even more Tomatoes and just think this section is it's probably only about 50% planted we still have peppers eggplants and a number of other stuff to add into so this is going to be loaded we're taking advantage of all this open space because as you can see in the in the older food forest a lot of the trees have gotten big which is by design and it's and a lot of the other perennials have got large so we've lost some of that annual space that's why we got the new fruit forest we've got some places designated just for annuals and around these young trees we're gonna take advantage of this space here we've got the other strawberries which are performing nice also these are look they're gonna be loaded with fruit - nice having several different varieties not only flowering at different times of getting harvest at different times but also just to have the variety of flavor so some of these are getting pretty large which is nice to see and the blueberries the new ones that we planted are doing nicely I've seen a lot of flowers on those a bunch of blueberries on the side garden which I might have to show you as well and here's more baskets that we've got actually covered with this fencing this is actually keeping away the the groundhog which has been eating a lot of our stuff - and a nice small little peach tree that we just added we've got that pruned nicely which is gonna save us a lot of growth in the future a lot more things down there but I'm gonna have to wrap it up in this food forest maybe I'll just give you a quick little walk over here's a bush plum roadside plum we got another one in the side garden and over here we've got more strawberries performing very nicely as you could see and some late season Aurora blueberries at it as well so one thing we're always doing is adding more adding more add any more before I take you over to the side guard I wanted to show you the size of some of these some of these mushrooms look at this these things are beautiful massive this one was huge yesterday doesn't look as big today but look at the size of the base of that thing that is just stupid big I think it looks awesome and more mushrooms over here again you love to see it the fruit trees and woody species love growing in a fungal dominate soyal so this is just what they like that's why we're seeing this nice beautiful growth on this Asian pear and a lot of the other young fruit trees again having ordered these since I planted them last year when I'm talking about my garden or food forest I often like to refer to as a system because that's what we have going on right here and this system what we do and the changes we make is based on observation this way it's going to always basically work because if something is not performing well or we need to make some changes we'll step in so that's just a good concept in my opinion that's what Bill Mollison talks about when you have a system based on observation it really can't fail because you're open to step in and make some changes and oftentimes like I talked about earlier nature's gonna open the door for you and give you these little gifts bring to connections to you that you couldn't even think of yourself that you couldn't have imagined that'll work out for you let me take you over to the side garden show you a few of the little things and then we'll cut this video out and I'll be back at you guys real soon over here at the side garden this is one I love showing you all because I think it's relatable I think it's something that a lot of you could have this right here is then more on the north side of the house so it gets a little bit of shade but still things are performing nicely in the summer the Sun is straight above so this all gets good amount of Sun and we get nice production from it Saskatoon's have really started flowering heavy those are doing well these blueberries are now fruiting which is something we love to see hoping to get a lot of fruit off this one and this Apple that I've been excited about has so many apples on it this is one I think I might have to thin and I may spray that with some of the surround as well to make sure we lock in some of that harvest but it looks like it almost has too much fruit for the young tree over here you you know we got strawberries planted and you know it's a different variety to variety is the spice of life especially with gardening as you hear probably some of the cars going by me that's what happens when we're in a suburban setting but again we've create our own little oasis here we've got the boysenberry and the tabe airy these are flowering heavily we're about to start flowering so Barry time is on its way in full force nothing like it I love the blueberries I love the raspberries and teh berries the boys and berries I mean everything strawberries you can't I can't get enough of it personally this uh what do you call it our blueberry isn't performing as well as some of the others will take care of this one we'll keep an eye on it make sure we get some good water and stuff but right next to it this one is just performing excellently that's why I encourage a lot of you to just get a number of different varieties this way you find out what works and if you want to focus on line and plant more of them then just go right ahead with that I think it's a good concept and a good idea here we've got a later season gooseberry so we'll be harvesting those the ones on the side that I showed you earlier we're getting those earlier these later spreading out the harvest when it comes to growing everything it's good to grow early season mid end Lee this way you're extending those harvest here's the Winesap apple great performer for us and as you can see the fruit is it's set for basically everything it's just a matter of guiding that fruit along helping it and stepping in when we need to and it looks like some of these are still still flowering some of these blueberries because again you gotta have the lead later season ones and we're making sure we provide a nice little habitat a nice pollination some food for those bees because they're working hard for us always we want to support them because they're really supporting us here we've got the black cap raspberries these are going to be loaded I'm very happy that I came through and pruned them heavy last year I opened up a lot of light to these because they were taking over the whole garden it's one thing about them they're invasive but for something to be invasive I'm pretty happy with them because they are my probably my favorite tasting raspberries and so reliable and such heavy fruit sets that's today's video growers thanks for watching I hope you got some value out of it I hope you enjoyed it I hope it gave you some different ideas and I'd love it if you guys were down in the comments section let me know what do you think about how long I should make these videos you know are they still engaging when they're 20 minutes long it's just tough for me to choose what to show you and what not to show because I had to have a lot to show I don't not sure if I want to break in with the two-part things maybe I'll do like a two videos kind of a week of this rather than just the one but again your feedback in the comment section means the world to me and talk all your love and support I just wanted to say thank you for the majority the large large majority all the comments are usually kind they're encouraging they're uplifting so whenever me and tuck feel like you know we might have taken a little bit too much work on and it's just it could get a little tiring I guess in a sense trying to keep up with everything and sometimes we feel like we don't do the best job of keeping up with everything but we still try and if we feel like you know we need a little motivation or something we hit those comments and we get a lot of that love and it means like I said it means a lot to us and your your kindness is felt I just want to let you know that and we read all the comments we don't always have the time to respond to every single one of them but they are felt and they are appreciated so if you guys enjoyed the video hit the like button hit the subscribe button share with your friends we've got some surprises coming up real soon something to kind of give back to you guys and I can't wait to share that with you all it's almost ready but I want to make sure it's perfect before I share it with you because I know you guys deserve the best see in the next one thanks rusie only a tough week [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni
Views: 156,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: permaculture, gardening, garden, food forest, forest garden, organic garden, organic gardening, back to eden, back to eden garden, fruit, fruit tree, fruit trees, permaculture garden, permaculture gardening, bill mollison, james prigioni
Id: PcPlWhiTTpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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