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[Music] hi guys welcome to my youtube channel this is stitch marquee you your science body in a properly for this video what you're going to learn is about the use of the periodic table to predict the chemical behavior of an element specifically the historical development of the periodic table the difference between periods or series and groups or families in the periodic table and the description about the periodic trends properties of the periodic table particularly the metallic and methodic property atomic size ionization energy electron affinity and electronegativity but before anything else please do subscribe to my youtube channel and click the notification button pharmacy updated chaos science video discussions near upload so what are we waiting for let us now explore the world of science before we proceed with our discussion i have a challenge for you i will call it genius challenge all you have to do is to name the scientists that you're going to see in the picture the names are already given on the upper right corner of the screen so let us now begin picture number one number two number three number four number five i'll give you 10 seconds to think about your answer let us now check if your answers are correct picture number one that is dimitri mendeleev picture number two johan wolfgang dube reiner number three that is henry mostly number four that is johan alexander reyna newlands and number five that is julius lothar mayor if all your answers are correct congratulations those scientists that you named played a very important role in the development of the periodic table of elements so let us get to know more of them known 1817 isan scientist sapangalani johan welcome the bereiner an unhappened scene now certain groups and elements of similar properties i put the e group into three atomic mass and potassium [Music] 1864 another scientist in the name of johann alexander reign and newlands undergraduate elements according to atomic weights every eighth element of properties new 1869 another two scientists in the name of dimitri mendeleev and june slaughter mayor and a greninja periodic timber according to increasing atomic masses at the word independent lisa pagar elements surprisingly paracetamol arrangement is in order of increasing atomic mass arrangements similarly [Music] into a table in order of increasing atomic masses appearing sisogyn potassium metals siberian c magnesium calcium and metals see carbon silicon c nitrogen phosphorus oxygen [Music] isotopes cayenne table and chart number elements i found to be inconsistent now in many ways dimitri meant to live as the father of the modern periodic table now 1913 another scientist in the name of henry mostly on a charisma periodic table experiment see mostly an arrangement atomic number rather than atomic mass properties lie in a paper height and periodic pattern and establish the mostly jung relationship the atomic number and the charge of the atomic nucleus a new number of protons and nucleus at henry mostly they didn't predict now four new elements after knowing those important people in the development of the periodic table let us now become familiar with the different parts of the periodic table but before that i have a challenge for you i will call it connect the pieces in scramble kodi toy my parts and periodic table all you have to do is to put them in their right place or location partner i'll give you 10 seconds to think about your answer [Music] with the snow check if your answers are correct so you know hydrogen it is other elements so right side the monolithium siberium in other elements that's the right side of my system and other elements at the right side nasa get knocked elements icy boron and other elements and there's a right side the boron and lithium antsy fluorine and other elements as a rhinestone fluorine and ethereum and ce helium and other elements sababano elements if your arrangement is like this congratulations let us now get familiar with the periodic table periodic table periodic table or tablet an arrangement of the chemical elements in increasing atomic number so it in a paper and single of increasing atomic number to the negative between one two three four five six seven and so on and so forth then you run in on physical and chemical properties in a paper height and periodic patterns periodic table so maritime 7 periods in period 1 period 2 3 3 4 5 6 and 7. superior one melon elements a hydrogen and c helium so periods or [Music] earth metals this time i have a challenge for you i will call it tell me my location i have pick out eight elements the periodic table all you have to do is to identify the period series or group or family of these elements this is the periodic table you can use this as your reference i'll give you 15 seconds to answer this [Music] one [Music] let us now check your answers for magnesium that period is 3 this one and its group is 2a for copper its period is 4 and its group is 1b for acting its period is 7 and its group is 3b cerium is in period 6 and its group is 4b iodine its period is 5 and its group is 7a iron is in period 4 and its group is 8b sulfur is in period 3 its group is in oxygen family and uranium here its period is 7 and its group is 6b if all your answers are correct congratulations this time we're going to watch a video experiment about the reaction of different metals with hydrochloric acid or commonly known as muriatic acid all you have to do is to describe that reaction whether that one is a violent slow or no reaction do all right let us see 14 the reaction is no reaction this one the first test tube for iron the reaction is no reaction this one the second test tube for magnesium the reaction is slow and then for copper the reaction is no reaction this is the port test tube and for the sink the reaction is slow and for calcium there is violent reaction if your answers are all correct congratulations magnesium zinc electrons during chemical reactions periodic table from left to right to metallic character is not decreased within a period of elements from top to bottom this time i have some elements here on the screen i want you to look at this one especially element symbol electrons atom into specific cells or subshells so more of this in your next grade level the reason why i presented to you the electron configuration because identifying your classification and they also react vigorously some uh most metals parameters liquid or solid earth metals and unreactive and they do not easily form compounds i think this gig system nature as free elements metals this time let's talk about the trends in the periodic table and trends in the periodic table is simply defined as systematic variations marami periodic table in explaining the periodic trends in different aspects than uncertain elements properties shahin relationships and numbers has a periodic nature known manga elements in a trend in the periodic table is atomic size or atomic radius important in atomic size parameters and in behavior atomic ranges is defined as one half the distance between the nuclei of identical atoms that are bonded together to the negative side picture nucleus [Applause] from left to right within a group your ionization energy increase and the healing atomic ranges electrons imparting trend in the periodic table is what we call electron affinity electron affinity energy in a nearly release or in an absorbed capacity electron and and general trend landing is the electron affinity energy increasing from left to right within a period except landing to samana noble gases and then detoxifying in the periodic table is what we call electronegativity electronegativity ability atom number attracts an electron in a chemical bond always remember your atoms now metals emerge [Music] metals and general trendito so periodic table pockets electronegativity is electronegativity energy increasing from left to right within a period among within higher the electronegativity value to linear fluorine electronegativity value electrons again take a look at the summary of that periodic trends finally this ends our video discussion i hope that you're able to understand everything about periodic table i hope that you will still join me in my next science video discussion thank you for listening [Music] you
Channel: Teach Marky Yu
Views: 31,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teach marky yu, marky yu, periodic table of elements, periodic table, trends in the periodic table, ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity, atomic size, how to teach science, teaching strategy in teaching science, online science class, science tutorial, development of the periodic table, parts of the periodic table, metal, metalloids, nonmetal., noble gases, halogens
Id: n2q6_1ZbE9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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