Peri-Peri Chicken, SIMPOL!

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young Portuguese dish Nezumi capacity repeaters and gagawin athenian and peri-peri chicken [Music] iago al-khaimah is a hearty meal for two or three Kalinda Machado makka pakka Tamera da Vinci condita whole chicken gallons of fresh options now in ac-9 kanesha earlier i just leave it there while i do my other preparations for our vegetables man on my own red bell pepper yeah cleanup now a new bell pepper and I just julienne EBC building julienne is to cut into strips no I just got my bell peppers into strips this will be the siting of our chicken not so apparent chicken and peppers Cassie I'm Perry Perry means pepper so it's a shank Portuguese dish now mater Sumika pleasure and so right now in the Philippines we don't even make reference to the original na gallons of Portugal yeah so we're just doing this wrapping so red and green bell peppers so this is just a quick marinade Hindi nothin poppet a gallon but if you have time it would be best to marinate it ahead of time like overnight it's the best and I have a white onion just peel the white onion and I julienne as well so this will be part of my side vegetables arting dish today then I begin with my marinade No so I put my vegetable side vegetables aside and I work on my marinade so I just have here a little bit of garlic which I chopped earlier half got a meeting cause I got a meeting to the labor union and ahave I add peppers over home chili flakes then Meredydd home paprika so here I'm using sweet paprika and I have ginger so I'm ginger Co a great Co protein ginger just around a teaspoon full a lot more yamaganda Ginger's you can already eat it ahead of time wrap it in cling wrap and freeze it now so until you need the frost can and defrost normally didna portion so in addition of the driver and next I have a lemon you'll a Manhattan if you press : massage Perelman gotcha so that I'll be able to extract most of the juice try to slice a lemon and squeeze half into our marinade so better yet if you have a zester you zest the lemon peel para macaron passion and more lemon flavor then I just season with a little bit of soy sauce around four tablespoons of soy sauce just for color black pepper I'm using crab black pepper and oil so I'm using canola oil around six tablespoons of canola oil and just a tablespoon of sugar yeah nothing marinade so that's another tablespoon of sugar so I'm just using a little bit of oregano or add one tablespoon of oregano and another tablespoon of dried this here just added to our marinade and then just stir that up [Music] and what we're going to do promised my beliefs young she can attend got go attend and technique that in Kiruna Spartacus Oh dorita nothing it's really covered in salt so what I do I just cut it up from behind so the spine you can use a knife but I'm using just a scissors to cut it up and open the chicken you have updating breast part and we open it up so I get a nothing new chicken and then we flatten our chicken kurama's but the leaves are my marinade and also it cooks faster we're just gonna cook it in a grill pan so we score our chicken bone area open up the wing and score and we also score the breast know so it it will marinate faster and it will also cook faster now we open up the joints other side wing again cup just to open up the joint score the breast and also the leg part and also the back of the leg but are insured tyonna it's going to cook through and cook quick now we're ready to marinate just put it into a marinating bowl and we pour our mixture you know one I think Annina just earlier so it's best to marinate it for at least 15 minutes okay there's acids Omega my B distinction you know like a flavor you mutton chicken but better if you didn't have time you do it overnight so while waiting for our chicken to marinate got going from a young opening side dish no I think partners nothing dish and having rice pilaf a very simple cilantro flavored rice falafel I have some oil I add a little bit of butter for flavor so I just heated a little bit of oil and butter together yeah and to add flavor to our rice yesterday garlic onions just a touch of turmeric just a very tiny bit so we wait for the aromatics to cook a little bit in our in our oil until it's very fragrant and we add our rice so we're just making one cup of rice of Alice from the long towel and it's going to be two cups of rice yeah okay so what we're doing here long enough in a saute these are nothing new because it's the objective nap in the tobu so nothing formal ooh Tasha made you go whole hog take our time to toast it listen with a little bit of salt so we don't want our rice and sobrang mushy we want it to be fluffed up once we've toasted our rice a little bit add the I think chicken stock so one cup of rice and one cup of chicken stock yeah so sighing and nothing share so you might on goose total economic punchy flavor see my counting spice this is the dish for you so next we're going to work on our chicken so we've heated a grill pan and we just put it over our our chicken which has been marinating for just around 15 minutes we're going to put it into our pan skin side down so our pan is very hot now as you know this is already smoking hot what we're going to do is you're just gonna lay our chicken you been after flying up in or till a towel - spatchcock ill elena pandita soething pan slowly yeah spread it down oh wow I'm below and I guess have a cover any cover Natasha just laid over para bodily motion ma press on in your chicken so what you want to achieve here are beautiful grill marks so we just check our chicken yellow Mona you grill my snap and now once we've achieved that grill marks we can turn down the fire to meet you to cook through so major Matt I got a girl turn on Conte because regime' couple young chicken attend and also we're just cooking a stovetop so my ared toe we just leave it on one side around 12 minutes and we turn it over again high heat and put it down again so let's just turn the chicken over and let it cook on the other side so if you have an oven you can sear it like this and continue cooking in the oven so let's again sear it from the other side so and recover and I'll just check on my rice made you look to learn your life snap and we're just going to fluff it up let's it go so nothing floppy or I think we laugh and let it continue cooking yeah so more hugging do so nothing much is not texture and in the meantime as everything is getting ready got going on - nothing dressing for assaulting rice we're just gonna make like a very light dressing I have some olive oil extra virgin olive oil that's around 4 tablespoons and I get some fresh cilantro tomato cilantro I'm just gonna snip it no good thing booting inland event and the best thing when you're using fresh herb is to just prepare it at the end know so you cannot go appetito I'm just chopping it and letting it infuse into the oil just turn it into medium while waiting just add a little bit of salt then a little bit of freshly cracked black pepper and I'm just going to let the herb infuse into my oil and see how a local eatery owns rise to our chicken has been cooking for on this side on the other side to be cooking for around close to ten minutes and you remember you get Shabbos not prepare nothing canina you bell peppers and onions so what we're going to do now is we're just going to spread it around the chicken yeah around the chicken to infuse more flavor later on yeah just add it to the side of the chicken and let it continue to cook to caramelize the peppers and the onions and it will also infuse more flavor into our pan drippings later [Music] so look at our vegetables it's already wilted down very nice vegetables and also if you want to cut it into pieces well I'm problema now you can just cut it into quarters or all that and it's going to be just as good yeah and you remember I married in canina indicia process ion because we're going to pour it around the chicken and we're going to pour it around the chicken to be our fan sauce so you just want that to simmer and we only baste it after it has boiled so we're sure that it's cooked the sauce has to be cooked for a sagrado nothing in dish and contaminate Nagaraj chicken so we're just letting the sauce simmer away for a while and the rice is cooked a rice is done and we now we incorporate our chopped cilantro dressing with our olive oil to our pilla estas it and beautiful eating animals and a rice not in Oaxaca but still very fluffy and we're ready to plate so excited about this crying you're going to survive just a little bit of prep and put our rice as a bed of our chicken so it soaks up all the chicken drippings yeah that special will be a special meal for your family and we just put the chicken over look at that see noble Hindi ma Tata Kumgang Wow and of course did not enter say young a new juices from our pan where all the flavor has developed yeah such a beautiful recipe to prepare for your family indeed Shanna Mahalo because chicken is so affordable these days [Music] try if our periphery chicken with rice pilaf simple produced only one vision atop three Cheryl I love the mummy of America simple and don't forget to subscribe to our Facebook YouTube and Instagram accounts
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Views: 307,793
Rating: 4.8773608 out of 5
Keywords: Simpol Recipe, Lutong Tatung, Made Simpol, Chef Tatung, Simpol, Pinoy Recipe, Filipino Recipe, Filipino Favorite, Made in the Philippines, Simpol Simpol, Proudly Pinoy, Philippines, Simple Recipe, Easy Recipe, Recipe Video, Simpol Peri-peri chicken, Peri-peri Chicken, Grilled chicken, portuguese, portuguese bbq, portuguese grilled chicken, grilled, bbq, chicken, rice, rice pilaf, portuguese recipe, south african recipe, chicken marinade, chicken bbq
Id: B2GiFqb8YzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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