Perfect Scrambled Eggs Gordon Ramsay and Heston Blumenthal

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there's absolutely nothing more personal than breakfast especially when it comes to eggs scrambled eggs can be made millions of ways and honestly there is no right or wrong way to do it it comes down to how you like to eat it but today i thought it'd be fun to try out two recipes from some of the best chefs in the world namely heston blumenthal and of course mr gordon ramsay but before that i'm going to show you how i make my humble scrambled eggs it's crumble i keep saying scrambled scrambled eggs let's go [Music] so i'm first going to show you my version because well it's the simplest one all you'll need is four eggs one tablespoon of butter salt and pepper i like to mix the eggs already before cooking them just don't over beat them you want to get them to the point where it's just really a nice homogeneous mix some people say if you put salt at this point the eggs will be more watery i've honestly tried both adding salt right before cooking like i'm about to do now and during the cooking honestly the difference is very very hard to notice get a 20 centimeter pan out on high heat add in your butter once most of it is melted and you have some nice bubbles place in your egg and with a rubber spatula start mixing this around like if you were making a french omelet you want to make sure to only do this until you barely start seeing the bottom of the pan at this point you can start pulling your eggs to one side and letting the uncooked side top parts of the egg move along and get cooked on the now empty side of the pan that makes sense it was very hard to explain do this until you are happy with the doneness i enjoy mine quite runny [Music] large curds still nice and wet which i really like i don't like going it's too kind of mixed together i like those layers of eggs those large folds makes a huge difference for me um simple that gets the job done take it off the heat go back to the heat take it off the heat watching gordon ramsay make scrambled eggs stresses me out but also motivates me to make them for his recipe you'll need good quality butter ken fresh 4 eggs salt pepper and a strong forearm he recommends breaking the eggs straight into a small pot adding your butter turning on the fire to high and then you start mixing things will go from soupy to gravy like in about two to three minutes and at this point you can start putting it off and on the fire while continuously mixing once the egg starts setting a little bit and getting thicker you can start revealing the bottom of the pot you're almost done you're just looking to get it slightly thicker at this point once you're happy with the thickness add in your creme fresh about 1 tablespoon this will bring down the temperature of the mix and slow down the cooking you can take it off the fire and still keep mixing it the residual heat will thicken your eggs further season with salt pepper and throw in your chives right before serving remind me to buy a new non-stick or stainless steel pot because this one has seen better days what a mess sorry with these things i can't really reset the cameras because i don't have time because these are so time sensitive um so this is gordon ramsay's scrambled egg so the idea here is you work it kind of like a risotto continuous continuous stirring and just when it comes together like this it's basically ready take it all out of the pot so it's still really curdy but it's really fluffy i don't know texture wise it's like tiny little specks of eggs if that makes sense versus kind of like the large folds that i like let's try this out of the pan straight gordon gordon gordon that's actually pretty tasty i'm maybe not a fan of the texture but the flavor well it's because there's more butter there than anything else uh and more clean fresh but that flavor is really good so i gotta give it to him that's a pretty decent scrambled egg it takes a while takes a lot of this but it's pretty good [Music] sometimes i like to come outside to clear the mind a little bit so before we proceed and i show you heston's very famous recipe i just want to thank the sponsors of this video skillshare if you've been watching my videos for a while you'll see that i've been working with them for very long time and that's because i feel like they do really offer membership with meaning if you haven't heard about skillshare yet it's an online learning community where you can take literally thousands of classes whatever your passions are from photography to videography editing to minimalism and cleaning up your house they have absolutely everything 2020 has been an extremely tough year for all of us and i 2021 is not looking any better so it's really important to invest in yourself and to work on yourself and i've always been a huge fan of continuing education because it allows you to get lost in creativity really pursue your passions and maybe eventually make something out of them funnily enough i've been spending a lot of time at home like i'm sure a lot 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intense you'll need 20 grams of butter 20 grams of milk and 20 grams of double cream 5 eggs cherry vinegar extra butter for our bell noisette salt and pepper we're going to be doing this in a glass bowl over a boiling pot of water so have a like a kitchen towel next to you so you don't burn yourself it also helps to make sure that the bowl where the water is escaping is not facing you so you don't get too burnt because it does get quite hot to handle at some point place all your ingredients in the glass bowl season it with salt and start mixing you don't need to be as aggressive as gordon's recipe but you'll need to continuously mix this for about 15 to 20 minutes you heard that right 20 minutes to make scrambled eggs that's it mix mix mix and then eventually it'll become like a thick cream and slowly transition to small curds so while that's happening you'll need to brown your butter add some cubed unsalted butter into a small hot pan bring down that heat to low let it bubble and wait for it to get slightly brown take it off the fire once that happens very quickly because it can go from brown to black super fast you can strain this if you want but honestly i don't mind the brown particles i think they're actually quite flavorful okay heston what you got buddy so this definitely has like some bounce to it really fluffy it just feels like it's it has some spring some serious spring let's give it a try straight from the bowl again i mean flavor-wise it's that's good i'm still put off by the texture i don't know it's too scrambled does that make sense um okay let's try it with the belmozette and a little bit of cherry vinegar so i think his thought process here is the belmozette will just give us um just a different level of flavor and then he he recommends putting a little bit of sherry vinegar just because everything in there is so rich the cherry vinegar hopefully livens everything up just a couple drops wow okay sherry vinegar and the burnt butter it does bring it to a whole new level that is delicious [Music] we've tried all three before i dropped them i'm gonna put them back down okay um to be very honest i feel like heston's probably had first name bases hey heston what's up peace big fan um i feel like his had the best flavor it was the most interesting it's something i feel like i would eat in a restaurant it has layers and texture very hesitant very precise but it took too long to make it's definitely not something i would make at home there's too many things to clean now i'm getting anxiety thinking about it because everything behind me is quite messy and it's dinner time um and then we have gordon ramsay's which was flavorful really good texturally similar to heston's but pestins had better texture because i think you cook it a little longer so it's fluffier kind of like bouncier um and i'm not a fan of extremely scrambled scrambled eggs so if you're gonna have really really scrambled eggs i would go heston's way because it has more interesting flavors and finally mine the simplest one to do um really simple i like big folds i like layers of big folds yeah would i do all of them again probably not i'd probably just stick to mine [Music] you
Channel: FEATR
Views: 1,597,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: erwan, heussaff, thefatkidinside, egg recipes, scrambled egg, how to make scrambled eggs, perfect scrambled eggs, breakfast recipes, gordon ramsay, heston bluementhal, chef eggs, perfect eggs
Id: 1uHFdcLmrSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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