PERFECT RUNNING FORM - 5 Tips for Running Faster Pain Free

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more than seven out of every 10 Runners get injured every year and poor running form is often a big part of the problem let's dive into how to beat those odds with some simple techniques you can use on your very next run there's one aspect of your form that when corrected will dramatically reduce your injury risk and even improve your pace curious we'll get to that shortly but let's start with the most important part how you carry yourself when you run a tall aligned posture not only improves the mechanics of your breathing it also puts you in a better position to hold your center of mass closer to over the top of where your foot hits the ground minimizing stress and strain on joints like your knees and hips reducing injury risk imagine a string pulling you up from the top of your head aligning your head shoulders and hips over your feet with each stride avoid bending too far forward or slouching take Alex for example a runner who was struggling with frequent knee pain despite trying various exercises nothing changed until a coach pointed out Alex's poor running posture and tendency to overstride by focusing on maintaining a straight aligned posture Alex naturally felt his running cadence increase we'll talk about Cadence in a moment so hold that thought his running felt lighter Under Foot the knee pain disappeared and he also discovered an unexpected benefit he began for the first time to feel that he'd been using his glutes after running this shift in muscle engagement transformed Alex's runs making them smoother and more powerful Alex's Journey illustrates the profound impact that proper posture can have when it comes to injury prevention just like Alex as you start to adjust your posture you'll notice a ripple effect on other aspects of your running form especially how your feet hit the ground but before we get into that let's focus on the rhythm of your run your Cadence running cadence refers to the number of steps you take per minute and it's a key factor in running efficiency optimal Cadence allows for shorter quicker strides reducing impact forces acting on your legs with every stride and improving your running efficiency most coaches suggest aiming for about 170 to 180 steps per minute for most Runners but it's essential to find what works best for you just know that your Cadence should increase and decrease ever so slightly with your pace where runners go wrong is in letting their Cadence drop too low when doing their long slow runs allowing their form to become a labor trudge rather than Gliding Over the ground gently with shorter quicker strides still at an easy Pace now let's look at Elliot Kip chogi one of my go-to examples of a worldclass runner with great form in this clip he's running at what for him must be an incredibly slow pace however he maintains impeccable technique in slow motion notice how Kip chog maintains a high enough Cadence to keep his foot Landing beneath a flexing knee close to under his body rather than getting lazy and over striding with a slow for him plotting gate if you find that your Cadence is less than 170 strides per minute then try gradually working to increase your step rate by focusing on quicker shorter steps without increasing your speed the goal isn't to run faster but to feel lighter underf foot as you work on improving your Cadence you might begin to notice something else changing too the way your foot strikes the ground this isn't a coin incidence the relationship between Cadence and foot strike is strong and natural one influences the other and can make or break your running efficiency but what's the ideal way for your foot to land with each stride heel strike midfoot or forfoot the answer might surprise you in the realm of running foot strike has sparked endless debates yet the consensus is Shifting towards a more balanced view while extreme heel striking or pronounced 4-foot striking might set the stage for injury the truth is the most efficient foot strike is the one that feels natural to your body by focusing on refining your posture and optimizing your Cadence you'll naturally encourage a foot strike that's tailored for your body's Unique Mechanics this subtle tuning of your natural form doesn't just minimize injury risk it elevates your running efficiency making every step feel more effortless while we're talking about how much of an individual thing perfect running form is let's not forget the essential Rhythm behind every stride your arm swing but how exactly does arm swing tie into the bigger picture of running form let's delve into the mechanics of arm swing and its role in propelling you forward with ease your running arm swing often overlooked plays a vital role in maintaining balance and rhythm in your running style proper arm swing helps to propel you forward maintain speed and conserve energy the arms should swing relaxed from the shoulders in a straight line with elbows at a 90° angle or shorter try focusing on the back swing in particular this technique not only stabilizes your torso but also reduces excessive rotational movement throughout your body leading to a more efficient and smooth running experience now let's shift our Focus to a component just as crucial as posture Cadence or foot strike your breathing over the years I've coached countless Runners helping them discover an easier more relaxed running form a common Revelation among them the transformative power of mastering those all important running breathing patterns proper breathing not only fuels your muscles with a rich supply of oxygen but also sets a rhythm that allows you to fall into a relaxed efficient Flow State while running begin with diaphragmatic breathing or belly breathing to maximize oxygen intake this technique involves breathing deeply into your belly rather than shallow upper chest breaths as you do so try to synchronize your brein with your strides such as a 3 to3 or 4 to four rhythm inhale for three steps exhale for three steps or similarly with four this will help maintain a steady easy aerobic Pace this rhythmic breathing not only improves your pacing but also keeps you relaxed and focused making those longer runs significantly more manageable
Channel: James Dunne
Views: 270,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: running technique, running form, eliud kipchoge, slow motion running, elite runners, proper running form, how to run, foot strike, running posture, running arms, running cadence, james dunne, kinetic revolution, running, how to run properly, running gait, correct running technique, proper running technique
Id: sScNDZu2MWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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