Perfect CPU Lapping w/ KINGPIN & Fixing Intel's Thermal Delta

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Steve is singlehandedly leveling up OC’ers with content like this. It’s educational, it give a visual representation of the inconsistencies that exist in the out-of-box IHS, and it gives a sliver of insight into how the reigning OC champion has been so successful. 6.1GHz on a chip that wasn’t delidded is unreal.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 94 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hatorad3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

His videos are so damn educational.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

40 degrees core to core difference sounds crazy high, maybe the fault is bad soldering?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Surprising to hear Kingpin say delidding is unnecessary on newer soldered CPUs. Looks like lapping in the way to go.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ridukosennin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love this thumbnail. There needs to be Steve + Vince fan fic or something.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/UltraCitron πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

will this not inevitably make the surface non parallel to the pcb?

For a proper outcome the cpu needs to be mounted in a rigid holder that forcefully keeps the cpu parallel.

I wouldn't be surprised if the result is worse than with what he started (gap wise).

Rotation will ofc. minimize the issue slighly, but then you end up with a higher center and deeper edges all around

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gitzip πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can't wait to see Steve bench this to see if the core to core delta levels out. Also want to see how much of a difference it makes on overall performance/temperature.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jigsaw1024 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Would this apply for 9900k?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Phnrcm πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
it's back here again with kingpin with Vince and we showed this machine the lab tour not sure which video is going up first but so this is I guess at tmv 2020 FR you have a sanding machine and you use it for laughing CPUs I brought in a CPU Jakob informed me that it should survive this process we hope so this is a 99 ATX e yeah and it has not been deleted what's what's the process we're gonna sand down the IHS to improve contact yep we're gonna make it nice and flat right before that this video is brought to you by a thermal grizzly and their high-end thermal compounds Thermal Grizzly makes cryo not paste for high thermal performance and conductivity without being electrically conductive so you don't have to worry about shorting components cryo knot is particularly good for replacing stock GPU pastes as cryo knot is a non curing compound learn more at the link in the description below so first of all I will I will put some grease usually in the vent hole okay to prevent water or a good point or water copper can you know getting in there dominance yeah it's not good so I will usually just fill that event hall just fill the vent hole a little bit and the water won't won't go down there so I filled these so I would just just fill the vent hole in the high HS with some grease to keep the water and copper particles from going there there was the spin out a couple hundred rpm or something it goes all the way up to very fast we don't need that high though it's what do you normally use for the RPM I usually run it around 350 okay I use the water the whole time okay because it'll give you a better better sanded surface gotcha you want to remove the you want to remove the metallic particles okay cuz they'll Mars so that's about it just get the water going on the disk and give it some nice even pressure and don't don't put too much pressure okay just enough and we're starting with like a two hundred grit this is 220 usually I'll go 400 800 1200 I should make a comment here to preempt the comments on the video people are gonna say oh my god they're getting water on that CPU it's okay yeah so justjust if you don't know it's not connected to anything there's no power going through it so it's fine you could I mean we could throw it in a pool and as long as it dries out before we use it it would be fine so you don't need to worry about that oh wow okay you can see that it's already and you can see you can see where your IHS isn't flat right right so this actually is a very interesting test case for this I had forgotten this when we tested this CPU originally the quartic or Delta was 39 degrees and so like yeah 39 degree gap yeah which is massive yeah cuz it limited our overclocks pretty heavily this should help yeah this should definitely help with these new soldered IHS is this is really the only improvement you can make right but in the past deleting was necessary but on these CPUs it's really not I mean I was able to run 6.1 without deleting it yeah that's very good very very Roman destroyed one of his because the the solder flows over the edge of the die a little bit Japan how perfect the process is so when you shove the lid off it cracked it yeah usually I will go until I'd like to use the rough grits to take off most of the most of the nickel yeah and then when I see mostly copper I will start using the other okay maybe about two discs of this patience is the key it's gone nice and slow and this whole process you said is 15 or 20 minutes typically yeah roughly about 15 to 20 minutes if you want CPU as opposed to you know what it half a day yeah I think it took we filmed most of ours too and cut it all out of course but I think it took me like three hours to get a really good sand on one of ours because you you sand it then you test it and you realize it was imperfect in some areas and say have to go back and do it again and they're all different you know some CPUs are flat hmm the IHS will be totally flat and others it's not so is that a do you think that's a tolerance of IHS or a tolerance of the way the IHS is secured to the substrate I don't know like the overall Z height for the IHS house what would cause that to vary on CBS do the stamping so they can most precisely control and actually there is for normal use there is no need for very high precision for that is because subscribe the cost and there's no practical benefit right hey but if you like pushing for the over the spec then you want every bit of the yeah do you want to try while its yet so rough yeah let's try now can't grab the CPU sure yeah so you see how I'm doing it right just just grab it like this clinch it you play this and then just gently bring it down until you feel it and don't don't put pressure just sort of go a little bit of pressure but not much and just hold it flat like that you're just trying to turn not allow it to go flying yeah you don't you don't have you ever done that yeah if that's what he was talking about when he heard that BAM it's the CPU bouncing around in there we gotta edit in the pottery theme now yeah getting there I think a little bit longer and then we'll change the disk okay so you just do stick on this one until I guess you said until the nickel is all gone basically yeah we could put one more on okay and I think all the nickel will be gone after that then it's easy to use the other groups this is significantly easier than the manual process right we should change the past night okay yeah good boy now it's gonna be a little rougher when y'all get when he first touch it so you have a nice grip on it it's nice and flat it's a little more pressure now okay and then like every once in a while I will sort of lift CPU off rotate it I rotate it maybe 45 and then back down got it pull it off rotate it 45 just to make sure you're even yeah so now you what you need to do is get a attention fit so you can hold the CPU in place and just automate it actually they the manufacturer of this machine makes this this badass arm and it has a fixture to hold it down it's what are you gonna do that I'm gonna get well you just you just adjusted the CPU size or do you have to customize it yeah it's got like these clamps so you can adjust it to whatever part you're sanding see what you got oh yeah yeah so you can see two low spots here right alright so there's the copper yeah and I guess the the fact that the nickel is still showing in these other areas does like you're saying means that it's lower than the rest right and that would likely contribute to our nearly 40 degree Delta we saw yep okay say your paste is still on there so we're good there yeah keep the water and the copper particles out of it Yeah right copper especially I think the biggest benefit that you gain from this is with the thermal grease on ellentube it's it's huge these these uneven IHS they will tend to leave too much thermal grease between the two surfaces right and that's where you get your cracking in your freezing okay I'm pace going bad when you see all the grease push out almost all of it it was just barely any trace of it left you got the perfect contact - right I was looking at says just metal rain comes up yep it's secured by anything or just lilt it pops right off very simple and then is there like a drain and there to get rid of the water yeah okay cool you're gonna run a metal pipe in for this mm-hmm yes I mean you have to get through from the wall right yeah the plumbing yeah I cried my fingers off oh I am Oh aren't that where is it I'll clean it up for you okay no blood here dude thank you Steve bled on our machine that's right you got it I told you you won't know if your fingers are being sanded all right whatever I'm more worried about holding onto the processor right now right the skin will come back it'll grow back yeah what are these 1312 under this processor yeah it's like two grand there to grad yeah Wow and Intel's not gonna send me another one if I destroy it like this cuz it works mint I made you 79 80 it's not the same price actually did ten bucks cheaper right okay yeah the eye is on our smiley face are gone so that's looking good Paul you're almost there so as soon as you start to see most of this gone yeah then you're ready for the for the highest 800 grit I guess okay cool here's the thing though with CPUs you don't want it you don't really want it mirror polish okay because if the grease can when it freezes it can sort of like slide off okay so I I really like when I'm all done usually I will even take a scotch brite and just lightly scuff it right so the grease sort of has something to grab onto that makes sense maybe give a little more pressure now okay and make sure it's flat and don't forget to rotate it every month okay this should do it you know what's funny dude is that we were we were streaming overclocking like about 10 years ago yeah when we were streaming overclocking before anybody was doing pretty much there is also no infrastructure for streaming well using Justin Justin yeah same thing I remember like doing the CNC and like making the path and then I just watching to talk about stuff that's actually how we like to start by talking them things and then yeah I met him we actually met on a live stream he turned into one of the live stories we were doing from my lab yeah a great respect so he was doing like basically like everything I think back then I was just a student like ah just doing their work looking at the Corby and I just have to like short sessions with other to like to put like small 15 these are your oh look looks I'm like filler onto their meal and then like was doing all this crazy like extremist addition CPUs for like thousand bucks and like four-way three ways in life right good catch I can't even tell if it's going down at this point that spot right there it will it's really a very low spot very stubborn that's probably what the side where that's why you brought a head forward to see on this this view yeah a couple of the CPU is is basically floated what you see this huge difference it's the biggest I've ever seen I think 20 is pretty common but you know it could be calls from the India like inside hmm it's not exactly flat so Vince just just stepped in and helped out for a bit fixing so that I guess the levelness of the sand and now we're just on the outer edges I'm just gripping but not applying pressure then the center applying more pressure right so this is what Vince came in to do to make sure there's a edge to edge flatness so that we don't end up with with like the center as lower than the outsider or vice-versa yeah that's looking pretty good so I'm still seeing a bit of a line here on the outer edge we hope you see that yep what is that your well when you were doing it with a higher heavier clear and you're pushing down on the outside so that's lower than than the middle a tiny bit I've got a tiny bit but that whole center portion is definitely flat okay basically what I want to see is when I put it down I want to see the cut marks from the paper going all the way through from edge to edge mmm at least least in the middle okay I think we can see that right I just might okay that's good so I just lightly lightly take a scotch brite and go over it this right here mm-hmm by using a little less pressure when they work when you're using the heavier grits yeah and maybe maybe like you got a it really has to be balanced okay maybe you push a little bit to it this way then push a little bit to this way and then you'll kind of get that effect right but that's pretty good actually for doing such a quick job and it it can't be any worse but what we started with so oh my god it's horrible yeah going forever before the nickel disappeared right yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure should be better yeah that will give you a nice improvement cool so that's the 99 80 XE modified kingpin edition uh now we just need to do some thermal testing run it through the same battery that we did before sanding it down and see what kind of improve there is so it should definitely be an improvement we were pretty limited before corticoid elephants were very high so 40 sees a lot yeah yeah so that's it for this one check back for the channel we have a lab tour we did we walk through everything it's really cool either on the channel an hour coming up soon make sure you subscribe and I would shake your hand but I have some blood on myself so thanks for watching and access top is how directly or kingpin cool in calm for k peas products and of course EVGA kingpin edition card coming up we'll have a video on as well so I'll see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 396,838
Rating: 4.8448648 out of 5
Keywords: gamersnexus, gamers nexus, computer hardware, evga kingpin, extreme overclocking, xoc overclocking, rtx 2080 ti kingpin, evga 2080 ti kingpin, cpu sanding, cpu lapping, cpu die lapping, intel i9 9980xe, 9980xe overclocking, ripjay, ripgn, ripltt
Id: iShcG91eLoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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