Percy Jackson and the Olympians Behind The Scenes | Season Recap

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dude there's not a camera on us right now so you can say anything you want they're not filming I hate buing the scen what what you see here they are not fictions they are not fantasies the gods the monsters the heroes are reminders of what we are capable of SE one take one day one action there a lot of ones and go we came into this a long time ago with a crazy plan and no real idea of how to achieve it every single individual in this room said we are all in we're about to March into battle letter r you believed in the vision and you stood up for it with tireless effort and unbelievable Talent hi there what is this BTS God's require maintenance things that we do for you guys thank you Rick Ryan and John Steinberg who gave us these words Rick thank you for allowing us to be in your family and trust us with your story and I like well AR I am posidon you are completely the soul of this thing no shower I take will be long enough and Leah you are the greatest mix between Talent energy and complete Joy I might just be faster than both of them byebye but I think I miss one person you want to Walker so cool right there isn't one person in this room that doesn't adore you mind Focus you brought your love for this story your love for this character your love for this work every day every minute every second you make this business amazing but just let's just completely change it you were the North Star for the series you never complained you never weren't smiling when you showed up to work you were kind and full-hearted and generous to everyone you're an amazing talent and this show works because you made it work you guys are my best friends three in a pod thank you all for making us look so good Ison season one rap on Walker no matter what happens we meet back here next year I to [Music] take
Channel: Robinson Gonyea
Views: 7,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OR8g6GPAHqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 44sec (164 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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